SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Jessica Blythe, West Virginia University, Kevin Curry, Penn State, Tyson Sorensen, Utah State, Jonathon Ulmer, Kansas State, Kasee Smith, University of Idaho, Kate Shoulders, University of Arkansas, Aaron McKim, Michigan State, Catherine DiBenedetto, Clemson, Andrew Thoron, University of Florida, Katie Stofer, University of Florida,

The annual meeting of S1071 took place in conjunction with the American Association for Agricultural Education national conference.  The meeting started with a working dinner on the evening of May 20 and continued through the following day.  Following discussion of general business, the group members provided project updates and discussed specific plans for the coming year by project objective. Members also provides more general updates on their related activities.  Officers and objective leaders were identified.  Detailed minutes are attached.


More information on accomplishments can be found in the attached minutes, but a brief list of accomplishments include:

  • Objective 1: A paper on the Disciplinary Core Ideas identified for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) was published ad a plan for its dissemination was discussed.
  • Objective 2: The team developed a data collection plan to address the many challenges faced in completing this objective, specifically the defining and identification of “exemplary teachers”. A survey instrument was created and a plan was developed for pilot testing the instrument.
  • Objective 3: Comments from the critical peer review of the innovation configuration map were incorporated into additional edits by this objective’s team. A plan for dissemination was discussed.


  1. Though many of the expected outputs of this project are still being refined, many S1071 members are incorporating findings and lessons learned into secondary teacher professional development programs aimed at increasing the connections between ag education and STEM learning.


Barrick, R. K., S. B. Heinert, B. E. Myers, A. C. Thoron, & K. Stofer. 2018. Integrating Disciplinary Core Ideas, the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Career Pathways and Next Generation Science Standards. Career and Technical Education Research 43(1):41-56. DOI:10.5328/cter43.1.41. (Not previously reported)

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