SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: SERA17 : Organization to Minimize Phosphorus Loss from Agriculture
- Period Covered: 01/01/1970 to 01/01/1970
- Date of Report: 11/13/2023
- Annual Meeting Dates: 11/02/2023 to 11/02/2023
Attendees: Bolster (ARS), Bourns (KSU), Bruulsema (PltNutCanada) , Fiorellino (U MD), Gatiboni (NCSU), Gomez-Botero (U IA), Klaiber (Miner), Kleinman (ARS), Kovar (ARS), Kulesza (NCSU), Macrae (U Waterloo), McDowell (New Zealand), McGrath (OCP), Mott (ARS), Nelson (KSU), Osmond (NSU), Osterholz (ARS), Pearce (Field to Market), Pease (U MN), Pokhrel, (U DE), Raugewitz (KSU), Sakib (KSU), Shober (U DE), Simpson (ARS), Sistani (ARS), Smith (ARS), Whalen (McGill U), Zwonitzer (CA).
St. Louis, Missouri
Welcome and Opening Remarks (M. Macrae, Chair)
A. Presentations & Discussion
i. Gatiboni, L. “Drawdown of Soil Legacy Phosphorus: A Meta-Analysis”
Luke presented the meta-analysis they had conducted to date on drawdown based on the articles that met the criteria. They were able to explore 4 different P extractants (Bray, Olsen, Mehlich 1 and 3), 3 different soil test P categories (Low/medium, High, and Very High). Based on their analysis they were able to combine all the data to determine time (years) for 50% drawdown. There was significant discussion about this work and how to proceed. The journal article from this work will be submitted early 2024.
ii. Nelson, N. “Introducing new SERA 17 objective: Climate Change/Extreme weather and P in agriculture”
Nathan presented some ideas around climate change particularly relative to rainfall and water quality. There was interested from SERA17 attendees to explore this topic further and develop a peer-reviewed publication.
iii. Waltz, A. “P recovery from waste streams”
A presentation by Ostara provided information on their product, which they initially began developing from waste streams and struvite but more recently are manufacturing using DAP and Mg. According to Dr. Waltz, even if all P was pulled out of wastewater treatment plants, it would only provide 10% of the needed P.
B. Current Activities
i. Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool (FRST) Project [Osmond]: a brief presentation on FRST activities for the last two years was delivered. Importantly the decision tool is being beta-tested.
ii. Updated Factsheets [Osmond]: fact sheets were updated in 2023. There are 36 new or updated factsheets at ( Most of the fact sheets had new first authors.
iii. Legacy P [Shober: the manuscript for this should be submitted for review early 2024 as final revisions are being made.
C. Business Meeting
i. Workgroup Meetings
ii. Workgroup Updates
BMP Workgroup [Osmond] This group is currently dormant.
Testing Workgroup [Kovar, McGrath, Sakib]: They expect to update the 2009 Methods publication with organic P methodology. Barbara Cade-Menun And John Kovar will be co-editors. They will contact previous authors to provide edits and add some new chapters.
Drawdown Workgroup [Gatiboni]: Per previous, publication submitted early 2024. They will test their equations with additional data.
Legacy Workgroup [Shober]: Per previous, publication submitted early 2024.
Modelling Workgroup [Nelson]: This group is currently dormant but modelling work is contained in the FRST initiative and other workgroup activities.
Climate Change Workgroup [Nelson]: A new workgroup was formed to advance SERA-17 efforts in this area.
iii. Election of 2024 (Osmond) and 2025 & 2026 (Kleinman) Incoming Chair: The chairs were nominated and approved.
iv. Initiation of meritorious award: There was enthusiastic support for this. Will focus on early career awards (assistant professor and post-docs). It was decided we don’t need to have an award annually, but we should ask for nominees. The award selection will be adjudicated by the executive committee. Action: Macrae will meet with the executives to determine next steps and a process for the award.
v. Future Meetings: In 2024, we hope to hold the SERA17 meeting as part of the ASA meeting, but on Wednesday afternoon rather than Thursday. Deanna will work with Joann Whalen (current Chair of ASA) to see if we can work this out. 2025 SERA-17 will be held the end of June in Colorado. Pete Kleinman will host this meeting in Fort Collins.
D. SERA-17 past and future – group discussion
i. Comments from Nathan McKinney (read by Osmond)
ii. Discussion on past and future (led by Osmond and Macrae)
The re-authorization over the past year outlined work accomplished throughout the past 25 years. This was discussed. Our plans for the next five years were introduced and discussed.
Attendees: Bolster (ARS), Bourns (KSU), Bruulsema (PltNutCanada) , Fiorellino (U MD), Gatiboni (NCSU), Gomez-Botero (U IA), Klaiber (Miner), Kleinman (ARS), Kovar (ARS), Kulesza (NCSU), Macrae (U Waterloo), McDowell (New Zealand), McGrath (OCP), Mott (ARS), Nelson (KSU), Osmond (NSU), Osterholz (ARS), Pearce (Field to Market), Pease (U MN), Pokhrel, (U DE), Raugewitz (KSU), Sakib (KSU), Shober (U DE), Simpson (ARS), Sistani (ARS), Smith (ARS), Whalen (McGill U), Zwonitzer (CA).