SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


1. Elizabeth (Missy) Bye, University of Minnesota, current Administrative Advisor 2. Ting Chi, Washington State University, Chair, incoming Administrative Advisor 3. Sonali Diddi, Colorado State University, Vice Chair 4. Chuanlan Liu, Louisiana State University, Secretary 5. JuanJuan Wu, University of Minnesota 6. Laurie M. Apple, University of Arkansas (online) 7. Cynthia Jasper, University of Wisconsin-Madison (online) 8. Iva Jestratijevic, University of North Texas (online) 9. Jill (Juyoung) Lee, Mississippi State University (online) 10. Scarlett Wesley, University of Kentucky (online) 11. Li Zhao, University of Missouri (online) 12. Md. Rafiqul Islam Rana, University of South Carolina (online)

NCCC065 – 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes

Friday, October 13th 1:30 – 4:30 pm PDT

Meeting Site: Fibershed Conference Room, 14000 Pt. Reyes – Petaluma Rd., Point Reyes Station, CA

Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 980 9596 3457 Passcode: 996980

In attendance:

1. Elizabeth (Missy) Bye, University of Minnesota, current Administrative Advisor
2. Ting Chi, Washington State University, Chair, incoming Administrative Advisor
3. Sonali Diddi, Colorado State University, Vice Chair
4. Chuanlan Liu, Louisiana State University, Secretary
5. JuanJuan Wu, University of Minnesota

6. Laurie M. Apple, University of Arkansas (online)
7. Cynthia Jasper, University of Wisconsin-Madison (online)
8. Iva Jestratijevic, University of North Texas (online)
9. Jill (Juyoung) Lee, Mississippi State University (online)
10. Scarlett Wesley, University of Kentucky (online)
11. Li Zhao, University of Missouri (online)
12. Md. Rafiqul Islam Rana, University of South Carolina (online)

13. Debanjan Das, West Virginia University


Meeting called in session by Ting Chi at 1:30 PM PDT followed with an overview of the agenda.

Approval of 2022 minutes

Minutes were approved as submitted unanimously.

Old Business - Reports/Issues
Station Reports – Each participant did a station report and shared news at their departments and universities.

Update address/contact information –  Li Zhao, University of Missouri, and Md. Rafiqul Islam Rana, University of South Carolina joined NCCC065 as new members

Updates on NCCC065 sponsored initiatives

1) Colorado State University (Sonali) organized Fashion and Circular Economy Symposium at CSU on April 14-15, 2023 at CSU, Fort Collins; JuanJuan Wu and Missy Bye (University of Minnesota) participated in the symposium. 

2) Sonali (CSU) and Iva (UNT) were guest editors for Special Issue on Circular Economy in the Fashion Industry for Sustainability Journal with deadline for June 1 2023.

3) Industry interactions were implemented through funded projects, for instance Sonali received a Cotton Inc. Grant to conduct cases studies on domestic textile and apparel manufacturing. Ting received Walmart foundaiton grant for sustainable textiles and apparel production in the US.   

 4) Sonali (CSU) and Ting (WSU) submitted a proposal “Role of multistate research groups in establishing collaborations, elevating scholarship, and developing innovative solutions” for Special Topics Session in 2023 International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) annual meeting.  The proposal was not selected by ITAA.   

 5) Juan and Missy proposed connecting with Racism Untaught group that conducted workshop specifically around Design and student success. The group planed to organize a workshop for textile and apparel scholars in 2023.


New Business – Reports/Issues/Plans

Advisor Report – Missy Bye

  • Missy reminded members to update in the NIMSS portal for membership and for meeting authorization. You need to contact your AES for membership amd membership renewal.
  • NIFA moved to Kansas City, NCCC065 tried to arrange a visit to NIFA as part of its annual meeting to advocate for more visibility for Textiles and Apparel in conversations with NIFA. However, NIFA employees were largely working remotely than in Kansas City. So physical visiting was not available or practical. Maybe helpful to invite USDA representative to next meeting to share insights on USDA funding priorities
  • Missy is stepping down from the NCCC065 administrative advisor position, and Ting Chi will replace her role to be the Administrative Advisor starting November 2023.  Missey will keep serving the group as an advisory member. 
  • Missy mentioned the deadline for the annual report submission (within 60 days after the annual meeting).  The five-year renewal reports is due 2025.  

 Recruitment of new members

  • The group brainstormed ways to recruit new members to the group.
  • Currently, the Group’s membership include 13 members + administrative advisor 

Discussion on continued awareness of NCCC065 at International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) for recruitment of members and activities that will elevate research rigor and foster stronger academic and industry relationships. 

  • Members discussed a few options of land-grant universities, such as NC State U, SC State U, U of Cal. Oklahoma State U, U of Nebraska, Cornell U, Virginia Tech, and University of Wyoming. 
  • Brainstorm group activities that can connect with station events/symposia addressing our group objectives.
  • Proposed to develop webinars to promote NCCC065 and its impact. 

Ob1. Address existing and emerging issues related to social change in the marketplace by: connecting those with mutual research interests, building research partnerships, and sharing and critiquing research ideas pertaining to the three areas of technology, demographic changes, and sustainable consumption & production.

Ob2. Develop and foster academic and industry relationships by engaging in research dissemination, idea exchange, and trend identification to help find grant funding, encourage new areas of scholarship, and develop cross-disciplinary collaborations pertaining to the three areas of technology, demographic changes, and sustainable consumption & production.  

Ob3. Develop infrastructure (e.g., research groups, workshops, professional development opportunities) that can serve as a connector of scholars to varied projects (e.g., multi-state research projects, cross-disciplinary collaborations, and alternative information platforms), which facilitates the promotion of new collaborations, new methodologies, increased rigor, and impactful research pertaining to the three areas of technology, demographic changes, and sustainable consumption & production.


 Site selection of 2024 meeting

  •  We planned to meet in either Lexington, Kentucky or Long Beach, CA for 2024 annual meeting.  The group will vote the site in early 2024.  

 Leadership updates and elections


            Chair: Ting Chi

            Vice Chair: Sonali Diddi

            Secretary: Chuanlan Liu


            Chair: Sonali Diddi

            Vice Chair: Chuanlan Liu

            Secretary: Jill (Juyoung) Lee




1. Sketchup software was adopted in multiple member programs.  It enriches both design and merchandising curricula. 

2. 3D design software was adopted in multiple member programs.  It enriches apparel design curriculum.  

3. Fashion and Circular Economy Symposium was successfully held at Corolado State University on April 14-15, 2023.

4. Industry interactions were implemented through multiple funded projects in 2023.

5. The memberships were further expanded to include faculty representatives from University of Missouri and University of South Carolina.  


  1. Promoted circular fashion concept, strategies, and practices in the textile and apparel field through events and projects.
  2. Integrated new technologies in the textile and apparel curricula to prepare the workforce demanded by the industry.
  3. Engaged the industry in the focused areas of NCCC065 through funded projects.
  4. Promoted the awareness of social changes in the textile and apparel field.


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