SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Bartholomae, Suzanne ( – Iowa State University Swarn Chatterjee ( – University of Georgia Cho, Soo Hyun ( – California State University Long Beach Evans, David ( - Purdue University Angela Fontes ( – NORC at University of Chicago Gutter, Michael ( – University of Florida Johnson, Carrie ( - North Dakota State University Kiss, Elizabeth ( - Kansas State University Joan Koontz ( – University of Georgia Fran Lawrence ( - Angela Lyons (on-line) ( – University of Illinois Minton, Ernie ( – Kansas State University (Administrative Advisor) Travis Mountain ( – Virginia Tech O’Neill, Barbara ( – Rutgers University Porto, Nilton ( – University of Rhode Island Worthy, Sheri ( – University of Georgia Lorna Saboe-Wounded Head ( – South Dakota State University Xu, Yilan ( – University of Illinois Absent: Bowen, Cathy ( – The Pennsylvania State University Delgadillo, Lucy ( – Utah State University DeVaney, Sharon ( – Purdue University Griesdorn, Timothy ( – University of Incarnate Word Guillemette, Michael ( – University of Missouri Krishnan, Palaniappa ( – University of Delaware Kim, Jinhee ( – University of Maryland Linville, Ina – Missouri Cooperative Extension Lown, Jean ( – Utah State University Welsh, Melissa ( – Maryland Cooperative Extension

NC2712 Annual Face-to-Face Meeting
May 20th and 21st2018—Sheraton Sand Key, Clearwater Beach, FL
Present – Suzanne Bartholomae, Swarn Chatterjee, Soo-Hyun Cho, David Evans, Angela Fontes, Michael Gutter, Carrie Johnson, Elizabeth Kiss, Joan Koontz, Fran Lawrence,
Angela Lyons (on-line), Travis Mountain, Barbara O’Neill, Nilton Porto, Lorna Saboe Wounded-Head, Yilan Xu
Invited Guest (online): Ernie Minton
Approval of May 2018 Minutes (Elizabeth moved, Michael Seconded). Minutes approved.
Carrie Johnson: Vice Chair
Outgoing Secretary: David Evans
Nominations: Lorna nominated herself, Elizabeth moved that we approve by acclimation.
Unanimous approval.
International Research Possibilities
Nilton is on the international committee for ACCI (American Council on Consumer Interests)
Sheri suggested that we add a discussion about international research to our agenda today. This topic could be discussed with Ernie.
Impact Study
Elizabeth suggested that we discuss involvement in the NIFA (National Institutes of Food and Agriculture) IMPACT study. Ernie played a key role and may have some advice for us.
Michael mentioned that our annual reports should include impact. Asked if everyone had access to NIMSS (National Information Management and Support System). 
Funding for meetings
It was suggested that we ask Ernie about possible funding to pay for annual meetings. 
Outcomes from membership
Sheri suggested that we discuss exceptions from group members in terms of what they can get out of membership.
The annual report
Question from Yilan: How long should the section of the annual report be, specifically the section on contributions from each university.
Response from Ernie: Please articulate which resources are available and where they are located. Emphasize that NC2172 really is designed and functions in a way that Hatch funding was intended to be used. 
Chris Hamilton reminded Ernie that the responses to reviewers are due on June 1st. Ernie suggested making sure that assignments are made during the meeting to accomplish this task.
Regarding membership. Ernie suggested sending him the list of members who need to be added or removed from the list. Yilan mentioned the sensitive nature of membership management. Ernie suggested that because this is the last meeting of the previous five year project, and there are members who have never attended a meeting, we have more of a reason to ask them to leave.
Sheri reminded us that the new project list may actually take care of this problem since, in general, those who were inactive in the current project have not signed up for the new one. There are, however, a few new members that we have not met.
Regarding international research
International research has been done before, but it is not a requirement. It is allowable as long as it creates stronger impact or clear application to what you are involved in. Ernie mentioned an ag study where international data collection added quite a bit of value to the Hatch project.  
Regarding the NIFA IMPACT project website
Chris Hamilton can help facilitate our inclusion on the NIFA impact website. 
Updates from Ernie Minton
Growing Hatch funds has been quite a “heavy lift” lately at the federal level. Any outcomes such as articles written or anything that can be cited helps immensely to convince stakeholders to continue funding multi-state research projects. 
Other funding opportunities? 
Discuss this with your local program leaders or Extension administrators. 
NIFA representative (Toija Riggins) if she has other suggestions for funding. There may be opportunities across multiple agencies in Washington as well. 
9:00 - 10:00 Break (ACCI post-conference session)
10:15 Reconvene
Retirement Literature Review paper — Status: Reject and re-submit. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning. Yilan plans to re-submit.
Yilan -lead, Lorna, Michael, Barb, Elizabeth
Gender Paper (Student Loans-SL) — Journal of Family and Economic Issues. The paper has been reviewed       
Suzanne is the lead author — Elizabeth, Jesse Jergensen, Barbara, Jinhee and Sheri
“As soon as” paper
Barbara, Elizabeth, Carrie, Yilan and Steve Buyslee
Main Paper (SL) — As of March 26th the paper is under review — “Gender, framing and student loans”
Travis (lead author), others unknown 
Anchoring Paper (SL)
Nilton (co-lead author), Jinhee and Michael (co-lead)
Qualitative housing affordability
Carrie (lead author), Jinhee, David, Sheri, Suzanne and Yilan
Savings Dataset
Student Loan Dataset— The value of education.
Experimental Data— What types of things would make a difference in determining the value of higher education?
Qualitative Data — For what purpose/reason did you take out a student loan? 
Collected using Survey Sampling International
Online focus group
Housing Affordability Data
Collected using Amazon Turk
Both quantitative and qualitative
Grad student or post doc needed to help clean the data.
Yilan has a summer intern who can help with the documentation for the dataset
Sheri will work with David, Elizabeth and Swarn to get the cleaning going.
Qualtrics Survey — Collected through Twitter chat. Focus on young adult financial education. 
Housing, Family Formation and Student Loans(Collected in March of 2017)
Can be made available to NC2172 members
18-34 year olds
Research question: What are the barriers to homeownership?
Survey Sampling International used for data collection — all U.S. Citizens
<Short discussion on qualitative data managers: Deedoose and Orange were two, free programs mentioned.>
The intersection between health and wealth.
Two presentations: NHOC (National Health Outreach Conference) and ACCI
How consumers pay for healthcare
Review of New Five year Project:  NC_temp2172: Behavioral economics and the intersection of healthcare and financial decision making across the lifespan
Michael on track to receive $20,000 to study cancer patients and financial matters on UFL campus. The oncology department at UFL is interested in a concept known as financial toxicity, which essentially means that the cost of cancer treatment inhibits or disrupts recovery.
Yilan mentioned that at UI there was an interdisciplinary meeting regarding cancer research. 
Yilan was concerned about data collection. Focusing on cancer patients limits the number of participants observed.
Michael has access to a data trust at Univ of FL that we would have access to.
Angela Fontes mentioned other datasets that could be used to approach this research purpose. Mentioned micro-datasets called Omnibus surveys ($1,000 per question) made up about 5-10 questions. 
Angela Lyons pointed out the international possibilities with health and wealth research.
Yilan suggested that our literature reviews regarding experiments need to be a bit more rigorous.
Barbara reminded us that when we write literature reviews, we need to focus more on synthesis.
Elizabeth mentioned the opioid money possibilities.
Angela Fontes mentioned the interest from the Robert Wood Johnson foundation surrounding the health and wealth issue.
Do we focus on recruiting people to NC2172(temp) who have an expertise in this research purpose?
Sheri mentioned a better strategy might be to work with a collaborator instead of fully recruiting them to this group.
Do we bring more international research into the future of NC2172(temp)?
Michael mentioned a PCORI (patient centered outcome research) group on his campus who helped get him access to cancer patients.
Yilan suggested a five -year plan. 
Meta analysis of health and wealth research
International Scope
Connecting campus research centers on our separate campuses (Michael will follow-up)
AFRI (Agriculture and Food Research Initiative) Proposal — Farming retirement study
Proposal was not funded through AFRI
Manuscript started — targeting FCSRJ 
Wish list of variables we can collect
There is a file shared in the dropbox folder
Waiting on data analysis from NLSY from Swarn
Data have been analyzed
Finding that there is no data on this topic
Toija sees a lot of value
Suggested a co investigator (Shoshanna Inman at Ohio State)
Shoshanna is a rural sociologist at Ohio State
SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program) Grant
Sheri shared a link with all of us to look at that would be another place where our proposal could be submitted.
Deadline for SARE pre proposal is October 2018.
Shoshanna has already talked to a few of our members and said she would love to talk with us about collaboration.
Suggested that we emphasize the research/extension component
Michael suggested doing the project with stakeholders instead of for them
We should invite Shoshanna to the next conference call!
We’ll have an opportunity to chat with Toija about this topic tomorrow morning.
Ask her about SARE deadline.
Travis has some funding (about $3K) to use for a pilot study. Michael can match that amount.
Suggested that farm succession planning be added to the project due to its connection to financial stress.
Questions for Toija tomorrow morning:
Ask her about SARE deadline (maybe October?)
Lunch Break 12 - 2pm
2pm Reconvened
Changewording in section 3
By phone changed to by email or other means
Remove institution from the “inactive institution”
Milton moved, Frances Seconded the change
Carrie asked for a dataset of “intent to use” documents.
Elizabeth asked for the possibility to have a Qualtrics survey created for Appendix A and B and include the link in the monthly minutes.
Section 5 needs to be updated (project name).
The list of institutions in section 5 needs to be updated on a regular basis.
Update Appendix B’s list of institutions(remove all of the school names from the paragraph and leave the rest of the language).
Motion to remove: Swarn motioned, Barb seconded
It was suggested to add a way to cite our main paper to the appendix B. 
It was agreed that grad students should be included as authors and then included in sub-group phone calls.
Sheri sent an authorship rubric to the group. 
Going forward Michael suggested the number five as a target for total number of authors.
Yilan: When about ten people want to join a project, it is a good time to discuss two different papers.
Future decisions regarding authorship will be discussed in monthly conference calls.
It was suggested that we formalize the way in which groups are formed when about ten people are interested in one project.
Suzanne will send more information on how to proceed regarding co-authorship and group formation.
Gender Paper
Retirement Literature Review 
Health and Wealth
Anchoring Paper
Soo and Yilan offered to host meetings at their respective institutions
Michael warned that it took years to establish the relationship that we have with ACCI 
If we have faculty members coordinating the meetings, it was suggested that those with administrative support should have priority status.
Piggybacking on other conferences was also suggested as an efficient way to hold our meetings.
Yilan suggested that if we break from ACCI that we should have a strong commitment from three institutions for the next three years.
Motion:We collocate with ACCI in 2019 (Elizabeth), Barb seconded the motion.
In Favor: 5
Opposed: 8
Abstention: 2
Next Three Years….
Champaign-Urbana 2019 (Club Quarters/Illini Center)
Travel: Optional shuttle, local airport, or Amtrak
Long Beach 2020
Chicago (downtown offices) 2021
Alternates: Gainesville (UF), Manhattan (K-State), Fargo (ND)
Motion to accept the above locations as official and alternate locations(Lorna), Michael seconded
Elizabeth submitted and then withdrew an amendment. 
Angela Lyons suggested the Club Quarters partnership in Chicago along with use of the Illini center.
Amendment to the Champaign option with the possibility of moving the mtg to Chicago.
Motion to approve amendment:Moved by Elizabeth, Seconded by Nilton 
Unanimous approval.
Yilan will check on availability before we make a final decision on the date of our next annual meeting.
Monthly Conference Calls
Carrie motioned that we keep the same conference call schedule, Michael seconded.
All in favor, one opposed. Motion passed.
Michael will continue providing Zoom meeting from his institution.
Next conference call is June 8th at 2pm Eastern.
Reminder: List Serv and Dropbox access for all members.
Meeting adjourned at 5:11pm



  1. Sharon Devaney won the Master Mentor Award at the annual conference of American Council on Consumer Interests, Clear Water Beach, Florida, on May 18, 2018.
  2. NIFA AFRI grant proposal “Behavioral Economics and Retirement Decision-Making for Farmers”, PI: Worthy. Program Area: Agriculture Economics and Rural Communities (AERC)

Priority Area: Economics, Markets and Trade (Program Area Priority Code – A1641)

  1. Six presentations were made based on the NC 2172 research.
  2. The group published nine peer-reviewed articles, and five manuscripts have been under peer review.
  3. Two publications of the group were listed among the Top 10 most downloaded articles of FCSRJ IN 2017.
  4. Partnership and collaborations with external stakeholders: The team has established a close partnership with the American Council on Consumer Interests by holding a symposium and having annual meetings in conjunction with its annual meetings in the past. Currently NC 2172 team is in consultation with NORC for possible research collaboration on health and finance.



  1. Renewal proposal was submitted in October 2017 and was approved in May 2018. The project is renewed as “NC2172: Behavioral economics and the intersection of healthcare and financial decision making across the lifespan.”
  2. Several presentations were made at the annual conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests, 2018 Biennial Conference of Family Economics and Resource Management Association (FERMA) and the 2018 National Health Outreach Conference. Data are collected from the discussions,
  3. The group continued to publish at leading consumer and family science journals.

Milestones: The group collected data from symposium discussions on the conceptual framework for the intersection between health and financial wellness at 2018 Biennial Conference of Family Economics and Resource Management Association (FERMA) and the 2018 National Health Outreach Conference.

Work under review

  1. Bartholomae, S., Kiss, D.E., Jurgenson, J., O'Neill, B., Worthy, S., Kim, J., & (2017). Examining gender bias in judging student loan borrowing: An experimental survey on the effect of framing. Submitted to Journal of Family and Economic Issue Special Issue on Student Loans.
  2. Kiss, D.E., Bartholomae, S., Johnson, C.L., O’Neill, Xu, Y., Gutter, M. Discussing the Intersections of Health and Financial Wellness. Under review as of July 18, 2018.
  3. Mountain, T.P., Kim, N., Gutter, M.S., Kiss, E., Cho, S., and Johnson, C. Gender, Framing, and Student Loan Decision.   Journal of Family and Economic Issues.   Under Review as of March 26th, 2018.
  4. O’Neill, Xu, Y., Johnson, C.L., Kiss, D.E., and Buyske, S. “As Soon As?” Finances:

A Mixed Methods Study of Financial Decision-Making. Under review as of July 18, 2018.

  1. Xu, Y., O'Neill, B., Gutter, M., Wounded Head, L., and Kiss, D.E., How Do People

Make Retirement Decisions? Under Review as of May 23, 2018.



  1. Impacts will be determined as final publications are in print and metrics are collected such as citations, etc.


1.       Bartholomae, S., Xu, Y., Kiss, D.E., O’Neill, B., Gutter, M.S. & Evans, D. (2018). Financial distress and foregone healthcare. Consumer Interests Annual(in press).
2.       Cho, S., Johnson, C., Kiss, D. E., O’Neill, B., & Gutter, M. S. (2017, November). Student loan decision-making: What we know and what to do with it. In Mason, V. J. & Kiss, D. E. 2017 AFCPE Research and Training Symposium Proceedings(pp. 44-45).
3.     DeVaney, S. A., Spangler, A., Lee, Y., Delgadillo, L. (2018). Tips from the Experts on Conducting and Reviewing Qualitative Research.  Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 46(4), 396-405.
4.       Dyk, P., Monroe, P., Tyler-Mackey, C., Welborn, R., & Worthy, S. L. (2018). Turning the Tide on Poverty, Editors: Lionel Beaulieu and Alice Diebel. Routledge. Available:
5.       Kim, K.T., DeVaney, S. A.,  Lee, J.M. (2018). Financial Knowledge and Financial Fragility of US Households. Consumer Interests Annual(in press).
6.     O’Neill, B., Xu, Y., Johnson, C.L., & Kiss, E. (2018). Twitter Chats as a Research Tool: A Study of Young Adult Financial Decisions. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 6(1), 89-97. "
7.     Osmane, S., Bowen, C. F. (2017) Predictors of Consumers’ Health Insurance Knowledge. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 28(2), 300-312.
8.     Saboe-Wounded Head, L., & Cho, S.H. (2017). Which financial education approach works to increase financial capability of college students: Is something better than nothing?, Proceeding of The Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education (AFCPE).
9.       Xu, Y., O'Neill, B., Gutter, M., Wounded Head, L., Kiss, D.E., and Evans, D. (2017). Thecomplexity of Retirement Decision-making. Proceedings of Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education(AFCPE).
1.     Bartholomae, S., Xu, Y., Kiss, D.E., O’Neill, B., Gutter, M.S. & Evans, D. (2018). Financial distress and foregone healthcare. Symposium at the annual meeting of the American Council on Consumer Interest, Clearwater, FL.
2.     Cho, S., Johnson, C., Kiss, D. E., O’Neill, B., & Gutter, M. S. (2017, November). Student loan decision-making: What we know and what to do with it. 2017 Financial Counseling and Planning Education (AFCPE) Symposium, San Diego, CA.
3.     Kiss, D.E., Bartholomae, S., Johnson, C.L., O’Neill, Gutter, M., Xu, Y., Exploring the Intersections of Health and Financial Wellness. 2018 Biennial Conference of Family Economics and Resource Management Association (FERMA), Clearwater, FL.
4.     Kiss, D.E., Bartholomae, S., Johnson, C.L., O’Neill, Gutter, M., Xu, Y., Exploring the Intersections of Health and Financial Wellness. 2018 National Health Outreach Conference, Bloomington, MN.
5.       Xu, Y., O'Neill, B., Gutter, M., Wounded Head, L., Kiss, D.E., and Evans, D. (2017). The
complexity of Retirement Decision-making. 2017 Financial Counseling and Planning Education (AFCPE) Symposium, San Diego, CA.
6.     Saboe-Wounded Head, L., & Cho, S.H. (2017). Which financial education approach works to increase financial capability of college students: Is something better than nothing?, 2017 Financial Counseling and Planning Education (AFCPE) Symposium, San Diego, CA.

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