SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Committee Members Present: J. Bamberg, C. Brown, W. De Jong (Vice-Chair), D. Douches (Chair), C-Y. Hu, M. Martin. C. Miller (Secretary), A. Mosley, S. Reiling, S. Slack. D. Spooner, R. Tarn Others Present: Isabel Vales, Jeannie Miller, Susana Rigato, Christian Thill, Solomon Yilma

1. D. Douches called the meeting to order at 7:45 AM. The meeting agenda was distributed, introductions were made, and announcements were invited. Genebank documents were available for printing on the NRSP-6 website prior to the meeting. 2. The agenda was approved as distributed. Miller moved that the majority of business be accomplished on 21 June. Motion seconded by Tarn and approved. 3. Minutes of the 2004 TAC meeting were approved with no changes. 4. The Resolutions Committee was appointed (C. Brown [Chair], R. Tarn, C. Thill). 5. S. Slack reported on general administrative developments and prospects for the project, FY06-10. He also summarized basic recommendations from the ESCOP (Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy) Germplasm Task Force. " The NRSP Review Committee makes preliminary recommendations annually. Additionally, an external review takes place at the five-year rewrite interval. Responses to the Committees recommendations are due June 24. Final decision will be made at the full meeting of the Experiment Station Section (ESS) in late September. NRSP-6 project has been recommended for approval for five years, at $150,000 for FY 06 and decreasing to $50,000/YR for years four and five. The NRSP germplasm groups are NRSP-6 and NRSP-5 (virus-free fruit trees). A coordinating committee representing ARS, CSREES, and ESCOP has been recommended to be established by an ESCOP Task Force; the Task Force report will be considered for approval at the ESS meeting as well. Miller inquired as to the composition of the committee. Slack indicated that there would be representation from each group, if the ESS approves the recommendation and ARS and CSREES are supportive, but couldnt presume specifics. Miller suggested that a representative from NRSP-6 (i.e., someone sympathetic to potatoes) should be included on the coordinating committee. " Extensive discussion followed. The Coordinating Committee would not impact operations of NRSP-6, except presumably through budget recommendations,  it would be more of a policy group on germplasm in the country and how it is coordinated across species. The assault on Hatch funds and the consequences of their potential elimination were also discussed. Loss of Hatch funds would be devastating for long-term research such as public plant breeding programs. The importance of carefully constructed impact statements which can be easily understood by policy makers and consumers was underscored. The importance of educating the National Potato Council of the activities of NRSP-6 and its impact on the US potato industry was emphasized. Bamberg has been invited to make a presentation to the NPC Seed Seminar in December, where he will further educate this group on NRSP-6 activities. Douches suggested that articles in popular publications such as Spudman, Potato Grower, and Potato Country could be used to increase grower awareness and gain support. Slack is to contact John Keeling of the National Potato Council to invite representation by this body at the NRSP-6 annual meetings. " Slack agreed to draft a response to the NRSP Review Committee recommendations for NRSP-6: The recommendation to renew NRSP-6 is appreciated,especially the recognition that NRSP-6 is meeting a critical genetic resource need nationally and internationally. Representation via Appendix E has been largely addressed and stakeholder communications will be directly addressed in annual reports, etc. We recognize the concern regarding the use of off-the-top funds as a support mechanism, independent of the quality and need for the NRSP-6 mission, and therefore feel that the acceptance and implementation of the ESCOP Task Force on Germplasm report is very important. NRSP-6 is quite concerned about the proposed reduction of funds for the next five-year period, but will work with all concerned funding entities to address program and user needs and direction in the funding period covered. Mosley moved and Miller seconded the acceptance of the response. Motion passed. 6. No additional comments from Regional Administrative Advisors (Reiling, Westerman, Hu). 7. Regional and ARS Tech Reports were presented by Brown, DeJong, Miller, Douches, and Mosley (see attached reports). It was evident that NRSP-6 germplasm plays a critical role in supporting potato research throughout the US, and that hobbyists, gardeners, and other consumers also benefit greatly from easy access to this material. The North Central Region is the biggest user of NRSP-6 material. 8. Tarn reported on Agriculture and Agrifoods Canada (report attached). Replacement for Dermot Lynch who retired at Lethbridge has been completed. The technical aspects of moving germplasm into Canada were discussed. 9. Genebank progress overview for 2004  to the present was presented by Bamberg, Martin, and Spooner (reports attached). Spooner presented a complete report of his extensive research activities, which included a very productive stay at CIP. CIP officials were very cooperative in providing manpower and facilities for conducting his research. The political situation in South America is still preventing collection of additional materials. Spooner has concluded that European potatoes originated in Chile rather than Peru. He is Secretary of the Botanical Association of America, and is coordinating the meetings of three Solanaceae groups in Madison July 23  27, 2006. Bamberg provided an overview of genebank activities, including research and development which he believes are the core functions. This documentation adds value to the collection, resulting in greater service to stakeholders. Bamberg elaborated on budget items related to NRSP-6. Slack is to contact Peter Bretting for clarification of NRSP-6-related items, including the new funding received by Madison, and how these funds are related to the reduction in off-the-top funding from the state experiment stations. 10-14. Brettings report from USDA, ARS NPGS NPL was distributed. No reports were received from: USDA, ARS potato NPL (Cameron); USDA, ARS Midwest Area; SREES rep comments (Thro); APHIS and quarantine rep comments (Levy), as these entities were not represented at the meeting. Afternoon, Tues June 21 15. Mosley and staff presented an overview of the Oregon State University breeding program, followed by an extensive tour of laboratory, greenhouse, and field facilities and research plots. Reconvened at 4:30 16-17. Secretary Miller reviewed most important points from the morning session which centered on the TACs response to the NRSP Review Committee report. Miller moved and Mosley seconded that Slack contact the NPC and enlist their support in identifying a representative of their choice to attend NRSP-6 meetings. Motion passed. Slack contacted John Keeling after the meeting, and Keeling recommended Don Sklarczyk of Johannesburg, MI to represent NPC on NRSP-6; Slack spoke to Sklarczyk and he has agreed to serve in this capacity (this would essentially be a voting technical representative). A number of questions related to NRSP-6 cannot be resolved until future meetings of ESCOP/ESS are held. Spooner noted that Jack Hawkes 90th birthday was approaching, and provided a birthday card for all to sign. 18. Resolutions: the following motions were submitted by the Resolutions Committee and were unanimously approved in spirit: " Whereas Dr. Alvin Mosley of Oregon State University has been an enthusiastic supporter of the NRSP-6 program for the entire tenure of his membership on the Technical Advisory Committee; and Whereas, Dr. Mosley has provided leadership and a vision for the NRSP-6 program throughout the years; and Whereas, Dr. Mosley has been an avid believer in the value of incorporation of new genetic variation in the potato breeding pool; and Whereas Dr. Mosley has prolifically selected new named varieties with arrays of new traits needed by the industry; and Whereas Dr. Mosley has promoted teamwork in his own institution and has modeled this teamwork by extensive sharing of resources; and Whereas Dr. Mosley has presided over the creation of a statewide multi-location potato breeding program during his career at Oregon State University; and Whereas he leaves this program with tremendous promise for the future upon his retirement; and Whereas the potato breeding program at Oregon State University is another user of potato germplasm curated by the NRSP-6 program; Therefore, be it resolved that the Technical Advisory Committee expresses extreme gratitude for his accomplishments, level-headed guidance and unfailing support over the years and wishes him every happiness and many years of good health in his post-retirement years. " Whereas Jack Hawkes has made many taxonomic and germplasm contributions to the US potato genebank; and Whereas he has had a long association with the potato genebank starting in 1958 and continuing through nine subsequent visits with the last in 1989; and Whereas 470 of his collections account for about 10% of the current genebank seed population holdings with many additional stocks indirectly attributable to his efforts; and Whereas the taxonomy used to organize and document the accessions for the past 55 years is, in large part, his creation; and Whereas he has been a key participant in the potato inter-genebank association (APIC) including its inaugural meeting at Sturgeon Bay in 1991 and a subsequent meeting at the Vavilov Institute (VIR), St. Petersburg, Russia in 1994; and Whereas on June 27, 2005 he celebrates his 90th birthday; Therefore, be it resolved that the Technical Advisory Committee of the US Potato Genebank (NRSP-6, formerly IR-1), on behalf of all involved in the project, hereby recognizes Jack Hawkes for these many and outstanding contributions to the project, sends him warm and heartfelt greetings for his 90th birthday celebration, and wishes him health and happiness in the years ahead. " Whereas, Dr. Alvin Mosley and his staff hosted the 2005 meeting of the NRSP-6 in Corvallis, Oregon, June 21-22; and Whereas, the Oregon Potato Breeding Program staff arranged the excellent meeting facilities, refreshments and accommodations; and Whereas, the Oregon Potato Breeding Program staff arranged a tour of their research facilities, and the Committee is most appreciative of the dinner and social events arranged; Therefore, be it resolved that the NRSP-6 TAC express sincere thanks to the staff for arranging a highly successful and productive meeting. " Whereas, Dr. Jeannie Miller, guest of NRSP-6, took, prepared, and forwarded minutes of the 2005 NRSP-6 meeting; Therefore, be it resolved that members of the NRSP-6 TAC express sincere appreciation to Jeannie for her dedicated efforts. 19. Executives for coming year: Secretary: C. Brown Vice-Chair: C. Miller Chair: W. De Jong 20. Venue for 2006: Ames, Iowa  precise site TBA. First week of June. 21. Meeting adjourned at 5:10 PM. Small, informal participant meetings were held on Wednesday morning, 22 June.


Accomplishments A. Introduction of New Stocks Dr. Bamberg, Dr. Alfonso del Rio, and Charles Fernandez (US Potato Genebank) had a successful collecting expedition to the Chiricahua Wilderness in southeast Arizona in September of 2004 (supported with extramural funding from USDA). They collected 17 new accessions of S. fendleri (now reclassified as stoloniferum). For 50 years the only available germplasm from this area consisted of a few collections from spots easily accessible by road. New collections were from sites accessible only through camping and extensive hiking. This will be a test case of an important question about germplasm collecting: Do samples from sites easy to access adequately represent the genetics in a geographic area, or is there much more work that should be done to access more remote sites? A total of 29 accessions were assigned PI numbers in 2004: five from Peru, one from South Africa, six from Korea, and 17 from the southwest United States. These accessions are now available from the NRSP-6 Solanum germplasm collection. Several steps were taken in the past year to promote and inform researchers of NRSP-6s services and stocks. The NRSP-6 web page ( has been updated and made more user friendly. Clientele that have ordered from NRSP-6 in the past four years are contacted three times per year, informing them of new materials that are now available either as true seed, tubers, in vitro plantlets, or herbarium samples. A new trifold pamphlet was printed for distribution to school and tour groups and is available on the web page. B. Preservation and Increase of Stocks In 2004, a total of 268 accessions were increased as botanical seed populations. A total of 900 potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) tests were performed on seed increase parents, seedlots and research materials. Germination tests were performed on 1,044 accessions, ploidy determinations were made on 32 accessions, and tetrazolium seed viability tests were done on 32 seedlots. In 2003 tetrazolium testing was initiated to determine the cause of poor germination on some seedlots. For some lots, it was confirmed that poor germination was due to inviable seeds and not germination protocol. In 2004 we recalled 69 of these zero- germ seedlots from long-term storage at NSSL. So far we have gotten good seed increases on 53 of these. A project with NSSL on long-term potato seed viability in different storage systems and methods of prestorage handling was initiated in 2003, and the last of the seed for this project was shipped in 2004. Progress was made on several international collaborative projects. We are working with CIP on a project to assess the impact of agrichemicals on pollen and seed viability of wild species. We planned a study to look at the prevalence of hidden recessives, and diversity of nematode resistance alleles in S. andigena with Russian (VIR) colleagues. Work continued with Dr. C. Millers lab screening for antioxidants in uncolored wild potato species tubers. Previous screening among species identified ones with promising levels of tuber antioxidant capacity. Some diploid Mexican species seem to have high antioxidants in common: S. cardiophyllum, S. jamesii, and S. pinnatisectum. Continued fine screening is discovering high levels of antioxidants in species that are more crossable to tuberosum and known to have acceptably low levels of glycoalkaloids. We explored the potenetial of using a potato-based, in vitro Agrobacterium tumefaciens system to screen for anti-tumor factors. The Potato Crop Germplasm Committee (CGC) also sponsored a funded grant proposal to screen for Potato Carboxypeptidase Inhibitor (PCI), a small, heat-stable protein, unique to potato, that has been shown to efficiently inhibit proliferation of some of the most pernicious human cancers. Frost resistant breeding work continues with recurrent selection of S. tuberosum, S. acaule and S. commersonii hybrids. Materials are now maturing earlier with the introgression of very early varieties, and some selections have been confirmed to survive in vitro leaf freezing to 5oC. In a related study, substitution backcross families were used to show that cytoplasm is not a factor in the extreme frost hardiness of S. commersonii. The cooperative project with NDSU for screening S. andigena populations for Sugar-end disorder did not progress as much as hoped in 2004, since winter tuberization in Weslaco, TX was poor. In 2005 we started cooperating with a grower in southern CA to assess the utility of that environment. In 2005 we are undertaking a backup plan to make F1 families of S. andigena accessions with a susceptible tester cultivar. We discovered a new floral development mutant in S. microdontum which we have named crazy sepal because it grows multiple (indeterminate) sets of sepals instead of anthers and pistils. This is a potential tool for studying floral development, and may have other applications as a completely sterile mutant. Progeny tests indicate monogenic recessive gene action. Attempts to artificially restore fertility are in progress as well as the generation of DNA markers to tag the recessive cs1 allele. Testing was continued in an effort to confirm and characterize apomixis in S. jamesii. A field tuberization location in Hawaii was tested and appears to be effective. Until now, the only other way to produce tubers of wild species has been in winter greenhouse pots, and such tubers might not give a true indication of their potential value with respect to a variety of tuber traits. Plant parts are known to vary widely for pH, but little is known about the variation, basis, or utility of pH extremes in potato tubers. When pH was measured on species of the mini-core collection, replicates over years and populations gave rather consistent results, with S. polytrichon, S. pinnatisectum and S. papita being the most acidic. Cultivated species, S. verrucosum and S. okadae, were least acidic. The observed range of pH (5.5-6.1) represents a 4-fold difference in H ion concentration. We intend to fine-screen among genotypes within species to find the limits of tuber acidity, then characterize the physiology, genetics and impact on economic traits like disease resistances and processing quality. C. Classification Dr. Spooner et al. have published Wild Potatoes (Solanum section Petota) of North and Central America. Dr. Spooner continues to resolve problems in taxonomic classification that impede efficient documentation and use of the germplasm. At present he is working on a use-based classification of varieties, and predictive value of taxonomy. D. Distribution NRSP-6 distributed 4,234 units of seed (not including in-house use); 258 tuber families; 2,052 tuber clones; 1,512 in vitro stocks; 47 DNA samples; 231 plants in plugs; and 61 herbarium samples to clientele in 30 states of the USA and 12 other countries. Internally NRSP-6 used 3,819 units of seed for seed backup, chromosome counts, germination tests, identification and taxonomic check plantings, in vitro maintenance, seed increases, PSTV tests, and miscellaneous plantings. The volume and types of stocks sent to various consignee categories are summarized in the table below.




















































E. Visitors From Other Countries Dr. L. Lopez Peru Dr. W. Roca Peru Dr. A. Villegas Columbia Dr. E. Sofiare Indonesia Dr. M. Herman Indonesia Dr. Kaushik India Dr. Swarup India Dr. G. P. Das Bangladesh Dr. V. Anand India Anticipated Accomplishments WORK PLANNED FOR 2005 Fast and accurate delivery of high quality germplasm and information will continue to be the general objective of NRSP-6. We also aim to raise awareness of the germplasm resource through an advertising/outreach program, and by conducting and publishing research that demonstrates new ways the germplasm can be useful for potato improvement. Evaluation experiments will continue on Solanum species for these and other traits: antioxidants, tuber acidity, apomixis, crazy sepal mutant, sugar end disorder, frost hardiness, tuber calcium, hormone mutants, and anti-cancer compounds. APIC Intergenebank projects, researching the status and dynamics of genetic diversity using DNA markers, will continue strengthening ties with sister genebanks around the world.


  1. NRSP-6s purpose is to provide a ready source of raw materials, technology and information to support potato enhancement, breeding and research in the USA and around the world. Thus, one way the success of NRSP-6 can be measured is by the occurrence of NRSP-6 germplasm in the pedigrees of new, improved potato cultivars. Another is in the use of NRSP-6 stocks in more basic research programs, which is reflected in publications that provide information that ultimately contributes to better exploi
  2. Four cultivar releases were published in the American Journal of Potato Research in 2004: Pacific Russet, Red Pearl, Alta Russet, and Monticello. Four verticillium wilt resistant germplasm releases were published in AJPR. All of these are known to have wild species in their pedigrees.
  3. Section 6 lists 86 papers, 25 abstracts, and 3 theses which report the use of NRSP-6 Solanum introductions this year.


A. Publications issued by NRSP-6 Personnel Bamberg, J.B. and A.H. del Rio. 2004. 2004. Genetic heterogeneity estimated by RAPD polymorphism of four tuber-bearing potato species differing by breeding system. Am. J. Potato Res. 81:377-383. Brown, C.R., H. Mojtahedi and J. Bamberg. 2004. Evaluation of Solanum fendleri as a source of resistance to Meloidogyne chitwoodi. Am. J. Potato Res. 81:415-419. Busse, James S., John B. Bamberg and Jiwan P. Palta. 2004. Genetic variations for calcium accumulation efficiency in tuber and aerial shoot tissues. Presented at 88th Annual Meeting of PAA, Scottsbluff, NE, Aug. 8-12, 2004. p. 36. (Abstract) del Rio, Alfonso and J.B. Bamberg. 2004. Ten years of research at the US Potato Genebank using molecular markers to study efficiency in the acquisition and management of Potato Genetic Diversity. Presented at 88th Annual Meeting of PAA, Scottsbluff, NE, Aug. 8-12, 2004. p. 77. (Abstract) del Rio, Alfonso, J.B. Bamberg and Z. Huaman. 2004. Assessment of putative identical germplasm collections at CIP and US Potato genebanks determined by RAPD and SSR markers. Presented at 88th Annual Meeting of PAA, Scottsbluff, NE, Aug. 8-12, 2004. p. 32. (Abstract) Fernandez, Charles J. and John B. Bamberg. 2004. A new Solanum fendleri mutant lacking purple pigment. Presented at 88th Annual Meeting of PAA, Scottsbluff, NE, Aug. 8-12, 2004. p. 78. (Abstract) Ghislain, M., D.M. Spooner, F. Rodriguez, F. Villamon, J. Nunez, C. Vasquez, R. Waugh, and M. Bonierbale. 2004. Selection of highly informative and user-friendly microsatellites (SSRs) for genotyping of cultivated potato. Theor. Appl. Genet. 108:881-890. Knapp, S., L. Bohs, M. Nee, and D.M. Spooner. 2004. Solanaceae  a model for linking genomics with biodiversity. In: Plant & Animal Genome XII Conference, San Diego, CA, January 10-14, 2004. Comp. Func. Genomics 5(3):285-291. Spooner, D.M., G.J. Bryan, R.G. van den Berg, and A. del Rio. 2003. Species concepts and relationships in wild and cultivated potatoes. In: Potatoes  Healthy food for Humanity: International Developments in Breeding, Production, Protection and Utilization. Proc. of XXVI International Hort. Congress, Toronto, Canada, Aug. 11-17, 2002. (Ed: R.Y. Yada). Acta Hort. 619:63-75. Spooner, David and W.L.A. Hetterscheid. 2004. Origin of the modern cultivated potato. Presented at 88th Annual Meeting of PAA, Scottsbluff, NE, Aug. 8-12, 2004. p. 47. (Abstract) Spooner, David and W.L.A. Hetterscheid. 2004. Cultivar-group classification of modern cultivated potato. Presented at 88th Annual Meeting of PAA, Scottsbluff, NE, Aug. 8-12, 2004. p. 47. (Abstract) Spooner, D.M. and K.A. Williams. 2004. Germplasm acquisition. Encyclopedia of Plant and Crop Science, Ed.: R.M. Goodman, 537-540. Dekker Agropedia, New York, New York. Vega, S.E., J.B. Bamberg and J.P. Palta. 2004. Characterization of gibberellin requirements for various diploid and tetraploid gibberellin deficient mutants. Presented at 88th Annual Meeting of PAA, Scottsbluff, NE, Aug. 8-12, 2004. p. 60. (Abstract) Vega, S.E., J.P. Palta and J.B. Bamberg. 2004. Evidence for the mitigation of gibberellin deficiency symptoms by root zone calcium in GA-deficient mutants of potato. Presented at 88th Annual Meeting of PAA, Scottsbluff, NE, Aug. 8-12, 2004. p. 61. (Abstract) Vega, S.E., A.H. del Rio, J.B. Bamberg, and J.P. Palta. 2004. Evidence for the up-regulation of stearoyl-ACP (?9) desaturase gene expression during cold acclimation. Am. J. Potato Res. 81:125-135. B. Journal Articles and Abstracts Reporting Research with NRSP-6 Stocks Alcalde-Eon, C., G. Saavedra, S. de Pascual-Teresa, and J.C. Rivas-Gonzalo. 2004. Identification of anthocyanins of pinta boca (Solanum stenotomum) tubers. Food Chem. 86(3):441-448. Anderson, J.A.D., S.L. Lewthwaite, R.A. Genet, and W.F. Braam. 2004. Moonlight: A new dual-purpose main crop potato (Solanum tuberosum) cultivar. New Zealand J. Crop Hort. Sci. 32(1):153-156. Arnone, S., S. Musmeci, V. Fonzo, M. Cristofaro, O. Temperini, F. Saccardo, and A. Sonnino. 2002. Breeding for resistance to Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Colorado potato beetle), Phthorimaea operculella ( tuber moth), Agriotes spp. (wireworm) in potato. Rivista di Ag. 36 (Suppl. 1):33-38. Banyal, Jeena, Meetul Kumar, S.D. Chakrabarti, D. Pattanayak, V.P. Chimote, Singh Lokendra, and P.S. Naik. 2003. Cloning and sequencing of an Osmotin-like gene fragment from the late blight resistant wild potato species Solanum chacoense. In: Symposium on Potato research towards national food and nutritional security, 2-3 October, 2003. (Eds: S.K. Pandey and Singh Brajesh). J. Indian Potato Assn. 30(1/2)37-38. Blessington, T., A.L. Hale, D.C. Sheuring, and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2004. Effect of cooking and storage on antioxidant activity in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). HortSci. 39:879. (Abstract) Blessington, T., A.L. Hale, D.C. Sheuring, and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2004. Effect of cooking ,storage, and gamma irradiation on antioxidant activity in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Am. J. Potato Res. 81:. (Abstract) Blotskaya, Z.V. and N.V. Rusetsky. 2002. Evaluation of potato selection material for complex virus resistance. Zashichita Rastenii 25:40-45. Brigneti, G., A.M. Martin-Hernandez, et al. 2004. Virus-induced gene silencing in Solanum species. Plant J. 39(2):264-272. Brown, C.R., H. Mojtahedi, and G.S. Santo. 2003. Characteristics of resistance to Columbia root-knot nematode introgressed from several Mexican and North American wild potato species. In: Potatoes  Healthy food for Humanity: Internatl Developments in Breeding, Production, Protection and Utilization. Proc. of XXVI Internatl Hort. Congress, Toronto, Canada, Aug. 11-17, 2002. (Ed: R.Y. Yada). Acta Hort. 619:117-125. Brown, C.R. and H. Mojtahedi. 2004. Evidence of systemic acquired resistance to Meloidogyne chitwoodi, race 2, conferred by gene for resistance to race 1 from Solanum bulbocastanum. Presented at 88th Annual Meeting of PAA, Scottsbluff, NE, Aug. 8-12, 2004. p. 59. (Abstract) Cardi, T., F. Consiglio, F. Fiorentino, L. Frusciante, and S. Grillo. 2002. Agronomic evaluation and frost tolerance of potato progenies derived from somatic hybridization with wild species Solanum commersonii. Rivista di Agronomia 36 (Supplement 1):18-25. Carputo, D., A. Barone, M.R. Ercolano, L. Frusciante, M. Iovene, M. Parisi, A. Sebastiano, L. Monti, and V. Marzi. 2002. Evaluation and selection of BC1, BC2, and BC3 genotypes derived from interspecific hybridization Solanum tuberosum  S. commersonii. Rivista di Agronomia 36 (Supplement 1):26-32. Carputo, D., A. Terra, A. Barone, F. Esposito, V. Fogliano, L. Monti, and L. Frusciante. 2003. Glycoalkaloids and acclimation capacity of hybrids between Solanum tuberosum and the incongruent hardy species Solanum commersonii. Theor. Appl. Genet. 107(7):1187-1194. Chen, Q., D. Lynch, H.W. (Bud) Platt, H.Y. Li, Y. Shi, H.J. Li, D. Beasley, L. Rakosy-Tican, and R. Theme. 2004. Interspecific crossability and cytogenetic analysis of sexual progenies of Mexican wild diploid 1EBN species Solanum pinnatisectum and S. cardiophyllum. Am. J. Potato Res. 81:159-169. Chen, Q., S. Sun, Q. Ye, S. McCuine, E. Huff, and H.B. Zhang. 2004. Construction of two BAC libraries from the wild Mexican diploid potato, Solanum pinnatisectum, and the identification of clones near the late blight and Colorado potato beetle resistance loci. Theor. Appl. Genet. 108(6):1002-1009. Coombs, Joseph, David Douches, Susannah Cooper, and Edward Grafius. 2004. Colorado potato beetle and potato resistance mechanisms: more than just a defoliation issue. Presented at 88th Annual Meeting of PAA, Scottsbluff, NE, Aug. 8-12, 2004. p. 54. (Abstract) Conicella, C., A. Capo, M. Cammareri, A. Errico, N. Shamina, and L.M. Monti. 2003. Elucidation of meiotic nuclear restitution mechanisms in potato through analysis of microtubular cytoskeleton. Euphytica 133(1):107-115. Conner, T. 2003. Somatic hybridsa GE alternative? An example in potato. Grower 58(11):38-40. De Jong, W., D.M. De Jong and M. Bodis. 2004. An approach to measure allele dosage in autotetraploid potato. Am. J. Potato Res. 81:55. De Medeiros, Ane H., Ward M. Tingey and Walter S. De Jong. 2004. Mechanisms of resistance to potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris), in potato. Am. J. Potato Res. 81:431-441. Deahl, K.L., T. Oosumi, D.R. Rockhold, M.M. Maccree, and W.R. Belknap. 2004. Accessing horizontal resistance to late blight in potato germplasm derived from Solanum bulbocastanum. Presented at 88th Annual Meeting of PAA, Scottsbluff, NE, Aug. 8-12, 2004. p. 68. (Abstract) Douches, David S. and Kelly Zarka. 2004. Engineered approaches to develop potatoes for sub-optimal irrigation conditions. Presented at 88th Annual Meeting of PAA, Scottsbluff, NE, Aug. 8-12, 2004. p. 57. (Abstract) Ewing, E.E., I. Simko, E.A. Omer, and P.J. Davies. 2004. Polygene mapping as a tool to study the physiology of potato tuberization and dormancy. Am. J. Potato Res. 81:281-289. Frost, K.E., D.I. Rouse and S.H. Jansky. 2004. Distributional dynamics of Verticillium dahliae in potato plant tissue through the growing season. Phytopathology 94:S32. Gebhardt, C., A. Ballvora, B. Walkemeier, P. Oberhagemann, and K. Schuler. 2004. Assessing genetic potential in germplasm collections of crop plants by marker-trait association: a case study for potatoes with quantitative variation of resistance to late blight and maturity type. Molecular Breeding 13(1):93-102. Gillen, A.M. and R. Novy. 2004. Development of SSRs and conversion of RFLP markers to PCR-based markers for introgression of viral resistance genes from Solanum etuberosum. Presented at 88th Annual Meeting of PAA, Scottsbluff, NE, Aug. 8-12, 2004. p. 78. (Abstract) Gonzales-Vigil, Eliana, Kelly Zarka, Pavani Tumbalum, Willie Kirk, and David Douches. 2004. Combining engineered and natural host plant resistance to Phytophthora infestans in cultivated potato. Presented at 88th Annual Meeting of PAA, Scottsbluff, NE, Aug. 8-12, 2004. p. 80. (Abstract) Groza, H.I., B.D. Bowen, D. Kichefski, S.J. Peloquin, and J. Jiang. 2004. Red Pearl: A new gourmet red potato variety. Am. J. Potato Res. 81:209-213. Habib, A. and D.J. Donnelly. 2004. Calcium translocation and accumulation into potato tubers. Potato Research 45:17-24. Hannapel, David J., Hao Chen, Faye M. Rosin, Anjan K. Banerjee, and Peter J. Davies. 2004. Molecular controls of tuberization. Hayashi, K., M. Mori, Y.M. Knox, T. Suzutan, M. Ogasawara, I. Yoshida, K. 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