SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: WERA_OLD99 : Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish
- Period Covered: 05/01/2005 to 04/01/2006
- Date of Report: 05/25/2006
- Annual Meeting Dates: 03/25/2006 to 03/26/2006
Joth Davis - Taylor Resources, Inc. Washington (; Jason Curole - University of Southern California (; Mark Camara - USDA-ARS, Hatfield Marine Sciences Center (; Paul Lange - Oregon State University (; Alan Barton - Oregon State University, Molluscan Broodstock Program (; David A. Stick - Oregon State University (; Gregory DeBrosse - Rutgers Haskin Shellfish Laboratoy (; Ximing Guo - Rutgers University (; Chris Davis - University of Maine (; Brent Vadapalas - University of Washington (; Kristi Straus - University of Washington (; Marta Gomez-Chiarri - University of Rhode Island (; Matthew Hare - University of Maryland (; Rick Karney - Martha's Vineyard Island Shellfish Group (; Dale Leavitt - Roger Williams University (; Amandine Surier - Martha's Vineyard Island Shellfish Group (; Christopher Langdon - Oregon State University (; Pierre Boudry - IFREMER (La Tremblade) France (; Jean Francois Samain - IFREMER (Brest) France (; Lionel Degremont - ABC - Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences (; Kim Reece - Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences (; Jan Cordes - Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences (; Ryan Carnegie - Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences (; Jens Carlsson - Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences (; Dennis Hedgecock - University of Southern California (; Sandra Ristow - Washington State University - Pullman WA (; Don Meritt - University of Maryland -UMCES (; Ford Evans - Oregon State University (; Ami Wilbur - University of North Carolina - Willmington (; Stan Allen - Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences (; Ray Ralonde - Alaska Sea Grant - University of Alaska (; Steven Roberts - Marine Biological Laboratory - Woods Hole (; Scott Lindell - Marine Biological Laboratory - Woods Hole (; Arpita Chaudhary - NOAA (; Dan Cheney - Pacific Shellfish Institute (; Eric Powell - Haskin Shellfish Laboratory, Rutgers (; Lingling Wang - Haskin Shellfish Laboratory - Rutgers (; JeongHo Lee - Haskin Shellfish Laboratory - Rutgers (;
- WERA-099 blends an excellent group of researchers, industry representatives and extension personnel in a discussion of the current problems facing the oyster industry. At the meeting there are intense discussions of breeding systems, culture techniques, nutrition and disease problems. Many collaborative projects have emerged as a result of these discussions.
- WERA-099 enhances international collaboration. Researchers from France, New Zealand and Australia regularly attend the meetings.
- WERA-099 promotes graduate education. Graduate students regularly attend these meetings, present their findings and interact with faculty from other universities. They access information that is applicable to their present and future studies. Occasionally, students are matched with post-doctoral fellowships as a result of interactions at the meeting.
Curole, J. P., and D. Hedgecock. 2005. Estimation of preferential pairing rates in second-generation autotetraploid Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas). Genetics 171:855-859.
Yamtich, J., M.-L. Voigt, G. Li, and D. Hedgecock. 2005. Eight microsatellite loci for the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Animal Genetics 36:524-526.
Pace, D. A., A. G. Marsh, P. Leong, A. Green, D. Hedgecock, and D. T. Manahan. 2006. Physiological bases of genetically determined variation in growth of bivalve larvae (Crassostrea gigas). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, in press.
Pubished abstracts: Curole, J. P., and D. Hedgecock. 2004. High frequency of SNPs in the Pacific oyster genome.
Curole, J. P., and D. Hedgecock. 2005. Genetic mapping of candidate loci for growth heterosis in the Pacific oyster.