SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: NCERA197 : Agricultural Safety and Health Research and Extension
- Period Covered: 01/01/2021 to 12/31/2021
- Date of Report: 02/16/2022
- Annual Meeting Dates: 03/02/2021 to 12/20/2021
Bennett, Wendy ( – AgSafe British Columbia; Cedarquist, Scott. ( – ASABE; Field, Bill ( – Purdue University; Fetzer, Linda ( – Penn State University; Freeman, Steve ( - University of Iowa; Funkenbusch, Karen ( – University of Missouri; Gorucu, Serap ( – University of Florida; Issa, Salah ( – University of Illinois; Jepsen, Dee ( – Ohio State University; Johnston, Christine ( – University of Maryland; Khorsandi, Farzaneh ( – University of California, Davis; Lear, Andrea ( - Canadian Agricultural Safety Association; Lincoln, Jennifer ( – NIOSH; Pate, Michael ( – Utah State University; Rein, Brad (< – USDA-NIFA; Rudolphi, Josie ( – University of Illinois; Rosson, Haley ( - West Virginia University; Salzwedel, Marsha ( – Marshfield Children’s Center for Ag Safety and Health; Shutske, John ( – University of Wisconsin Madison; Skjolaas, Cheryl ( – University of Wisconsin Madison; Yoder, Aaron ( – University of Nebraska- Lincoln; Administrative Advisor: Dorrance, Anne ( – Ohio State University
MARCH 2, 2021 Attendance: Dee Jepsen (Chair), Michael Pate (Secretary), Brad Rein, Anne Dorrance, Jennifer Lincoln (replaced Brad Hussberg from NIOSH), Aaron Yoder, John Shutske, Cheryl Skjolass, Karen Funkenbusch, Steve Freeman, Scott Cedarquist, Serap Gorucu, Josie Rudolphi, Salah Issa, Christine Johnston, Marsha Salzwedel, Haley Rosson
DECEMBER 20, 2021 Attendance: Dee Jepsen (Chair), Michael Pate (Secretary), Brad Rein (USDA-NIFA), Anne Dorrance (Admin Advisor), Jennifer Lincoln (NIOSH), Aaron Yoder, John Shutske, Karen Funkenbusch, Steve Freeman, Scott Cedarquist, Salah Issa, Christine Johnston, Marsha Salzwedel, Haley Rosson, Farzaneh Khorsandi
Appendix E roster addition discussion at each meeting:
- Members need to make sure they are listed on NIMSS Roster – Appendix E
- Land Grant employees will need to be entered by their Research or Extension Director. Other members outside the Land Grant will need to be added by Chris Hamilton.
Business Items at 2021 meetings
1. Impact Statement added to NIFA portal
John Shutske shared efforts to collect members information about program efforts to document the impact of the committee among administrators. Notes were made that many members were unable to contribute due to a short timeline for responses. Many comments were made that the report underestimated the effort or outreach made by committee efforts but it was a good start to document our impact.
2. Project 2021- 2025 with 6 Objectives - Review objectives to assign Chair/Co-Chair for each.
Dee Jepsen led the committee to identify individuals to work on specific objectives. Members not in attendance will be added at an up-coming meeting. The work group will identify their chairperson once the full group convenes.
Objective 1. Promote National Research Agenda (reviewed in 2017) to provide guidance to land grant researchers and educators for prioritizing ag safety & health issues.
Work group: Aaron Yoder, John Shutske, Salah Issa, Jennifer Lincoln, Marsha Salzwedel
Objective 2. Identify new White Paper topic to address a priority safety or health topic.
- A proposal to consider: Agricultural Robotics and New Technology Safety (short presentation by Khorsandi and Issa)
Work group: Farzaneh Khorsandi, Salah Issa, John Shutske, Jennifer Lincoln, Karen Funkenbusch, Scott Cedarquist
Objective 3. Enhance 1862, 1890, and 1994 land grant institution’s participation in the National Research Agenda for Action while collaborating with strategic partners to intensify regional, national and international impact on ag safety & health issues.
Ties into the direct work of Objective 1 – Work group will be the same as #1
Objective 4. Encourage research, teaching and outreach of agricultural best management practices in partnership with land grant universities to address global safety and health issues associated with ag injuries.
- ASHCA collaboration efforts; NIOSH Ag Centers; Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands: Beginner Farmer grants; International Society of Agricultural Safety & Health (ISASH); Canadian Ag Safety Associations
Work group: Dee Jepsen, Salah Issa, Marsha Salzwedel, Jennifer, Lincoln, Aaron Yoder, Haley Rosson, Farzaneh Khorsandi, Linda Fetzer
Objective 5. Encourage development of new and improved standards, as well as adoption of current standards, to reduce hazards and risk exposures within agriculture.
- ASABE Standards; Voluntary standards; Policy/DOL/ labor unions; Equipment such as ATV’s & off-road trucks
Work group: John Shutske, Scott Cedarquist, Marsha Salzwedel, Steve Freeman, Farzaneh Khorsandi
Objective 6. Work to ensure sustainability of agricultural safety & health efforts, capacities, and impact by: (a) ensuring a pipeline of dedicated safety & health professionals who are educated in the science and evidence based practices;
(b) leverage existing partnerships, capacities, organizations and resources; (c) build awareness of needs among policy makers, ag organizations, university and government administrators and others.
Work group members: Linda Fetzer, Karen Funkenbusch, Chris Johnston, Michael Pate, Aaron Yoder, Dee Jepsen, Salah Issa
3. Installation of new officers at fall meeting:
Nominations and vote for a new secretary – John Shutske
Current secretary (Michael Pate) moves into Chair position
COVID-19 pandemic affected our committee’s ability to meet in person. We held 2 meetings in 2021 (spring and fall). Our committee had several retirements and new additions of members. The spring meeting dedicated time for members to introduce themselves and share their related work within Safety & Health at their home institutions. It was good to have an update from Brad Rein (National Program Leader) and Dr. Anne Dorrance (our new Administrative Advisor).
We created and submitted a new project for 2021 – 2025. During our 2021 meetings we discussed the objectives and identified work group members for each objective.
An impact sheet contains detailed impacts from our committee. This report was prepared and published on the NIFA portal.