SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Beaver, Jim ( - University of Puerto Rico; Brick, Mark ( - Colorado State University; Cichy, Karen ( - USDA-ARS, East Lansing; Grusak, Mike ( - USDA-ARS Houston, TX (via phone); Hossain, Khwaja ( - Mayville State University (via phone); Kalavacharla, Venu (Kal) ( - Delaware State University (via phone); Kelly, Jim ( - Michigan State University; Kisha, Ted (; - USDA-ARS; Martin, Pat ( - Nebraska Panhandle REC; Miklas, Phil ( - USDA-ARA, Prosser; Osorno, Juan ( - North Dakota State University; Pasche, Julie ( - North Dakota State University; Porch, Tim ( - USDA-ARS-Mayaguez; Rueda, Janice ( – Wayne State University/Archer Daniels Midland; Reuter, Lynn ( - Nebraska Dry Bean Commission; Schlegel, Vicki ( - University of Nebraska – Lincoln; Schwartz, Howard ( - Colorado State University; Thill, Donn ( - University of Idaho (via phone); Urrea, Carlos ( - University of Nebraska;

Carlos called the meeting at 8:00 am and introduced Lynn Reuter from the Nebraska Dry Bean Commission, who was attending as an invited guest. Introductions of others present followed. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss group activities and objectives over the next five years and to work on the proposal. Janice Rueda, Chair, Julie Pasche, vice-chair and Khwaja Hossain, Secretary. In the past the chair has been the one to organize the writing; however, we can diverge from that and do it as a team. Janice indicated that she would be willing to serve as final editor, as she has expertise in putting the information into the system. Administrative update - Dr. Donn Thill, via phone: Annual multi-state research committee report: The committee report is due 60 days from the meeting date. Vice-chair, Julie Pasche, Chair, Janice Rueda, and Secretary Khwaja Hossain, will complete and submit the report. Donn will e-mail Carlos Urrea the report instructions including character limits for each of the categories. Accomplishments should be summarized by objective with an emphasis on demonstrating interaction in multistate research proposals. Renewal of W2150 – The current W2150 project will expire on September 30, 2015. The new proposal needs to be approved, and in place by September 30, 2015. The timeline of events leading up to the approval are as such: submit the new proposal for external review into NIMSS system by January 15, 2015. This will require that it is submitted to Donn no later than Dec. 15, 2014 for his review. He will return his comments to editing committee for incorporation into the final draft to be submitted to NIMSS by January 15, 2015. The first step is to request permission to write the proposal. The group is to send Donn a statement of issues and justification; this can be an update of the statement of the problem and justification in the current W2150 proposal. Upon receiving the statement, Donn will submit it to the NIMSS system and request issue of a new project number. The project will be designated temp_W3150, throughout the proposal and rewrite process. Once the proposal is approved, the group will be designated W3150. The W2150 will be terminated as of September 30, 2015. The goal of this meeting is to draft an outline of objectives of the proposal and determine the writing and editing committees. All interested parties can participate in the writing/editing; however, only 3 people will be given access to NIMSS for submitting the proposal. Once the proposal is submitted into NIMSS by Jan. 15, it will be go out for external review. The group needs to provide the names, phone numbers, email and mail addresses of 3 or 4 external reviewers. They will contact those people and make sure they are interested and have time to review the proposal in a timely fashion. When that is done, the proposal will go to the Western State Experiment Station Multi-State Proposal Review Committee for review. Generally, there are some minor edits that will come back from that and it will go back to the writing committee, they clean that up and send it back to Donn and he will look them over and if the suggested changes have been incorporated or addressed, there will be a final approval and then the process will go through NIMSS. Also, Donn will send emails to all Agriculture Experiment Station Directors to invite new participants Prior to the Jan. 15 deadline, all individuals interested in being involved with the W3150 project will need to sign up as a committee member in the NIMSS site for whichever your respective objectives are on Appendix C. Previous membership does not automatically roll forwards from the W2150. This is considered a new proposal so all new or returning members need to go in and file a new Appendix C under the temp_W3150. The individuals on appendix E will be emailed directly. Once a writing committee is designated, Donn suggested that they email questions to him for clarification. The statement of issues and justification as well as the three individuals requesting access to the NIMSS submittal system should be sent to Donn ASAP. Reviewers will look for proof of multi-state interactions, be clear to leave no question in reviewers mind of integrated activities. Donn will send out a blanket invitation to all University/ARS member institutions to new people who may want to join W2150/W3150. Juan Osorno stated that the reason for asking for this to happen is because several people that are officially part of the multi-state project have either retired or do not participate actively in the project. Donn stated that two things will be required, the blanket invitation will go out and that goes out to the Agriculture Experiment Station Directors to be forwarded to individuals who might be interested. The people who are on Appendix C now on W2150 should get the invitation directly but, State Experiment Station Directors will need to invite new individuals who are involved in related research at their university. A question was posed concerning inviting individuals outside of land grant institutions; Donn will email those details to Carlos. Donn and Mark have been working together in a 4 state bean research consortium planning sessions and the reason he is bringing it up is that you will be rewriting your proposal and there has been at least been some interest expressed by this consortium to have a multi-state project and one of the possibilities would be to expand to a certain extent this current one, if the committee so chooses. It may not be practical but putting it out there for consideration. There is a lot of interest in some of the agronomic pest management of beans, there is also interest from this group of trying to identify enough states and bean researchers to submit a center of excellence proposal to NIFA through the AFRI process because that was one of the things that was listed in the current farm bill is that there will be centers of excellence and it generally needs to be multi-state. Donn indicated the same level of funding, or modest increases to Hatch and Smith-Lever in FY16. Juan asked, for the new people to the group, an explanation of the allocation process. Donn stated there are two ways it can be allocated directly through the Hatch process and the other is the multi-state process. When the federal capacity or formula funds are received at a state experiment station, part of those are marked for Hatch and part are marked for multi-state uses, based on a formula. For example, at the Univ. of Idaho, the federal research dollars that they get in about 75% are for Hatch and 25% are mandated to be used in a multi-state fashion similar to the W2150. Those faculty members who are on Hatch are required to have a Hatch proposal and part of their salary is paid out of federal dollars based on their activities in their Hatch proposal. There also may be some operational dollars provided, and salary for staff support. On the multi-state dollars, the same thing happens but there they are coded differently in the budget system. For example, Mark sits on this project and part of his salary from CSU may come from a budget number from multi-state funds CSU receives. Juan asked the question that we have some retired members but we have some that are not the most active in the group. If they do not get back to us for the renewal, we are not obligated to list them. Can we eliminate them from the renewal? Donn indicated you can because you start from over with membership in the renewal process. People have to reapply by completing Appendix E, which must be approved by their state experiment station director and then by Donn and finally by NIFA. The state experiment station directors should know whether or not to approve someone for the committee. Jim Kelly asked, if they want to introduce a new researcher into this justification and we do not have the players in this room but we want to introduce other scientists, can just reach out to them and let them indicate their interest or not in joining the group? Donn said absolutely and it is highly encouraged that you actually look down through the objectives and see which ones of those that you feel you have accomplished and perhaps can set those aside and add new objectives and as you add or evaluate current ones, look around within the bean research group to see who makes sense to be on the committee and reach out to them if they are interested in being an active member. Question from Kal concerning the process for a person who is not at a land grant and not on the list. Donn knows you can do it but will get the exact details to Carlos to distribute. Donn stated that, having gone through the process recently with another regional research project, the review committees really look for proof of the multi-state interaction. You want to make that front and center in the rewriting of the proposal so there is no doubt in any reviewer’s mind of how well the group’s activities are integrated. Ted Kisha asked how he was connected to W2150. Donn stated you can be directly connected through Appendix E. Donn asked for the issues and justifications statement and the three editors that have access to NIMSS as soon as possible and the annual report within 60 days. Mark asked how many were aware of the Farm Bill Center of Excellence concept. It is fairly new and does not think it relates to this group. His understanding it is a regional centers of excellence issue like Minnesota, Michigan, Indiana, Oklahoma, etc. Bottom line, what it says that centers of excellence will get preferential treatment for NIFA funding. So, crop science was asked to weigh in on it and this is how he knows about it and they did not support the concept. They thought it would only create more bureaucracy, more machinery that could get outdated and still have preferential treatment. So they wrote a report supporting some general concepts but not this. But it is going to happen, whether you support or not, in Mark’s opinion. It is in the Farm Bill. This is a different concept than BeanCap but use W-2150 as an umbrella Juan proposed the expansion of the North American Panel to other countries, Mark supported the proposal. Mark proposed for open access of BeanCap resources which is currently sort of a request format. Janice asked that given that all the sub-projects are the heavy breeding component is there any interest in the group to expand out into the nutrition and sustainability to attract membership to those fields? Discussion led to this is an important component and needs to be included. It opened discussion on how does the group sell W2150 to a new person and what is in it for them? Miklas stated that this group provides their work of linkage to geneticists and breeders that know the crop. Janice added that agriculture is an instrument of public health. Reasons to be part of this but very little funding. Have a willingness to collaborate. Sharing of knowledge, brain storming and developing partnerships. Janice suggested passing a paper around for those to write a name down for those people who may be interested. Objectives were discussed and drawn up. Objective leaders, #1 Tim Porch; #2 Karen Cichy; #3 James Beaver. Editors/writers for each objective are yet to be determined. Janice requested state report needs be sent to her within 30 days. The report needs to be submitted within 60 days from today. The Committee requested a time extension to file their annual report (Dec.) so results from the 2014 field season could be included. Permission granted. Secretary – Rueda nominated Vicki Schlegal, Hossain 2nd, passed Deadlines – Janice Sept 2, sub-leaders participation list confirmation Oct 15 draft due to leaders Nov 1 to Janice Nov 15 for re-review Dec 15 to Donn Thill W2150 adjourned at 4:10 pm.


Arizona: Nothing to report California: Nothing to report Colorado: The primary objectives of this project are to improve dry bean production in the USA, while reducing the impact of agriculture on the environment and providing an inexpensive nutritious food commodity that will enhance human health and reduce chronic diseases among the population. A key component of this project is the collaboration among scientists in the USA to share information, genetic material, research methods, and data to enhance all projects involved. The major goals of the project are: 1. Improving bean yield potential by incorporating resistance/tolerance to major biotic and abiotic stresses, broadening the genetic base, developing genomic resources, and coordinating field trial nurseries. Sub-objectives: 1a) Facilitate the genetic elucidation and breeding for resistance to bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases, facilitated by monitoring and characterizing pathogen variation. 1b) Advance in the genetics and breeding for tolerance to heat and drought in response to global climate change. 1c) Broaden the genetic base of major bean market classes by characterizing and using exotic germplasm. 1d) Develop and utilize genomic resources for marker-assisted breeding. 1e) Coordinate and expand national and regional bean trials. (CA, CO, ID, MI, NE, ND, OR, Puerto Rico) 2. Identify and implement sustainable agricultural systems that improve bean seed yield, conserve natural resources, and protect the environment. (AZ, CA, CO, ID, MI, NY, ND, Puerto Rico) A three-year study was completed at the CSU research farm north of Fort Collins. The study compared the performance of three pinto bean cultivars with varying growth habit grown under furrow irrigation to determine if double row arrangement on seed beds increased seed yield or altered seed size compared to single row arrangement on seed beds. Upright type II cultivars Croissant (CSU release) and Stampede (NDSU release) were compared to the prostrate type III cultivar Montrose (CSU release). Growing conditions were favorable for plant development with trace infections of common bacterial blight and insect pests each year. Adequate furrow irrigation water and fertilizer supported optimum plant development and pod set. Significant interactions were noted among factors year, entry, and rows per bed. Yield varied from 2900 to 3800 kg/ha and 200-seed weight varied from 62 to 83 g, depending on entry and row arrangement during 2010 to 2012. Upright growth habit cultivars Croissant and Stampede had 5% higher yield under double row arrangement compared to single row arrangement, while the prostrate cultivar Montrose showed no response to row arrangement. Mean seed weight among cultivars did not differ between row arrangements. These results suggest that pinto bean growers should be able to increase yield and maintain desirable seed size using double row arrangement over traditional single row arrangement on the planting bed. Commercial dry bean production in CO was estimated at 43,000 A in 2014. The Dry Bean Breeding Project continued with the Fast Track project to develop slow darkening pinto bean varieties for the High Plains and western US. The project increased 200 F4 lines for evaluation and winter increase in New Zealand during winter 2013-14. The seed increases from these lines were shipped back to the US and tested for yield and agronomic traits in 2014, while simultaneously increasing for clean seed. Six lines were selected for further increase of Breeder seed in the winter nursery during 2014-15 for use to produce Foundation seed for release in 2015. In addition, the project evaluated more than 12,500 lines in the breeding program and increased pure seed of ten promising pinto breeding lines in western Colorado. One line, CO 91212, was increased in New Zealand during the winter 2013-14 and planted for Foundation Seed Production and will be released in 2014-15. The breeding program collaborated with state experiment station personnel from MI, NE, and ND as well as the USDA and private seed companies in the Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery, Midwest Regional Performance Nursery, the Western Regional Bean Trials and the CO Crops Testing Program to evaluate elite lines. Individuals that worked on the project included all principal investigators, their research and extension associates, technicians, graduate students and undergraduate students. Collaboration and training were continued with various organizations including the CO Dry Bean Administrative Committee, CO Seed Growers Association, CO Department of Agriculture, Regional W 2150 Research and Extension Committee members throughout the US. Additional contacts include CO dry bean growers of all major dry bean growing counties, field consultants with seed companies, pesticide companies, pesticide applicators, and crop consultants. Outreach activities included grower/industry and stakeholder meetings, scientific presentations at the national meeting of the Rocky Mountain Bean Dealers Association, the newsletter the CO Bean News distributed twice annually, and numerous contacts with growers via the telephone and internet. Idaho: Pinto Bean Breeding. Ten advanced breeding lines (selected from approximately 75 breeding lines evaluated in 2013) and checks were evaluated in the Western Regional Bean Trial (WRBT) in the high input, drought-stressed, and compacted soil with continual bean production systems for the past 64 years at Kimberly in 2014. They also were tested in a purgatory plot at Roza and in the high input plot at Othello, WA; under drought and rust pressures in the field and greenhouse at Fort Collins; and in high input and drought-stressed conditions at Scottsbluff. These were tested for general adaptation, plant type, maturity, seed yield and other seed characteristics, and response to rust. Based on the data collected so far, 5 breeding lines were selected for the winter or off-season seed increase and purification. Seed of the surviving plant-to-progeny rows will be again multiplied during the summer planting in the Trial Ground at Kimberly in 2015. Depending upon the seed availability, a bulk sample of each of the five breeding lines will be tested in the WRBT and the National Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery, and the most promising breeding line(s) will be released to Idaho bean growers as new cultivar(s) at the end of 2015 or early 2016. If necessary, an additional seed increase will be made in the winter season either in Chile or New Zealand. Thus, approximately 200 lb of the Breeder or Stock seed of each new cultivar will be supplied to the ID Foundation Seed Program in May 2016. Also, new cultivar(s) will be registered in the J Plant Registration. White Mold Resistance. Seed of one interspecific pinto bean breeding line, namely VCP 13 derived from a recurrent backcross of pinto ‘UI 320*2/PI 439534 (Phaseolus coccineus, a member of the secondary gene pool), and one pinto (PRP 153) and three Andean (PRA 152, PRA 154, PRA 155) breeding lines with pyramided high levels of white mold (caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) resistance from across Phaseolus species was multiplied in the field at Kimberly in 2014. They also were simultaneously screened on the same plants against the pathogen isolates ARS12D, CO467, ND710, and NY133 in the greenhouse at Kimberly, Idaho. Furthermore, approval for the public release from the ID Foundation Seed Program Committee and the Director of Idaho and CO Agricultural Experiment Stations has been requested. Hopefully, these will be released for public use in December 2014, and registered in the J Plant Registration in the spring of 2015. Their seed for research purposes should be available some time in 2015. Common Blight Resistance. An advanced tepary bean (P. acutifolius, a member of the tertiary gene pool of the common bean) derived common blight (caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli) resistant pinto PTRXa11.4 breeding line was developed. This breeding line has partial resistance in leaves and pods to less aggressive bacterial strain (e.g., ARX8AC), but confers a high level of resistance against aggressive (e.g., Xcp25) strain in leaves. We also helped develop, in collaboration with Tim Porch Andean breeding lines 08SH-840 and CXR 1, and in collaboration with Mari Carmen Asensio of Spain RCS 63 with high levels of pyramided common blight resistance. Seed of these breeding lines will be multiplied in 2015 for public release and registration in the J Plant Registration. Michigan: Bean Breeding Nurseries. The MSU dry bean breeding and genetics program conducted 20 yield trials in ten market classes and participated in the growing and evaluation of the Cooperative Dry Bean, Midwest Regional Performance, and the National Sclerotinia Nurseries in MI and winter nursery in Puerto Rico in 2014. All yield trials at Frankenmuth were direct harvested. Large-seeded kidney and cranberry trials, at Montcalm were rod-pulled. The white mold trial was direct harvested. Bean yields at Frankenmuth were exceptional in 2014 averaging 35 cwt/A with top yields exceeding 50 cwt in some trials. Temperatures were moderate not exceeding 90 F and rainfall for 4-summer months was 2.2 inches above the 30-yr average. The extra rainfall was well distributed with most falling in July so there was no stress to the crop due to limited moisture or high temperatures at the critical flowering period. White mold was a serious problem in the commercial crop but not in research plots where the extra tile drainage allowed for more rapid drying of the soil surface following rain. Plots at Montcalm had similar rainfall pattern but the supplemental irrigation did contribute to the development of white mold. Incidence in the National Sclerotinia Initiative nursery was very high in the susceptible checks and proved to be an excellent screening nursery. The major problem at Montcalm was the presence of severe root rots mainly Fusarium that was accentuated by the cooler soil conditions early in the season. Despite this, yields in kidney beans approached 40 cwt/A and many lines with tolerance to root rot and with resistance to common bacterial blight were identified in kidney bean nurseries. A total of 2,742 plots were harvested for yield in 2014 and approximately 2000 single plant selections were made in the early generation nurseries. Other studies included the evaluation of 36-entry certified organic variety trials at two locations. Black Bean Fe and Zn Biofortification. A QTL consensus map has been developed by combining QTL data from a black bean recombinant inbred line population and an additional three RIL populations. This analysis identified QTL on chromosomes 6 and 11 that appear to be important for seed Fe and Zn levels across diverse bean germplasm. These consensus QTL are currently being validated. The molecular markers associated with the high seed mineral levels are being screened across bean germplasm for utility in marker assisted selection. Black bean donor lines with high seed Fe and Zn have been crossed into high yielding black bean varieties and one to two backcrosses have been made. These materials have been planted in the field and will be evaluated for agronomic characteristics and advanced to the next generation at which time they will be evaluated for seed mineral levels. Black Bean Low Phytic Acid Germplasm. Three low phytic acid bean lines were received from the Italian Institute of Biology and Biotechnology. These lines were crossed with high yielding US black bean germplasm and were backcrossed to the adapted parent and/or self-pollinated. The crosses are currently being grown in the field and will be evaluated via SNP melting curve analysis for the presence of the low phytic acid trait. Nebraska: The main goal is improving bean yield potential and grower profitability by incorporating resistance/tolerance to major biotic and abiotic stresses, broadening the genetic base, and coordinating field trial nurseries, NE will: a) facilitate the genetic elucidation and breeding for resistance to bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases, using characterized pathogen isolates b) advance in the genetics and breeding for tolerance to heat and drought in response to global climate change, c) broaden the genetic base of major bean market classes by characterizing and using exotic germplasm, and e) coordinate and expand national and regional bean trials. The overall strategy of the Nebraska component is based on collaborative research of constraints shared across different production regions. This collaboration includes germplasm and pathogen exchange, sharing of protocols and techniques, regional nurseries and trials, and screening genotypes for the traits of interest. As a result of this exchange of knowledge and material, breeding projects will be able to incorporate and pyramid favorable genes for enhanced seed yield potential, nutritional value, and resistance to multiple abiotic and biotic stresses using a multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional team approach. Major goals of the project are to improve bean yields by incorporating resistance/tolerance to major biotic and abiotic stresses, broaden the genetic base, developing genomic resources, and coordinate field trial nurseries. Sub-objectives: 1a) Facilitate the genetic elucidation and breeding for resistance to bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases, facilitated by monitoring and characterizing pathogen variation. 1b) Advance in the genetics and breeding for tolerance to heat and drought in response to global climate change. 1c) Broaden the genetic base of major bean market classes by characterizing and using exotic germplasm. 1d) Coordinate and expand national and regional bean trials (CA, CO, ID, MI, NE, ND, OR, Puerto Rico). A total of 95 F4:5 lines from a shuttle breeding between Puerto Rico and NE were tested under terminal drought at Scottsbluff in 2014 in drought stress and non-stress conditions. The same set of lines is being planted in Juana Diaz, PR in 2014. RIL extremes from the drought mapping population Buster/Roza were tested under terminal drought stress at Scottsbluff, NE. A national nursery on drought was assembled (DBDN). Sixteen entries from the on-going shuttle breeding between Puerto Rico and Nebraska and six reference checks (Matterhorn, Marquis, Orion, Beryl-R, Merlot, and Stampede) were tested at CO, CA, NE, WA, PR, and MI in replicated trials under stress and non-stress conditions. The Shuttle Breeding line 9, VAX 2, and Matterhorn had the highest Geometric Mean yield of 3669, 3087, and 3035 lb/A, respectively. We participated in 3 regional bean trials; Midwest Regional Performance Nursery (MRPN), Western Regional Bean Trial (WRBT), and the Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery (CDBN). Two Nebraska lines, NE2-1325 and NE2-13-17, had the highest yields of 3576 and 3405 lb/A followed by Buster with 3404 lb/A in the 2014 MRPN conducted in Scottsbluff. PT13-17, PT13-18, and NE2-13-25 had the highest yields of 4455, 3836, and 3727 lb/A in the 2014 WRBT conducted in Scottsbluff. The Andean Diversity Panel and the Andean BeanCAP lines were evaluated under drought and non-drought stress conditions. The same set of lines was evaluated for common bacterial blight reaction. Two germplasm lines, MST-1 and SB-DT1 were released in 2011 with drought/heat and multiple disease resistance are being used in crosses. Two sources of bacterial wilt resistance identified from CIAT's Core Collection were backcrossed to the susceptible parents Raven and Mayasi as well as the wilt resistant source Emerson (PI 165078). Advanced bean lines from the NE breeding program tested at USDA Beltsville, MD showed rust resistance to multiple races of the pathogen. This resistance was found in all seed classes. Common bacterial blight resistance was also found in most seed classes. Rust was not reported in NE in 2014 growing season. R. solani root rot resistant bean lines were found in drought tolerant NE advanced breeding lines, but drought tolerance and root rot resistance were not correlated. We have identified 11 bean lines that have moderate levels of white mold (WM) resistance and nine adapted bean lines from many seed classes. We were able to select bean lines with many favorable traits and low to no WM in NE. About 30% of the great northern seed class bean area in NE and neighboring states was planted to Coyne in 2014, which generated a gross income of $13.7 million in 2014. There was a direct cost of savings of $2.5 million to growers because of reduced use of chemicals because of disease resistance in Coyne. The shuttle breeding program between Puerto Rico and Nebraska has expedited selection for multiple stress tolerance (drought/heat) and multiple disease resistance (common blight and rhizoctonia root rot). Outreach through the NE industry was via BeanBag, the StarHerald newspaper, scientific journals (Nature and Plant Disease), and the Bean Improvement Cooperative (BIC) results have been disseminated. New York: A major emphasis of our variety testing program over the past ten years has been on light red kidneys developed by Don Wallace, including: 773-V98 (now named Wallace), 1062-V98, NY104 and NY105, plus the black turtle soup line 96-148. One of the primary purposes underlying the breeding program has been to identify LRK lines with yield and canning quality comparable to or higher than RedKanner, but with earlier maturity similar to CELRK, or in the case of BTS lines, better yield and similar maturity to Midnight. Both of the NY lines and 96-148 have been sent to Idaho for commercial seed increase and have been placed in grower trials for 2010-2113 where they have been compared to standard commercial varieties. Given the wet spring conditions in 2013 several planned grower strip trials were either flooded out or never planted due to heavy and prolonged rains. Nevertheless, there were 4 locations from which we successfully harvested strip trials and reliable data was obtained. NY104 and NY105 were in one strip trial planted next to Cal Early, but there was virtually no difference in yield. The BTS line 96-148 had yield considerably better than T39 at one location, slightly less yield than T39 at another and somewhat better yield than Shania at a third location. New populations were initiated to transfer and select upright vine architecture in red kidney breeding lines following crosses from navy, great northern and black bean lines received from MSU. Eight new breeding lines were selected and identified for white mold resistance in the latest cycle, six light red kidney and two dark red kidney which were tested in replicated yield trials in 2013 at Freeville. The LRK lines (13WMLRK-1, 13WMLRK-2, 13WMLRK-3, 13WMLRK-4, 13WMLRK-5, 13WMLRK-6) had superior yield compared to CELRK and Wallace, but all were later in maturity. Two dark red kidney lines (13WMDRK-1, 13WMDRK-2) from the same program were compared to the standards Montcalm and Cabernet. Both had better yields and were significantly earlier than the checks, making them promising candidates for advancement if performance is replicated. The Extension dry bean program in 2013 evaluated 80 new and standard varieties and breeding lines, including those in the early stages of development from our own crosses. The National Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery with 16 entries was grown at Freeville in 2013. The main replicated yield trials, testing all the bean classes listed above, were grown at the Vegetable Research Farm at Freeville in 2013. In the light red kidney trial at Freeville, Inferno had the highest yield (2755 lbs/a) but was also the latest to mature. Cal Early, NY104, NY105 and Pink Panther were the earliest at 82 days. In the dark red kidney trial, KDD-DJ091030 from Seminis had the highest yield (2268 lbs/a) but was one of the latest. K11320 from MSU. was the earliest. In the black turtle soup trial, Black Velvet had the highest yield (3277 lbs/a), but was one of the latest. 96-148 from the Cornell program had the fourth highest yield (2962 lbs/a) which was not significantly different from Black Velvet. Virus resistance in snap bean breeding lines was selected in multiple greenhouse screens in 2014, introgressing genes controlling resistance to CMV, BYMV, CYVV and BCMV/BCMNV. This work included introgression of known genes including a CYVV resistance gene from clipper, bc-3 and the I-gene, new genes introgressed from scarlet runner beans, great northern beans, black beans and navy beans. Differential reactions to multiple virus inoculations was also undertaken in breeding lines and cultivars to identify different gene segregations, optimal combinations, cross resistance and genetic control for re-assembling the optimal combination into commercial cultivars. Evaluating breeding lines selected for resistance to multiple viruses based on the sources initially selected for CMV, BYMV, CYVV and BCMV sources has resulted in a major step forward in understanding the genetic control mechanisms and the desirable gene combinations resulting in cross resistance (resistance to one virus providing resistance to other viruses) combinations for protection against the major viruses being studied. An understanding of the major genes involved with resistance to these viruses is now becoming clear, enabling a change in breeding strategy to fast-track introgression of these. Dry bean production in NY is restricted by a short growing season, and variable rainfall and growing temperatures. The objectives of this project were to screen for genotypes with relatively short plant maturity, stress tolerance (particularly at seed set) and utilization quality appropriate for processing and dry pack markets. Dry bean varieties identified from these studies will allow growers to more consistently produce a higher quality crop with higher yields while using lower levels of inputs. Yield, maturity, seed size and canning data from all trials will be published in our annual NY State Dry Bean Variety Trials report and specific attribute information for each variety and line will be provided in our NY State Dry Bean Variety Trials Variety Fact Sheet. North Dakota: The multistate project activities focused on 4 major areas: i) The continued testing of slow darkening pinto breeding lines and ii) Evaluation of pinto breeding lines with multiple disease resistance, both in collaboration with Phil Miklas from USDA-ARS at Prosser-WA; iii) Collaborative regional trials: Midwest Regional Performance Nursery (MRPN) and Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery (CDBN); iv) the release of 2 new kidney cultivars (Talon dark red and Rosie light red kidney). Additional projects include the identification of genomic regions associated with bean plant architecture and white mold resistance. Results of these activities were shared in the W-2150 annual meeting at Scottsbluff, Annual Bean Day at Fargo, and some of the field days at the NDSU Research and Extension Centers. In the case of the slow darkening pintos, 2 breeding lines are in the seed increase stages. Initial plans were to release the lines as new cultivars in 2015. However, an early frost near Cody, WY caused a 50% loss due to both damaged seed and germination. Therefore, a winter increase will be needed in order to recover from the seed losses and do a new increase during the 2015 growing season. Both lines have been tested across ND for their agronomic performance and seed yields are comparable to the cultivars commonly grown in the region plus the slow darkening trait. Therefore, seed quality has been improved while maintaining the agronomic performance desired by the growers. A total 125 F3:4 Multiple Disease Resistance (MDR) pinto breeding lines were grown in New Zealand this year and 109 lines were selected for harvest based on disease symptoms, plant architecture, and overall agronomic potential. A total of 113 MDR pinto breeding lines plus 7 checks were planted in 2 locations in ND (Hatton and Johnstown) in May-June 2014. In addition, the same lines were planted in Othello, WA for additional evaluation and production of disease-free seed. During the summer, natural disease pressure was very high at Johnstown, which allowed the field evaluation of the lines for three diseases simultaneously: common bacterial blight (CBB), white mold (WM), and halo blight (HB). There was no natural pressure of anthracnose since this disease has been reported only in some fields in central ND. The MDR pinto lines were also evaluated for desirability (agronomic appearance). A total of 64 MDR pinto breeding lines (56% of the total) were selected and harvested at each location based on the disease and desirability scores. These lines will be evaluated for rust, anthracnose, and CBB in the greenhouse. For the MRPN, a total of 20 genotypes were planted across 4 states (CO, MI, ND, and NE) during the 2014 growing season. Unfortunately, the trial at North Dakota was loss due to flooding and data was not collected. Nonetheless, data from the other 3 states will be available. As for the CDBN, a total of 34 genotypes were planted across 9 locations in the U.S. and 1 location in Canada. Data from all locations should be available early 2015. Common trials for the mapping of genomic regions associated to plant architecture were planted both in ND and WA. A total of 178 genotypes from Durango race were included in these trials (known as the Durango Diversity Panel or DDP), and they were evaluated for many morphologic and agronomic traits. Finally, a new MAGIC population (Multiparent Advanced Generation Inter-Cross) for white mold is under development. This WM-MAGIC will serve both for mapping purposes as well as a source of improved germplasm. Accomplishments • The publication of the common bean genome sequence can be considered a great milestone from this project given the fact that several members of this multistate project were part of this important research. • Two slow darkening pinto breeding lines are the final stages of development and will be released next year, once enough seed to distribute is available. • 64 out of 125 MDR pinto breeding lines have been selected for further evaluation and selection. • Talon is a high yielding dark red kidney with high levels of resistance to the root rot fungal complex commonly present in MN. In addition, Talon possess the gene that confers resistance to Bean Common Mosaic Virus (BCMV) and showed resistance reaction to the new race of bean rust present in ND (20-4). Under field conditions, Talon showed intermediate levels of resistance to bacterial diseases (common bacterial blight and halo blight) in comparison with the commercial checks. The complex cross-series involves multiple cultivars and breeding lines. Averaged across all environments, Talon produced 231 and 331 kg more per hectare than Montcalm and Redhawk, respectively. Days to maturity, seed type, and canning quality is within acceptable commercial ranges and comparable to the commercial checks. • Rosie is a high yielding light red kidney with high levels of resistance to the root rot fungal complex commonly present in MN. The complex cross-series involves multiple cultivars and breeding lines. In addition, Rosie possess the gene that confers resistance to Bean Common Mosaic Virus (BCMV) but it is susceptible to the new race of bean rust present in ND (20-4). Under field conditions, line Rosie showed intermediate levels of resistance to bacterial diseases (common bacterial blight and halo blight) in comparison with the commercial checks. Averaged across 11 common environments, Rosie produced 296 kg ha-1 more than Pink Panther, one of the most commonly grown light red kidney cultivars in the region. Seed type and canning quality is within acceptable commercial ranges, but days to maturity for Rosie (106 days) are significantly higher than Pink Panther (91 days). Results of these activities were shared in the W-2150 annual meeting at Scottsbluff, NE, Annual Bean Day at Fargo, and some of the field days at the NDSU Research and Extension Centers. Also, some results were presented at the ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meetings in Tampa-FL in 2013 and Long Beach in 2014 as well as the Plant and Animal Genome (PAG) in San Diego in early 2014. Oregon: Nothing to report Puerto Rico: A multiple disease resistant common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm, TARS-LFR1, was released through recurrent selection by the USDA–ARS, and by the University of Puerto Rico and Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Stations that has superior performance in low nitrogen (N) soils and root rot resistance. In addition to root rot, this germplasm has resistance to common bacterial blight, caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Smith) Dye, and Bean common mosaic virus and yields well in association with rhizobia through biological nitrogen fixation. TARS-LFR1 has shown consistently high yield potential under root rot and low soil N conditions. Breeding lines developed from a second cycle of recurrent selection for drought in the collaborative shuttle breeding with the UN were evaluated in NE and in Puerto Rico in 2014. In collaboration with USDA-ARS-Prosser, over 150 bulk breeding populations were developed for abiotic and biotic traits in Mesoamerican and Andean genetic backgrounds. Several QTL, and associated markers, were identified through a collaborative effort with MSU for leaf hopper resistance. Advanced lines of tepary (Phaseolus acutifolius) were generated, and are currently being tested at CSU through a shuttle breeding effort, and in Honduras, and Burkina Faso for potential release. Washington: Dry bean nurseries: Participated in four cooperative trials in 2014. The 65th national Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery (CDBN), directed by P Miklas, was conducted across 11 states and Ontario, and consisted of 34 entries: 12 pintos, 2 blacks, 1 navy, 1 great northern, 1 red, 2 pinks, 2 flor de mayos, 5 light red kidneys, 2 dark red kidneys, 2 white kidneys, and 4 yellows. The ARS-Prosser pintos PT11-13 and PT12-37 were the top two yielding lines across all locations. PT11-13 will be registered for cultivar release in 2015. Two slow darkening pinto beans 23ST-27 and SF103-8 developed by ARS-Prosser in collaboration with J. Osorno (NDSU) yielded favorably in the CDBN and will likewise be registered for cultivar release in 2015. Contributed 5 pinto and 2 great northern advanced lines for the Western Regional Bean Trial (WRBT). PT13-17 and PT13-18 pinto beans breed for multiple disease resistance using marker-assisted selection performed well in this nursery, and will be advanced for additional testing in 2015. The Dry Bean Drought Nursery (DBDN) was planted at Othello, under terminal drought and non-stress. A drought severity index of 0.44 was obtained which was perfect for identifying materials with superior drought tolerance. The Bean White Mold Nursery was planted at Paterson, for the 15th consecutive year with good levels of disease pressure obtained as evidenced by a disease score of 7.2 for the susceptible check Beryl. The great northern breeding line 031A-11 and pinto breeding line 039A-5 continue to exhibit good levels of white mold resistance. White mold: The Middle American Diversity panel of 300 lines was tested in the field and greenhouse straw test and GWAS was performed with greater than 35,000 SNPs generated by GBS. One QTL mapped on Pv08 (21.3 Mb) in a different location from WM8.3 (Mb 50.1); thus, may represent a new QTL or previously identified but uncharacterized QTL. Two QTL were detected in the greenhouse straw test on Pv07 (15.6 Mb) and Pv09 (18.7 Mb). The location for the Pv07 QTL is slightly different from WM7.1 QTL region (Mb 1.1 to 8.3), and again could represent a new QTL. Correlation data affirmed the importance of avoidance traits in expression of field resistance to WM. A RIL population of 160 F5 RILs were generated (Orion/USPT-WM-12) and will be used to examine the straw test resistance exhibited by USPT-WM-12. This work was done in collaboration with NDSU (McClean) and OSU (Myers) and leverages funding from the National Sclerotinia Initiative. Halo blight: A new QTL for halo blight resistance to Race 6 was observed on Pv04 in Rojo/CAL 143 RIL population. The Pse-6 gene for resistance to races 1, 5, 7, and 9 was mapped to Pv04 within a major R gene cluster. Wisconsin: Jim Nienhuis reported mapping traits with SNPs for root rot resistance (Aphanomyces and Pythium) in snap beans. He looks at parallel. He commented that 100 lb/A N applied to Central Sands soil will not be tolerated, so they are looking at high N fixing materials. He is investigating flavor improvement to increase consumer acceptability and is working on organic production combining root rot resistance with spinosad and virus resistance. Sieve size for processing snap beans seems to be getting smaller. Although not retiring soon, he commented that commodity positions will not be replaced at the Univ Wisconsin.


  1. The publication of the common bean genome sequence can be considered a great milestone from this project given the fact that several members of this multistate project were part of this important research.
  2. A three-year study was completed that compared the performance of three pinto bean cultivars with varying growth habit under furrow irrigation to determine if double row arrangement on seed beds increased seed yield or altered seed size. Upright type II cultivars Croissant (CSU release) and Stampede (North Dakota State University release) were compared to the prostrate type III cultivar Montrose (CSU release). Significant interactions were noted among factors year, entry, and rows per bed. Upright growth habit cultivars Croissant and Stampede had 5% higher yield under double row arrangement compared to single row arrangement, while the prostrate cultivar Montrose showed no response to row arrangement. Mean seed weight among cultivars did not differ between row arrangements. These results suggest that pinto bean growers should be able to increase yield and maintain desirable seed size using double row arrangement over traditional single row arrangement on the planting bed.
  3. The breeding program released a high-yielding, disease resistant, upright full-season black bean variety, Zenith, and a new upright navy bean variety, Alpena that has excellent canning quality and uniform maturity. Zenith possesses superior color retention following canning, a trait the processing industry needs. Foundation seed of both varieties was produced in 2014. Currently the black bean variety Zorro from MSU breeding program is grown on 80% acres planted to black beans in MI and has provided growers with opportunity to reduce costs by direct harvesting the crop. Certified seed was also produced of new great northern bean variety Powderhorn released by MSU in 2014.
  4. A national nursery on drought was assembled (DBDN). Sixteen entries from the on-going shuttle breeding between Puerto Rico and Nebraska and six reference checks (Matterhorn, Marquis, Orion, Beryl-R, Merlot, and Stampede) were tested at CO, CA, NE, WA, PR, and MI in replicated trials under stress and non-stress conditions. The Shuttle Breeding line 9, VAX 2, and Matterhorn had the highest Geometric Mean yield of 3669, 3087, and 3035 lbs/acre, respectively. The Dry Bean Drought Nursery (DBDN) was planted at Othello, WA, under terminal drought and non-stress. A drought severity index of 0.44 was obtained which was perfect for identifying materials with superior drought tolerance.
  5. Two lines with slow darkening characteristics from the NDSU breeding program were to be released as new cultivars in 2015. However, an early frost caused a 50% loss due to both damaged seed and germination. Seed will be increased in winter and summer nurseries. Seed yields of both lines have proven comparable to pinto bean cultivars commonly grown in North Dakota and these lines provide the additional benefit of the slow darkening characteristic. Therefore, seed quality has been improved while maintaining the agronomic performance desired by the growers. Additionally, six pinto bean lines with slow darkening characteristics were selected by CSU for further increase of Breeder seed in the winter nursery during 2014-15 for use to produce Foundation seed for release in 2015.


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