SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Matthew Elliott - South Dakota State University Frayne Olson - North Dakota State University Brian Briggeman - Kansas State University Phil Kenkel - Oklahoma State University Michael Boland - University of Minnesota Todd Schmidt - Cornell University Roberta Severson - Cornell University Justin Gardner - Middle Tennessee State University Keri Jacobs - Iowa State University John Park - Texas A&M University James White - University of Wisconsin - River Falls Megan Webster - University of Wisconsin - Madison Greg McKee - Brigham Young University - Idaho Maria Boergnen - Illinois State University Thom Worley - Ohio State University William Secor - University of Georga Kristi Schweiss - North Dakota State University William Nelson - Ralph Morris Foundation

Please see attached file for NCERA210's meeting minutes from 2021.




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