SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Thomson, Jennifer: Montana State University, Carstens, Gordon: Texas A & M University, Oltjen, James: University of California – Davis, Relling, Ale : Ohio State University, Pringle, Dean (represented by graduate student): University of Georgia

6:00-6:10 pm Introductions 


6:10-6:40 pm Program Director Update – provided by email and presented to group

  1. National Funding Update
  2. Addition and recruitment of participants to project
  3. Proposal Submission Process


6:40-7:15 pm Brief Station Reports – Montana, Texas, California, Georgia, Ohio


7:15-7:45 pm Proposal Discussion/Recruitment Discussion- Additional prospective members contacted via email.


7:15-8:00 pm Plan for future meetings and reporting


8:00 pm Adjourn 


This meeting provided an opportunity to discuss the proposal that was under preparation for submission for a new ititeration of this group. The proposal was submitted in late 2019 and was approved in 2020.  We also prepared a list of prospective group members that have been included in our email list and participated in drafting the proposal.


  1. The multi-state research project proposal was completed and has been approved.


Station reports were not collected or compiled as this was a preliminary planning meeting and we did not have an active project at this time. The project starts on 10/1/2020.

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