SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Adam Dale, Jillian Rutkowski, Jillian Skairus, Janna Josafat, Ike Irvin, Gabrielle Cintron, Oscar E. Liburd, Lorena Lopez, Lance Osborne, Erich Schoeller, Daniel Carrillo, Liliana Maria Cano, Sriyanka Lahiri, Carey Minteer; Cindy McKenzie (USDA, ARS); Dan Gilrein,(Cornell); Nancy Rechcigl, (Syngenta); Katelyn Venner (BASF); Sheryl Wells (Bayer CropScience); Matthew Weaver (Intelligro); Mark Brotherton (SePRO); Purnama Hidayat, Izza Putri, Redani Dinata, Dedi Huteapea (Bogor Agricultural University); Jesusa C. Legapsi, R. Meagher (USDA, ARS-CMAVE); M. Haseeb, L. Kanga, A. Bolques, C. Okoroji, W. Diedrick, J. Perier (FAMU); P. Wu, R. Zhang (Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China); W. Tavares, A. de Castro, J. C. Zanuncio (Universidade Federal de Vicosa, Brazil); D. Amalin (De La Salle Univ., Philippines); X. Zhao, N. Dufault, Z. Gao, A. Hodges, K. Sattano, M. Swisher (Univ. of FL); J. Diaz -Perez, T. Coolong (Univ. of GA)

Minutes from Meeting: S1073: September 7, 2021.
Chair: Carey Minteer Secretary: Kristopher Giles

Participants meet online from 10-11:30am (Zoom) as an annual requirement of the multi-state working group and addressed each item on the agenda.

Brief notes for each item are summarized below.

*Participants discussed the success of the 2021 S1073 symposium affiliated with the online ESA SEB meeting. Online participation exceeded 90 viewers at different stages of the symposium. The symposium Potential for Multistate Collaborations in Biological Control: Moving Forward Together was developed in an effort to stimulate ideas for future projects among participants. Participants agreed that future symposiums affiliated with the SEB, but also available online for other regions, remains an excellent opportunity to highlight project accomplishments.

*New participants were introduced, as well as non-formal participants.

*State reports were provided prior to the meeting and several participants discussed projects that could be highlighted for the group. The chair referred to the combined state reports (Attached) for any questions and encouraged follow up interactions.

*Administrative Advisor Dr. Saied Mostaghimi discussed the need for the group to develop impact statements, similar to other working groups, in an effort to highlight accomplishments. Example impact statements were discussed, and the incoming chair and newly elected secretary will establish a committee during 2022 to develop a document to highlight project impacts. Dr. Mostaghimi also suggested that the group develop priorities associated with potential future funding opportunities, particularly those associated with the potential infrastructure bill. Participants discussed several topics, and collectively identified the topic of climate change and biological control. This topic will be the focus of the S1073 2022 symposium. The symposium will be designed to highlight research on the topic and stimulate collaboration among participants.

*Participants agreed to return to meeting in person in 2022, but also provide online access to interested colleagues from outside the region. The official S1073 meeting and symposium will be held concurrently with the ESA-SEB meeting in San Juan Puerto Rico (March 26-30). State reports will be due in February 2022.

*Steve Frank was nominated as upcoming secretary, and unanimously elected among voting participants.

*No new business was discussed and the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.




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