SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: NC_old1181 : Enhancing resiliency of beef production under shifting forage resources
- Period Covered: 10/01/2015 to 09/30/2016
- Date of Report: 10/26/2016
- Annual Meeting Dates: 08/11/2016 to 08/12/2016
Jaymelynn Farney (Kansas) Keith Harmoney (Kansas) Dale Blasi (Kansas) Lyle Lomas (Kansas) Joseph Moyer (Kansas) Daren Redfearn (Nebraska) Walt Schacht (Nebraska) Jay Parsons (Nebraska) Martin Massengale (Nebraska) Mary Drewnoski (Nebraska) John Guretzky (Nebraska) Jerry Volesky (Nebraska) Mary Drewnoski (Nebraska) Mitch Stenphenson (Nebraska) Deb Hamernik (Administrative Advisor; Nebraska)
Keith Harmoney (Kansas) served as Chair and host for the 2016 meeting in Hays, KS. Mary Drewnoski (Nebraska) served as Secretary.
Steve Smith (National Program Leader, USDA NIFA) joined by teleconference and provided an overview of NIFA funding opportunities and the potential fiscal year 2017 budget for NIFA.
Mary Drewnoski (Nebraska) will organize the 2017 meeting. Suggestions for dates and locations should be sent to Mary.
Short-term outcomes:
Objective 1
- Grazing pairs on cornstalks while supplemented DDGS appears to be a viable for later-calving cowherds and it is more profitable than the confining pairs and feeding a corn residue and distillers based diet. Partial budgets analysis suggests it will save $137/cow in winter feeding cost.
- Beef producers can graze corn residue without negatively impacting the soil physical properties or soil organic matter. Thus corn residue can be a low cost feed resource for cattle producers and a source of income for crop producers.
Objective 2
- After 6 years of treatment application on Sandhills meadow, there is no difference in botanical composition and aboveground plant production among grazing systems (mob grazing, simple rotation grazing, and continuous grazing); and trampling of standing live vegetation is the greatest and harvest efficiency and yearling weight gain are the lowest for mob grazing. The additional infrastructure and human resource requirements of mob grazing compared to other grazing strategies does not appear to be justified.
- After 6 years of grazing, the advantages of the additional infrastructure and human resource requirements of grazing strategies using short grazing periods (3-day and 37-day vs 150-day) are only beginning to appear. Although we have not yet reported our results in research and extension publications, ranchers are taking note of our research results presented at field days, open houses, the Nebraska Ranch Practicum, and the Nebraska Range Short Course.
- Modified intensive early stocking with cow/calf pairs on native rangeland appears to be viable option for producers and may allow producers to maintain or increase cow numbers on fewer perennial grassland acres. However, multiple years are needed to better evaluate effects.
Objective 3
- Quality of late summer planted oat and brassica mixes is very good and calf gains range from 1.5 to 2.2 lb/d. After two years of comparing performance of calves during the winter grazing period, use a late summer planted oat-brassica mix is slightly more costly than using corn residue and distillers in the midwest. However, it does result in slightly better marbling.
- Summer annuals grasses (BMR Sorghum Sudangrass vs foxtail millet) were compared as monocultures or in a mix with one of two legumes (soybean vs cowpeas) in combination with collards. A monoculture of Sorghum Sudangrass was high yielding but had lower CP than the foxtail millet or the mixes. Adding legumes and collards increased CP and TDN but also increased cost without increasing yield. Adding a legume and collards to either grass increased TDN and CP of the forage. With a July planting in the panhandle of NE the millet monoculture was the most economical when evaluated on a cost/ton of DM, CP, or TDN produced.
- In August 2014 and 2015, sixteen treatments were drill seeded at the Southeast Kansas Research Station near Columbus, Kansas. Each treatment consisted of a three-way mix representing cover crops from the plant families Brassicaceae, Poaceae, and Fabaceae. Eight species were planted, Forage radish (Raphanus sativus), Purple top turnip (Brassica rapa), Oat (Avena sativa), Rye (Secale cereale), Barley (Hordeum vulgare), Wheat (Triticum aestivium), Austrian winter pea (Pisum sativum subsp. arvense), and Berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum). Forage quality analyses indicate that all mixes were of excellent forage value; therefore, the economic analysis evaluated the biomass produced with respect to the cost of the seed. Oat, turnip, and winter pea mix was the least expensive to plant at $21.44/acre and yielded the greatest biomass.
Objective 4
- Including feed beets in limit fed confinement diets resulted in similar BCS and BW as diets containing corn as the energy source. Beets harvested for feed beets had greater sugar content than rotting beets previously harvested for sugar. Beets in either production system were an acceptable energy source for maintaining production cows in confinement.
Objective 5
- Information presented on the use of cover crops for forage and the integration of cattle into cropping systems was valued at over 5.5 million dollars by participants in Nebraska.
During the three day Husker Harvest Days 169 producers modified their plans related to planting and/or using cover crops for forage.
- A survey of NE farmers showed that for those not allowing grazing of corn residue impacts of cattle on the soil was a major concern. Thus research showing that cattle grazing corn residue does not cause significant amounts of compaction may increase opportunity for beef producers to winter cattle on this feed resource.
- Using management practices that mimic modified early intensive stocking to increase beef cattle stocking density for breeding herds may allow producers to maintain or increase cow numbers for beef production on fewer perennial grassland resources.
Abstracts/Posters/Professional Presentations
- K. Rakkar, H. Blanco, R. J. Rasby M. E. Drewnoski, J. C. MacDonald. K. M. Ulmer and J. L. Cox. 2016. Regional Assessment of Cattle Grazing and Baling of Corn Residues in Nebraska: Implications on Soil Ecosystem Services. SSSA National Meeting. Abstract 99962.
- C. Conway, T. M. King, M. L. Jolly-Breithaupt, J. C. MacDonald, T. J. Klopfenstein and M. E. Drewnoski. 2016. Effect of harvest method and ammoniation on apparent digestibility and intake of baled corn residue in lambs. ASAS National Meeting. J. Anim. Sci. 94 (E-Supplement 5): 678.
- Ulmer, K. M, J. L. Cox, M. K. Rakkar, R. G. Bondurant, M. E. Drewnoski, J. C. MacDonlad, H. Blanco-Canqui, and R. J. Rasby. 2016. Effect of baling or grazing of corn residue on the subsequent crop yields. ASAS National Meeting. J. Anim. Sci. 94 (E-Supplement 5): 563.
- Ulmer, K. M., R. G. Bondurant, J. L. Gramkow, G. W. Lesoing, M. E. Drewnoski and J. C. MacDonald. 2016. Observations of forage yield and steer average daily gain when double cropping forage following crop harvest. ASAS National Meeting. J. Anim. Sci. 94 (E-Supplement 5): 287.
- Cox, J. L., K. M. Ulmer, M. Rakkar, L. Franzen-Castle, H. Blanco-Canqui, M. E. Drewnoski, J.C. MacDonald, R. J. Rasby. 2016. Perceptions of crop consultants and producers in Nebraksa on grazing corn residue. ASAS Midwest Meeting. J. Anim. Sci. 94 (Supplement 2): 27.
- Cox, J.L., K. E. Hales, K. M. Ulmer, R. J. Rasby, S.D. Shackelford, H. C. Freetly and M.E. Drewnoski. 2016. Effect of backgrounding system on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of beef steers. ASAS Midwest Meeting. J. Anim. Sci. 94 (Supplement 2): 173.
- Volesky, J.D., W.H. Schacht, M.D. Redden, T. Lindsey, and J. Johnson. 2016. Grazing strategy effects on herbage utilization, production, and animal performance on Nebraska Sandhills meadow. p. 171-172. Proceedings 10th International Rangeland Congress. Saskatoon, SK., Canada.
- Soper, J.M., W.H. Schacht, J.D. Volesky, and J.L. Milby. 2016. Predicting aboveground plant production from precipitation patterns on Nebraska Sandhills rangeland. Annual Meeting of Society for Range Management, Corpus Christi, TX. Abstr.
- Tarr, K., W.H. Schacht, and J.D. Volesky. 2016. Does grazing period length affect herbage yield and heterogeneity of rangeland vegetation? Annual Meeting of Society for Range Management, Corpus Christi, TX. Abstr.
- Lindsey, T.W., J.D. Volesky, W.H. Schacht, and M.D. Redden. 2016. Animal activity influenced by grazing strategy. Annual Meeting of Society for Range Management, Corpus Christi, TX. Abstr.
- King, T. M., R. G. Bondurant, J. L. Harding, J. C. MacDonald, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2016. Effect of harvest method and RUP supplementation on residue quality and performance of growing calves. J. Anim. Sci. 94 (Suppl. 2): 42 (Abstr.).
- King, T. M., M. L. Jolly-Breithaupt, J. L. Gramkow, J. C. MacDonald, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2016. Effect of harvest method on digestibility of corn residue. J. Anim. Sci. 94 (E-Suppl. 5): 677 (Abstr.).
- Redfearn, D.D., R.B. Mitchell, K.P Vogel, J.A. Guretzky, J.C. MacDonald, and T.J. Klopfenstein. 2015. Cool-season Perennial Grass Options for the Western Corn Belt. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, MN.
Journal Articles
- Moyer, J. L. and D. W. Sweeney. 2016. Responses of eastern gamagrass [Tripsacum dactyloides (L.) L.] forage quality to nitrogen application and harvest system. Plant Nutr. 39:17-26. doi:10.1080/01904167.2014.962703.
- Drewnoski, M.E., J. C. MacDonald, G. E. Erickson, K. Hanford and T. J. Klopfenstein. Long-term corn residue grazing improves subsequent soybean yields in a corn-soybean rotation. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management. doi: 10.2134/cftm2015.0192
- Blanco, H., L. A. Stalker, R. Rasby, T. Shaver, M.E. Drewnoski, S. van Donk, and L. Kibet. 2016. Does Cattle Grazing of Corn Residue Cause Losses of Sediment, Carbon, and Runoff Nutrients? Soil Science Society of America Journal. 80:168-177. doi: 10.2136/sssaj2015.07.0254.
- Warner, J.M., K.H. Jenkins, R.J. Rasby, M.K. Luebbe, G.E. Erickson, and T.J. Klopfenstein. 2015. The Effects of Calf Age at Weaning on Cow/Calf Performance and Feed Utilization by Cow/Calf Pairs. Prof. Anim. Sci. 31:455-461
- Gramkow, J. L., C. J. Bittner, M. L. Jolly-Breithaupt, D. B. Burken, G. E. Erickson, and J. C. MacDonald. 2016. Effects of processing treated corn stover and distillers grains on performance and total tract digestion of finishing cattle. J. Anim. Sci. doi: 10.2527/jas.2016-0546.
- Gillespie-Lewis, K. L., B. L. Nuttelman, J. D. Volesky, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, C. MacDonald, and A. K. Watson. 2016. Case Study: Distillers grains supplementation in a forage system with spayed heifers. Prof. Anim. Sci. 32:357-367. DOI:
- Harding, J. L., C. J. Bittner, M. L Jolly, D. B. Burken, G. E. Erickson, and J. C. MacDonald. Effects of processing of treated corn stover and distillers grains on total tract digestion and performance of growing calves. Prof. Anim. Sci. 32:183-191. DOI:
Extension Reports/Publications
- Lomas, L. W. and Moyer, J. L. (2016) "Effects of Supplementation with Corn or Dried Distillers Grains on Gains of Heifer Calves Grazing Smooth Bromegrass Pastures," Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 2: Iss. 3.
- Lomas, L. W.; Farney, J. K.; and Moyer, J. L. (2016) "Evaluation of Supplemental Energy Source for Grazing Stocker Cattle," Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 2: Iss. 3.
- Lomas, L. W. and Moyer, J. L. (2016) "Effects of Various Grazing Systems on Grazing and Subsequent Finishing Performance," Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 2: Iss. 3.
- Warner, J.M., C..J. Bittner, R. G. Bondurant, K.H. Jenkins, R.J. Rasby, M.K. Luebbe, G.E. Erickson, and T.J. Klopfenstein. 2016. Effects of Wintering System on Cow and Calf Performance in a Summer-Calving Intensive Production System. 2016 Nebraska Beef Report. MP103:5-7.
- Jenkins, K.H., A. Berger, G. Hergert. 2016. Annual Forages Following Irrigated Wheat. 2016 Nebraska Beef Report. MP103:68-70.
- Cox, J. L., K.E. Hales, K. M. Ulmer, R. Rasby, S. D. Shackleford, C. Engle, J. Rieckman, H. C. Freetly and M. E. Drewnoski. 2016. Utilizing Corn Residue or Fall Double Cropped Forages for Winter Backgrounding of Calves. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP 103: 55-57.
- Ulmer, K. M., R. G. Bondurant, L. Harding, G. Lesoing, M. E. Drewnoski and J. C. MacDonald. 2016. Observations of Forage Quality and Calf Gain when Grazing Double Cropped Forage following Wheat Harvest. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP 103: 65-67.
- Ulmer, K. M., C. J. Bittner, F. H. Hilscher, G. E. Erickson, and G. E. Erickson. 2016. Evaluation of different byproduct combinations along with treated corn stover on growing steer performance. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 103. Pp. 27-28.
- Tibbitts, B. T., J. C. MacDonald, R. N. Funston, C. A. Welchons, R. G. Bondurant, and F. H. Hilscher. 2016. Effects of supplemental energy and protein source on performance of steers grazing irrigated corn residue. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 103. Pp. 31-32.
- Harding, J. L., M. L. Jolly. G. E. Erickson, and J. C. MacDonald. 2016. Effects of replacing a traditional growing diet with a complete pelleted feed on total tract digestibility of growing diets. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 103. Pp. 33-35.
- Welchons, C. A., C. J. Bittner, D. B. Burken, J. C. MacDonald, and G. E. Erickson. 2016. Effect of pelleted byproducts on performance when fed to growing cattle. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 103. Pp. 36-37.
- Welchons, C. A., R. G. Bondurant, F. H. Hilscher, J. C. MacDonald, G. E. Erickson, and C. A. Nichols. 2016. Effect of pelleted feed products and Bambermycins on performance when fed to cattle grazing residue. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 103. Pp. 38-39.
- Bondurant, R. G., B. L. Nuttelman, C. J. Bittner, J. C. MacDonald, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2016. Effect of winter distillers grains supplementation level on spayed heifer performance. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 103. Pp. 52-53.
- McPhillips, L. J., J. J. Updike, J. C. MacDonald, T. J. Klopfenstein, J. L. Harding, and M. L. Jolly-Breithaupt. 2016. Effect of corn residue composition on digestibility by lambs. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 103. Pp. 74-75.
- Updike, J. J., L. J. McPhillips, M. L. Jolly-Breithaupt, J. L. Harding, T. J. Klopfenstein, and J. C. MacDonald. 2016. Effect of corn residue harvest method on in vivo and in vitro digestibility. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 103. Pp. 76-78.
- King, T. M., R. G. Bondurant, J. L. Harding, J. C. MacDonald, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2016. Effect of harvest method on residue quality. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 103. Pp. 81-83.
- Jhala, A. J., D. D. Redfearn, B. A. Anderson, M. E. Drewnoski, and C. A. Proctor. 2016. Herbicide options for planting Forage Cover Crops Following corn and Soybean. NebGuide. G2276. 1-7.
- Schott, L. and M.E. Drewnoski. 2016. Life underground: effect of cover crop use on soil microbe populations in crop fields. In perspective. Central North Platte NRD newsletter. August.
- Drewnoski, M.E. 2016. Planting cover crops for forage in August After Wheat-Research Summary. UNL BeefWatch. May.
- Volesky, J.D. and M. Drewnoski. 2016. Planning Annual Forage Systems. UNL BeefWatch and CropWatch. March.
- Drewnoski, M.E., N. Mueller, R. Saner, P. Jasa, G. Zoubek, J. Rees, K. Pekarek, R. Elmore, D. D. Redfearn and G. Lesoing. 2015. Report on Cover Crop Survey of Nebraska Farmers. CropWatch Electronic Newsletter. December.
- Drewnoski, M. E. 2015. How Much Can Selective Harvest Improve The Feed Value Of Baled Corn Stover For Cattle? BeefWatch Electronic Newsletter. November.
- Parsons, J. and M. E. Drewnoski. 2015. Rental Agreements for Cover Crop Grazing. Cornhusker Economics. November.
- Drewnoski, M. E. 2015. Should you be using cover crops on your corn silage fields? Moosletter (Nebraska Diary).October.
- Redfearn, D D., R. B. Mitchell, J. Parsons, M. E. Drewnoski. 2015. Incorporating Annual Forages into Crop-Forage-Livestock Systems. Proceedings Nebraska Grazing Conference.
- Redfearn, D. (2015). Cover Crop or Forage Crop…You Decide. BeefWatch. November
- Redfearn, D., B. Anderson. The Nitrate Dilemma. (2015). BeefWatch. November
- Redfearn, D., B. Anderson. The Nitrate Dilemma. (2015). CropWatch. November
- Redfearn, D., B. Anderson, Jerry Volesky, and M. Stephenson. 2016. Winter small grains or spring small grains-which should I plant? BeefWatch Electronic Newsletter. July.
- Redfearn, D., J. Volesky, and B. Anderson. 2016. What can we expect from forage cover crops? BeefWatch Electronic Newsletter. January.
- Redfearn, D., J. Volesky, and B. Anderson. 2016. What can we expect from forage cover crops? CropWatch Electronic Newsletter. January.
- Anderson, B., and D.D. Redfearn. 2016. The Challenge of Nitrates in Cover Crop Forages. BeefWatch Electronic Newsletter. September.
- Jhala, A., D. Redfearn, B. Anderson, M. Drewnoski, and C. Proctor. 2016. Herbicide options for planting forage cover crops after corn and soybean. BeefWatch Electronic Newsletter. April.
Articles in the Popular Press (non-peer reviewed)
- Jenkins, K. H. April 2016. Alternatives to Grazing Native Range in Emergency Situations. Progressive Cattlemen.
- Jenkins, K. H. July 2016. Drylot Design for Cow-Calf Operations. Progressive Cattlemen.
- Redfearn, D.D. 2016. Small grains as forage: Harvest soon, not late. Progressive Forage, January 29, 2016. Online:
Webinars/Videos and URL for online access
- Volesky, J.D. Planning Annual Forage Systems. (March 2016).
- Drewnoski, M. E. Understanding and Managing Nitrate Risk in Double Crop Forages. (November 2015).
- Drewnoski, M. E. Cool Season Annuals (cover crops) for Late Fall and Early Spring Forage. (October 2015).