SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Lois Hoyer (Chair)- Illinois - University of Illinois John Angelos (Secretary)- California -University of California, Davis Frank Blecha- Kansas - Kansas State University Christopher Chase- South Dakota - South Dakota State University Harm HogenEsch- Indiana - Purdue University Suresh Marulasiddappa- Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin Molly McCue- Minnesota - University of Minnesota Scott McVey- Nebraska - University of Nebraska John Middleton- Missouri - University of Missouri Gireesh Rajashekara- Ohio - Ohio State University Srinand Sreevatsan- Michigan - Michigan State University Alan Young- South Dakota - South Dakota State University Qijing Zhang- Iowa - Iowa State University Anne Dorrance (Advisor: Multistate Review Committee; Ohio (Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences)) Christina Hamilton (Administrator; NCRA Assistant Director and NIMSS System Administrator) Bob Smith (USDA-NIFA Representative; National Program Leader- Veterinary Medicine) Kathe Bjork (USDA-NIFA Representative; National Program Leader- Animal Health)




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