SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Rodrigo Diaz from LSU; Martha A. Mutschler-Chu from Cornell University; Jerome Grant from University of Tennessee; Kristopher Giles from Oklahoma State University; JC Chong from Clemson; Norm Leppla, Lance Osborne, Tolulope Morawo, Jim Cuda, Sriyanka Lahiri and Oscar Liburd from University of Florida; and Jason Schmidt and Angelita Acebes, William Snyder from UGA; Steve Frank from NC State University; Juan Chong from South Carolina.

S1073 Annual Meeting and Symposium– Virtual Meeting

The business meeting was on Tuesday September 29, 2020. The organizers of the symposium were the chair of the group Dr. Jason Schmidt from University of Georgia and the secretary of group Dr. Rodrigo Diaz from LSU. The talks were given by members of the group.

Business Meeting

Attendance: Rodrigo Diaz from LSU; Martha A. Mutschler-Chu from Cornell University; Jerome Grant from University of Tennessee; Kristopher Giles from Oklahoma State University; JC Chong from Clemson; Norm Leppla, Lance Osborne, Tolulope Morawo, Jim Cuda, Sriyanka Lahiri and Oscar Liburd from University of Florida; and Jason Schmidt and Angelita Acebes, William Snyder from UGA; Steve Frank from NC State University; Juan Chong from South Carolina.

  1. Jason gave an update on the joint meeting that was planned for Puerto Rico.
  2. New participants should consult with their offices of Sponsored Programs or Associate Deans.
  3. Jason mentioned we should encourage new faculty members to join our multistate group. Postdoctoral associates will benefit specially from our group.
  4. Jason asked members to nominate and vote my email for the chair and secretary of the group.
  5. The annual report is due on November 1st, 2020.
  6. We need to add the Impact Statement to our Program.
  7. Minutes of 2019 meeting: Rodrigo offered to read the full minutes from the 2019 meeting. Jason made a motion to read the minutes. Jim Cuda seconded the motion. The motion passed. Rodrigo read the minutes.
  8. Membership to the S1073 group: Jerome Grant questioned what requirements exist to remain in the group considering the lack of participation, for example Pollinators. Can we remove people if project reports are not submitted? Jim Cuda mentioned the chair of S1073 should request reports to all participants. Steven Frank and JC suggested we should invite more people to join our group.
  9. Introductions: Each participant shared a quick introduction.


State Updates included presentations by participants

  1. JChong presented on TRPV channels modulators of Orius insidiosus.
  2. James Cuda presented on updates from Florida.
  3. Rodrigo Diaz provided updates from Louisiana.
  4. Steven Frank spoke about urban pest program.
  5. Kristopher Giles gave an update from Oklahoma.
  6. Jerome Grant gave update from Tennessee.
  7. Jason Schmidt gave updates from Georgia.

Presentation from Saied Mostaghimi

Saied mentioned the benefits of joining this multistate program. Mentioned the importance of graduate students involvement and multidisciplinary research. Saied emphasized that we need to mention the impact of our products. We need to be more diligent with reports, and focus on the goals and objectives of the project.

Saied mentioned the Excellence Awards. We need to apply for this, early in 2021. The award is around $10,000 to $15,000 and is given to the group.

Presentation by Robert Nowierski

Robert gave updates on the government shutdown and contingency resolution. Robert mentioned that there are several RFA available on biological control, including CPPM, section A112 and A113.

Meeting adjourned: No other business was discussed. James Cuda moved to adjourn the meeting at 2:45 pm. Seconded by Jason Schmidt. Motion passed.

Voting for officer positions was conducted via email voting.

Chair of group will be 2020-2021: Carey Minter – University of Florida -

Secretary of group will be 2020-2021: Kris Giles – Oklahoma State University -




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