SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Attendees: Alaska: Am. Samoa: Mary, Travis Arizona: Melanie CNMI: Patty, Robby Guam: Mark, Tanisha FAS: Hawaii: Marie, Rachel, Jeanie, Ashley, Monica, Courtney West Virginia: Melissa


(Obj 1,3) Increase academic courses and training on obesity prevention in the region.

Seek grants for graduate and undergraduate program development and student support.


  • Assessment and evaluation tool for CHL SI (learning outcomes)
  • National collaboration readiness awareness tool and interactive website
  • AN training online
  • Articulation agreements across institutions
  • 2019-2021 MOA with revised CHL tuition revenue rates issued
  • Identify 5 scholars for CHLD
  • Minimum of 100 students completing any CHL SI
  • Multiple grant proposals submitted
  • CHL SI course FSHN 454 (foundations) added to Dietetics curriculum at UHM as a substitute for FSHN 480 (obesity)
  • Continuing education units in CHL SI

(Obj 1,2,3) Building tools and evidence for obesity prevention in the Pacific.

Current Key Activities

  • TFP (Alaska)
  • FFMM (Guam)
  • Food Cost manuscript
  • Main intervention effect manuscript
  • Intervention process manuscripts
  • K-Award (CT) - evaluation of adults BMI and BP to CHL Time 3
  • Further analyze CHL data
  • Using CHL intervention findings, create activity to establish the evidence for extn. program

Student Led:

  • AN & meat sources thesis research (AC)
  • Epidemiologic transition and Pacific BMI dissertation (AY)
  • Pacific Child FFQ (Guam [ML] and AS [PM])
  • Guam diet paper (ML)
  • Fast food environment (ED)
  • Diet quality and food security (ES, MH [Az])

New Activities

  • Develop a CHL Healthy Eating Index
  • Develop a traditional and/or local foods index
  • Define the Healthy Pacific Diet
  • Generate manuscript ideas and proposals using the CHL diet data
  • Connect the USDA Food Surveys Research Group (FNDDS) with CHL data to ensure those Pacific-specific foods are incorporated into FNDDS


  • Publications
  • Presentations
  • CHL diet quality index
  • local/traditional foods index

(Obj 1) Translate evidence-based approaches into feasible Pacific-focused/relevant policy interventions to be used by all CHLN jurisdictions and toolkit made available on CHL website

(Obj 2) Integrate PSE into extension programs through evidence-based research in the Pacific to address children’s health needs.

(Obj 3) Strengthen community partnerships using Community Template to influence policy (e.g. Local School Wellness Policy) and programs (e.g. Farm to School Network)

Current Key Activities 

W2W (Guam)
SPARK Training for GDOE (Guam)
SNAP-Ed work (GU, HI, AK)

Farm to School Network (Guam)
SNAP-Ed Pacific Rim cohort

OHA School Lunch Program (HI)
Community partnerships for policy (OHA, NCD, etc.)
Continue work with community partners

New Activities 

Review of Best Practices for CHL-behavior Policies influencing children

School assessment to inform update and implementation of Local School Wellness Policy
Reconvene with community partner to distribute CHL reports, engage community in discussions on future
Revise/expand community partner section on CHL website


Statewide distribution of findings to community

Policy Template (to develop CHL website toolkit)


(Obj 4) Create a self-sustaining monitoring system that addresses the social determinants of health.

Current Key Activities 

  • I – Training and standardization (CHL Center, CHL IMPAC, CHLSI)
  • IE – Disseminate measurement manuals (0-1, 2 - 10, and 11+)
  • R – Developing tools for future monitoring (own toolkit: includes things such as R-training, manage data, BMI reports, determining BMI calculator for monitoring (e.g. EpiInfo/WHO Anthro), hardware (encrypted computer) and software for a system (including server))
  • E – Preparing for BMI data collection in 2019-2020 school year (CNMI as a part of CHL Time 3, AS, Pohnpei, age 0-5)
  • E – Pull existing monitoring efforts together
  • RE – Food Cost Survey data collection across Jurisdictions
  • R - Development of Pacific Child FFQ (Guam)
  • R- Development of methodology for Pacific Child FFQ creation
  • RE - CHL Center data collection Time 3 (CAT, Walkability, TFP, participant measures with expanded data collection to include food insecurity and health literacy)
  • I- Revision of CHL SI monitoring course

New Key Activities 

  • RE - Identify how to analyze the Food Cost Survey data
  • E - Investigate expansion of Food Cost Survey to inform USDA Thrifty Meal Plan
  • RE- Develop criteria and manual for measurement standardization trainers (train-the-trainer manual)
  • WHO collaboration global child surveillance system- pilot in Marshall Islands
  • CHL-Adult data collection (Claire)


  • iPad Food Cost data collection process
  • CAT and Food Cost data collection for Time 3
  • Approximately XX standardized for child and 3 for adult anthropometric measurement
  • Approximately XXX children and 240 adults measured
  • Criteria for standardization trainer




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