SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: S1046 : Improved management of plant-parasitic nematodes through modern diagnostic tools and increased use of host resistance
- Period Covered: 10/01/2013 to 09/30/2002
- Date of Report: 10/02/2014
- Annual Meeting Dates: 09/17/2014 to 09/18/2014
Paula Agudelo (SC) Don Dickson (FL) Jon Eisenback (VA) Travis Faske (AR) Tarek Hewezi (TN) Charles Johnson (VA) Gary Lawrence (MS) Kathy Lawrence (AL) Charlie Overstreet (LA) Hillary Mehl (VA) Ron Lacewell (Administrative Advisor for S-1046, TX) Graduate students attending included Brandon McNeece (MS), Keshav Sharma (MS), Hollis Rice (TN), Vanessa Paes-Takanasha (VA), Jill Pollok (VA).
Sept. 17-18, 2014
This meeting was organized by Jon Eisenback and Chuck Johnson (VA)
Sept. 17, 2014
The meeting was convened at 8:00 am at the Williamsburg Welcome Center, Williamsburg, VA. We began with registration and welcoming remarks by Jon Eisenback.
Scientists in attendance (and the state they represent) were: Paula Agudelo (SC), Don Dickson (FL), Jon Eisenback (VA), Travis Faske (AR), Tarek Hewezi (TN), Charles Johnson (VA) Gary Lawrence (MS), Kathy Lawrence (AL), Charlie Overstreet (LA), Hillary Mehl (VA), Ron Lacewell (Administrative Advisor for S-1046, TX). Graduate students attending included Brandon McNeece (MS), Keshav Sharma (MS), Hollis Rice (TN), Vanessa Paes-Takanasha (VA), Jill Pollok (VA).
Jon Eisenback welcomed the group and organized the meeting schedule. Ron Lacewell gave an update on our status of the report need in 60 days and well as our minutes from the meeting. Our new project must be completed and he will submit it. Our focus of this meeting is the development of our new project.
Report started with the graduate students presenting their research. Brandon McNeece (MS), Keshav Sharma (MS), Vanessa Paes-Takanasha (VA), and Jill Pollok (VA) all presented their finding from their nematology research.
Members including Paula Agudelo (SC), Don Dickson (FL), Jon Eisenback (VA), Travis Faske (AR), Tarek Hewezi (TN), Charles Johnson (VA) Gary Lawrence (MS), Kathy Lawrence (AL), Charlie Overstreet (LA), Hillary Mehl (VA), Ron Lacewell (Administrative Advisor for S-1046, TX) separated into three groups and began the writing of the new project.
New S1046 project title: "Development of sustainable crop production practices for integrated management of plant-pathogenic nematodes."
Objective 1 = Integrate biological and cultural management tactics with the use of resistant cultivars to develop sustainable crop production systems.
Objective 2 = Elucidate molecular and physiological mechanisms of plant-nematode interactions to improve host resistance.
Objective 3 = Advance the tools for identification of nematode species and characterization of intraspecific variability.
Members began their oral reports Friday morning. Reports were presented by Kathy Lawrence (Auburn University), Travis Faske (University of Arkansas), Don Dickson (University of Florida), Charlie Overstreet ( Louisiana State University), Gary Lawrence (Mississippi State University), Paula Agudelo (Clemson University), Tarek Hewezi (University of Tennessee), with Jon Eisenback and Chuck Johnson (Virginia Ploy Tech).
At the business meeting the minutes from 2013 were moved as accepted and the motion was approved by all in attendance. The next meeting will be held the last week of Oct. or the first week of Nov. in 2015 in Alabama with Kathy Lawrence hosting the meeting. It was proposed by K. Lawrence (AL) that we meet with members of the W-3186 Multi-State group in 2015. In further discussions, K. Lawrence will serve as chair the 2015 annual meeting and T. Hewezi (TN) will serve as secretary. Tarek Hewezi volunteered to host the meeting in Tennessee in 2016.
Chuck Johnson, as the chair of the proposal summarized our writing. Chuck will review our work from yesterday and will return it to us to add and review. Pat Donald, Ernie Bernard, Greg Tylka, and Janette Brito were recommended as reviewers for our proposal.
Kathy Lawrence requested all members to send her bullet points and accomplishments as soon as possible in order to get the final report complete and approved with in the 60 days are required.
The 2014 annual meeting of the S-1046 Multistate Research Project was adjourned Sept. 18, 2014 at 11:55 am.
Objective 1: Integrate resistant cultivars with other nematode management tactics to reduce selection pressure on nematode populations and communities.
(Alabama, K. Lawrence) Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum, “FOV”) is a serious disease of cotton, and is intensified by the presence of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita). Twelve cultivars were monitored for Fusarium wilt resistance in addition to susceptible (Rowden) and resistant (M-315) checks at the E. V. Smith Research Center, Plant Breeding Unit, near Tallassee, Alabama. The test was established in a RCBD with four replications. The Fusarium wilt disease pressure was mild in 2013. The susceptible check Rowden had an average of 11.8% wilt, with the lowest amount of disease being 7.5% and the most disease observed was 18.1%. Ten cultivars displayed fewer Fusarium wilt symptoms than Rowden, including Croplan Genetics 3787 B2RF, Deltapine 1137 B2RF, Deltapine 12R242B2R2, Deltapine 1321 B2RF, FiberMax1944 GLB2, Phytogen 339 WRF, Phytogen 375 WRF, Phytogen 499 WRF, Stoneville 4946 GLB2, and Stoneville 6448 GLB2. Seven cultivars had statistically similar wilt percentages to the resistant check M-315. The lowest wilt percentages observed were FiberMax 1944 GLB, Phytogen 339 WRF, Stoneville 4946 GLB2, Phytogen 499 WRF, and Stoneville 6448 GLB2 with 0.3%, 0.3%, 0.8%, 0.9%, 0.9%, and 0.9% percent wilt, respectively.
The susceptible check Rowden had an average of 510 root-knot nematode eggs per gram of root fresh weight (eggs/g RFW), with a range of 256 to 1016 eggs/g RFW. The resistant check M-315 had an average of 86 eggs/g RFW, and supported a range of only 43 to 170 eggs/g RFW. Two varieties were supported more root knot nematodes than the resistant check M-315: Phytogen 339 WRF and Phytogen 375 WRF, with averages of 681 and 602 eggs/g RFW, respectively. No varieties were statistically lower than the susceptible check Rowden, but two varieties supported only 111 eggs/g RFW; Deltapine 12R242B2R2 and FiberMax 1944 GLB2.
The susceptible cultivar Rowden yielded an average of 1963 lbs of seed cotton per acre, with a range of 759 to 3167 lbs per acre. At 0.85¢ per pound (the average price of cotton lint in December 2013) the average profit per acre would be $667. The resistant check M-315 yielded an average of 2994 lbs of seed cotton per acre, with a range of 1789 to 4198 lbs per acre. The average profit per acre for M-315 would be $1018. Three varieties were statistically higher yielding than the susceptible check Rowden: FiberMax 1944 GLB2, Phytogen 339 WRF, and Phytogen 499 WRF with 5300, 4712, and 4806 lb. averages per acre of seed cotton yield. FiberMax 1944 GLB2 profited $1802 per acre, Phytogen 339 WRF $1602 per acre, and Phytogen 499 WRF $1634 per acre. The highest yielding cultivar, FiberMax 1944 GLB2, produced an average of $1135 more in profits than the susceptible check Rowden. This represents how imperative it is to be selective of the cultivar grown.
FOV races 1, 8, LA 110, LA 108, LA 127, and LA 140 were all found in the susceptible Rowden variety. Only FOV races 1 and 8 were isolated from the resistant standard line M-315. The cotton varieties from Deltapine, Phytogen, Stoneville and Croplan were all found to be colonized with FOV race 1 which was the most common race during the 2013 season. 45% of the FOV isolates were determined to be race 1. 32.5% of the FOV isolates were identical to LA 108. Race 8 constituted 12.5 % of FOV isolates and 2.5% were identified as LA 110. Three isolates were similar to LA 127 and LA 140. Races 3, 4, and LA 112 were not isolated from the Fusarium wilt symptomatic cotton plants in the 2013 trial. LA isolates were recently identified and sequenced by Holmes et al. (2009) and are believed to have originated from Louisiana. No race 4 isolates were identified in the 2013 Commercial Cotton Variety Trial in Alabama. Races 3 and LA 112 had also been identified in previous years and until the 2013 season only LA 110 and LA 112 of the Louisiana isolates had been identified. The location of the trial has been the same for many years, and these molecular results confirm that numerous FOV races are present in the same field.
(Arkansas, R. T. Robbins) In a field with a high population of race 5 SCN on the Marianna Experiment station a planted for a second year in a 3 year soybean rotation cycle in which susceptible, moderately resistant and very resistant varieties were planted. At planting the plots following susceptible averaged 937eggs per 100 ML soil, the moderately resistant averaged 711 eggs and the very resistant averaged 405 eggs.
I am testing 184 soybean entries new to the Arkansas Soybean Variety Testing program soybean. Entries with resistance could be useful in a cotton-soybean rotation to reduce numbers. Also tested were 199 lines from Southern Soybean Breeders (5 from USDA Jackson TN (Arelli), 69 from Arkansas (Chen); 12 from Clemson, (Fallen), 14 from Missouri (Shannon; and 99 from Southern Illinois – Carbondale (Kartanzi), for resistance to the reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) in soybean.
(Arkansas, T. R. Faske) Twelve commercially available soybean varieties were evaluated for resistance to the southern root-knot nematode in a commercial field. A few group V varieties expressed a moderate level of resistance to RKN.
My program has investigated the nematicidal activity of fluopyram, an SDHI fungicide, in several in-vitro nematode sensitivity assays. We determined the sensitivity of RKN and RN to fluopyram was similar to that of aldicarb. Sub-lethal concentrations of fluopyram impeded RKN and RN ability to infect tomato roots. Some recovery was observed for each nematode species once fluopyram was washed and removed for 24 hr., which indicates nematistatic activity of fluopyram. These data document the unique activity of fluopyram and its potential in the integrated management of plant-parasitic nematodes.
(Mississippi, G.W. Lawrence) Emergence of new nematicidal products. Several agricultural chemical companies are in the process of developing products designed for nematode control in row and vegetable crops (Table 1). Efficacy studies have been conducted with these products to determine their effect on nematode infestations of field crops.
Table 1. Experimental and Existing Nematicidal Product by Company, Product and Application Method
Company Product Application
ADAMA MCW-2 – NIMITZ (fluensulfone) In-furrow spray
AMVAC Counter 20G (Terbufos) In-furrow granular
Thimet (Phorate) In-furrow granular
Bayer Velum Total (Fluopyram + Imidacloprid) In-furrow spray
Aeris seed applied system (Thiodicarb) Seed treatment
Votivo (Bacillis firmis) Seed treatment
DuPont Vydate L (Oxamyl) In-furrow spray
Vydate C-LV (Oxamyl) Foliar spray
Q8U80 In-furrow spray
Monsanto Numbers (1-14) Seed treatment
Marrone MBI- 38 In-furrow spray
NuFarm Azadirachtin, Nematox, Senator Seed treatment
Neem Oil, albendazole, Imidacloprid
Syngenta Avicta Complete (abamectin) Seed treatment
(North Carolina, S. Koenning) Experiments evaluating the potential for temporal and spatial deployment of soybean cyst nematode resistance were terminated. A demonstrated potential for both approaches has been proven to delay development or resistance breaking biotypes of cyst nematode. A number of viruses have been detected in soybean cyst nematode. In fact all populations in North Carolina tested thus far have detectible viral RNA. This discovery may lead to improved methods for management of this pest.
The functions and plant targets of several cyst and root-knot nematode secreted effector proteins that may function like plant signaling ligands, modulate plant defense response, and even have function similar to malarial parasite effectors were analyzed in detail. These studies have discovered several potential targets to inhibit the parasitic process of root-knot and cyst nematodes to engineer novel resistance in desirable crop cultivars.
(South Carolina, P. Agudelo) Grain sorghum evaluations. Based on this study, grain sorghum may prove useful in managing Meloidogyne incognita South Carolina populations, but may be susceptible to yield losses due to Columbia lance nematode.
Patent application for SC04-375RR Soybean Variety. SC04-375RR is a glyphosate-tolerant, high-yielding, maturity group VII soybean variety that has demonstrated excellent seed yields. Plants have white flowers, tawny pubescence, and tan pod walls. Seeds are yellow with variable black hila. SC04-375RR is resistant to Southern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita), soybean mosaic virus, and stem canker disease, Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora.
Reniform nematode. A three-year study was conducted in two fields in South Carolina to characterize the horizontal and vertical distribution patterns of RN as influenced by soil texture and crop. Soil samples were collected according to fine scale (field 1) and large scale (field 2) samplings schemes. In the first field (cotton-corn-soybean sequence), soil samples were collected in plots representing different soil textures as inferred by electrical conductivity readings. In the second field (cotton-peanut sequence), samples were collected arbitrarily. Reniform nematode densities showed an aggregated distribution pattern at planting and after harvest in both fields during the three years. However, a significant neighborhood structure was only detected when a host crop was planted. Significant correlations between RN densities and percent sand and silt were detected, showing nematode densities peaked when sand content was around 60 % and declined when sand content increased above 60-65%. Vertically, the highest numbers of RN were found between 15 and 30 cm deep. Understanding the horizontal and vertical distribution patterns of RN is essential for selecting adequate sampling strategies as well as for delineating management zones for site-specific management tactics.
(Virginia, C. Johnson) Meloidogyne incognita has historically been the most significant root-knot (RK) nematode species on tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) in Virginia. However, most cultivars now contain the Rk1 resistance gene to races 1 and 3 of M. incognita, allowing M. arenaria to become the most common RK species found on tobacco. An increasing number of cultivars also currently possess Rk2 for RK resistance, but aspects of its efficacy are unknown. Four greenhouse experiments were conducted in 2012 - 2013 to investigate whether possessing both Rk1 and Rk2 increases resistance to M. arenaria compared to either gene alone. Each trial was arranged in a RCBD with 6 replications, and compared galling, and numbers of egg masses and eggs from roots of six cultivars C371G (susceptible), NC 95 and SC 72 (homozygous for Rk1), T-15-1-1 (homozygous for Rk2), and STNCB-2-28 and NOD 8 (homozygous for both Rk1 and Rk2). Each plant was inoculated with 5,000 M. arenaria eggs; data were collected 60 days post-inoculation. Plants with Rk1 alone, and Rk1 and Rk2 together, significantly reduced root galling and numbers of egg masses and eggs versus C371G. Compared to presence of Rk1 alone, combining Rk1 and Rk2 further reduced galling in 1 of 4 trials, egg masses in 2 of 4 trials, and eggs in 1 of 3 trials. Because high soil temperatures have been associated with a breakdown in root-knot resistance, the effect of high soil temperature on the efficacy of Rk1 and/or Rk2 genes to M. arenaria are being evaluated at 20, 25, 30 and 35ºC. A better understanding of the effects of Rk1 and Rk2 on root-knot nematode parasitism should help plant breeders improve resistance in tobacco to M. arenaria.
Objective 2: Identify and incorporate new sources of resistance into elite germplasm lines and cultivars.
(Alabama, K. Lawrence) Over the past decade a concerted effort was made to develop host plant resistance to reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Since 2007 this effort has resulted in the release of several germplasm lines with introgressed resistance to reniform nematode. Currently four groups of released germplasm lines can be distinguished based on their source of resistance and developmental background: (a) the LONREN group, with reniform nematode resistance derived from Gossypium longicalyx, (b) the BARBREN group with reniform nematode resistance derived from wild accession GB-713 of Gossypium barbadense, (c) the M713 group, also with resistance derived from the GB-713 accession but with a different developmental trajectory, and (d) the MT2468 group, with reportedly moderate levels of R. reniformis resistance derived from the photoperiodic primitive race accession TX2468 of G. hirsutum. During 2013 and 2014 we evaluated the potential of 13 lines from these four groups, including three lines of the LONREN group, two lines of the BARBREN group, five lines of the M713 group and three lines of the MT2468 group. Conventional cultivars FM966 and SG747 were included as R. reniformis susceptible controls. Our studies were conducted in the field, on adjacent plots with and without reniform nematode present, on reniform nematode infested outdoor microplots, and in the greenhouse. Results indicate that germplasm lines BAR 41 of the BARBREN group and all five M713 lines combine great R. reniformis resistance with excellent field tolerance. In the 2013 field study, BAR 41 and the group of M713 lines suppressed nematode reproduction by some 90% compared to the susceptible cultivars. At the same time, yield losses due to the nematode were limited to 10% and 5% for BAR 41 and the M713 group, respectively, whereas losses to the cultivars were as high as 65%.
(Arkansas, R. T. Robbins) I am collaborating with Drs. Grover Shannon (Soybean Breeder) and Tri D. Vuong (Soybean Biotechnologist) on developing reniform molecular markers for reniform nematode resistance in soybean. In 2014 we are testing
138 lines derived from the parent lines Magellan and PI 438489B are being evaluated in greenhouse tests. This is a project funded by the Missouri soybean producers and United Soybean Board. I am also collaborating with Dr. P. Chen (Arkansas) on nematode resistance in his soybean lines and also conducting proprietary contract studies with Monsanto and Phytogen Seed Company looking for reniform resistance in cotton. I am also evaluating biological seed treatments on soybean for FMC.
(Minnesota, S. Chen) Soybean cyst nematode is most effectively managed by host resistance. However, most commercial SCN-resistant cultivars in the USA are developed from PI88788 and Peking, and frequent use of the limited number of resistance sources has shifted virulence phenotypes of SCN populations (HG Types) to new types that can overcome originally resistant cultivars. A recently identified soybean line PI 567516C is a promising alternative source of SCN-resistance. Genetic studies revealed that the major QTLs conferring SCN-resistance in PI567516C are distinct from the QTLs in PI 88788, Peking, and many other SCN-resistance sources. Two QTLs located on chromosomes 10 (LG O) and 8 (LG A2) in PI 567516C were identified to be resistant to SCN. The QTL on chromosome 10 was the major one with 32.0% additive heritability and 68.7% of the genetic variance of resistance to HG Type 2.5.7, and the closest SNP marker was BARC-008021-00209. The QTL on chromosome 8 displayed 6.8% additive heritability and 14.8% of the genetic variance of resistance to HG Type 2.5.7 and the closest SNP marker was BARC-028207-05794. The two SNP markers can be used to select SCN-resistance from PI 567516C in soybean breeding through marker-assisted selection.
(Mississippi, G. W. Lawrence and V. Klink) The syncytium that forms during infection affords the unique opportunity to isolate cells undergoing the reaction. Cells undergoing the incompatible reaction have been isolated and analyzed for gene expression occurring exclusively in the incompatible reaction. This identified list of approximately 1,700 genes served as a pool of candidate resistance genes to study using molecular techniques. Highly induced expression of these candidate genes in the susceptible genotype (G. max[Williams 82/PI 518671), in several cases, resulted in identification of genes whose expression suppressed soybean cyst nematode infection. This result demonstrated the efficacy of the approach. Currently, we are testing dozens of candidate resistance genes.
An analysis of candidate soybean genes involved in the defense occurring between the soybean cyst nematode (SCN) and soybean. In experiments that identified candidate resistance genes that are expressed specifically in the syncytium, supporting experiments resulted in the identification of the involvement of a Syntaxin 31 homolog (Gm-SYP38) functioning in defense. Furthermore, we identified ENHANCED DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY1 (EDS1) and NONEXPRESSOR OF PR1 (NPR1) that function in salicylic acid (SA) signaling as playing a role in defense. Additional experiments revealed the involvement of BOTRYTIS INDUCED KINASE 1 homolog (Gm-BIK1-6) and the hemicellulose-modifying, xyloglucan endotransglycosylase/hydrolase (XTH) functioning in defense. Currently, we are employing overexpression and RNA interference to better understand the basis of resistance.
The multinucleated syncytium, formed during infection affords the unique opportunity to isolate cells undergoing the reaction. Cells undergoing the incompatible reaction have been isolated and analyzed for gene expression occurring exclusively in the incompatible reaction. Highly induced expression of these candidate genes in the susceptible genotype (G. max[Williams 82/PI 518671), resulted in identification of genes suppressing soybean cyst nematode infection. The induced expression of the Glycine max Syntaxin 31 homolog (Gm-SYP38) and BOTRYTIS INDUCED KINASE 1 homolog (Gm-BIK1-6) rescues G. max[Williams 82/PI 518671] by suppressing SCN infection. RNAi constructs of these genes were engineered into the resistant genotype G. max[Peking/PI 548402] to further test the importance of their role in resistance. The Peking transgenic lines engineered with Gm-SYP38 RNAi constructs significantly increased parasitism, as did the Peking transgenic lines engineered with Gm-BIK1-6 RNAi constructs.
(Tennessee, T. Hewezi)
In our efforts to search for previously undiscovered nematode effector genes from Meloidogyne incognita, gland-cell-specific mRNA was isolated and sequenced using Roche 454 technology. Using a combination of in silico and molecular approaches we identified 14 novel effector protein candidates. Our data indicates that these effectors play roles at different stages of nematode parasitism, and that the majority likely functions within the cytoplasm of the giant cells.
Among plant-parasitic nematodes only cyst nematodes have been shown to secrete effectors that mimic plant CLAVATA3/ESR-related (CLE) ligand proteins. We have identified multiple tandem CLE-like motifs conserved within the previously identified Meloidogyne avirulence protein (MAP) family that are secreted from root-knot nematodes and have been shown to function in planta.
Recent studies point to key roles of the phytohormone auxin in the regulation of gene expression and establishment of nematode feeding sites. Nevertheless, information about the spatiotemporal expression patterns of the transcription factors that mediate auxin transcriptional responses during syncytium formation is limited. We provided a gene expression map of 22 auxin response factors (ARFs) during the initiation, formation and maintenance stages of the syncytium induced by the cyst nematode. The dynamic distribution and overlapping expression patterns of various ARFs seem to be essential characteristics of ARF activity during syncytium development.
We previously identified Growth regulating factors (GRFs) as key gene regulating plant response to nematode infection. We provided new insight into the molecular mechanisms by which GRFs mediate the overlaps between defense signaling and developmental. WE found that GRFs participate specifically in the regulation of defense-related transcription factors, cell-wall modifications, cytokinin biosynthesis and signaling, and secondary metabolites accumulation.
Objective 3: Facilitate and improve identification of nematode species and races.
(Arkansas, R. T. Robbins) My student Churamani Khanal has identified several populations of Root-knot to species used DNA sequences and found an undescribed species of Punctodera. Meloidogyne species identified are M. incognita, M. hapla, M. haplanaria, M. marylandi, M. partityla, and M. arenaria.
(Louisiana, E. McGawley) Reproduction and pathogenicity of three isolates (from Avoyelles, Evangeline and Rapides parishes, Louisiana) of the reniform nematode, Rotylenchulus reniformis, was compared across three textures (74.4% sand, 20.7% silt and 4.9% clay; 31.4% sand, 55.3% silt and 13.3% clay; and 7.8% sand, 66.3% silt and 25.9% clay) of a commerce silt loam soil on three cultivars (Phytogen 375WF, Stoneville 52788B2F and Stoneville LA887) of cotton. Soil texture with the highest clay content had a significant negative effect on reproduction of all isolates of the nematode on all cultivars of cotton. There was a significant isolate by texture interaction that influenced nematode reproduction only on Phytogen 375WF cotton. Across the three cultivars there were significant differences in reproduction and pathogenicity among the three reniform nematode isolates.
Field studies were conducted to evaluate the influence of the soil nutrients phosphorus and potassium and the nematicide 1,3-dichloripropene on reproduction and pathogenicity of R. reniformis on Phytogen 565 WRF cotton. Over 2 years (2011 and 2012), there were no significant effects of either nutrient on either nematode or plant parameters. There was no significant nutrient X nematicide interaction.
Greenhouse-based inoculation studies with two residential turfgrass types (centipede and St. Augustine) produced reductions in plant dry weights below those of controls for St. Augustine and centipede that averaged 24% and 28% for Meloidogyne incognita and 37.0% and 39.3% for Pratylenchus zeae.
(South Carolina, P. Agudelo) We studied the genetic variability within H. galeatus and the phylogenetic relationships with closely related species isolated from different crops and locations in the United States. We used morphology, biology, and sequences of the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) and cytochrome oxidase c subunit I (COI) for comparisons among the Hoplolaimus species isolated. The phylogenetic analysis shows the morphologically distinct H. columbus to be clearly separated from the species morphologically similar to H. galeatus. Within the latter group, H. galeatus, H. magnistylus, H. stephanus, H. concaudajuvencus and two undescribed species form separate clades. A better delimitation of these lance species will allow an improved interpretation of the published data on the distribution and the host/parasite relationships and will help elucidate the ecological and population genetic processes affecting establishment of lance nematodes.
(Virginia, J. Eisenback) A new species on turfgrass is currently being described. This new root-knot nematode has been found in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Marlyand, and Delaware. In the past it has probably been identified as Meloidogyne naasi, but only attacks bentgrass (Agrostis spp.) and no other hosts. Females, males, and second-stage juveniles (J2) were examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. Unique morphological features were discovered that distinguish it from all other described species. The most useful diagnostic character is the length of the tail and tail terminus in the J2 that is 79 and 25 µm, respectively. This species is very common on putting greens on golf courses in Virginia and other states where it causes a slow decline of the grass.
With collaboration of Stephen Thomas, a root-knot nematode parasitic on purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) in New Mexico is being described as a new species. This nematode is very widespread and somewhat damaging to purple nut sedge.
Meloidogyne partityla from laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia) in South Carolina is being compared with M. partityla from pecan in New Mexico. This nematode is extremely variable and has several morphotypes. Since this species was described with mainly drawings and only a few photographs, it is being re-described with additional new characters that may be more useful for its identification. The two populations are somewhat different in the shape of the perineal pattern and in the esterase phenotype. Most populations from pecan have one of three phenotypes: two with two bands and one with four. The esterase phenotype of the population from South Carolina has three bands.
A new species from Turkey Brown fig (Ficus carica) is also being characterized. Although it is generally similar to M. arenaria, this population is distinctly different from all other described species of Meloidogyne. The galls produced on the root system are large (2.5cm in diameter) and contain numerous females, males, second-stage juveniles, and eggs. The perineal pattern and the shape of the male head and stylet are unique and can be used to identify this species.
- 1. Molecular techniques are identifying genes used in parasitic reaction by the Soybean Cyst Nematode. These will be useful in developing soybean varieties with resistance to this serious nematode pest.
- 2. Continued field experimentation with new and existing nematicides is a necessity to provide our agricultural producers with a short term management tools for nematode pests.
- 3. Rotation is the most economically feasible method of reniform control until acceptable commercial cotton varieties are available. In cotton when uncontrolled the reniform nematode can reduce yield to the point where cotton production is not profitable. A good rotation, such as corn-cotton, sorghum-cotton or reniform resistant soybean-cotton can restore profitability to these infested fields.
- 4. RKN and RN are major pathogen of soybean and cotton in Arkansas. Currently, there are few management options in soybean and resistance is lacking thus, many producers are partnering available resistance with nematicides. Fluopyram is expected to be available in 2015 as ILeVO thus; these activities will be beneficial to the row crop producers as they manage these plant diseases.
- 5. Agricultural productivity now and in the future requires the development of improved and cost effective methods for identifying nematodes and formulating management tactics compatible with changing cropping practices, production system technology and environmental concerns.
- 6. Description of a new species of root-knot nematode on turfgrass is the first step in eliminating the harmful effects that this pest plays on the health and vigor of bentgrass on vitally important greens on golf courses in the mid-atlantic states including Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Delaware.
- 7. The identification of a new root-knot species parasitizing purple nutsedge may be helpful in developing a natural biocontrol of this difficult to control weed species.
- 8. Finding and describing a new species of root-knot nematode on fig may help find new control methods of root-knot on fig by screening fig cultivars for resistance to this economically important plant pathogen.
- 9. Characterizing the morphological and physiologically diverse populations of Meloidogyne partityla may make the identification of this economically important root-knot nematode species easier and more certain which is a first step in minimizing the financial loses imposed by this pest.
- 10. The Fusarium wilt Root knot nematode disease complex effect on cotton yield can be reduced by variety selection.
- 11. The cotton germplasm lines BAR 41 and all five M713 lines combine great R. reniformis resistance with excellent field tolerance and may contribute to a reniform resistant cultivar in cotton.
- 12. Grain sorghum varieties useful for management of Meloidogyne incognita have been identified.
- 13. Soybean varieties with resistance to Meloidogyne incognita were developed.
- 14. Several factors determining reniform nematode distribution in the field were identified
- 15. Genetic variability of Hoplolaimus stephanus populations in the United States was measured.
- 16. This study will provide useful information for strategically deploying appropriate sources of SCN-resistance for managing SCN.
- 17. Identifying novel nematode effector proteins and host factors that are responsible for infection and disease will facilitate our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying nematode parasitism of host plants. This ultimately will provide situations for interference with nematode development in order to render host plants resistant to parasitic nematodes.
- 18. Information about the latest methods for control of various nematode species in North Carolina have been disseminated through county extension meetings and the 2013 North Carolina Crop Protection School.
Bao, Y., Vuong, T., Meinhardt, C., Tiffin, P., Denny, R., Chen, S., Nguyen, H. T., Orf, J. H., and Young, N. D. 2014c. Potential of association mapping and genomic selection to explore PI88788 derived soybean cyst nematode resistance. The Plant Genome 7 (3): doi10.3835/lantgenome2013.11.0039.
?ermák, Václav, Paulo Vieira, Maria ?udejková, Vladimir Gaar, Kate?ina Tománková, Kate?ina Mikušková, Jonathan D. Eisenback, and Manuel Mota. 2014. Detection and characterization of Bursaphelenchus hofmanni Braasch, 1998 associated with peat growing substrate in hop nurseries in the Czech Republic. Nematology 16:739-742.
Hewezi T, Piya S, Richard G, and. Rice JH (2014). Spatial and temporal expression patterns of auxin response transcription factors in the syncytium induced by the beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant Pathology, 15: 730–736.
Kularathna, M. T., C. Overstreet, E. C. McGawley, D. M. Xavier, and C. M. Martin. 2014. Influence of soil nutrients on reproduction and pathogenicity of Rotylenchulus reniformis on cotton. Nematropica 44:15-24.
Lee, H. K., G. W. Lawrence, J. L. DuBien and K. S. Lawrence. 2014. Seasonal variation and cotton-corn rotation in the spatial distribution of Rotylenchulus reniformis in Mississippi cotton soils. Nematropica 44:(In Press).
Li Y, Lawrence GW, Lu S, Balbalian C, Klink VP (2014) Quantitative Field Testing Heterodera glycines from Metagenomic DNA Samples Isolated Directly from Soil under Agronomic Production. PLoS ONE 9(2): e89887. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0089887
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Mallez, Sophie*, Chantal Castagnone, Margarida Espada, Paulo Vieira, Jonathan Eisenback, Manuel Mota, Thomas Guillemaud, Philippe Castagnone-Sereno. 2013. First insights into the genetic diversity of the pinewood nematode in its native area using new polymorphic microsatellite loci. PLOS ONE 8:1-8
Overstreet, C., E. C. McGawley, A. Khalilian, T. L. Kirkpatrick, W. S. Monfort, W. Henderson, and J. D. Mueller. 2014. Site specific nematode management- development and success in cotton production in the U.S. Journal of Nematology (accepted, in press)
Pant, Shankar R., Prachi D, Matsye, Brant T. McNeece, Keshav Sharma, Aparna Krishnavajhala, Gary W. Lawrence and Vincent P. Klink. 2014. Syntaxin 31 function in Glycines max resistance to the plant-parasitic nematode Heterodera glycines. Plant Molecular Biology
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Plaisance, A. R., E. C. McGawley, and C. Overstreet. 2014. Species abundance and influence of nematodes in urban turfgrass ecosystems in East Baton Rouge Parish, LA. Nematropica 44: (submitted, in review).
Rutter, W.B., Hewezi, T., Maier, T.R., Mitchum, M.G., Davis, E.L., Hussey, R.S., Baum, T.J. 2014 Members of the Meloidogyne avirulence protein family contain multiple plant ligand-like motifs. Phytopathology 104(8):879-885.
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Schrimsher, Drew W., Kathy S. Lawrence, Roelof B. Sikkens, and David B. Weaver. 2014.
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Shaohui Wu*, Roger R. Youngman, Loke T. Kok, Jonathan D. Eisenback, Curt A. Laub, Sally L. Paulson. 2014. Interaction between Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and Metarhizium anisopliae: Role of infective juvenile nematode in the vertical distribution of fungal conidia in soil. Journal of Entomological Science 41:233-239.
Xavier, D. M., C. Overstreet, E. C. McGawley, M. T. Kularathna, and C. M. Martin. 2013. The influence of soil texture on reproduction and pathogenicity of Rotylenchulus reniformis on cotton. Nematropica 44:7-14.
Bailey, D. L., K. S. Lawrence, and D. W. Held. 2014. Soybean variety soil type and irrigation effects on reniform nematode populations. Proceedings of the 2014 Beltwide Cotton ConferenceVol. 1: 270-275. National Cotton Council of America, Memphis, TN.
Davis, E.L., and D.K. Nendick. 2014. Phytoparasitic nematodes: risks and regulations. Pp 519-546 In McKirdy, S., and G. Gordh, eds. Plant Biosecurity Handbook. Springer Science & Business Media, B.V. London, UK.
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Land, C. J., K. S. Lawrence, B. Meyer, C. H. Burmester. Verticillium Wilt on-farm cotton cultivar variety evaluations. 2014. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conference, Vol. 1: 266-269. National Cotton Council of America, Memphis, TN.
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Lawrence, K., G. Lawrence, T. Faske, C. Overstreet, T. Wheeler, H. Young, S. Koenning, J. Muller, R. Kemerait, H. Mehl. 2014. Cotton variety and nematicide combinations for reniform and root-knot management across the cotton belt. Proceedings of the 2014 Beltwide Cotton ConferenceVol. 1: 295-301. National Cotton Council of America, Memphis, TN.
Lawrence, K., M. Olsen, T. Faske, R. Hutmacher, J. Muller, J. Mario, R. Kemerait, C. Overstreet, G. Sciumbato, G. Lawrence, S. Atwell, S. Thomas, S. Koenning, R. Boman, H. Young, J. Woodward, and H. Mehl. 2014. Cotton disease loss estimate committee report, 2013. Proceedings of the 2014 Beltwide Cotton Conference Vol. 1: 247-248. National Cotton Council of America, Memphis, TN.
Robbins, R. T., G. Shannon, P. Chen, S. K. Kantartzi, L. E. Jackson, E. E. Gbur, D. G. Dombek, J. T. Velie, and T. R. Faske. 2014. Reniform Nematode Reproduction on Soybean Cultivars and Breeding Lines in 2013. Proceeding of the 2014 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, New Orleans Jan 6-8. Pgs. 226-236
Rothrock C. S., S. A. Winters, J.D. Barham, A. B. Beach, M. B. Bayles, P. D. Colyer, T. Kelley, R. C. Kemerait, G.W. Lawrence, K. S. Lawrence, G.B. Padgett, P. M. Phipps, G. L. Sciumbato, R. Thacker, and J. E. Woodward. 2014. Report of the Cottonseed Treatment Committee for 2013. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conference, Vol. 1:249-255. National Cotton Council of America, Memphis, Tennessee.
Sikkens, R.B., D.B. Weaver, K.S. Lawrence and R.L. Nichols. 2014. Comparative Performance of Reniform Nematode Resistant Germplasm Lines. Proceedings of the 2014 Beltwide Cotton Conferences Vol. 1:652-659. National Cotton Council of America, Memphis, Tennessee.
Smith, A. L., K. S. Lawrence, K. Glass, and E. van Santen. 2014. Cotton Cultivar Evaluations for Resistance to Fusarium Wilt and Root-knot Nematode Disease Complex in Alabama. Proceedings of the 2014 Beltwide Cotton Conference Vol. 1: 261-265. National Cotton Council of America, Memphis, TN.
Xiang, N., K. S. Lawrence, J. W. Kloepper, and J. A. McInroy. In vitro screening of biological control agents on Meloidogyne incognita. 2014. Proceedings of the 2014 Beltwide Cotton ConferenceVol. 1: 258-260. National Cotton Council of America, Memphis, TN.
Bao, Y., Chen, S., Denny, R., Kurle, J. E., Meinhardt, C., Nyuyen, H. T., Orf, J. H., Tiffin, P., Vuong, T., and Young, N. D. 2014a. Implementing association mapping and genomic selection in soybean breeding programs. 15th Biennial Conference Molecular & Cellular Biology of the Soybean: 22. (Abstr.).
Bao, Y., T. Vuong, C. Meinbardt, R. Denny, H. T. Nguyen, S. Chen, P. L. Tiffin, J. Orf, and N. D. Young .2014b. Association mapping and genomic selection for soybean cyst nematode resistance. PLant and Animal Genome, The Largest Ag-Genomics Meeting in the World. Web/URL: (Abstr.).
Churamani Khanal and R. T. Robbins, 2014 Meloidogyne partityla, a new Root-Knot species to Arkansas. Southern American Phytopathological Society meeting, Dallas
Churamani Khanal, Weimin Ye and R. T. Robbins 2014. A new record of Meloidogyne partityla and an unknown species of Punctodera from Arkansas. American Phytopathological Society annual meeting, Minneapolis
Davis, E.L. 2014. Functional analyses of root-knot and cyst nematode effectors. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Nematology, Cape Town, South Africa.
Donald, P., K. Lawrence, T. Kirkpatrick, B. Kemerait, J. Bond, D. Herschman, C. Overstreet,
A. Wrather, G. Lawrence, S. Koenning, P. Agudelo and C. Canaday. 2014. Occurrence, distribution, and impact of nematodes in soybean fields in the southern United States. Journal of Nematology Vol. 46:154-155.
Duong, L.T., K.S. Lawrence, J.F. Murphy and R.B. Sikkens. 2014. Interaction of Bean Pod Mottle Virus, Soybean Mosaic Virus and Reniform Nematode on Yields of Soybean (In press). The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Eisenback, J.D. and Paula Agudelo. Comparisons of nematode assay labs efficiencies and recommendations from ten nematode assay labs utilizing samples from turfgrass. Paper presented at the 6th International Congress of Nematology, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2014.
Faske, T. R. and Hurd, K. 2014 Sensitivity of Meloidogyne incognita and Rotylenchulus reniformis to fluopyram. Phytopathology 104:S2.4.
Holguin, C. M., Agudelo, P., Gerard, P., Mueller, J. and Khalilian, A. Spatio-Temporal distribution of reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) and relationships with soil texture. Poster presented at the 6th International Congress of Nematology, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2014.
Holguin, C. M. Agudelo, P., Baeza, J.A., Mueller, J.D. A phylogenetic approach for the identification of Hoplolaimus galeatus and closely related species. Paper presented at the 6th International Congress of Nematology, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2014.
Holguin, C. M., Agudelo, P., Gerard, P., Mueller, J. and Khalilian, A. Spatial distribution of renifom nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) in cotton fields. Paper presented at the XLV Annual ONTA meeting, La Serena, Chile, October 2013.
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Baum, T.J. 2014. Cyst nematode effectors modulating plant defense mechanisms for successful parasitism. Proceedings of the International Congress for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Rhodes, Greece.
Land, Caroline, K. S. Lawrence. 2014. Greenhouse Evaluation of Inoculation Methods and Commercial Cotton Cultivars in the Presence of Verticillium Wilt. (In Press) The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Lawrence, K.S., C. Land and R. Sikkens. 2014. A new in-furrow nematicide for Rotylenchulus reniformis and Meloidogyne incognita nematode management in cotton. Journal of Nematology Vol. 46:191-192.
Li, W., P. Agudelo, and C. Wells. Interactions between cotton and reniform nematode. Poster presented at the 6th International Congress of Nematology, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2014.
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Luangkhot, J., K.S. Lawrence, and J. Spiers. 2014. Actinidia sp. susceptibility to Phytophthora. 2014 APS-CPS Joint Meeting. (In Press) The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Noon, J.B., T. Hewezi, U. Muppirala, T.R. Maier, D. Dobbs, C. Simmons, J.Z. Wei, G. Wu, E.L. Davis, M.G. Mitchum, R.S. Hussey, T.J. Baum. 2014. Malaria parasite effectors in a single genus of plant-parasitic nematodes. Proceedings of the ICMPMI, Rhodes, Greece.
Pant, S.R., P.D. Matsye, B.T. McNeece, K. Sharma, A. Krishnavajhala, G.W. Lawrence, V.P. Klink. 2014. Syntaxin 31 function in Glycines max resistance to the plant-parasitic nematode Heterodera glycines. Journal of Nematology Vol. 46: 216.
Pollok, J., C. Johnson, J. Eisenback, D. Reed. 2014. Reproduction of Meloidogyne arenaria on flue-cured tobacco homozygous for Rk1 and/or Rk2. (In Press) The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Redding, N., P. Agudelo, and C. Wells. Host-plant gene expression during infection of syncytium-forming nematode Rotylenchulus reniformis. Oral presentation at the 6th International Congress of Nematology, Cape Town, South Africa (May 2014)
Ruark, C. L. Sit, T.L. Koenning, S. R., and Lommel, S.A. Analysis of viral sequences within soybean cyst nematodes. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Nematology. 4-9 May 2014. Cape Town South Africa.
Sikkens, R.B., K.S. Lawrence, D.W. Schrimsher, S.R. Moore and D.B. Weaver. 2014.
Upland cotton germplasm lines with introgressed resistance to the reniform nematode. Journal of Nematology Vol. 46:235-236.
Sikkens, R.B. and K.S. Lawrence. 2014. Nematode Resistance Screening of Upland Cotton using Microplots (In press). The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Smith, A. L., K. S. Lawrence, K. Glass, and J. Hu. 2014. Identification of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum races present in Alabama cotton fields. (In Press) The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Xiang, N., K. S. Lawrence, J. W. Kloepper, and J. A. McInroy. 2014. Biological control and plant growth promotion of Bacillus spp. on Meloidogyne incognita in cotton. 2014. (In Press) The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Xiang, N., K.S. Lawrence, and C. Norris. 2014. Soybean nematicide combinations for reniform nematode management in north Alabama, 2013. Report 8: N009. DOI: 10.1094/PDMR08. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Plant Disease Management Reports
Bailey D. L., K.S. Lawrence, R. B. Sikkens, C. J. Land and C. Norris. 2014. Evaluations for Cotton Disease with the Use of Fungicide Management in North Alabama, 2013. Report 8:ST019 DOI:11.1094/PDMR08. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Bailey D. L., K.S. Lawrence, C. J. Land, R. B. Sikkens, C.H. Burmester and C. Norris. 2014. Cotton Variety and Fungicide Combinations for Seedling Disease Management in North Alabama, 2013. Report 8:ST018 DOI:11.1094/PDMR08. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Emerson, M., Faske, T. R., and Hurd, K. 2014. Evaluation of nematicides for control of root-knot nematode in corn in Arkansas, 2013.PDMR 8: N013
Land, C.J., K. S. Lawrence, C. H. Burmester, and C. Norris. 2014. Experimental Nematicides for management of the reniform nematode in North Alabama, 2013. Report 8:ST014 DOI:11.1094/PDMR08. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Land, C.J., K. S. Lawrence, C. H. Burmester, and C. Norris. 2014. Evaluation of experimental nematicides for the management of the reniform nematode in north Alabama, 2013. Report 8:ST015 DOI:11.1094/PDMR08. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Land, C.J., K. S. Lawrence, C. H. Burmester, and C. Norris. 2014. Experimental biological management of the reniform nematode in north Alabama, 2013. Report 8: ST016
DOI:11.1094/PDMR08. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Land, C.J., K. S. Lawrence, S. Nightengale. 2014. Efficacy of experimental biological management of the root knot nematode in Alabama, 2013 Report 8:ST017 DOI:11.1094/PDMR08. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Lawrence K. S., R. B. Sikkens, C. J. Land and C. Norris. 2014. Fungicide Combination Evaluations for Cotton Seedling Disease Management in North Alabama, 2013. Report 8:ST0002 DOI:11.1094/PDMR08. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Lawrence K. S., C. J. Land, R. B. Sikkens, C.H. Burmester and C. Norris. 2014. Cotton Variety and Nematicide Combinations for Reniform Management in North Alabama, 2014. Report 8:ST001 DOI:11.1094/PDMR08. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Lawrence K. S., C. J. Land, R. B. Sikkens, C.H. Burmester and C. Norris. 2014. Cotton Variety and Nematicide Combinations for Reniform Management in North Alabama, 2014. Report 8:N001 DOI:11.1094/PDMR08. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Smith, A. L., K. S. Lawrence, and S. Nightengale. 2014. Cotton seed treatment combinations for Fusarium wilt and root-knot nematode management in Alabama, 2013. Report 8: ST003 DOI:11.1094/PDMR07. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Xiang, N., K.S. Lawrence, D. Schrimsher, and S. Nightengale. 2014. Evaluation of Temik, Aeris, and two experimental compounds on cotton for root knot management in Alabama, 2013. Report 7:N006. DOI: 10.1094/PDMR07. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Xiang, N., K.S. Lawrence, D. Schrimsher, and S. Nightengale. 2014. Evaluation of Poncho Votivo, Aeris, Temik, and UFS0 738 on cotton for root knot management in Alabama, 2013. Report 7:N005. DOI: 10.1094/PDMR07. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Web sites
McGawley, E.C. and C. Overstreet. 2014. Poster Illustration: Common Genera of Plant Parasitic Nematodes. Posted to websites of Society of Nematologists, Organization of Nematologists of Tropical Americas, European Society of Nematologists and Russian Society of Nematologists.
Mueller, J.D. and P. Agudelo. 2014. Cotton Nematode Management in the South. Focus on Cotton Webcasts, January 2014.
Patent application for SC04-375RR Soybean Variety