SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Julie Estrada, Keith Owens, Bart Hewitt, David Leibovitz, Sarah Lupis, Sara Delheimer, Adel Shirmohammadi, Mike Harrington, Jeff Jacobsen, Chris Hamilton

The attached report covers the 2017 calendar year and reports on the accomplishments and impacts of the CSU-hosted Multistate Research Fund Impacts Program.

Call Minutes

  1. Welcome and roll call – Done by Chris, see participants list above. Steve Loring was out of phone range and unable to join the call.  Chris and the others on the call welcomed Julia Estrada, who is replacing Christy Rich from Purdue as one of our NIMSS user-members.
  2. NIMSS update (below), comments & suggestions from users – Chris briefly discussed the NIMSS updates made since our 12/2017 call listed below. We continue to be pleased with the responsiveness of the Clemson team. Chris reiterated that users should continue to send on suggestions for improvements or NIMSS issues, as they are fixed and updated very quickly. Bart Hewitt seconded that and said that the quick creation of the .csv form 1002 was a big help and will save his staff a lot of time. 
  1. Impacts Program Q1 Update (Sarah, Sara) – Sara Delheimer briefly summarized her Q1 Impacts report (sent separately as an attachment). Impact training with multistate projects is going well has received positive feedback. Sarah/Sara will create an agenda brief for spring regional meetings to succinctly showcase their efforts over the past year. Adel mentioned that Sarah’s impact training at the recent NERA spring meeting was great.
  2. 2017 Self-Assessment (Sara) – See Q1 Impacts report. If you have any feedback to provide on Sara’s work this past year, please send it to Sarah Lupis by 3/14 so she can add it into Sara’s CSU evaluation.
  3. Other business, as needed – Bart Hewitt announced that he will be retiring from NIFA very soon. Call participants congratulated him and thanked him for all his help and support over the years.


NIMSS Modifications and Updates (since 12/2017)

  1. Created CSV for Form 1002
  2. Updated NIMSS manual URL
  3. Modified SAE annual report reminder emails and function
  4. Modified yearly summary to pull in AES stations
  5. Adjusted rapid response projects in draft proposal status
  6. Added a “Remind AA” button to allow RSAs to send automated report approval needed emails to AAs
  7. Ongoing implementation of NIMSS 3 (Framework 4.2 to 5.6)




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