SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: NC1197 : Practical Management of Nematodes on Corn, Soybeans and Other Crops of Regional Importance
- Period Covered: 08/05/2021 to 08/04/2022
- Date of Report: 01/20/2023
- Annual Meeting Dates: 06/20/2022 to 06/21/2022
Kaitlyn Bissonnette - Cotton Incorporated Jefferson Barizon - University of Missouri Monica Pennewitt - Iowa State University EB Wlezien - Iowa State University Greg Tylka - Iowa State University Haddish Melakeberhan - Michigan State University Guiping Yan - North Dakota State University Tim Todd - Kansas State University Carl Bradley - University of Kentucky Tamra Jackson-Ziems - University of Nebraska