SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Steve Loring, Jeff Jacobsen, Robin Williams, David Leibovitz, Mike Harrington, Bart Hewitt, Sara Delheimer, Keith Owens, Sarah Lupis, Adel Shirmohammadi, Chris Hamilton (recorder)

Attached is the 2017 4th quarter impact reporting update from CO State.

Call Notes and Agenda (with NIMSS update):

  1. Welcome and roll call (Steve, Chris) – Done, see Participants list above
  2. Introduction of new NIMSS user-member Robin Williams (Steve, Chris) - Robin Williams is a new NIMSS user member on NRSP1 and she works in the VA Tech AES office.
  3. NIMSS update, comments & suggestions from users (Chris) – See below for updates made in the last 3 months. Mike asked whether participant lists can now be downloaded in to Excel and Chris answered yes, they are available by station as .csv downloads. Users should contact her if they need any other data pulled from the system, since the developers can do this, upon request, without needing to create a function for a one-time or rarely conducted query.
  4. Impact Communications update (Sarah, Sara) – Please refer to the Impact Communications Update document. Sara and Sarah presented from this document. Brief discussion on the two different styles or formats being explored with the Impact Statements.  Impact Writing Workshops are in demand and the developed materials are in use with numerous training sessions.
  5. Other business – Discussion ensued on the Impact Writing Workshops for Multistate Projects: Selection Process & Requirements document sent to the Committee by Sarah Lupis. Adel asked about the purpose of these workshops, since formal impact statements are already created by Sara D. Sarah L. indicated that these workshops will assist committees to present better impacts to Sara in their annual reports, as well as improving their ability to share their research with other stakeholders.
    1. Action: Sarah and Sara will send information to non-WAAESD directors on what it takes (cost, details, etc.) to host an impact workshop (~2.5 hours) at their institution outside of the normal NRSP1 process.
    2. Action: Sarah will send out the finalized Impact Writing Workshops for Multistate Projects: Selection Process & Requirements document to regional associations very soon, as well.

Call adjourned by Steve Loring at 1:38 pm ET.


NIMSS Modifications and Updates (since mid-September)

  1. Added ability for station directors to edit Appendix Es on draft projects
  2. Added password reset button to user search (RSA view only)
  3. Created automatic process to send report reminders
  4. Added project type (Research, CC, ERA, etc.) data to proposals
  5. Implemented automatic project termination / Adjusted project termination time
  6. Corrected issue with spacing in WYSIWYG text editor
  7. Added missing title field to NRSP basic view
  8. Initiated port of NIMSS to new Laravel framework (4.2 to 5.5)




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