SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Peter Schaefer-South Dakota State University ;Kevin Kephart-South Dakota State University ;Jean Mangun-Southern Illinois University Carbondale ;Andrew Carver-Southern Illinois University Carbondale ;Karl Williard-Southern Illinois University Carbondale ;James Zaczek-Southern Illinois University Carbondale ;John Groninger-Southern Illinois University Carbondale ;Sara Baer-Southern Illinois University Carbondale ;Michael Gaskins-Southern Illinois University Carbondale ;Stacy Hutchinson-Kansas State University ;Dean Eisenhauer-University of Nebraska ;Bruce Vondracek-USGS/ University of Minnesota ;Edna Loehman-Purdue University ;Jennifer Sobecki-Purdue University ;David Day-Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

Meeting called to order by Chair Schaefer. Administrative Advisor Kephart profiled status of Federal FY ‘03 budget and competitive research programs that will retain a water quality component in FY ‘03. Yearly required outcomes from this committee were reviewed, Kephart explained the critical juncture of approaching mid-term report. Minutes of 2001 Annual Meeting approved (Motion: Eisenhauer, Second: Mangun).

Progress Reports and Plans -Minimal progress to report in terms of integrated efforts; e-mail report from Isenhart indicating Iowa State group‘s continued interest; Loehman reported on efforts to keep FY ‘01 IFAFS Writing Team together; group discussion on how lack of new federal funding hampering any multi-state/multi-institutional initiatives; Kephart outlined experiences with other committees: NC-230 lacking evidence of integrated/dependent group interaction. Schaefer: cooperative efforts will need to be driven at subcommittee level.

Discussion of NC-230 Committee Deficiencies; discussion of Change in Committee Designation.

Election of Officers Chair: Nilon (University of Missouri); Vice-Chair: Mangun (Southern Illinois University); Secretary: Williard (Southern Illinois University).

Plans for Upcoming Year - Symposium in conjunction with another regional/national conference (Midwest Fish & Wildl. Conference, December 2003). Write integrated but smaller proposals @ sub-objective level; explore 319 funding possibilities; prepare individual state or institutional reports for presentation at future annual meetings.

Business portion of meeting adjourned

Key Discussions: Discussion of NC-230 Committee Deficiencies - Poor attendance at last two annual meetings; significant attrition in active membership; too many objectives in original proposal - what is the focus?; lack of interdependency and true collaborative efforts; lack of funding to support new multi-state/ multi-institutional initiatives.

Discussion of Change in Committee Designation - Is present "NC" designation premature in terms of networking and funding? General agreement among 2002 Annual Meeting attendees that committee should request change to an "NCR" designation: information exchange among regional institutions.

Assigned Responsibilities: New Officers (Nilon, Mangun, Williard) to contact all individuals on original membership roster and determine current interest/participation. Vondracek and others to make arrangements for Riparian Symposium to be held in conjunction with the 2003 Midwest Fish & Wildl. Conference, December 2003.


ccomplishments and Impacts: NC-230 has yet to accomplish milestones as identified in the original proposal. As evidenced by the 2002 Annual Meeting Poster Session, however, research groups at participating institutions are advancing understanding of integrated riparian buffer management in Midwestern agricultural and forested landscapes at the individual state and watershed level. If this committee is to continue operation, serious consideration must be given to its re-designation as an "NCR" information exchange committee.

Plans for the upcoming year include: update of membership roster, solicitation of agency representation/participation, promulgation of intent to re-designate committee and to prepare individual state reports for next annual meeting.

2002 Annual Meeting Poster Session:

"Field Assessment of Concentrated Flow through Riparian Buffers", M.G. Dosskey, D.E. Eisenhauer, M.J. Helmers, T.G. Franti, T. Houston & K.D. Hoagland, USDA National Agroforestry Center & University of Nebraska - Lincoln.

"Modeling of Two-Dimensional Overland Flow in a Vegetative Filter", M.J. Helmers, D.E. Eisenhauer, T.G. Franti, & M.G. Dosskey, Biological Systems Engineering, University of Nebraska - Lincoln.

"Restoring Riparian Woodland in Agroecosystems of the Northern Great Plains" W. Carter Johnson, R.A. Voldseth, & P.R. Schaefer, Department of Horticulture, Forestry, Landscape, & Parks, South Dakota State University.

"How Sweet It Is: Maple Syrup for Illinois Landowners", J. Zaczek, A. Carver, J. Buchheit, J. Preece, J. Mangun, K. Williard, S. Romano, Department of Forestry, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

"Soil Water Nitrate Concentrations in Giant Cane and Forested Riparian Buffers" J. Schoonover, K. Williard, J. Zaczek, J. Mangun, & A. Carver, Department of Forestry, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

"Riparian Research Overview & Update", J. Perry, B. Vondracek, and Colleagues University of Minnesota.

"Assessing Riparian Buffer Effectiveness", C.J. Barden, K. Mankin, D. Devlin, & W. Geyer, Forestry Division, Biological & Agricultural Engineering Department & Agronomy Department, Kansas State University.

"Status of Purdue-Tennessee-Missouri IFAFS Project on BMPs & NIPF Landowners" J. Sobecki & A. Spacie, Purdue University.



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