SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Annual Meeting Participants: Marty Rabenhorst, Mark Stolt, John Galbraith, Patrick Drohan, Bruce Vasilas, Karen Vaughan, Judy Turk, Colby Moorberg, Jim Thompson.

See attached file for the 2019-2020 meeting minutes held on Jan 6 2021.


Accomplishments: This year was the first actual year of the study. Our research plans focused on activities in the late spring, summer, and fall. Unfortunately, these plans were hindered by the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, our accomplishments have been minimal so far.  For 2021, our plans are 1) to complete site selection and site instrumentation; 2) begin monitoring; 3) initiate sampling; 4) clear deadfall plots; 5) deploy decomposition materials; and 6) publish Mn IRIS manuscript.


Short-term Outcomes: This is essentially the first year of this study and is in the initial stages of instrumentation and data collection.


Outputs: Our overall goals are to understand of the role depressional wetlands play in control and emissions of greenhouse gases and to understand the effect of increasing temperatures on C stocks and fluxes in wetlands.


Activities: (See above from annual project meeting notes on planned activities for 2021)


Milestones: For 2021, our goals are: 1) to complete site selection and site instrumentation; 2) begin monitoring; 3) initiate sampling; 4) clear deadfall plots; 5) deploy decomposition materials; and 6) publish Mn IRIS manuscript.




  1. Impacts: This is essentially the first year of the project and thus we have minimal results to report that would be considered an “impact”.


Publications: We are currently developing a manuscript on the application of Mn IRIS sensors for identifying reducing conditions in wetlands in the low temperature portion of the growing season. We expect the paper to be published in 2021.

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