SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Rhonda Miller, Joe Harrison, Dave Combs, Jenny Long, Al Rotz, Mike Westendorf, and Adel Shiromohammadi

NE 1544 – Minutes Oct 24 -26, 2016 Meeting

Location – Logan, Utah

Host – Rhonda Miller

Secretary – Joe Harrison

Present on 10 24 16 – Rhonda, Joe Harrison, Dave Combs, and Jenny Long (Rhonda’s grad student)

Met at 3 PM on 10 24 16 to discuss game plane for meeting, made contacts with those not present to connect with them by skype or phone on 10 25 16. Toured the ASTME facility at in late afternoon.


Present on 10 25 16 - Rhonda, Joe Harrison, Dave Combs, Jenny Long, and via phone or skype Al Rotz, Mike Westendorf, and Adel Shirmohammadi

Met at 8 AM on 10 25 16 for station reports and administrative report.

8:30 AM - Received e-mail report from Vinicius Moreira.

8:45 pm - Rhonda gave report on Medusa head project and grass legume mixtures and heifers (focus on high carbohydrate and tannins as nutrition effectors)

9 AM - Administrative report – Adel Shirmohammadi

9:40 AM – Dave Combs – WI report – Assessing fiber digestion total tract ndf digestibility (ttndfdig) model, a way to predict fiber digestibility, in vitro evaluation to predict total tract digestibility

Have focused on standardized rumen fluid, rumen bugs are primed by taking the collected rumen fluid to and adding nutrients to get the bugs into the log growth phase and then using the stimulated bugs for in vitro work, this has reduced run-run variation

Evaluating low lignin alfalfa, and alkali treatment of corn stover and corn silage

Effect of dextrose and starch on enteric methane emission

10 AM – Joe’s report

10:30 AM – Al’s report – new version of IFSM released, no major changes, just cleaning up of coding.

Have added update on VOC from silage and bedded pack option

There is now a carbon cycling focus

Dairy Agroecosystems work group – (DAWG) – TX, PA, MN, WI, ID – quantify reactive N losses in dairy systems

Sustainable Dairy (CAP) – WI – NIFS funded multi-state grant – GHG emission and mitigation BMPs

Sustainable beef – major focus, most of carbon footprint is associated with the grazing part of the management system

Would Al consider hosting the meeting in 2017, yes.




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