SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Barr, Makenzie ( – Kentucky; Brown, Onikia ( – Auburn University; Byrd-Bredbenner, Carol ( – Rutgers University; Colby, Sarah ( – University of Tennessee; Franzen-Castle, Lisa ( – University of Nebraska; Greene, Geoffrey ( – University of Rhode Island; Hatsu, Irene ( – Ohio; Kattelmann, Kendra ( – South Dakota State University; Kidd, Tandalayo ( – Kansas State University; McNamara, Jade ( – University of Maine; Mathews, Anne ( – University of Florida; Melanson, Kathleen ( – University of Rhode Island; Miller, Lisa ( – California; Morrell, Jesse Stabile ( – University of New Hampshire; Tolar-Peterson, Terezie ( – Mississippi State University; Olfert, Melissa ( – West Virginia University; Candice Price ( – California; Shelnutt, Karla (, – University of Florida; Savaiano, Dennis ( – Purdue University. Students: Elder Valera PhD student– University of Florida; Candace Sapp– University of Tennessee; Ayron Walker– West Virginia University; Rachel Wattick– West Virginia University; Colleen Delaney PhD student - Rutgers University, New Jersey; Mohammad Shushari PhD student- Mississippi State University; Yanli Wang PhD student– Kansas State University

Tuesday, October 5th

  • Welcome introduction and state report highlights: State PI’s and group advisor provided an update of individual, department, college, university, and state-level changes and announcements.
  • Research & Grant Planning – Objective 1: Dissemination and implementation of Healthy Campus Research Consortium (HCRC’s) suite of tools that utilize a policy, systems, and environment (PSE) approach for campuses. Discussed potential timing, recruitment, dissemination strategies, and working committees related to conference grant for this objective. 
  • Research & Grant Planning- Objective 2: Development of policy, systems, environment (PSE) assessment tools for low income urban and rural communities considering social determinants of health and influential disruptive factors (IDFs). Reviewed different aims and phases of data collection (qualitative) related to this effort, plans for completing data collection and which states would be contributing data, and future abstracts and publications based on work. 

 Wednesday, October 6th

  • Research and Grant Planning – objective 3: Expanded understanding of college students’ dietary patterns considering social determinants of health and influential disruptive factors (IDFs) with an emphasis on food insecurity, mental health, and the built environment. Discussed which environmental assessment tools were completed/ready (beta testing vs. pilot testing vs. validation), what trainings need to be developed, which PIs would serve as point for each, and timing for trainings to be drafted. Proposal was discussed and states were invited to participate in the development of a survey related to food insecurity targeting college students. 
  • Research and Grant Planning – objective 4: Exploration and interpretation of interactions between lifestyle behaviors and environmental factors using big data analysis techniques with multiple data sets. Group discussed the multiple data sets and ways to organize and generate appropriate research questions.  
  • Leadership and committee assignments & future meetings: Identified PIs for future leadership roles for the administrative executive committee (chair and secretary) and subcommittees (Policies, Procedures, and Reports; Information, Data, and Outputs; and Program Planning). Identified potential monthly meeting dates/times for spring. 
  • Policies and procedures: Discussed state report content/format, annual reporting requirements and due dates, member expectations (definitions and terms), and potential changes to policies and procedures document. 
  • Reviewed Action Items and Summarize Plans: Reviewed deadlines and due dates discussed for multi-state objectives, PIs responsible for follow-up communications, and next steps regarding monthly meeting dates/times. 


Target Audience: Young adults, university campus community, urban and rural communities experiencing low-income.

Accomplishments: The NC1193 multistate group continues to develop and refine tools to assess the healthfulness of college campuses and communities where young adults live to effectively disseminate information that can be used by campus administrators and stakeholders to make changes that support and sustain healthier environments for young adults. The research impacts from this group have the potential for extensive health care cost savings. The research outcomes target pre-symptom behaviors and those items supporting pre-symptom behaviors. Consumption of adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables is positively correlated with prevention of cancer, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. Additionally, this work has increased awareness regarding the importance of environmental supports needed for healthier choices with stakeholders such as university administrators, faculty, staff, and students. A USDA conference grant was submitted and selected for funding. Collaborative publications totaled 36 and presentations totaled 27. 

Healthy Campus Environmental Audit (HCEA): Tool completion and trainings to be developed.

  • Tools completed: VEND (vending), SHELF (convenience stores), FRESH (dining/restaurants)
  • Established goals for developing trainings for both campus and community on the following tools: 
    1. VEND
    2. FRESH
    3. SHELF
    4. Walkability/bike-ability (PACE)
    5. POINTES (policies and initiatives)
    6. Demographics
    7. NEMS-S (Online training)
    8. NEFPAT (Online training)
    9. REC Assessment

Behavioral Environmental Perceptions (BEPS):

  • Aim 1 (Pre Covid-19) and Aim 2 (Covid-19) data collection by state completed and manuscript preparation based on qualitative data collected. 
  • Goals established for additional data collection - Focus groups/interviews for the following groups:
    • Aim 2 (COVID-19) Phase 2 Community Stakeholders
    • Aim 2 (COVID-19) Phase 3 Community Residents

The 5-year termination report was submitted and this project was renewed for the next 5 years. 


  • Total of 39 graduate students were trained in research (14 NH, 5 SD, 2 AL, 1 KS, 17 MS)
  • Total of 14 undergraduate students were trained in research (11 NH, 1 AL, 2 MS)


  1. This work has increased awareness regarding the importance of environmental supports needed for healthier choices with stakeholders such as university administrators, faculty, staff, and students.
  2. The research impacts from this group have the potential for extensive health care cost savings.



  • Allison C, Colby S, Opoku-Acheampong A, Kidd T, Kattelmann K, Olfert MD, Zhou W. Accuracy of self-reported BMI using objective measurement in high school students. Jrnl Nutr Sciences. 2020;vol. 9, e35, page 1 of 8. Available from:
  • Castaneda G, Colby SE, Olfert MD, Barnett TE, Zhou W, Leite WL, Staub D, Mathews AE. Examining gender and the longitudinal effect of weight conscious drinking dimensions on body mass index among a college freshman cohort. Jrnl American College Health. Available from:
  • Castaneda G, Colby SE, Olfert MD, Barnett TE, Wenjun Z, Engel M, Mathews AE. The role of alcohol-related proactive dietary restriction to feel the psychoactive effects of alcohol faster on binge drinking frequency among freshmen college students. Substance Use and Misuse. 2021. Available from:
  • Castaneda G, Colby SE, Barnett TE, Olfert MD, Wenjun Z, Staub DL, Leite WL, El Zein A, Mathews AE. Examining the effect of weight conscious drinking frequency among college freshmen. Jrnl American College Health. 2021;68:8, 906-913. Available from:
  • Colby SE, Zhou W, Allison C, Mathews AE, Olfert MD, Morrell JS, Byrd-Bredbenner C, Greene GW, Brown O, Kattelmann KK, Shelnutt KP. Development and validation of the short healthy eating index (sHEI) survey with a college population to assess dietary quality and intake. Nutrients. 2020;12(9):E2611. Available from:
  • Barr A, Hanson A, Kattelmann K. Effect of cooking classes on healthy eating behavior among college students. Topics in Clinical Nutrition. 2020; 35:62-70. doi: 10.1097/TIN.0000000000000197. Available from:
  • Barr ML*, Tabone L, Brode C, Szoka N, Olfert MD. Successful weight loss after bariatric surgery regardless of food access ranking score in top obese state in U.S. 2020. Available from:
  • Barr ML*, Brode C, Tabone LJ, Cox SE, Olfert MD.Psychological diagnoses and weight Loss among appalachian bariatric surgery patients.  Journal of Obesity.2020, Article ID 1743687, 7 pages. Available from:
  • Bedoyan, J., McNamara, J., Olfert, M.D., Byrd-Bredbenner, C., Greene, G. Establishing criterion reliability for the revised critical nutrition literacy tool (CNLT-R) in U.S. College Students. Journal of Education and Health Promotion. 2020; 10:37. Available from:
  • Bunde K, Gjesvold D, Kattelmann KK, McCormack LA, Vukovich MD. Increased frequency of nutritional counseling improves weight status and lipids in renal transplant recipients.  Topics in Clinical Nutrition.2020; 36(1): 3-12,  DOI: 10.1097/TIN.0000000000000231. Available from:
  • Byrd-Bredbenner, C., V. Quick, and Eck, K. Hassle exposure and reactivity link with obesogenic behaviors and poorer health in university students. American Journal of Health Behavior. 2021; 45:161-173. Available from:
  • Byrd-Bredbenner, C., V. Quick, and Eck, K. GAD-7, GAD-2, and gender-specific GAD-mini: Psychometric properties and norms of university students in the United States. General Hospital Psychiatry. 2021;  69:61-66. Available from:
  • Byrd-Bredbenner, C. and Eck, K. Executive function links with weight-related behaviors in university students. American Journal of Health Behavior. 2020; 44:691-703. Available from:
  • Byrd-Bredbenner, C., Eck, K, and Quick, V. Psychometric properties of the GAD-7 and GAD-Mini in U.S. university students. Frontiers in Psychology. 2020; 11:550533. Available from:
  • Chen, B., Kattelmann, K., Comstock, C., McCormack, L., Wey, H., Meendering, J. Parenting styles, food parenting practices and dietary intakes of preschoolers. Nutrients. 2021; 13, 3630. Available from:
  • Chupeerach C, On-Nom N, Temviriyanukul P, Tapanee P, Chantong B, Reeder N, Tolar-Peterson T. The influence of bitter taste gene polymorphisms on body fatness in three racially diverse groups. BioMedicine. 2021;11(3):43-49. DOI: 37796/2211-8039.1175. Available from:
  • Eck, K. and Byrd-Bredbenner, C. Food choice decisions of collegiate division I athletes: Qualitative interviews. Nutrients. 2021; 13:2322. Available from:
  • Hagedorn RL*, Wattick RA*, Olfert MD. My entire world stopped: College students’ psychosocial and academic frustrations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Applied Research Quality Life. 2021. Available from:
  • Henley K, Reeder N, Persell A, Tolar-Peterson T. Fruit and vegetable liking and intake among college students: A cross-sectional study. J Am Coll Health. 2021;1-7. DOI: 1080/07448481.2021.1947834. Available from:
  • Moore D & Morrell JS. Do dietary patterns differ with video game usage in college men? J Am Coll Health. American Society for Nutrition. 2021, In review. Available from:
  • Murphy S & Morrell JS. Eating competence and dietary intake of sexual and gender minority College Students. 2021; 13(7), 2388. Available from:
  • McElrone M, Colby S, Franzen-Castle L, Olfert MD, Kattlemann KK, Fouts HN, Spence M, Kavanagh K, White AA. A Community-based cultural adaptation process: Developing a relevant cooking curriculum to address food security for Burundian and Congolese refugee families.  Health Promot  2021 Jul;22(4):549-558. Available from: doi: 10.1177/1524839920922496
  • McNamara J, Kunicki Z, Olfert M, Byrd-Bredbenner C, Greene G. Revision and psychometric validation of a survey tool to measure critical nutrition literacy in young adults. J. Nutr. Educ. Behav. 2020;52(7):726-731. Available from:
  • McNamara, J., Olfert, M., Sowers, M., Colby, S., Byrd-Bredbenner, C., White, A., Kattelmann, K., Franzen-Castle, L., Brown, O., Kidd, T., Shelnutt, K., Horacek, T., Greene, G. Development of an instrument measuring perceived environmental healthfulness: Behavior environment perception survey (BEPS). Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2020;52(2):152-161. Available from:
  • Kunicki ZJ, Kattelmann KK, Olfert MD, Franzen-Castle L, Colby SE, Mathews DR, White AA. Dyadic analysis of a self-report physical activity measure for adult-youth dyads. Child Psychiatry & Human Development. 2021. Available from:
  • Kusuma MTPL, Kidd T, Muturi N, Procter SB, Yarrow L, Hsu WW. HIV knowledge and stigma among dietetic students in Indonesia: Implications for the nutrition education system. BMC infectious diseases. 2020; 20(1), 663. Available from:
  • Kusuma M T P L, Kidd T, Muturi N, Procter S, Yarrow L, Hsu W. (2020).  The symbolic meaning of HIV: Understanding lecturers’ ambivalence over teaching HIV to dietetic students. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care. 2020; Available from: org/10.1177/2325958220939755.  
  • Olfert, M., Barr, M., Hagedorn, R., Clegg, E., Wattick, R., Zhou, W., Horacek, T., Mathews, A., Kattelmann, K., Kidd, T., White, A., Brown, O., Morrell, J., Franzen-Castle, L., Shelnutt, K., Byrd-Bredbenner, C., Mosby, T., Greene, G., Colby, S. eB4CAST Infographics improve science communication with stakeholders in college-based health program. Frontiers in Public Health. 2020;8:158.Available from: doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.00158
  • Olfert MD, Barr ML, Mathews AN, Horacek TM, Riggsbee K, Zhou W, Colby SE. Life of a vegetarian college student: Health, lifestyle, and environmental perceptions. Jrnl Amer College Health. 2020. Available from:
  • Reeder N, Tapanee P, Persell A, Tolar-Peterson T. Food insecurity, depression, and race: correlations observed among college students at a university in the Southeastern United States. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(21):8268. Available from:
  • Tapanee P, Tidwell DK, Schilling W, Peterson DG, Tolar-Peterson T. Genetic variation in taste receptor genes (SCNN 1 B, TRPV 1) and its correlation with the perception of saltiness in normotensive and hypertensive adults. Int J Hypertens. 2021;2021:5559831.2021. Available from: doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.00158
  • Tapanee P, Reeder N, Christensen R, Tolar-Peterson T. Sugar, non-nutritive sweetener intake and obesity risk in college students. J Am Coll Health. 2021;1-6. 2021. Available from:
  • Walker AE*, Wattick RA*, Olfert MD. The application of systems science in nutrition behaviors and outcomes implementation research: A scoping review. Current Developments in 2021. Available from:
  • Wattick RA*, Olfert IM, Olfert MD. Psychological factors associated with e-cigarette use among young adults in a 4-year university in appalachia. Substance Use Misuse. 2021;56:8, 1182-1189. Available from:
  • Wattick RA*, Hagedorn RL*, Olfert MD. Impact of resilience on college student mental health during COVID-19. Jrnl American College Health 2021. Available from: 1080/07448481.2021.1965145.
  • Wiggins ST, Colby S, Moret L, McElrone M, Olfert MD, Riggsbee K, Opoku-Acheampong A, Kidd T. A modified nominal group technique (mNGT)- finding priorities in research. Am J Health Behav. 2020;44(3):356-363.Available from: doi:10.5993/AJHB.44.3.7

 Scientific and Outreach Oral/Poster Presentations:

  • Adewumi O, Knol LL, Hagedorn RL, Olfert MD. College students attending online programs vave lower rates of food insecurity than residential students.  Jrnl Nutr Ed & Behav. 2021; 53(7):332, P21. Available from: 1016/j.jneb.2021.04.413.
  • Allison, C., Riggsbee, K., Hall, E., Mathews, A., Olfert, M. D., & Colby, S. Development and validation of a tool to assess top campus health priorities of college students. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2020;52(7):S52-S53. Available from: doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2020.04.123.
  • Allison, C., Patrick, L., Steeves, E. A., Hellwinckel, C., Zhou, W., & Colby, S. Process evaluation of a sustainable food systems course for first-year college students. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2020;52(7):S89-S90. Available from: doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2020.04.203
  • Conrad C, Tolar-Peterson T, Gardner A, Wei T, Evans MW. Understanding food insecurity in a college student population. J Nutr Ed Behav. 2021:53(7):S41-42.
  • Culligan N, Morrell JS. Perceived stress and diet quality in college females. Curr Dev Nutr. 2021; 5(2). Available from:  doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2020.04.203
  • Eck, K. and Byrd-Bredbenner, C. Intuitive eating is linked to healthier eating behaviors and BMIs in young adults. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2020; 120:A-26. Presented virtually at Food Nutrition Conference and Expo, October.
  • Eck, K. and Byrd-Bredbenner, C. College student “hassle” level is inversely related to healthy weight-related behaviors. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2020; 120:A-47. Presented virtually at Food Nutrition Conference and Expo, October.
  • Eck, K. and Byrd-Bredbenner, C. Depression links to unhealthy weight-related concerns, behaviors, and disordered eating risk of young adults. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2020; 120:A-21. Presented virtually at Food Nutrition Conference and Expo, October.
  • El Zein A, Colby S, Shelnut K, Zhou W, Greene G, Olfert M, Mathews A. Dietary intake and obesity by meal plan enrollment in food insecure and secure college studentsJrnl Acad Nutr Dietet.2020; 120(10), A133, Presented At FNCE, October 1, 2020.
  • El Zein A, Colby S, Zhou W, Shelnutt K, Greene G, Horacek T, Olfert MD, Mathews A. Food insecurity is associated with increased risk of obesity in US college students. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2020;4(8):nzaa120. Available from: doi:10.1093/cdn/nzaa120
  • Jones E, Morrell JS. Eating competence in first-generation students at a northeastern, public university. Curr Dev Nutr. 2021; 5(2). Available from :
  • Judware I, Morrell JS. Metabolic Syndrome prevalence in college students with and without a disability. Curr Dev Nutr. 2021; 5(2). Availabe from:
  • Neptune, L., Parsons, K., Reynolds, A., Sullivan, A., Byrd-Bredbenner, C., and McNamara, J. health-related quality of life in sexual minority college undergraduate students. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2021; 5(S2):169. Presented virtually at American Society for Nutrition annual meeting, June.
  • Parsons, K., Neptune, L., Reynolds, A., Sullivan, A.., Byrd-Bredbenner, C., and McNamara, J. The impact of health behaviors on health-related quality of life in college students. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2021;  5(S2):439. Presented virtually at American Society for Nutrition annual meeting, June.
  • Pham A, Reeder N, Tolar-Peterson T. Sleep quality is associated with obesity among female college students at Mississippi State University. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2021;121(9):A32. Available from:
  • Price Q, Mann G, Hagedorn R, Olfert M. Exploring food insecurity prevalence and resource awareness among University of Mississippi students. Graduate Student Symposium. Oxford, MS. March 2021.
  • Reeder N, Tolar-Peterson T, Bailey R, Cheng W, Evans M. Food insecurity and depression among U.S. adults: NHANES 2005-2016. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2021;121(10):PA152. Available from:
  • Reynolds, A., Parsons, K., Sullivan, A., Neptune, L., Byrd-Bredbenner, C., and McNamara, J. The influence of intuitive eating on weight satisfaction in college students. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2021; 5(S2):177. Presented virtually at American Society for Nutrition annual meeting, June.
  • Sarna A, Morrell JS. Does Students’ Home zip code relate to food insecurity on campus? Implications of home demographics on food insecurity in college. Curr Dev Nutr. 2021, 5(2). Available from:
  • Stott G, Morrell JS. College students with disabilities report higher rates of food insecurity. Curr Dev Nutr 2021; 5(2). Available from:
  • Sullivan, A., Neptune, L., Parsons, K., Reynolds, A., Byrd-Bredbenner, C., and McNamara, J. The impact of grit on health outcomes in college students. Current Developments in Nutrition. 2021; 5(S2):455. Presented virtually at American Society for Nutrition annual meeting, June.
  • Tassi M, Morrell JS. Vigorous activity and perceived stress in overweight or obese female students. Curr Dev Nutr 2021; 5(2).Available from:
  • Varela E, Zeldman J, Hall E, Wang Y, Kuch A, Olfert MD, Kidd T, Colby S, Kattelmann K, Greene G, Shelnutt K. Perceived healthfulness of the environment of communities with low income by community stakeholders.  Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 2021; 53(7):S21-S22, O45. Available from:  1016/j.jneb.2021.04.054.
  • Walker AE*, Hagedorn RL*, Wattick RA*, Olfert MD. A novel approach to disseminate food insecurity data at higher education institutions rapidly. 13thAnnual Conference on the Science of Dissemination & Implementation in Health, Abstract 43711, Virtual presentation, Dec 15-17, 2020.
  • Walker AE*, Wattick RA*, Olfert MD.  The application of systems science in nutrition and health behavior intervention research: A systematic scoping review. 13th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination & Implementation in Health, Abstract 43701Virtual presentation, Dec 15-17, 2020.
  • Walker AE, Olfert MD, Wattick RA, McCartney K, Wood G. Social media use of west virginia community programs participants to inform online health educational programming.  Jrnl Nutr Ed & Behav. 2021; 53(7):S22, O46. Available from: 1016/j.jneb.2021.04.055
  • Wattick RA, Olfert MD. Role of nutrition and life skills in substance use recovery. Jrnl Nutr Ed & Behav, 53(7):S21-S22,P63. 2021; Available from: 10.1016/j.jneb.2021.04.122
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