SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Ellis, Donna- CT IPM Coordinator; Whalen, Joanne- DE IPM Coordinator; Hanson, Keoki - NE IPM Center; Koplinka-Loehr, Carrie- NE IPM Center; Hoffmann, Mike- Experiment Station Dir., Cornell University (remote); Rajotte, Ed- PA IPM Coordinator; Hamilton, George- NJ IPM Coordinator; Eaton, Alan - NH IPM Coordinator; Koehler, Glenn, UNH; Hooks, Cerruti- MD IPM Coordinator; Grant, Jennifer - NY IPM Coordinators; Sandler, Hilary - MA IPM Coordinator; Hazelrigg, Ann - VT IPM Coordinator; Kingsley-Richards, Sarah, UVM; Draper, Martin - USDA NIFA (remote); Green, Tom - IPM Institute; VanKirk, Jim (remote)-Southern IPM Center.

Chair-Ann Hazelrigg
Vice-Chair-George Hamilton
Other discussions to be fit it-NEWA, eXtension as time allows

April 1
1 pm Welcome and Introductions, Agenda Overview-Ann Hazelrigg, Chair, NEERA
1:30 pm National Update-Status of last year’s E-IPM grants and monies, Criteria for
successful applications. New RFA for next round. Marty Draper, USDA NIFA
See attached pdf of Marty’s powerpoint presentation.
2:30 pm Break
3:30 pm Making the most of evaluation of programs. Keoki Hansen, NE IPM Center
Keoki Hansen, the Program Evaluation specialist at NEIPMC, will be conducting
an interactive session on evaluation. The session will cover: why evaluation is
important; setting up evaluation systems--the what, who, when, how and where;
and data collection methods. During the session you will have the opportunity to
ask your evaluation questions and apply what you have learned using the NEERA
objectives. This session was developed based on the feedback from NIFA
regarding the quality of the evaluation sections in the recent NEERA proposals.
See attached pdf of Keoki’s powerpoint presentation.
5:30 pm Dinner on your own-lots of possibilities!

April 2
7:00 am Full breakfast
8:00 am NE IPM Center Update & NE IPM Center Grant Programs. Factsheet ideas
(creation, peer-review process and vetting) and funding sources. Carrie
Koplinka-Loehr, NE IPM Center
9:00 am Northeast Experiment Station Directors Update, Mike Hoffman, Cornell
University-will be calling in. See attached pdf of Mike’s powerpoint
9:30 am Discussion of last year’s E-IPM grants-Categories for each state’s submission,
what we did right/wrong, what can we improve? Group Work.
11:30 am iPIPE proposal, Jim VanKirk, Southern Region IPM Center-will be calling in.
See attached pdf of Jim’s powerpoint presentation.
12:00 Lunch provided
1 pm NRCS funding for IPM activities, Updates on IPM Voice, Tom Green, President
of IPM Institute of North America. See attached pdf of Jim’s powerpoint
2 pm State IPM Programs Reports, IPM Program Coordinators – 5 min/state
2:30 pm Break
3 pm Review and update of NEERA IPM research and extension priorities, NEERA
Group-see below
5 pm Elect chair for 2016-Jennifer Grant

Priorities resulting from the meeting:
Emerging pests—use resources to increase knowledge and available tools to
address challenges created by: Spotted wing drosophila, BMSB, ticks, boxwood
blight, yellow rattle, dodder
Current diseases—use resources to increase knowledge and available tools to
address challenges created by current diseases such as: late blight of tomato,
‘Summer Rots’, boxwood blight, impatiens downy mildew
Demonstrate the viability/usefulness of the whole IPM approach such as ‘Grape
IPM,’ etc.
Increase knowledge in weed management, specifically in orchards
Increase programs and tools for young farmers,
Increase programs and tools non-English speakers
Increase the number of programs and tools focused on urban/public health IPM
(mosquitos, ticks, bedbugs, lyme disease)
Create resources that increase understanding of the effect of climate change on
pests and the role IPM can play in climate change.
Increase IPM resources created for the public, such as home gardeners and
Create up to date lists of reduced risk pesticides
Improve metrics of IPM adoption by creating standardized IPM performance
Increase resources focused on resistant weeds, and volatilization management
Work collaboratively to locate alternative sources of funding
Increase resources dedicated to pollinator health
Increase collaboration among regions to more effectively use resources and
better coordinate research and outreach.
Increase knowledge in cultural and alternative practices for management of
emerging pests
Communicate how to differentiate advanced IPM from basic levels
Increase coordination within extension on work regarding pesticide bans.
Increase knowledge about how to deal with garlic mustard
Increase knowledge about white grub management
Create and disseminate guidelines for use of biocontrols.
Increase emphasis on bio-based pest management
Support the region-wide weather-based decision support

Dedicate more research resources to link between IPM and climate change
Increase research in understanding fungicide resistance (i.e. Streptomycin
resistance and fire blight in apples)
Dedicate more research resources to pollinator health
Increase research on secondary effects of pesticide use for BMSB and it’s impact
on crops and the ecosystem
Develop more reduced risk products (nematodes, jasmonic acid, 25 B use and
Develop thresholds for BMSB

Inform regulatory policies about how to increase pollinator health
FSMA-how does this affect IPM and where does IPM fit in?
Contribute to more effective WP standards
Inform regulatory policies in order to increase incentives for more reduced risk


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