SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Eric Thacker Utah State University- David Dahlgren, Utah state University-Jeffery Beck, University of Wyoming-John Ritten, University of Wyoming-Roger Coupal, University of Wyoming-Tracy Johnson, University of Idaho-Jim Sprinkle, University of Idaho-JD Wulfhorst, University of Idaho-Shane Roberts, Idaho Fish and Game-Lance McNew, University of Montana-Jeff Mosley, Montana State University-Christian Hagen, Oregon State University-John Dinkins, Oregon State University-Gregory Torell, New Mexico State University-Sam Smallidge, New Mexico State University-Steve Ramsey, New Mexico State University-Jim Sediger, University of Nevada Reno-Lorelle Berkely, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks

The group met to develop a draft multistate research proposal. Discussion on objectives for an integrated ecological, biological, social, and economic proposal for either NSF Dynamic of intergrated Socio-environmental Systems and/or NIFA occurred.  Draft objectives and methods were developed.  A framework for analysis was developed.  An outline for a manuscript describing the foundation of the model was developed. 



As a newly formed committee, the purpose was to develop a multistate research proposal. The proposal was accepted and we will schedule our first meeting in early 2020.




As a newly formed committee, we have nothing to submit at this time.

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