SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information

  • Project No. and Title: NCR201 : Integrated Pest Management
  • Period Covered: 04/02/2003 to 04/03/2003
  • Date of Report: 05/27/2003
  • Annual Meeting Dates: 04/07/2003 to 04/07/2003


Brewer, Gary ( North Dakota State University; Brewer, Michael ( Michigan State University; Clay, Sharon ( South Dakota State University; Curtis, Charles ( Ohio State University; DeWitt, J. ( Iowa State University; Deneke, Darrell ( South Dakota State University; Dobesh, Sharon ( Kansas State University; Fishel, Fred ( University of Missouri; Gray, Michael ( University of Illinois; Hart, Patrick ( Michigan State University; Hogg, David ( University of Wisconsin; Jensen, Bryan ( University of Wisconsin; Kovach, Joseph ( Ohio State University; Latin, Rick ( Purdue University; Lindquist, John ( University of Nebraska; Lym, Rod ( North Dakota State University; McMullen, Marcia ( North Dakota State University; Ratcliffe, Susan ( University of Illinois; Smeda, Reid ( University of Missouri; Stahlman, Philip ( Kansas State University; Tollefson, J. ( Iowa State University; Wintersteen, Wendy ( Iowa State University; Wright, Robert ( University of Nebraska.

Annual Meeting Summary:
The second annual meeting of NCR-201 was held at the Westin Hotel, Indianapolis, Indiana on Monday, April 7, 2003. This meeting site and date were selected to facilitate attendance at the 4th National IPM Symposium that was held at the same location on April 8-10, 2003. Dr. Jon Tollefson, chaired the meeting and Dr. Susan Ratcliffe, North Central IPM Facilitator, developed the agenda for the meeting based on input from members of the NCR-201 Committee.

Dr. Tollefson called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m., and each person attending introduced themselves.

The agenda was reviewed.

7 Introductions
7 Update from USDA-CSREES
7 Update from NCR IPM Facilitator
7 NC IPM Center RFA: FY03 and Beyond
7 Nomination and election of vice-chair (Chair-Elect at conclusion of meeting)
7 Update on Regional Diagnostic Networks
7 State Updates
7 National IPM Roadmap: What does it mean to NC IPM?
7 Update on the NCR IPM Grants Program
7 Modifications to FY04 RIPM Request for Applications (RFA)

A motion was made and seconded to approve the agenda. The motion was approved unanimously.

Dr. Michael Fitzner provided updates from CSREES and Mr. William Hoffman provided an update on the Performance, Planning, and Reporting System for IPM. Dr. Ratcliffe provided an update of her regional facilitator activities during the last year. Drs. Ratcliffe and Larry Olsen provided an update on the proposal submitted by University of Illinois and Michigan State University for the North Central IPM Center.

Members of NCR-201 presented oral reports on IPM programs within their states and indicated areas of emphasis (Appendix A).

Dr. Eldon Ortman provided an update on the National IPM Roadmap and indicated that accountability should be a priority for the North Central IPM programs.

Dr. Michael Gray provided an update on the FY 2003 projects that were recommended for funding through the NCR IPM competitive grants program and solicited input from committee member on the language of the North Central Region IPM Grant Program RFA. Dr. Gray led the discussion on modifications to the existing Request for Application (RFA) for FY 2003. Members of NCR-201 recommended changes to the FY2003 RIPM RFA (Appendix B). Dr. Marcia McMullen initiated a discussion regarding the maximum dollar amount provided for extension only proposals, currently $70,000, and the maximum extension dollar amount in the research/extension proposals, currently $100,000. Following discussion by members in attendance, Dr. Joseph Kovach moved to modify the funding limits for the NC Region IPM Grants Program to allow $85,000 for extension only proposals and $185,000 for research/extension proposals for the FY04 RFA. Dr. Philip Stahlman seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by the committee members in attendance.

Dr. Tollefson led a discussion regarding the continued 50% funding of the NC IPM Facilitator position. Dr. John Lindquist moved to continue the 50% support of the facilitator position and Dr. Jerry DeWitt seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously by the members of NCR-201 in attendance. The Executive Committee, and Drs. Tollefson, Gray and Olsen will review the job description and refine, as appropriate. The revised job description will be circulated to the entire committee for review.

Dr. Tollefson chaired the meeting and at the end of the meeting Dr. Charles Curtis began his term as Chair of NCR-201 that will continue through 2005 annual meeting. Dr. DeWitt began his two-year term as Chair-Elect at the conclusion of the 2003 NCR-201 meeting.

The business meeting was adjourned.


1. Projects Funded
Several multi-disciplinary and multi-state programs were initiated through projects funded by the North Central Regional IPM Grants Program including:
7 Enhancing Information Exchange Through a User-Friendly Diagnostic Image Library
7 Development of a School IPM Training Video
7 Diversification of Corn-Soybean Rotation in Integrated Pest Management
7 Integrated Weed Management Systems for Vegetable Crops
7 To Develop and Implement Effective Tactics for Management of Phytophthora Blight of Vegetables
7 Organic Production Systems for Apples in the Midwest
7 Managing Lands for Both Reduced Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus and Benefits to Wildlife and the Environment
7 Validating a Comprehensive IPM Program for Sooty Blotch and Flyspeck on Apples
7 Determination of the Suitability of Rhamnus and Related Species as Primary Hosts of the Soybean Aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura

2. Enhancing multi-disciplinary and multi-state communication:
North Central IPM coordinators and members of NCR-201 meet on April 7, 2003 to share information regarding extension and research projects that address IPM practices. Individuals shared success stories related to IPM adoption that included agricultural, greenhouse and nursery, and urban programs. Examples of information exchanged during the meeting include the 2003 Biennial Report from Ohio State University and a series of updated extension publications from University of Missouri.

3. Reviewing priority needs for IPM:
Dr. Eldon Ortman attended the annual meeting and participated in a discussion of the National IPM Roadmap and the priority needs for IPM. The National IPM Roadmap, a stakeholder developed document, addresses the overall goals for IPM as stated below.

The goals of the National IPM Program are to improve the economic benefits related to the adoption of IPM practices and to reduce potential human health risks and unreasonable adverse environmental effects from pests and from the use of pest management practices.

4. Fostering cooperative programmatic development:

Dr. Robert Zeigler, Director of the Great Plaines Plant Diagnostic Center and Drs. Larry Olsen and Michael Gray, Directors of the North Central IPM Center attended the annual meeting and provided updates regarding Center programs and projects. During the group discussions that followed the updates, Center Directors and NCR-201 members identified opportunities that foster cooperative programmatic development within the region.

5. Developing the Request for Applications (RFA) for the NC IPM grants program:

Drs Michael Gray, North Central IPM Grants Program Manager and Susan Ratcliffe, North Central IPM Facilitator distributed the FY02 RFA to members of NCR-201 and requested input from the group. Recommended changes for FY03 included the incorporation of the goals from the National IPM Roadmap. The North Central IPM Grants Program will change to electronic submission of proposals by FY05. Drs. Gray and Ratcliffe met with USDA CSREES staff to facilitate the transition from hard copy to electronic submission.

6. Sharing Outcomes from Research and Extension Programs:

Projects funded from 1998 through 2000 by the North Central Region IPM Grants Program were highlighted in a publication that was distributed nationally to IPM coordinators. Impact statements were submitted by the project directors from 26 projects. Each impact statement included the level of funding and contact information for the project director to allow individuals to obtain additional information about projects.


  1. Enhancing multi-disciplinary and multi-state communication: Individuals shared success stories related to IPM adoption that included agricultural, greenhouse and nursery, and urban programs.
  2. Fostering cooperative programmatic development: Center Directors and NCR-201 members identified opportunities that foster cooperative programmatic development within the region.
  3. Developing the Request for Applications (RFA) for the NC IPM grants program: Recommended changes for FY03 included the incorporation of the goals from the National IPM Roadmap.
  4. Sharing Outcomes from Research and Extension Programs: Projects funded from 1998 through 2000 by the North Central Region IPM Grants Program were highlighted in a publication that was distributed nationally to IPM coordinators.
  5. The NCR-201 committee will work with NC IPM Center administrators and representatives from USDA CSREES to develop a standardized measurement system to evaluate IPM adoption for the region. IPM coordinators currently submit annual reports to the Planning and Performance Reporting System (PPRS) developed in cooperation with CSREES. The PPRS system allows maximum flexibility in reporting, so regional guidelines may be developed to assist in correlating data.


National Pest Alert: West Nile Virus, prepared by Susan Ratcliffe, University of Illinois in cooperation with USDA IPM Centers (250,000 copies distributed); National Pest Alert: Soybean Rust, prepared by Susan Ratcliffe, University of Illinois in cooperation with USDA IPM Centers, APHIS, ARS, and the USDA Diagnostic Centers (55,000 copies distributed), North Central IPM Grants Program 1998  2000, prepared by Michael Gray and Susan Ratcliffe, University of Illinois in cooperation with NCR-201 and regional project directors (2,000 copies distributed).
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