SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Participants: Nave, Renata - University of Tennessee; Abagandura, Gandura - University of Nebraska; Barker, David - Ohio State University; Cassida, Kim - Michigan State University; Coffey, Ken - University of Arkansas; Franklin, Dorcas - University of Georgia; Guretzky, John - University of Nebraska; Hashemi, Masoud - University of Massachusetts; Jacobs, Alayna - University of Kentucky; Mamo, Martha - University of Nebraska; McCulley, Rebecca - University of Kentucky; Menendez, Hector - South Dakota State University; Miller, Rhonda - Utah State University; Popp, Michael - University of Arkansas; Silva, Liliane - Clemson University; Uddin, Elias - South Dakota State University. Scaglia, Guillermo - Administrative Advisor; Hamilton, Christina - NIMSS Coordinator;

Please see attached file below for NC1182's 2022 report.




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