SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Attending: Al Mosley (Chair), C.Y. Hu, Chuck Brown (Vice-chair), Steve Slack, Dave Douches (Secretary), Creighton Miller, Allan Stoner, David Spooner, Walter DeJong, Max Martin, John Bamberg, Steve Riley and Joe Coombs (MSU guest)


A. Introduction of New Stocks
Dr. Bamberg and Charles Fernandez (US Potato Genebank) had a successful expedition to the southwest United States and obtained four new accessions of Solanum jamesii. They explored the Northwest corner of Arizona and found the first potato germplasm from Mojave County, two new collections at previous herbarium record sites near Flagstaff, and a new site on the south rim of the Grand Canyon.

A total of 13 accessions were assigned PI numbers in 2003: two from Sweden, one from Poland, one from Mexico, five from the United Kingdom, and four from the SW United States. These accessions are now available from the NRSP-6 Solanum germplasm collection.

Several steps were taken in the past year to promote and educate researchers of NRSP-6?s services and stocks. The NRSP-6 web page ( has been updated and made more user friendly. Clientele that have ordered from NRSP-6 in the past four years are contacted biannually informing them of new materials that are now available either as true seed, tubers, in vitro plantlets, or herbarium samples. An NRSP-6 informational poster was presented at the PAA and CSSA meetings. A new trifold pamphlet was printed for distribution to school and tour groups and is available on the web page.

B. Preservation and Increase of Stocks
In 2003, a total of 124 accessions were increased as botanical seed populations. A total of 900 potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTV) tests were performed on seed increase parents, seedlots and research materials. Germination tests were performed on 1,437 accessions, ploidy determinations were made on 51 accessions, and tetrazolium seed viability tests were done on 101 seedlots.

Tetrazolium testing is a new tool to help increase understanding of poor germination on some seedlots. Investigations continue on low germ seedlots, trying different heat treatments and longer GA presoak. A project with NSSL on long-term potato seed viability in different storage systems and methods of prestorage handling was started.

The Association of Potato Intergenebank Collaborators (APIC) (visit the APIC database at have several cooperative research projects planned: a graduate student working on an in-situ pollen study at CIP (The International Potato Center), a recessive allele mining study for nematode resistance in S. andigena with Russian (VIR) colleagues, and a completed publication of the screening S. andigena for new sources of nematode resistance in collaboration with Dr. S. Kiru (VIR). Dr. A. Del Rio attended the APIC meeting in Valdivia, Chile in March 2004.

Publications of collections and documentation of stocks play an important role in information dissemination. 2003 had two publications of significant importance to the Genebank: Wild Potatoes (Solanum section Petota) of North and Central America, Spooner et al. and A decade of collecting and research on wild potatoes of the Southwest USA, Bamberg et al.

Work continued with Dr. C. Miller?s lab screening for antioxidants in uncolored wild potato species tubers. Previous screening among species identified ones with promising levels of tuber antioxidant capacity. Some diploid ?Mexican? species seem to have high antioxidants in common: S. cardiophyllum, S. jamesii, and S. pinnatisectum. Continued fine screening is discovering high levels of antioxidants in species that are crossable to tuberosum and known to have acceptable levels of glycoalkaloids.

Screening the minicore collection for the ability to stop or reduce the growth of tumors of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. From a literature search on anti-cancer foods there is evidence that some potato varieties have high levels of proteinase inhibitors known to help in the fight against some forms of cancer.

Cold resistant breeding work continues with recurrent selection of S. tuberosum, S. acaule and S. commersonii hybrids. S. commersonii cytoplasm was eliminated as a source of frost resistance in cytoplasmic substitution backcross families. Materials are now maturing earlier with the introgression of very early varieties and which survive in vitro leaf freezing to ?5oC. These samples were tested in the Biotron at Madison using the relative freezing tolerance (RFT) method. The results closely correlate the in vitro leaf-freezing assay.

Screening the S. andigena population (170 accessions) for Jelly End with cooperator Dr. Asunta Tompson at North Dakota. Twelve plants per accession were planted in the screenhouse for tuber production, and a parallel planting was done in ND. The screenhouse tubers are planted in Weslaco, TX and will be evaluated in June.

High glycoalkaloid levels in the leaves correlates to insect resistance and low levels in the tubers makes them palatable. Continued screening and recurrent selection within accessions for high foliage and low tuber glycoalkaloid levels and generated another cycle of tissue for testing in 2004.

A publication entitled ?The Association of Ecogeographic Parameters and Genetic Diversity in S. verrucosum? was completed. Geographical parameters and proximity to related species predict genetic variation in the inbred potato species Solanum verrucosum. Such links had not been previously detected in S. fendleri, S. jamesii or S. sucrense. Resolution and fine-tuning to locations may be enhanced by inbreeding and uniformity. The highest correlations to genetic rarity (a population?s average genetic difference from all others) were latitude, longitude and proximity to the nearest S. hjertingii population.

It is habit to select the largest seedlings when transplanting. Does this practice unknowingly cause genetic drift? A comparison of the genetics of small and large seedlings from original seedlots to detect potential selection in the genebank at transplanting was initiated.

Several interesting mutants were discovered in the collection this past year that are now being crossed for genetic studies. S. fendleri, typically a purple flowered plant with purple highlights, was found pigmentless. A S. microdontum mutant has a fused sepal. Lucky (S. juzepczukii), a Bolivian variety, had a spontaneous clonal dwarf.

C. Classification
Dr. Spooner et al. have published Wild Potatoes (Solanum section Petota) of North and Central America. Dr. Spooner continues to resolve problems in taxonomic classification that impede both efficient documentation and use of the germplasm. At present he is working on a use-based classification of varieties.

D. Distribution
NRSP-6 distributed 8,700 units of seed, 63 tuber families, 943 in vitro stocks, and 153 herbarium samples to clientele in 24 states of the United States and 13 other countries. Internally, NRSP-6 used 2,833 units of seed for chromosome counts, germination tests, identification and taxonomic check plantings, in vitro maintenance, seed increases, PSTV tests, and miscellaneous plantings. The volume and types of stocks sent to various consignee categories are summarized in the table below.

Domestic 7,610 52 2089 634 153 10,538 4,237
Foreign 1,090 11 32 309 0 1442 1151
NRSP-62 2,833 0 0 0 0 2,833 1,457
Total 11,533 63 2,121 943 153 14,813 6,845
1 Types of stocks sent/(number of seeds, tubers or plantlets per standard shipping unit): S= True Seeds/(50), TF= Tuber Families/(10), TS=Tuber Stocks/(3), IVS=In Vitro Stocks/(1), Herbarium/(1).
2 Includes chromosome counts, germination tests, ID and Taxonomic check plantings, in vitro maintenance, seed increases, PSTV tests, miscellaneous plantings, and NSSL seed backup.


  1. Evaluation experiments will be continued on Solanum species for the following traits: antioxidants, frost hardiness, rooting vigor, tuber calcium, late blight resistance, hormone mutants, proteinase inhibitors, and glycoalkaloids.
  2. Continuing high quality service with respect to introduction, preservation, classification, evaluation, and distribution of potato germplasm to clients in the U.S. and around the world will pursue the general objective of NRSP-6, to promote and facilitate potato research and breeding.
  3. APIC Intergenebank projects researching the status and dynamics of genetic diversity in the collection using RAPDs and strengthening ties with sister genebanks around the world will be continued.


Bamberg, J.B. and A. del Rio. 2003. Hypothetical obscured recessive traits in tetraploid Solanum estimated by RAPDs. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 78. (Abstract)

Bamberg, J.B. and A.H. del Rio. 2003. Vulnerability of alleles in the US Potato Genebank extrapolated from RAPDs. Am. J. Potato Res. 80:79-85.

Bamberg, J.B., A.H. del Rio, Z. Huaman, S. Vega, M. Martin, A. Salas, J. Pavek, S. Kiru, C. Fernandez, and D.M. Spooner. 2003. A decade of collecting and research on wild potatoes of the Southwest USA. Am. J. Potato Res. 80:159-172.

del Rio, A. and J.B. Bamberg. 2003. The effect of genebank seed increase on the genetics of recently collected potato (Solanum) germplasm. Am. J. Potato Res. 80:215-218.

del Rio, A. and J.B. Bamberg. 2003. Geographical parameters and proximity to related species predict genetic variation in the inbred potato species Solanum verrucosum Schlechtd. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 51. (Abstract)

Hijmans, R.J., M. Jacobs, J.B. Bamberg, and D.M. Spooner. 2003. Frost tolerance in wild potato species: Assessing the predictivity of taxonomic, geographic, and ecological factors. Euphytica 130:47-59.

Lara-Cabrera, Sabina and David M. Spooner. 2003. Taxonomy of North and Central American diploid wild potato (Solanum sect. Petota, Solanaceae) species: AFLP data. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 51. (Abstract)

Moreyra, Rocio, J. Bamberg and A. del Rio. 2003. Genetic consequence of collecting tubers vs. seeds of wild potato species indigenous to the USA. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 50. (Abstract)

Spooner, D.M., R.G. van den Berg, A. Rodriguez, J. Bamberg, R.J. Hijmans, and S.I. Lara-Cabrera. 2003. Wild potatoes (Solanum section Petota) of North and Central America. Syst. Bot. Monogr.

Vega, S.E., A.H. del Rio, G. Jung, J.B. Bamberg, and J.P. Palta. 2003. Marker-assisted genetic analysis of non-acclimated freezing tolerance and cold acclimation capacity in a backcross Solanum population. Am. J. Potato Res. 80:359-369.

B. Journal Articles and Abstracts Reporting Research with NRSP-6 Stocks
Andrivon, Didier, Roselyne Corbiere, Jean-Marie Lucas, Claudine Pasco, Jean-Michel Gravoueille, Roland Pelle, Jean-Paul Dantec, and Daniel Ellisseche. 2003. Resistance to Late Blight and Soft Rot in six potato progenies and glycoalkaloid contents in the tubers. Am. J. Potato Res. 80:125-134.

Bakker, E., P. Butterbach, J.R. van der Voort, E. van der Vossen, J. van Vliet, J. Bakker, and A. Goverse. 2003. Genetic and physical mapping of homologues of the virus resistance gene Rx1 and the cyst nematode resistance gene Gpa2 in potato. Theor. Applied Genetics 106(8):1524-1531.

Barta, E., A. Pintar and S. Pongor. 2002. Repeats with variations: accelerated evolution of the Pin2 family of proteinase inhibitors. Trends in Genetics 18(12):600-603.

Berthou, F., A. Kouassi, M. Bossis, J.P. Dantec, M. Eddaoudi, Z. Ferji, R. Pelle, M. Tachzouti, D. Ellisseche, and D. Mugniery. 2003. Enhancing the resistance of the potato to Southern Root-knot Nematodes by using Solanum sparsipilum germplasm. Euphytica 132(1):57-65.

Bolvaran, Sonia and C.A. Thill. 2003. Selection for resistance to late blight from early generations in a breeding program. University of Minnesota, Department of Horticultural Science. Proc. Of the 33rd Annual Meeting, NCR-84 Potato Breeding and Genetics Technical Committee Feb. 3-4, 2003, East Lansing, MI.

Bradeen, J.M., S.K. Naess, J. Song, G.T. Haberlach, S.M. Wielgus, C.R. Buell, J. Jiang, and J.P. Helgeson. 2003. Concomitant reiterative BAC walking and fine genetic mapping enable physical map development for the broad-spectrum late blight resistance region, RB. Mol. Genet. Genom. 269(5):603-611.

Buso, J.A., F.A.S. Aragao, F.J.B. Reifschneider, L.S. Boiteux, and S.J. Peloquin. 2002. Assessment under short-day conditions of genetic materials derived from three potato breeding strategies: 4x-4x (intra- Tuberosum), 4x-2x (FDR 2n-pollen), and 4x-4x (diplandrous tetraploid). Euphytica 126(3):437-446.

Buso, J.A., L.S. Boiteux and S.J. Peloquin. 2003. Tuber yield and quality of 4x-2x (FDR) potato progenies derived from the wild diploid species Solanum berthaultii and Solanum tarijense. Plant Breeding 122(3):229-232.

Cantle, S.E. and G. Wang-Pruski. 2003. Identification of cinnamic acid 4-hydroxylase in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and its relationship to after-cooking darkening. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 34. (Abstract)

Caromel, B., D. Mugniery, V. Lefebvre, S. Andrzejewski, D. Ellisseche, M.C. Kerlan, P. Rousselle, and F. Rousselle-Bourgeois. 2003. Mapping QTLs for resistance against Globodera pallida (Stone) Pa2/3 in a diploid potato progeny originating from Solanum spegazzinii. Theor. Applied Genetics 106(8):1517-1523.

Carputo, D. 2003. Cytological and breeding behavior of pentaploids derived from 3x x 4x crosses in potato. Theor. Applied Genetics 106(5):883-888.

Carputo, D., A. Barone, F. Consiglio, M. Ercolano, A. Sebastiano, and L. Frusciante. 2000. Evaluation of tetraploid and diploid potato genotypes suitable for true seed (TPS) production and use. Annali della Facolta di Agraria della Universita degli Studi di Napoli-Federico II, Portici 34:7-14, Napoli, Italy.

Carputo, D., L. Frusciante and S.J. Peloquin. 2003. The role of 2n gametes and endosperm balance number in the origin and evolution of polyploids in the tuber-bearing Solanums. Genetics 163(1):287-294.

Carputo, D., M. Parisi, F. Consiglio, M. Iovene, G. Caruso, L. Monti, and L. Frusciante. 2003. Aneuploid hybrids from 5x - 4x crosses in potato: chromosome number, fertility, morphology and yield. Am. J. Potato Res. 80:93-101.

Chen, Q., L.M. Kawchuk, D.R. Lynch, M.S. Goettel, and D.K. Fujimoto. 2003. Identification of late blight, Colorado potato beetle, and blackleg resistance in three Mexican and two South American wild 2x (1EBN) Solanum species. Am. J. Potato Res. 80:9-19.

Coombs, J., D. Douches, S. Cooper, E. Grafius, and W. Pett. 2003. No-choice cage study of glandular trichomes, glycoalkaloids and Bt-Cry3A potato resistance mechanisms for control of Colorado potato beetle. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 58. (Abstract)

Cotes, J.J., C.E. Nustez, R. Martinez, and N. Estrada. 2000. Analysis of genotype by environment interaction in potato (Solanum tuberosum spp. andigena) by a non-parametric methodology. Agronomia Colombiana 17(1/3):43-48.

Daniele, E., J. Dommes and J.F. Hausman. 2003. Carbohydrates and resistance to Phytophthora infestans in potato plants. Acta Physio. Plant. 25(2):171-178.

DeJong, W., D.M. DeJong and M. Bodis. 2003. An approach to measure allele dosage in autotetraploid potato. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 61. (Abstract)

Dinu, I.I. and C.A. Thill. 2003. Endosperm and embryo development in interspecific incompatible Solanum crosses. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 46. (Abstract)

Dinu, I.I. and C.A. Thill. 2003. Introgression of wild Solanum species germplasm into cultivated potato gene pool using EBN manipulation and sexual crosses. Proc. Of the 33rd Annual Meeting, NCR-84 Potato Breeding and Genetics Technical Committee Feb. 3-4, 2003, East Lansing, MI.

Douches, D., K. Felcher, J. Coombs, and W. Kirk. 2003. Field evaluation of foliar resistance to Phytophthora infestans in potato. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 51. (Abstract)

Douches, D.S., J. Coombs, K. Jastrzebski, R. Hammerschmidt, W.W. Kirk, C. Long, R.W. Chase, and S. Snapp. 2003. Boulder: A round white multipurpose potato variety. Am. J. Potato Res. 80:345-352.

Esplin, D.L. and C.A. Thill. 2003. Selection for cold chipping genotypes in populations derived by sexual polyploidization. Am. J. Potato Res. In press. (Abstract)

Esplin, Dave L. and C.A. Thill. 2003. Selection efficiency for cold chipping potato genotypes in three populations developed via sexual polyploidization. Proc. Of the 33rd Annual Meeting, NCR-84 Potato Breeding and Genetics Technical Committee Feb. 3-4, 2003, East Lansing, MI.

Evers, D., M. Ghislain, J.F. Hausman, and J. Dommes. 2003. Differential gene expression in two potato lines differing in their resistance to Phytophthora infestans. J. Plant Physiology 160(6):709-712.

Ewing, E.E., I. Simko, E.A. Omer, and P.J. Davies. 2003. Polygene mapping as a tool to study the physiology of tuberization and dormancy. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 27. (Abstract)

Fischer, L., A. Lovas, Z. Opatrny, and Z. Banfalvi. 2002. Structure and expression of a hybrid proline-rich protein gene in the Solanaceous species, Solanum brevidens, Solanum tuberosum, and Lycopersicum esculentum. J. Plant Physiology 159(11):1271-1275.

Flier, W.G., N.J. Grunwald, L.P.N.M. Kroon, A.K. Sturbaum, T.B.M. van den Bosch, E. Garay-Serrano, H. Lozoya-Saldana, W.E. Fry, and L.J. Turkensteen. 2003. The population structure of Phytophthora infestans from the Toluca Valley of Central Mexico suggests genetic differentiation between populations from cultivated potato and wild Solanum spp. Phytopathology 93(4):382-390.

Frost, K.E., D.I. Rouse and S.H. Jansky. 2003. Introduction of Verticillium wilt (Vw) resistance into advanced clones via 2x x 4x and 4x x 2x crosses between (2x) S. tuberosum ? wild species hybrids and (4x) potato. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 78. (Abstract)

Gao Gang, Qu DongYu, Lian Yong, Jin LiPing, and Feng LanXiang. 2002. A RAPD marker linked to the potato resistance to bacterial wilt. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica 32(3):267-271.

Gillen, A.M. and R. Novy. 2003. Development of molecular markers for introgression of viral resistance genes from Solanum etuberosum. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 54. (Abstract)

Gopal, Jai, Vinod Kumar and S.S. Thakur. 2001. Evaluation of potato germplasm for characters important in true potato seed production. In: National symposium on sustainability of potato revolution in India, Shimla, India, July 31, 200l. (Eds: S.M.P. Khurana, S.K. Pandey). J. Indian Potato Assn. 28(1):11-12.

Grunwald, N.J., M.A. Cadena Hinojosa, O. Rubio Covarrubias, A. Rivera Pena, H. Lozoya-Saldana, C.R. Brown, and W.E. Fry. 2003. Resistance in Mexican potato germplasm to late blight is high and durable. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 77. (Abstract)

Hane, D.C., A.R. Mosley, S.R. James, K.A. Rykbost, C.C. Shock, S.L. Love, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, R.E. Thornton, B.A. Charlton, E.P. Eldredge, and S. Yilma. 2003. Wallowa Russet: A full season long russet for processing and fresh market. Am. J. Potato Res. 80:289-294.

Hannapel, D.J., H. Chen, F.M. Rosin, A. Banerjee, and P.J. Davies. 2003. Molecular controls of tuberization. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 26. (Abstract)

Hayes, R.J. and C.A. Thill. 2003. Genetic gain from early generation selection for cold chipping genotypes in potato. Plant Breeding 122:158-163.

Hayes, R.J. and C.A. Thill. 2003. Selection for late blight tuber resistance within foliar resistant genotypes. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 52. (Abstract)

Hayes, Ryan J. and C.A. Thill. 2003. Yield, specific gravity and tuber appearance of cold chipping genotypes from 2x x 4x, 4x x 2x, and 4x x 4x crosses using F2 cultivated potato ? wild potato species hybrids and elite 4x x 4x crosses. Proc. Of the 33rd Annual Meeting, NCR-84 Potato Breeding and Genetics Technical Committee Feb. 3-4, 2003, East Lansing, MI.

Haynes, K.G., R.W. Goth, D.H. Lambert, and B.J. Christ. 2003. Late blight resistance in a tetraploid potato population with horizontal resistance. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 77. (Abstract)

Hosaka, K. 2003. T-type chloroplast DNA in Solanum tuberosum L. ssp. tuberosum was conferred from some populations of S. tarijense Hawkes. Am. J. Potato Res. 80:21-32.

Iovene, M., L. Frusciante and D. Carputo. 2002. Shoot regeneration and chromosome doubling in accessions of 2x(1EBN) and 4x(2EBN) wild Solanum species. J. Genet. Breeding 56(2):99-105.

Jansky, S.H. and D.I. Rouse. 2003. Multiple disease resistance in potato interspecific hybrids. Plant Disease 87:266-272.

Jansky, S.H., D.I. Rouse, E. Mauritz, and J. Clark. 2003. Disease resistance in potato haploids. Acta Horticulturae. In press.

Jansky, Shelley, P.J. Kauth and D.I. Rouse. 2003. Inheritance of resistance to potato early dying disease in diploid interspecific hybrids. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 50. (Abstract)

Johnson, A.A.T. and R.E. Veilleux. 2003. Integration of transgenes into sexual polyploidization schemes for potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Euphytica 133:125-138.

Johnson, A.A.T., B.A. Nault and R.E Veilleux. 2003. Transmission of a Bacillus thuringiensis cry3Aa transgene from diploid to tetraploid potato using 4x-2x hybridization: effect of ploidy increase on transgene expression and implications for TPS hybrid production. Plant Breeding 122:223-228.

Kumar, Raj and Jai Gopal. 2001. Evaluation of andigena x tuberosum potato progenies for combining ability in early generations. In: National symposium on sustainability of potato revolution in India, Shimla, India, July 31, 200l. (Eds: S.M.P. Khurana, S.K. Pandey). J. Indian Potato Assn. 28(1):6-7.

Lara, Angel and C.A. Thill. 2003. Selection for cold chipping genotypes from three early generations at two temperature storage regimes. Proc. Of the 33rd Annual Meeting, NCR-84 Potato Breeding and Genetics Technical Committee Feb. 3-4, 2003, East Lansing, MI.

Laurila, J., M.C. Metzler, C.A. Ishimaru, and V.M. Rokka. 2003. Infection of plant material derived from Solanum acaule with Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus: temperature as a determining factor in immunity of S. acaule to bacterial ring rot. Plant Pathology 52(4):496-504.

Leite, Daniela Lopes, M. Dibble and J. Lorenzen. 2003. Development of Solanum berthaultii cDNA libraries for identification of insect resistance factors. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 59. (Abstract)

Lightbourn, G., J. Jelesko and R.E. Veilleux. 2003. Retrotansposon based polymorphism between parental monoploid potatoes and electrofusion derived somatic hybrids to evaluate stability of retroelements Tst1. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 33. (Abstract)

Lorenzen, J.H., N.F. Balbyshev, A.M. Lafta, H. Casper, X. Tian, and B. Sagredo. 2001. Resistant potato selections contain leptine and inhibit development of the Colorado potato beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). J. Economic Entomology 94(5):1260-1267.

Love, S.L., A.R. Mosley, R. Novy, D.L. Corsini, R.E. Thornton, S.R. James, and D.C. Hane. 2003. Ivory Crisp: A potato variety with high tuber solids and cold chipping ability. Am. J. Potato Res. 80:207-213.

Lozoya-Saldana, H. and C. Belmar-Diaz. 2003. Behavior of USDA potato clones in the Toluca Valley in 2002 and characterization of their Phytophthora infestans isolates. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 52. (Abstract)

Luna-Cavazos, M. and E. Garcia-Moya. 2002. Morphological and pollen differentiation in Solanum cardiophyllum ssp. cardiophyllum and S. cardiophyllum ssp. ehrenbergii. Botanical J. Linnean Soc. 140(4):415-426.

Lynch, D.R., L.M. Kawchuk, R. Yada, and J.D. Armstrong. 2003. Inheritance of the response of fry color to low temperature storage. Am. J. Potato Res. 80:341-344.

Lynch, D.R., L.M. Kawchuk, Q. Chen, and M. Kokko. 2003. Resistance to Fusarium sambucinum in wild and cultivated Solanum species. Am. J. Potato Res. 80:353-358.

Martin, G.A., D.S. Bonilla C., G.A. Ligarreto M., and D.A. Fajardo. 2000. Identification and morphological variability analysis of 59 creole potato cultivars (Solanum phureja Juz. et Buk.). Agronomia Colombiana 17(1/3):49-56.

Massarelli, I., S. Grillo, A. Costa, and A. Leone. 2002. Differential expression of potato calmodulin genes by cold, heat and salt stress. J. Genetics & Breeding 56(4):331-337.

Mollov, D.S. and C.A. Thill. 2003. Heritability of asymptomatic expression to potato virus Y. Am. J. Potato Res. In press. (Abstract)

Mollov, D.S. and C.A. Thill. 2003. Identifying resistant PVY and PLRV progenies among various parental matings. Am. J. Potato Res. In press. (Abstract)

Mollov, Dimitre and C.A. Thill. 2003. Screening potato breeding populations in a winter nursery for PVY and PLRV. Proc. Of the 33rd Annual Meeting, NCR-84 Potato Breeding and Genetics Technical Committee Feb. 3-4, 2003, East Lansing, MI.

Novy, R.G., J.M. Alvarez, D.L. Corsini, A. Nasruddin, E.B. Radcliffe, and D.W. Ragsdale. 2003. Resistance to PVY, PLRV, PVX, green peach aphid, Colorado potato beetle, and wireworm in the progeny of a tri-species somatic hybrid. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 53. (Abstract)

Novy, R.G., D.L. Corsini, S.L. Love, J.J. Pavek, A.R. Mosley, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, C.C. Shock, K.A. Rykbost, C.R. Brown, and R.E. Thornton. 2003. Alturas: A multi-purpose, Russet potato cultivar with high yield and tuber specific gravity. Am. J. Potato Res. 80:295-301.

Olivo, N., C.A. Martinez and M.A. Oliva. 2002. The photosynthetic response to elevated CO2 in high altitude potato species (Solanum curtilobum). Photosynthetica 40(2):309-313.

Orczyk, W., J. Przetakiewicz and A. Nadolska-Orczyk. 2003. Somatic hybrids of Solanum tuberosum ? application to genetics and breeding. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 74(1):1-13.

Ospina M., M.C. and G.A. Ligaretto M. 2000. Pollen quality analysis in Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena and reaction to Phytophthora infestans in progenies. Agronomia Colombiana 17(1/3):69-72.

Ozgen, Senay and Jiwan P. Palta. 2003. Root zone calcium has a dramatic influence on growth of potato apical meristem and maintenance of apical dominance. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 65. (Abstract)

Palumbo, R. and R.E. Veilleux. 2003. The potential for green fluorescent protein as a screening tool in the production of haploid potato plants. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 46. (Abstract)

Pelletier, Y. 2003. A wild taste: resistance of the potato to insects. XIVth Symposium of Insect Physiology, April 14-16. Amiens, France. Plenary session.

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Porter, L.D., D.A. Johnson and D.A. Inglis. 2003. Identification and characterization of resistance to Phytophthora infestans in commercial potato cultivars and advanced breeding lines. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 57. (Abstract)

Posch, Danielle. M.S. 2003. Development and evaluation of selection for potato genotypes resistant to Phytophthora infestans in the early breeding generations. Proc. Of the 33rd Annual Meeting, NCR-84 Potato Breeding and Genetics Technical Committee Feb. 3-4, 2003, East Lansing, MI.

Puustinen, P., M.L. Rajamaki, K.I. Ivanov, J.P.T. Valkonen, and K. Makinen. Detection of the potyviral genome-linked protein VPg in virions and its phosphorylation by host kinases. J. Virology 76(24):12703-12711.

Raimondi, J.P. and E.L. Camadro. 2003. Crossability relationships between the common potato, Solanum tuberosum spp. tuberosum, and its wild diploid relatives S. kurtzianum and S. ruiz-lealii. Genet. Res. Crop Evolution 50(3):307-314.

Raimondi, J.P., R.G. Sala and E.L. Camadro. 2003. Crossability relationships among the wild diploid potato species Solanum kurtzianum, S. chacoense and S. ruiz-leadii from Argentina. Euphytica 132(3):287-295.

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Rea, Christina and James Lorenzen. 2003. Use of single nucleotide polymorphisms to map resistance gene analogs in potato. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 66. (Abstract)

Ronning, C.M., S.S. Stegalkina, R.A. Ascenzi, O. Bougri, A.L. Hart, T.R. Utterbach, S.E. Vanaken, S.B. Riedmuller, J.A. White, J. Cho, G.M. Pertea, Y. Lee, S. Karamycheva, R. Sultana, J. Tsai, J. Quackenbush, H.M. Griffiths, S. Restrepo, C.D. Smart, W.E. Fry, R. van der Hoeven, S. Tanksley, P. Zhang, H. Jim, M.L. Yamamoto, B.J. Baker, and C.R. Buell. 2003. Comparative analyses of potato expressed sequence tag libraries. Plant Physiol. 131:419-429.

Rykbost, K.A., S.R. James, A.R. Mosley, B.A. Charlton, D.C. Hane, E. Eldredge, R. Voss, R.H. Johansen, S.L. Love, and R.E. Thornton. 2003. Modoc: A potato variety with bright red skin and early maturity for fresh market. Am. J. Potato Res. 80:235-240.

Schweitzer, C., D. Evers and J.F. Hausman. 2002. Characterization of induced PR-1 in a late blight resistance Solanum phureja. In: Proceedings of the IOBC/WPRS study group on Induced Resistance in Plants against Insects and Diseases, Wageningen, The Netherlands, April 26-28, 2001. (Eds: A. Schmitt and B. Mauch-Mani). Bulletin OILB/SROP 25(6):187-191.

Sebastiano, A., F. Della Rocca, A. Conzzolino, A. Zoina, D. Carputo, L. Frusciante, and A. Barone. 2000. Molecular marker-assisted backcross to introgress tuber soft rot resistance into cultivated potato. Annali della Facolta di Agraria della Universita degli Studi di Napoli-Federico II, Portici 34:15-22, Napoli, Italy.

Seppanen, M.M. and G.D. Coleman. 2003. Characterization of genotypic variation in stress gene expression and photosynthetic parameters in potato. Plant, Cell and Environment 26(3):401-410.

Silva, E.M., A.J. Hamernik and P.W. Simon. 2003. Evaluation of the Maillard-reaction related compounds in wild X cultivated species crosses at harvest, after storage, and after reconditioning. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 32. (Abstract)

Singh, R.B., K.M. Sharma, K.K. Srivastava, and H.R. Chaudhary. 2002. Potato germplasm accessions resistant to leafhopper burn. J. Indian Potato Assn. 29(1/2):81-83.

Skoneczka, J. and R.E. Veilleux. 2003. Effects of gametogenesis on transgenic cry3Aa expression in F1 generations of cultivated potato hybrids. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting PAA, Aug. 10-14, 2003, Spokane, WA. (Abstract)

Skoneczka, J. and R.E. Veilleux. 2003. Effects of parent-of-origin on transgenic cry3Aa expression in potato hybrids. 100th Annual Intern. Conf. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci, Oct. 2-6, 2003, Providence, RI. (Abstract)

Song, J.Q., J.M. Bradeen, S.K. Naess, J.A. Raasch, S.M. Wielgus, G.T. Haberlach, J. Liu, H.H. Kuang, S. Austin-Phillips, C.R. Buell, J.P. Helgeson, and J.M. Jiang. 2003. Gene RB cloned from Solanum bulbocastanum confers broad spectrum resistance to potato late blight. Proc. National Academy of Sciences of the USA 100(16):9128-9133.

Sterrett, S.B., M.R. Henninger, G.C. Yencho, W. Lu, B.T. Vinyard, and K.G. Haynes. 2003. Stability of internal heat necrosis and specific gravity in tetraploid x diploid potatoes. Crop Science 43(3):790-796.

Sterrett, S.B., G.C. Yencho, M.R. Henninger, and K.G. Haynes. 2003. Internal heat necrosis resistant potato clones have higher tuber concentrations of magnesium, sulfur, manganese, and calcium, and lower tuber concentrations of potassium than susceptible clones in the Mid-Atlantic States. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 67. (Abstract)

Stewart, H.E., J.E. Bradshaw and B. Pande. 2003. The effect of the presence of R-genes for resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans) of potato (Solanum tuberosum) on the underlying level of field resistance. Plant Path. 52(2):193-198.

Straadt, I.K. and O.S. Rasmussen. 2003. AFLP analysis of Solanum phureja DNA introgressed into potato dihaploids. Plant Breeding 122(4):352-356.

Summers, B., D. Douches, C. Thill, A. Pavlista, A. Thompson, M. Kleinhenz, J. Jiang, D. Lynch, V. Currie, and M. Glynn. 2003. North central potato variety trials. In: Haynes, K.G. (ed), National Potato Germplasm Evaluation and Enhancement Report, 2003: Seventy-Fourth Annual Report by Cooperators. USDA, ARS, ARS.

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Thill, C.A. 2003. Evaluation of potato breeding methods in the US. Joint Meeting of EAPR: Section Breeding and varietal assessment and EUCARPIA: Potato section. Oulu, Finland, EAPR: Appendix. (Abstract)

Thill, C.A., I.I. Dinu and R.J. Hayes. 2003. Overcoming reproductive barriers between Mexican wild species and Group Tuberosum. Joint Meeting of EAPR: Section Breeding and varietal assessment and EUCARPIA: Potato section. Oulu, Finland, EAPR: 8. (Abstract)

Thill, C.A. and J. Miller. 2003. Minnesota potato breeding program progress report-2003. Proc. Of the 33rd Annual Meeting, NCR-84 Potato Breeding and Genetics Technical Committee Feb. 3-4, 2003, East Lansing, MI.

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Thill, C.A. and D.S. Mollov. 2003. Genetic control of asymptomatic expression to potato virus Y and the environmental influence on this trait. Joint Meeting of EAPR: Section Breeding and varietal assessment and EUCARPIA: Potato section. Oulu, Finland, EAPR: 51. (Abstract)

Thompson, A., B. Farnsworth, H. Hatterman-Valenti, and P. Mayland. 2003. Screening potato genotypes for resistance to the sugar end disorder. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 61. (Abstract)

Topley, H.L., G. Wang-Pruski and G. Sun. 2003. Identification of genes and gene-markers related to after-cooking darkening in French-fry potatoes using cDNA-AFLP. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 34. (Abstract)

Turska, E., D. Sekrecka, E. Trendak-Goska, and T. Pilecki. 2002. Gene resources of in vitro potato plants - possibilities of improvement of methods in maintaining plant collections. In: Broad variation and precise characterization?limitation for the future. Proceedings of the XVIth EUCARPIA Genetic Resources Section workshop, Poznan, Poland, May 16-20, 2001. (Eds: W. Swiecicki, B. Naganowska and B. Wolko.)

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Wang-Pruski, Gefu. 2003. Potato after-cooking darkening and its genetic and environmental controls. Presented at 87th Annual Meeting of PAA, Spokane, WA, Aug. 10-14, 2003. p. 62. (Abstract)

Wasilewicz-Flis, I., H. Jakuczun and A. Kryszczuk. 2002. Collection of diploid potatoes at the Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute (IHAR) in Poland. In: Broad variation and precise characterization?limitation for the future. Proceedings of the XVIth EUCARPIA Genetic Resources Section workshop, Poznan, Poland, May 16-20, 2001. (Eds: W. Swiecicki, B. Naganowska and B. Wolko.)

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Zimnoch-Guzowska, E. 2002. Research on resistance to Erwinia carotovora ssp. atroseptica identified in diploid potato hybrids. In: Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on New Aspects of Resistance Research on Cultivated Plants Bacterial Diseases, Aschersleben, Germany, November 15-16, 200l. Beitrage zur Zuchtungsforschung-Bundesanstalt fur Zuchtungsforschung an Kulturpflanzen 8(3):24-25.

Zoon, F.C., W. Golinowski, R. Janssen, D. Mugniery, M.S. Phillips, M. Schlathoelter, G. Smant, L. van Kruijssen, and J.G. van der Beek. 2002. Durable resistance against Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. fallax. In: ?Disease resistance in plant pathology?, 2nd part, poster presentation. Proc. Of 6th Conf. of European Foundation for Plant Path., Prague, Czech Republic, September 8-14, 2002. (Eds: V. Taborsky, J. Polak, A. Lebeda, and V. Kudela.) Plant Protection Science 38(Special 2):711-713.

Zotoyeva, N. 2002. Potato wild species collection of VIR as a source for breeding. In: Broad variation and precise characterization?limitation for the future. Proceedings of the XVIth EUCARPIA Genetic Resources Section workshop, Poznan, Poland, May 16-20, 2001. (Eds: W. Swiecicki, B. Naganowska and B. Wolko.)

C. Theses Reporting Research with NRSP-6 Stocks

Hale, Anna Louise. 2003. Screening potato genotypes for antioxidant activity, identification of the responsible compounds, and differentiating Russet Norkotah strains using AFLP and microsatellite marker analysis. Dissertation, Texas A&M University. pp. 260.

Moreyra-Pizzaro, Rocio. 2003. Genetic consequences of clonal versus seed sampling in two wild potato species indigenous to the USA. M.S. Manuscript. University of Wisconsin-Madison. pp. 26.

Palumbo, R. 2003. The potential for green fluorescent protein as a screening tool in the production of haploid potato plants. M.S. Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Blacksburg, VA. pp. 88.

Posch, D.M. 2003. Breeding for Phytophthora infestans resistance by selecting progenies in the first clonal generation of potato breeding. M.S. Thesis, University of Minnesota. pp. 79.
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