SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information




Over the past 5-years of this project, we have studied three areas focused on identifying new means of detecting, preventing, and treating bovine mastitis.  Our specific objectives were: (i) characterization of host mechanisms associated with mastitis susceptibility and resistance, (ii) characterization and manipulation of virulence factors of mastitis pathogens for enhancing host defense, and (iii) assessment and application of new technologies that advance mastitis control, milk quality and dairy food safety. Both joint research trials and individual studies have been conducted by NE-1048 and accomplishments (listed by objective) include:

Objective 1: Characterization of host mechanisms associated with mastitis susceptibility and resistance.


Achievements include the dietary supplementation of OmniGen ® (GA), 2,4-thiazolidinedione (OR), retinol-binding protein (RBP; ID) and vitamin E (MD) to improve the host immune response during mastitis. Other major achievements include the negative relationship between severity of negative energy balance and fat mobilization on important inflammatory mediators (MI), the ability of white blood cells to kill invading microorganisms (WA), the negative impact of antimicrobial resistance on the host immune response (NY), the response of peripheral tissues during mastitis (MD, OR), characterizing the nutrient utilization by leukocytes during mastitis (MD), identification of dermal fibroblasts as a model cell to investigate genetic and epigenetic differences between cows in their innate responses to mastitis causing pathogens (VT), and that CXCR1 may be a promising new candidate gene for mastitis susceptibility (TN). Whole genome SNP association studies also have led to a series of new candidate genes that will be evaluated (TN).


Objective 2: Characterization and manipulation of virulence factors of mastitis pathogens for enhancing host defenses.


Major achievements for this objective are 1) the identification of iron-sulfur cluster metabolism as a virulence factor associated with S. aureus (NJ); 2) S. uberis adhesion molecule (SUAM) is a relevant virulence factor (TN) and 3) certain genes are involved with enhancing antimicrobial resistance of mastitis causing pathogens such as Klebsiella spp. (Quebec), Escherichia coli (E. coli; NY) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus; NY).


Objective 3: Assessment and application of new technologies that advance mastitis control, milk quality, and dairy food safety.


Achievements include controlling mastitis via the use of ultrasound scanning to monitor mastitis (CT), the use of an Automated Milk Leukocyte Differential (MLD) Test for detecting IMI (MN), teat dip efficiency trials to reduce the incidence of mastitis (WA),  the development of multiple decision support tools aimed at improving milk quality, reducing mastitis and economics (KT), examining alternative therapeutics for the prevention or treatment of mastitis to reduce antibiotic usage (MO, MD, MA, Quebec), continuing outreach efforts to promote better stewardship of antibiotic use on dairy farms (MI, MO, MN, WI) and improving animal welfare via the development of behavioral monitors (KY, VA, MA).

In summary, the current and past five years work conducted within the framework of the NE-1048 (now NE-1748) has resulted in over 150 refereed publications and over 300 presentations at various scientific and stake-holder forums. International visitors and collaborators are often included in these presentations. In addition to the mastitis research workers conference, the NE-1048 members provide new management strategies to reduce antibiotic usage and technology transfer to the scientific community and industry stakeholders. In the last 4 years, members of the project have collectively published multiple book chapters, in excess of 192 peer-reviewed journal articles, over 300 abstracts and proceedings, and presented numerous oral and poster presentations related to mastitis, milk quality, and food safety. Venues for oral and poster presentations have included the National Mastitis Council regional and annual meetings (attendees include researchers, veterinarians, dairy producers, and representatives from industry), Conference for Research Workers in Animal Diseases, American Association of Bovine Practitioners annual meetings, International Dairy Federation meetings, American Dairy Science Association meetings, World Buiatrics Congress meetings, American Society of Microbiology meetings, Conference on Production Diseases in Farm Animals, Plant and Animal Genome Conference, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - Food Safety meetings, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine annual forum meetings, and several regional extension and veterinary continuing education meetings.

We are continuing to build on our past findings to reduce the incidence of mastitis through additional research and extension activities. Mastitis is clearly a multi-faceted disease that will require continued efforts to not only ensure the production of safe, high quality food, but to do so in a sustainable fashion and with continued improvements in dairy animal welfare and reductions the use of antimicrobial drugs.


  1. Improved the host immune response during mastitis via dietary supplements. (Obj 1)
  2. Further characterize the relationship between severity of negative energy balance and fat mobilization on the ability of the host to kill invading microorganisms (Obj 1)
  3. Identified the negative impact of antimicrobial resistance on the host immune response the response of peripheral tissues during mastitis (Obj 1)
  4. Identified genetic and epigenetic differences, including potential candidate genes, between cows and their innate responses to mastitis causing pathogens (Obj 1)
  5. Identification of virulence factors associated with mastitis (Obj 2)
  6. Controlling mastitis via more precise on-farm detection methods (Obj 3)
  7. Identified the use of different teat dips to reduce the incidence of mastitis (Obj 3)
  8. Developed multiple decision support tools aimed at improving milk quality, reducing mastitis and economics (Obj 3)
  9. Examined alternative therapeutics for the prevention or treatment of mastitis to reduce antibiotic usage (Obj 3)
  10. Implemented outreach efforts to promote better stewardship of antibiotic use on dairy farms (Obj 3)
  11. Improved animal welfare via the development of behavioral monitors. (Obj 3)


PUBLICATION LIST: use as much space as necessary to complete the publication list below.

Peer-Reviewed Literature

University of Montreal

Skoulikas, S., S. Dufour, D. Haine, J. Y. Perreault, and J. P. Roy. Accepted. Early lactation extended pirlimycin therapy against naturally acquired Staphyloccoccus aureus intramammary infections in heifers: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Dairy Science.

Gaudreau, A. M., J. Labrie, C. Goetz, S. Dufour, and M. Jacques. Accepted. Evaluation of MALDI-TOF MS for the identification of bacteria growing as biofilms. Journal of Microbiological Methods.

Haine, D., D. T. Scholl, I. R. Dohoo, and S. Dufour. Accepted. Diagnosing Intramammary Infection: Controlling Misclassification Bias in Longitudinal Udder Health Studies. Preventive Veterinary Medicine.

Francoz, D., V. Wellemans, J. P. Dupré, J. P. Roy, F. Labelle, P. Lacasse, and S. Dufour. 2017. Invited review: A systematic review and qualitative analysis of treatments other than conventional antimicrobials for clinical mastitis in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci.

Francoz, D., V. Welllemans, J. P. Roy, P. Lacasse, A. Ordonez-Iturriaga, F. Labelle, and S. Dufour. 2017. Non-antibiotic approaches at drying off for treating and preventing intramammary infections: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Animal Health Research Reviews:169-175.


Cornell University

Troendle, J., L. W. Tauer, Y. T. Gröhn. 2017. Optimally achieving milk bulk tank somatic cell count thresholds. J. Dairy Sci. 100:731-738.

Kaniyamattam, K., A. De Vries, L. W. Tauer, and Y. T. Gröhn. 2017. Genetic, technical and financial performance of dairy herds achieving optimal milk bulk tank somatic cell count reductions through various voluntary culling strategies. J. Dairy Sci. (under review).


Mississippi State University:

Stone, A.E., B.A. Wadsworth, C.A. Becker, J.M. Bewley.  2017. Influence of breed, milk yield, and temperature humidity index on dairy cow lying time, neck activity, reticulorumen temperature, and rumination behavior.  J. Dairy Sci.  100 (3) 2395–2403.

Borchers, M., Y.M. Chang, K. Proudfoot, B.A. Wadsworth, A.E. Stone, J.M. Bewley. 2017. Machine-learning based calving prediction from activity, lying, and ruminating behaviors in dairy cattle.  J. Dairy Sci.  100 (7) 5664–5674.

Wadsworth, B.A., A. E. Stone, J. D. Clark, D. L. Ray, and J. M. Bewley.  2017.  Characterization of milk yield, lying and rumination behavior, gait, cleanliness, and lesions between two different freestall bases.  The Professional Animal Scientist 33 (1):140-149. 




University of Minnesota

Patel, K. , S. Godden, E. Royster, J. Timmerman, B. Crooker. N. McDonald. 2017. Pilot Study: Impact of using a Culture-Guided Selective Dry Cow Therapy Program Targeting Quarter-Level Treatment on Udder Health and Antibiotic Use. Bov Pract. 51:48-57

Godden, S., E. Royster, J. Timmerman, P. Rapnicki and H. Green. 2017. Evaluation of an automated milk leukocyte differential test and the California mastitis test for detecting intramammary infection in early and late lactation quarters and cows. J Dairy Sci. 100:6527-6544


University of Missouri

Adkins PRF, Middleton JR, Calcutt MJ, Stewart GC, Fox LK.  2017.  Speciation and strain-typing of Staphylococcus agnetis and Staphylococcus hyicus isolated from bovine milk using a novel multiplex PCR and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis.  J Clin Microbiol.  55(6):1778-1788.  doi: 10.1128/JCM.02239-16. [Epub ahead of print].

Condas LAZ, De Buck J, Nobrega DB, Carson DA, Roy JP, Keefe GP, DeVries T, Middleton JR, Dufour S, Barkema HW.  2017.  Distribution of non-aureus staphylococci in quarters with low and high somatic cell counts and clinical mastitis.  J Dairy Sci.  100(7):5613-5627.  doi: 10.3168/jds.2016-12479. [Epub ahead of print 27 Apr 2017]

Condas LAZ, De Buck J, Nobrega DB, Carson DA, Naushad S, DeVliegher S, Zadoks RN, Middleton JR, Dufour S, Kastelic J, and Barkema HW.  2017.  Prevalence of non-aureus staphylococci isolated from intramammary infection in Canadian dairy herds.  J Dairy Sci.  100(7):5592-5612.  doi: 10.3168/jds.2016-12478. [Epub ahead of print 17 May 2017]

Middleton JR, Fox LK.  2017.  Contagious Mastitis: Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, and Mycoplasma spp.  Large Dairy Herd Management eBook published by J Dairy Sci.  Invited Review.

Rainard P, Foucras G, Fitzgerald JR, Watts JL Koop G, Middleton JR.  2017.  Knowledge gaps and research priorities in Staphylococcus aureus mastitis control.  Transbound Emerg Dis. Oct 6. doi: 10.1111/tbed.12698. [Epub ahead of print] 


University of Maryland

M.A. Crookenden, C.G. Walker, A. Heiser, A. Murray, V.S.R. Dukkipati, J.K. Kay, S. Meier,  K.M. Moyes, M.D. Mitchell, J.J. Loor and J. R. Roche.  2017. Effects of precalving body condition and prepartum feeding level on gene expression in circulating neutrophils.  J. Dairy Sci. 100:2310-2322.


A.M. Abdeltty, M.E. Iwaniuk, M.Garcia, K.M. Moyes, B.B. Teter, P.  Delmonte, A.K.G. Kadegowda, M.A. Tony, F.F. Mohamed and R.A. Erdman.  2017.  Effect  of short-term feed restriction on milk components and mammary lipogenic gene expression in mid-lactation Holstein dairy cows by extraction of total RNA from milk fat. J. Dairy Sci. 100:4000-4013.


  1. Garcia, Y. Qu, C.M. Scholte#, W. Rhoads, D. Connor and K.M. Moyes. 2017. Regulatory effect of dietary intake of chromium propionate on the response of monocyte-derived macrophages from Holstein cows in mid lactation. J. Dairy Sci. 100:6389-6399.


K.M. Moyes, L. Ma, D. Johnson, S. Fultz and R.R. Peters.  2017. Estimating and quantifying the production outcomes and lifestyle changes for small–to medium sized dairy farms regarding the transition from conventional to automatic milking systems in the Northeast region: A case study report. Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical research. Accepted.


Utah State University

Kelly EJ, Wilson DJ: Pseudomonas aeruginosa mastitis in two goats associated with an essential oil-based teat dip. J Vet Diagn Invest 28:6:760-762, 2016

Michigan State University

Kayitsinga, J, Schewe RL, Contreras GA, and RJ Erskine. 2017. Antimicrobial treatment of clinical mastitis in the Eastern United States: The influence of dairy farmers’ mastitis management and treatment behavior and attitudes. J. Dairy Sci. 100:1388-1407.

Kuhn, M.J., V. Mavangira, J. C. Gandy, C. Zhang, A. D. Jones, and L. M. Sordillo.2017. Differences in the Oxylipid Profiles of Bovine Milk and Plasma at Different Stages of Lactation J. Agric. Food. Chem. 65:4980-4988.

Mavangira V, and L. M. Sordillo. 2017. Role of lipid mediators in the regulation of oxidative stress and inflammatory responses in dairy cattle. Res. Vet. Sci. doi: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2017.08.002. [Epub ahead of print].


Oregon State University

Rosa, F. T., J.S. Osorio, F.Y. Rivera, E. Trevisi, C.T. Estill, and M Bionaz. 2017. Role of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma on subclinical Mastitis in lactating dairy goats. PPAR Research vol. 2017, Article ID 7097450


University of Tennessee

Siebert L, S Headrick, M Lewis, B Gillespie, C Young, L Wojakiewicz, O Kerro Dego, ME Prado, R Almeida, SP Oliver, GM Pighetti. 2017. Genetic variation in CXCR1 haplotypes linked to severity of Streptococcus uberis infection in an experimental challenge model. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 190: 45-52

Pighetti, GM, L Wojakiewicz, SI Headrick, O Kerro Dego, SA Lockwood, HG Kattesh, MJ Lewis, CD Young, *LJ Siebert, BE Gillespie, ME Prado, RA Almeida, SP Oliver. 2017. Vaccination with recombinant Streptococcus uberis adhesion molecule alters immune response to experimental challenge. Int J Vet Dairy Sci. Published online 5/15/2017

Oudessa Kerro Dego, R. A. Almeida, Maria E. Prado, S. I. Headrick, M. J. Lewis, C. Young, B. E. Gillespie, L. J. Siebert, G. M. Pighetti, R. D. Abdi, D. B. Ensermu and S. P. Oliver. 2017. Functionally effective immune responses of dairy cows vaccinated with Streptococcus uberis adhesion molecule during the transition period. Annals of Vaccine and Vaccination, Accepted, 9/26/2017.


State University of New Jersey

Mashruwala, A. A., Boyd J.M.  The Staphylococcus aureus SrrAB regulatory system modulates hydrogen peroxide resistance factors, which imparts protection to aconitase during aerobic growth. PLoS One. 2017 Jan 18;12(1):e0170283. PMID: 28099473

Mashruwala A.A., Van de Guchte A., Boyd J.M. Impaired respiration elicits SrrAB-dependent programmed cell lysis and biofilm formation in Staphylococcus aureus. eLife. 2017 Feb 21;6. PMID: 28221135

Roberts C., Al-Tameemi H.M., Mashruwala A.A., Rosario-Cruz Z., Chauhan U., Sause, W., Torres V.J., and Boyd J.M. The Suf iron-sulfur cluster biosynthetic system is essential for Staphylococcus aureus viability and defective Fe-S cluster biosynthesis results in broad metabolic defects and decreased survival in neutrophils. Infect Immun. 2017 May 23;85(6). PMID: 28320837

Mashruwala A.A., Gries, C.M., Scherr T.D., Kielian, T., Boyd J.M. SaeRS is responsive to the cellular respiratory status and regulates fermentative biofilm formation in Staphylococcus aureus. Infect Immun. 2017 Jun. PMID: 28507069

Mashruwala A.A., Boyd J.M. Investigating the role(s) of SufT and the domain of unknown function 59 (DUF59) in the maturation of iron-sulfur proteins. Curr Genet. 2017 Jun. PMID: 28589301


Washington State University

Adkins P.R.F, John R Middleton; M.J. Calcutt, G. C. Stewart, and L. K Fox. 2017.  Species identification and stratin typing of Staphylococcus agnetis and Staphylococcus hyicus isolates from bovine milk by use of a novel multiplex PCR assay and Pulsed-field Gel Electrophoresis.  J. of Clinical Micro. 55:1778-1788.


Adkins P.R.F, John R Middleton; Lawrence K Fox. 2016. Staphylococcus aureus Strains Isolated from Cases of Subclinical Bovine Mastitis in the United States.  Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 54: 1871-1876


Nicholas, R.A.J., L.K. Fox, I. Lysnyansky. 2016.  Mycoplasma mastitis in cattle: to cull or not to cull.  The vet. J. 216:142-147.


University of Vermont

Korkmaz, F.T., and D.E. Kerr. 2017. Genome-wide methylation analysis reveals differentially methylated loci that are associated with an age-dependent increase in bovine fibroblast response to LPS. BMC Genomics. May 25;18(1):405.

Carroll, J.A., N.C. Burdick-Sanchez, J.D. Arthingon, C.D. Nelson, A.L. Benjamin, F.T. Korkmaz, D.E. Kerr, and P.A. Lancaster. 2017. In utero exposure to lipopolysaccharide alters the postnatal acute phase response in beef heifers. Innate Immunity 23:97-108.




Cornell University

Kaniyamattam, K., A. De Vries, L. W. Tauer, and Y. T. Gröhn. 2017. Impact of culling for SCC, milk revenue and estimated breeding values on herd performance. Proceedings of 2017 American Dairy Science Association annual meeting, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.

Mississippi State University:

Keefer, R.D., J.G. Maples, A.E Stone. The economic feasibility of implementing center pivots on Mississippi dairy farms. 2017. Mississippi Academy of Sciences Summer Symposium. Stoneville, MS.

A.N. Rulewicz, K.B. Graves, R.D. Keefer, A.E Stone. Evaluating the effects of Vista Pre-T on feed efficiency in heat-stressed dairy. 2017. Mississippi Academy of Sciences Summer Symposium. Stoneville, MS.

B.L. Bowman and A.E Stone. Adoption of on-farm bacteriologic milk culturing:  Evaluating farmer perception & impact on management decisions. 2017. Mississippi Academy of Sciences Summer Symposium. Stoneville, MS.

Larson, J.E., G.R. Dunham, K.C. Yankey, M.P. Owen, M.M. Steichen, K. McCarty, A.E. Stone, C.O. Lemley. 2017. Additional exercise among grazing dairy cows and effects on uterine blood flow, milk production, or milk quality parameters. Mississippi Academy of Sciences Summer Symposium. Stoneville, MS.

Larson, J.E., G.R. Dunham, K.C. Yankey, M.P. Owen, M.M. Steichen, K. McCarty, A.E. Stone, C.O. Lemley. 2017. Additional exercise among grazing dairy cows and effects on uterine blood flow, milk production, or milk quality parameters. American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD.

A.E. Stone, B.W. Jones, L.M. Mayo, I.C. Tsai, Y.M. Chang, and J.M. Bewley. 2017. Evaluation of activity, feeding time, lying time, rumination time, reticulorumen temperature, and milk yield, conductivity, lactose, protein, and fat to detect subclinical mastitis. 2017. Abstract 71194. Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA.

B.W. Jones, L.M. Mayo, I.C. Tsai, A.E. Stone, Y.M. Chang, and J.M. Bewley. 2017. Detection of lame cattle using behavioral and physiological changes as measured by precision dairy monitoring technologies. Abstract 355. American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA.

Mazon, G., J. Guinn, D. Nolan, P. Krawczel, C. Petersson-Wolfe, G. Pighetti, A. Stone, S. Ward, M. Marcondes, J. Bewley. 2017. Relationship between cow cleanliness, locomotion, and bulk tank somatic cell count in southeastern United States dairy farms. Abstract T187. Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA.

Guinn, J.M., D.T. Nolan, P.D. Krawczel, C.S. Petersson-Wolfe, G.M. Pighetti, A.E. Stone, S.H. Ward, M. Marcondes, J.M. Bewley. 2017. Relationship between cow cleanliness, locomotion, and bulk tank somatic cell count in southeastern United States dairy farms. Abstract T187. Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA.

University of Minnesota

Investigation of the relationship between bacteria counts, bedding characteristics and bedding management practices with udder health and milk quality on dairy farms: preliminary results. American Association of Bovine Practitioners Annual conference, Omaha, NE, USA. September 14-16, 2017

Investigation of the relationship between bacteria counts, bedding characteristics and bedding management practices with udder health and milk quality on dairy farms: preliminary results. Minnesota Dairy Health Conference, Saint Paul, MN, USA. April 11-13, 2017

University of Missouri

Shwani A, Ekesi N, Zaki S, Rubaye AA, Adkins P, Calcutt M, Middleton JR, Rhoads D.  2017.  A phylogenomic comparison of Staphylococcus agnetis isolated from dairy cattle mamamary glands and bacterial chondronecrosis with osteomyelitis in broilers.  Plant and Animal Genome. 

Middleton JR.  2017.  Mastitis therapy: past successes, current challenges and vision for the future.  American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting. June.  Pittsburgh, PA.

Arroyo GT, Adkins PRF, Middleton JR.  2017.  Comparison of MALDI-TOF and PFGE for strain-typing Staphylococcus aureus isolated from cow’s milk.  Proceedings of the 40th Annual CVM Research Day (Phi Zeta).  5 May 2017.  Abstract #1 – Veterinary Professional Student Poster Presentations.

Bernier Gosselin V, Middleton JR, Zhang M.  2017.  Diagnostic performance of a competitive ELISA using frozen-thawed milk for identification of SRLV-infected goats.  Proceedings of the 40th Annual CVM Research Day (Phi Zeta).  5 May 2017.  Abstract #9 – 2nd and 3rd Year Resident & Graduate Student Oral Presentations.

Bornheim H, Middleton JR, Adkins PRF, Calcutt M.  2017.  Epidemiology of Mycoplasma arthritis in goat kids on a commercial goat dairy.  Proceedings of the 40th Annual CVM Research Day (Phi Zeta).  5 May 2017.  Abstract #6 – Interns, 1st Year Residents & Graduate Students Oral Presentations.

Placheta L, Middleton JR, Bewley J, Borches M, Adkins PRF.  2017.  The effect of housing environment on bedding, teat, and raw milk staphylococcal bacteria populations.  VRSP Symposium, Bethesda, MD, August 3-4, 2017.

Utah State University

Wilson DJ, Britten JE, Rood KA: Casein hydrolysate for involution of a single mastitic quarter in dairy cows.  J Dy Sci Vol. 100, E-Suppl. 2:143, 2017.

Oregon State University

Tsai C. Y., F. Rosa, M. Bionaz, and P. Rezamand. 2017. The effect of 2,4- thiazolidinedione on lipid soluble vitamins in lactating goats induced with sub-clinical mastitis. Anim. Sci Vol. 95, E-Suppl.

Rosa F., Moridi, M., J. Osorio, Lohakare, J. Estill C., and M. Bionaz. Macrophage activation during subclinical mastitis in dairy goats treated with 2,4-thiazolidinedione 2017 ADSA Annual Meeting

University of Tennessee

Abdi, R. A., J. M. Vaughn, Barbara E. Gillespie, C. Merrill and O. Kerro Dego. 2016. Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns of major mastitis pathogens. In: Proceedings of Conference of Research workers on Animal Diseases, December 4 – 6, Chicago, IL.

Couture VL, PD Krawczel, GM Pighetti, RA Almeida, SP Oliver. 2017. Relationship between the clinical and behavioural response to mastitis challenge with Streptococcus uberis from Holstein dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 100 (Suppl 2): 29.

Pighetti GM. 2017. Genetics, genomics, and improving mastitis resistance. J Dairy Sci 100 (Suppl 2): 188.

Siebert L, ME Staton, SP Oliver, GM Pighetti. 2017. Genome wide association analyses identify loci associated with mastitis phenotypes generated from Streptococcus uberis experimental challenge data. J Dairy Sci 100 (Suppl 2): 189.

Siebert, L. J.*, M. E. Staton, S. P. Oliver, and G. M. Pighetti.  2016.  Genome wide association study identifies loci associated with intramammary infection (IMI) phenotypes following experimental challenge with Streptococcus uberis.  Conference Research Workers in Animal Diseases, 097.

University of Vermont

Mugabi, R, D’Amico S, Sensabaugh G, Barlow J. 2017. A Multilocus Sequence Typing Scheme Provides Insights into the Diversity of Staphylococcus chromogenes Isolated from Dairy Cattle Skin and Milk Samples. Microbe, American Society of Microbiology Joint Annual Meeting, June 1-5, New Orleans, LA.

Ecjstrom, K, Barlow J. 2017. Machine Learning Tools for Predicting Strain Type using  MLST Isolate Databases. Microbe, American Society of Microbiology Joint Annual Meeting, June 1-5, New Orleans, LA.


Conference Proceedings

University of Montreal

Haine, D., I. R. Dohoo, D. T. Scholl, H. Stryhn, and S. Dufour. 2017. Sampling strategies to control misclassification bias in longitudinal udder health studies. in Proc. Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine 2017 annual meeting, Inverness, UK.

Cornell University

Dipastina, A., K. Kaniyamattam, and Y. T. Gröhn. 2017. Optimal antimicrobial use for mastitis prevention and treatment on US dairy farms. Proceedings of National Veterinary Scholars Symposium, 2017. NIH. Betheseda, Maryland.

University of Minnesota

Pilot Study: Impact of using a Culture-Guided Selective Dry Cow Therapy Program Targeting Quarter-Level Treatment on Udder Health and Antibiotic Use. National Mastitis Council 56th Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA. January 29-31, 2017.

University of Missouri

Adkins PRF, Middleton JR, Dufour S.  2017.  Cross-sectional study of teat and inguinal skin colonization of dairy heifers with various staphylococcal species.  Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the National Mastitis Council, St. Pete Beach, FL.  Jan 28-31.  pp. 133-134. 

Bernier Gosselin V, Placheta L, Quas E, Wilshusen J, Limberg E, Adkins PRF, Middleton JR.  2017.  Persistence of coagulase negative staphylococcal intramammary infection in dairy goats. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the National Mastitis Council, St. Pete Beach, FL.  Jan 28-31.  pp. 109-110. 

Utah State University

Wilson DJ, Middleton J, Adkins P, Goodell GM: Bovine milk bacterial diagnostic results - blind comparison between conventional culture, MALDI-TOF and 16S rRNA for test agreement. Proc Natl Mast Council:12-17, 2017.

Britten J, Wilson D, Rood K: Casein hydrolysate as a possible adjunct or replacement treatment to current antibiotic therapies used at dry-off in dairy cows. Proc Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences Student Research Symposium:5, 2017.

Michigan State University

Erskine, R. J., M. Borek-Stine, and R. Moore. Engaged employees: The connection between protocols and performance. Short course presented at the 56th Annual Mtng National Mastitis Council, St. Petersburg, FL, February, 2017.

Martinez, R. O. How training could improve- The employee perspective. Seminar presented at the 1st Annual Michigan Dairy Health Symposium, Lansing, MI, February, 2017.

Moore-Foster, R. Do your cows like the milking protocols? Seminar presented at the 1st Annual Michigan Dairy Health Symposium, Lansing, MI, February, 2017.

Hovingh, E. P. and R. Moore-Foster. Milking efficiency- As defined by the cow. Workshop presented at the 1st Annual Michigan Dairy Health Symposium, Lansing, MI, February, 2017.

Durst, P., S. Moore, and F. San Emeterio. Engaged employees – What does that mean? Workshop presented at the 1st Annual Michigan Dairy Health Symposium, Lansing, MI, February, 2017.

Thomson, R., and R. J. Erskine. Five minute mastitis hot topics- Teat dips, antibiotics, somatic cell counts, selective dry cow therapy, and others…… Workshop presented at the 1st Annual Michigan Dairy Health Symposium, Lansing, MI, February, 2017.

Erskine, R. J., M. Borek-Stine, and R. Moore-Foster. Engaged employees: The connection between protocols and performance. Short course presented at the 56th Annual Mtng National Mastitis Council, St. Petersburg, FL February, 2017.

Erskine, R.J. Employee management to improve milk quality, seminar presented to the Western Canadian Dairy Seminar, Red Deer, AB, March, 2017.

Erskine, R.J.* and R. Moore-Foster. Rethinking milking efficiency. Oral presentation at the American Dairy Science Association, Pittsburgh, PA, June, 2017.

Moore-Foster, R. and R.J. Erskine*. Making the connection between employees and cows for milking protocols. Oral presentation at the American Diary Association, Pittsburgh, PA, June, 2017.

University of Tennessee

Kerro Dego, O., R. D. Abdi, J. Vaughn, C. Merrill, S. M. Cantwell, B. E. Gillespie, R. A. Almeida, S. I. Headrick, G. M. Pighetti, P. Krawczel, J. Keflot, J. M. Bewley and S. P. Oliver. 2017. Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns of   Staphylococcus aureus Isolates from Cases of Bovine Mastitis. Proceedings of National Mastitis Council, p 60, 56th meeting January 28 – 31, 2017, Trade winds Island Grand Resort, St. Pete Beach, Fl.


Poster Presentations

University of Montreal

Massé, J., S. Dufour, and M. Archambault. 2016. Characterization of Klebsiella spp. isolates from bovine mammary gland infections. in Proc. Congrès de bactériologie intégrative: symbiose & pathogenèse, Québec, QC, Canada.

Kabera, F., S. Dufour, G. P. Keefe, and J. P. Roy. 2017. Quarter-based selective dry-cow therapy using on-farm diagnostics. in Proc. 2017 Canadian Bovine Mastitis and Milk Quality Research Network Annual Scientific Meeting, Montreal, Canada.

Cornell University

Kaniyamattam, K., A. De Vries, L. W. Tauer, and Y. T. Gröhn. 2017. Impact of culling for SCC, milk revenue and estimated breeding values on herd performance. Proceedings of 2017 American Dairy Science Association annual meeting, Pittsburg, Pennslyvania.

University of Minnesota

Investigation of the relationship between bacteria counts, bedding characteristics and bedding management practices with udder health and milk quality on dairy farms: preliminary results. Points of Pride Research Day. College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN. October 4, 2017.

Pilot Study: Evaluation of the Effect of Selective Dry Cow Therapy on Udder Health. Points of Pride Research Day. College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN. October 5, 2016.

University of Tennessee

Couture VL, PD Krawczel, GM Pighetti, RA Almeida, SP Oliver. 2017. Relationship between the clinical and behavioural response to mastitis challenge with Streptococcus uberis from Holstein dairy cows. American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, July 2017.

Kerro Dego, O., R. D. Abdi, J. Vaughn, C. Merrill, S. M. Cantwell, B. E. Gillespie, R. A. Almeida, S. I. Headrick, G. M. Pighetti, P. Krawczel, J. Keflot, J. M. Bewley and S. P. Oliver. 2017. Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns of   Staphylococcus aureus Isolates from Cases of Bovine Mastitis. Proceedings of National Mastitis Council, p 60, 56th meeting January 28 – 31, 2017, Trade winds Island Grand Resort, St. Pete Beach, Fl.

Merrill C, Reta D. Abdi, Barbara E. Gillespie, Jacqueline Vaughn, and O. Kerro Dego. 2016. Evaluation of the Immune Response and Protection in Dairy Cows Vaccinated with Staphylococcus aureus Surface Proteins. UT Beef and Forage Center Annual Research and Recommendation Meeting, December 13, 2016. Poster presentation.

Vaughn J., R. D. Abdi, Barbara E. Gillespie, C. Merrill and O. Kerro Dego. 2016. Clonal diversity and enterotoxin production patterns of S. aureus isolates from cases of bovine mastitis. UT Beef and Forage Center Annual Research and Recommendation Meeting, December 13, 2016. Poster presentation.

State University of New Jersey

Cerezo, J., Al-Tameemi, H.M., Boyd J.M. Screening the Library of FDA Approved Drugs for Inhibitors of Bacterial Iron-Sulfur Cluster Assembly. Rutgers Microbiology Symposium. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 2017.

Mashruwala A.A., Earle C., van de Guchte A., Boyd J.M. Regulation of Clp proteases by SrrAB in Staphylococcus aureus. Rutgers Microbiology Symposium. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 2017.

Mashruwala A.A., van de Guchte A., Boyd J.M. Cellular respiration as a trigger for multicellular behavior in Staphylococcus aureus.  Rutgers Microbiology Symposium. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 2017.

Al-Tameemi H.M., Boyd J.M. Copper Stress in Staphylococcus aureus involves Perturbing Iron Homeostasis. Rutgers Microbiology Symposium. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 2017.

Purdy M., Mohammed N.*, Crane S., Boyd J.M. Effect of Blue Light on Propionibacterium acnes. Rutgers Microbiology Symposium. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 2017.

Cerezo J., Al-Tameemi H.M., Boyd J.M. Screening the Library of FDA Approved Drugs for Inhibitors of Bacterial Iron-Sulfur Cluster Assembly. Aresty Research Symposium. Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, 2017.

Al­Tameemi H.M., Roberts C., Mashruwala A.A., Rosario­Cruz Z., Sause W., Torres V.J., Belden W.J., Boyd J.M. Iron Sulfur Protein Assembly: A viable Target for Antimicrobial Therapy in Staphylococcus aureus American Society of Microbiology General Meeting. New Orleans, LA, 2017.

Mashruwala A.A., Gries C.M., Scherr T.D., van de Guchte, A., Kielian T., Boyd J.M. Cellular respiration as a signal for programed cell lysis in Staphylococcus aureus. Gordon Research Conference on Staphylococcal Biology. Waterville Valley, NH, 2017.

Rosario-Cruz Z., Eletsky, Nourhan A., Daigham S., Swapna G.V.T., Szyperski T., Montelione G.T., Boyd J.M. NMR Studies of the CopB Protein of the Arginine Catabolic Mobile Element from Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis. Center for Advanced Biology and Medicine Meeting. Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, 2017.

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