SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information

  • Project No. and Title: SAC4 : Food Science and Technology
  • Period Covered: 01/01/2018 to 10/24/2018
  • Date of Report: 12/02/2018
  • Annual Meeting Dates: 10/24/2018 to 10/26/2018


Brief summary of minutes of annual meeting:

The following email was sent to all participants:

I am following up on the August 28 email from Susan Duncan regarding a meeting of the SAC-4 Committee at the CFSA meeting in Cornell, October 24-26.

I sent a doodle poll as to your preferred time to meet. Please reply and we can select a 1 hr time slot. 


If you cannot attend the CFSA meeting, I ask that you reply all to this message with agenda items, (1) including nominations for chairperson and secretary and (2) for topics of concern at the regional level.

Kind regards, Louise


Of the potential participants, only one person planned to attend in person the CFSA meeting at Cornell.  Most expressed interest in participating in a conference call meeting.  Therefore, there was no action items in response to the proposed agenda. The in-person meeting, while authorized, was not held. A conference call will be organized at a later date. Dr. Louise Wicker will no longer be serving on the committee as she has stepped down from her role as SNFS Director at LSU. Dr. Allen Rutherford will serve as interim for SNFS and will be added to the committee to replace Louise Wicker.




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