SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Eric Bishop von Wettberg, University of Vermont (Co-host); Brian Baldwin, University of Mississippi (co-host); Arvin Boe, South Dakota State University; Ginny Moore, Cornell; Ali Missaoui, University of Georgia; Gary Bergstrom, Cornell; Charlie Brummer, UC Davis; Nancy Jo Ehlke, University of Minnesota; Yousef Papadopoulos, AgriFood Canada (NS); Mike Peel, USDA ARS; Healthcliffe Riday, USDA ARS; Kathleen Glover, AgriFood Canada (NS); Brian Irish, USDA ARS; Esteban Rios, University of Florida; Rebecca Brown, University of Rhode Island; Bill Biligetu, University of Saskatchewan; Joe Robbins, USDA ARS; Stacy Bonos, Rutgers; Annie Claessens, AgriFood Canada; Emmanuel Brefo, University of Vermont (Notes); Emma Parks, University of Vermont (Notes). Noticeably absent were the members formerly employed at Noble Foundation.

The attached minutes and reports cover the two primary activities of our annual meeting.  We spent our first day discussing the status of the various objectives.  The second day was spent discussing writing a renewal proposal.


As reported in the minutes, we have made progress on breeding and trialing several forage species. 


In alfalfa, the development of germplasm pools has moved forward, with progress on both northern and southern adapted germplasm.

In Switchgrass, fungal diseases remain a challenge, but multi-site trials across a latitudinal gradient are an exciting development.

Trials of cool-season grasses are making good progress, with improvement of heat tolerance in more southern locations.

In Birdsfoot trefoil, improvements are being made in measuring tannin content, examining the importance of pollinators, and studying shattering.

Assessements of genotype by environment interactions for orchardgrass and tall fescue are moving forwad.


  1. At UVM, Hatch support assisted in obtaining two grants: NE SARE (USDA) Novel Approaches: Improving the rotational value of pea cover crops. PI: von Wettberg $199,992. And: NSF Biology Integration Institute, The New Roots for Restoration Institute. Role Co-PI, with PI Allison Miller, The Donald Danforth Center. $12M/$390,232


We are still collating publications from participants.  But this is what we currently have.


Tkach, C., J. Sutherland, S. Bonos, J. E. Carlson, T. H. Bell, J. R. Lasky, J. L. Hansen, R. V. Crawford, D. Viands. 2020. Analysis of anthracnose disease in an association panel of switchgrass on marginal land. In agronomy abstracts ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meeting Nov 7, 2020 (Talk at Virtual Meeting).


Sutherland, J., Ryan Crawford, Ryan Trexler, Christopher Tkach, Terrence Bell, Stacy Bonos, Marvin Hall, Julie Hansen, Jesse Lasky, Donald Viands, John Carlson. 2020. The Future of Bioenergy and Biorenewables Workshop, The Nittany Lion Inn, State College, Pennsylvania, November 10, 2020 (poster presentation).


Hansen, J.L, D.R. Viands, J. Chavez, J. Crawford, J. Schiller, and R. Crawford. 2020. New York forage legume and grass variety yield trials summary for 2020 - season totals


Marques E, Kur A, Bueno E, and von Wettberg EJ.  2020. Defining ‘rotational value’ of crops.  Crop Science, DOI: 10.1002/csc2.20200

Bauchet G , Bett K, Cameron C, Campbell JD, Cannon EKS, Cannon SB, Carlson JW, Chan A, Cleary A, Close TJ, Cook DR, Cooksey AM, Coyne C, Dash S, Dickstein R, Farmer AD, Fernáandez-Baca D, Hokin S, Jones ES, Kang Y, Monteros MJ, Muñoz-Amatriain M, Mysore K, Pislariu CI, Richards C, Shi A, Town C, Udvardi M, von Wettberg EJ, Young ND, Zhao P.  2020. The future of legume genetic data resources: challenges, opportunities, and priorities.  Legume Science,

von Wettberg EJ, Davis T. and Smykal P2020. Wild Plants as a source of new crops. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11: 591554.

von Wettberg EJ, Porter SS, Moriuchi KS, Mukherjee JR. 2020 Medicago as a model forage and ecological model.  Chapter 2 In The Model Legume Medicago truncatula, (ed. de Bruijn, FJ). Wiley Publishers, NJ USA. 

Krieg CP, Valls R, Vatland S, Gordnier J, Porter SS, Friesen ML, von Wettberg EJ. 2019.  Nitrogen Fixation: Fixing the Gap Between Concept and Evidence Based Learning with Legume Biology.  American Biology Teacher, 81: 250-255.

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