SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

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Cody Bagnall, TAMU Wesley Everman, NCSU Steven Thomson, USDA/NIFA Michael Buschermohle, Univ of TN Robert Austin, NCSU Joe Maja, Clemson Cully Hession, VA Tech Gary Roberson, NCSU Robert Freeland, NCSU Dharmendra Saraswat, Purdue Maria Balota, VA Tech Jeffrey White, NCSU Joseph Oakes, VA Tech Chinmay Prakash Soman, Univ of IL Joby Czarnecki, MS State Louis Wasson, MS State Steven Hall, NCSU Larry Purcell, Univ of AR Michael Sama, Univ of KY Christian Brodbeck, Auburn Terry Spurlock, Univ of AR Randy Price, LSU Eric Young, SAAESD




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