SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Bauder, Troy ( – Colorado State University; Blaylock, Alan ( – Agrium, Inc.; Cardon, Grant ( – Utah State University; Davenport, Joan ( – Washington State University; Deenik, Jonathan ( – University of Hawaii; Dellavalle, Nat ( – Dellavalle Labs; Flynn, Robert ( – New Mexico State University; Greer, Ken ( – Western Ag Solutions; Koenig, Rich ( – Washington State University; Mikkelsen, Rob (; Miller, Robert ( – ALFP; Moore, Amber ( – University of Idaho; Mooso, Galen ( – Simplot, Inc.; Norton, Jay ( – University of Wyoming; Norton, Urzula ( – University of Wyoming; Pettygrove, Stu ( – University of California Davis; Stark, Jeff ( – University of Idaho; Sullivan, Dan ( – Oregon State University; Tindall, Terry ( – Simplot, Inc.; Walsh, Olga ( – Montana State University; Walworth, Jim ( – Arizona State University

Officer Succession
Current officers: Chair: Amber Moore; Vice Chair: Galen Mooso; Secretary: Joan Davenport; Effective at end of meeting: Chair: Galen Mooso; Vice Chair: Joan Davenport; Secretary: Jim Walworth; Secretary Nominee for 2015: Troy Bauder

Report from WERA-103 Advisor
Rich Koenig (WERA-103 Administrative Advisor) gave a committee update. He indicated that our project renewal, which is due every five years, expires 31 Sept 2015. Effectively it is due (submit reauthorization) Jan 2015. Joan Davenport (lead), Rob Mikkelsen, Bob Flynn, and Galen Mooso volunteered to develop the new project. Rich also covered the NIFA list of the AFRI funding priorities and the group that NIFA has removed the match requirement for USDA-ARS and Land Grant Universities. Climate hubs are being developed and these will be important to be aware of. A map and web address with information about this project will be provided.

Planning for 2015 Western Nutrient Management Conference
The dates for the meeting were identified as 4 March 2015 for the WERA-103 business meeting and holding the conference on 5 & 6 March 2015. Phyllis Pates confirmed that the facility is available on these dates.

David Tarkalson volunteered to be the meeting chair and Grant Cardon the vice chair.

Topics Identifed for the Conference were:
Nitrogen budgeting and fertilizer use reporting – the future of agriculture?
Salinity (including sodicity and B)
The effect of drought on nutrient management
Micronutrients (CCA?)
How does soil fertility intersect with soil health
The role of cover crops in nutrient management

Olga Walsh volunteered to coordinate the poster session including the graduate student poster contest.

There was a discussion about the Leadership Award presented at the conference. As chair of the Executive Committee, Galen Mooso will solicit nominees and the Executive Committee will determine the awardee based on merit. Bob Miller is compiling a list of past recipients and the plan is to include this on the revised web site.

There was a 1/3 return rate of surveys from the 2013 Conference. The overall ratings were 31 very good; 10 good; 2 ok. Concern was expressed over the rate of survey return. Grant Cardon and Amber Moore volunteered to determine how best to increase the rate of return of survey, including looking into electronic survey options. Other information suggested to include is the state attendees came from, how attendees travelled to the conference, and if an attendee is or is not a CCA. The surveys also confirmed that the format worked well with a session plenary session followed by then two concurrent CCA and research topical session.

Financial Report:
This was presented, with a motion to approved (Joan Davenport), seconded (Bob Miller) and unanimously approved. The group extended our thanks to Phyllis Pates of IPNI, and to all of our sponsors, including IPNI, for their support of the Western Nutrient Management Conference.

A detailed discussion took place with respect to the location of the next Western Nutrient Management Conference. There were comments in the attendee survey suggesting different locations. Grant Cardon reviewed the attendee numbers from past conference, which showed a clear pattern of decline for the last 3 meetings held in Salt Lake City and a clear pattern of increased attendance since moving to Reno. The data also showed that we are reaching a greater number of Certified Crop Advisors. Alan Blaylock moved, seconded by Nat Dellevalle, that the meeting be held in Reno, which passed unanimously.

Other Topics:
Bob Miller provided copy of 50 potential logos for the WERA-103 group, all of which are original and not trademarked. These were circulated and members chose their top 3. The group chose (by 12 votes) logo #9 and Bob will move forward on this.

David Tarkalson reviewed the WERA-103 contributions to Crop and Soils Magazine. We submitted 3 in 2013 and one in 2014 to date. Amber Moore volunteered to help provide a list of topics from those the group already develops for the Western Nutrient Digest.

There was a long discussion on the WERA-103 website. David Tarkalson volunteered to work with Phyllis Pates to upgrade the information on the website. Items to include are a link to the NIMMS website, links to past proceedings and a box within that of poster award winners.

A recent publication (Khan, S. A., R. L. Mulvaney, and T. R. Ellsworth. 2014. The potassium paradox: Implications for soil fertility, crop production, and human health. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 29:3 – 27) was discussed at length. As a group, we recognize and agree that there are issues with soil testing and nutrient recommendations for potassium management. However, the group concluded that the article skipped key points such as “How does this relate to crop deficiencies? What is appropriate testing (soil, tissue, other)? What other testing issues should be considered (e.g., soil sampling depth, wet or dry sample for testing, soil moisture, crop removals and removal of crop, saturated paste extracts). Several conferences will be addressing the topic, including one mentioned sponsored by the IPNI and a session on K soil test the International Soil and Plant Analysis conference in Jan 2015. We closed this discussion concluding that we should revisit progress on this topic at 2015 WERA-103 Meeting.

A long discussion ensued about the direction that the NRCS is taking towards promoting and possibly implementing testing for soil health. A committee composed of Grant Cardon, Bob Miller, Troy Bauder, Jim Walworth, Dan Sullivan and Jonathan Deenik was formed to draft a position statement that expresses our concerns about how the proposed tests address issues of soil health in the arid and semi-arid areas of the Western US.


Short-term Outcomes:
Grant Cardon of Utah State University developed a program on exploring how soil test interpretation and recommendations were developed using real data. This will be shared with the group for use throughout the region.

A recent survey by the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) reported that Land Grant Universities and the Extension Service were rated #10 as farmers source for information (family members #1), with a very high rating for trust in the information provided.

New Mexico State University and Utah State University have developed programs where county agriculture extension agents working with prison inmates, much like Master Gardeners, including growing plants.

All states reported efforts on soil and water nutrient management in different educational outreach formats, including You Tube, work with STEM organizations, Master Gardener education, University education, CCA education, and working with county extension personnel to expand educational outreach.

Four articles were submitted to and published by Crops & Soils Magazine authored by and covering topics from the WERA-103 group.

The “Western Soil and Plant Analysis Methods” book has been reviewed and updated. The new title is “Soil, Plant and Irrigation Water Reference Methods for the Western Region”, with editors R.O. Miller, R. K. Belden, R. Gavlak, and D. Horneck, Lulu Press. The electronic copy is available through the Soil and Plant Analysis Council Website (

Members of WERA-103 continue to contribute to the regional newsletter “The Western Nutrient Digest”. This is released 3 - 4 times annually, with Dr. Amber Moore serving as editor-in-chief and rotating guest editors from the WERA-103 group for each issue. The publication received the American Society of Agronomy Excellence Award in 2013.

Cropping seminars in Montana for producers at 8 different locations covering nutrient management and water quality, with 10 - 45 attendees at each meeting.

Members of the WERA-103 provided talks at the Far West Fertilizer Grower and Fieldmen educational sessions in Washington and Idaho in December 2013 and January 2014, respectively.

Estimate nitrogen contributions from legumes using PRS technology in multiple cropping systems.
Quantify ammonia loss from manure - including feed lots, lagoons and compost
Nitrogen and phosphorus soil test calibration studies for sugar beets and pecan (zinc also included for pecan).
Develop a clearing house for extension and teaching tools on the WERA-103 website. Compile what we already have and then conduct a gap analysis to gather more.


  1. <b>Activities:</b> The WERA-103 website is hosted through the IPNI. Work is needed to increase how readily this can be found and improve its content. Committee member David Tarkalson will be working with IPNI?s Phyllis Pates to content and visibility. Specific items are: 1) include past award winners; 2) link to NIMMS site; 3) link to past proceedings; 4) box in each year proceedings to list grad student poster winners (and poster titles).
  2. <b>Milestone:</b> There are several testing methods that are interested in being included in the Soil, Plant, and Irrigation Water Methods for the Western Region Handbook. We as a group are requesting calibration data to include the methods.
  3. <b>Milestone:</b> Concern over the ?Soil Health? testing procedures for being promoted by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) were raised. The groups concern is two-fold - one is with lack of calibration of potential testing methods and the other is with suitability for the arid and semi-arid regions of the western US. The group has agreed to develop a position statement on this to share with the NRCA.
  4. <b>Activity:</b> In addition, the topic of ?Soil Health? testing procedures being promoted by the NCRS has been included in the 2015 Western Nutrient Management Conference as well as in the upcoming (January 2015) International Soil and Plant Analysis Conference in Kona (Hawaii).
  5. <b>Indicators:</b> Updates at the meetings included not only activities by state, but the collaboration between public and private sector members of the committee. Partnerships are formed and research and extension efforts are provided with economic support from the industry collaborators in the form of in-kind materials, reduced prices on services, and when appropriate, donations to research programs.



Ajibode, A.M., Rock, C.M., Bright, K., Mclain, J.E., Gerba, C.P., and Pepper, I.L. 2013. Influence of residence time of reclaimed water within distribution systems on water quality. Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 3(3): 185-196 Brown, P. 2013 . Heat Units. 2013. AZ1602. Cooperative Extension Service, University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Brown, P.W. 2014. Basics of Evaporation and Evapotranspiration. AZ1194. University of Arizona College of Agriculture & Life Sciences Brown, P.W. 2014. Converting Reference Evapotranspiration into Turf Water Use. AZ1195. University of Arizona College of Agriculture & Life Sciences Cusimano, J., Megdal, S.B., Mclain, J.E., and Silvertooth, J.C. 2014. Study Finds Land Fallowing Improves Soil Quality in PVID. University of Arizona WRRC Quarterly Newsletter. Fitzsimmons, K. and Sace, C. 2013. Vegetable production in a recirculating aquaponic system using Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with and without freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Academic Journal of Agricultural Research, 12(1) 236-250 Hafsteinsdottir, E.G., Gore, D.B., Faunce, A.L., & Walworth, J.L. 2014. Fixation of metals and metalloids by orthophosphate solutions. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science & Technology (accepted). Kopec, D.M. 2013. Landscape Water Management. Smartscape Study Guide for Arizona Landscape Professionals. Loper, S., Shober, A., Wiese, C., Denny, G., and Stanley, C. 2013. Nutrient Leaching during Establishment of Simulated Residential Landscapes. Journal of Environmental Quality, 42(1) 260-270 Main, C.L., Barber, T., Boman, R.K., Chapman, K., Dodds, D.M., Duncan, S., Edmisten, K.L., Horn, P., Jones, M.A., Morgan, G.D., Norton, E.R., Osborne, S., Whitaker, J.R., & Nichols, R.L. 2013. Effects of Nitrogen and Planting Seed Size on Cotton Growth, Development, and Yield. Agronomy Journal, 105(6): 1853-1859 Ottman, M.J. 2013. Crop growth stage and water use calculator. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Tucson. Ramirez-Andreota,M. M.L. Brusseau, J.F. Artiola, and R. Maier. 2013. A greenhouse and field-based study to determine the accumulation of arsenic in common homegrown vegetables grown in mining-affected soils. Science of the Total Environment 443: 299-306 Sace, C.F. and Fitzsimmons, K.M. 2013. Vegetable production in a recirculating aquaponic system using Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with and without freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). Acad. J. Agric. Res. 1(12):236-250 Schuch, U. 2014. Soils, Plant Nutrition, and Transport in Plants. Introductory Plant Science: Investigating the Green World. (pp. 239-262). Dubuque, Iowa Kendall Hunt. Schuch, U. 2013. Smartscape Manual. Plants, Soils, and Water. University of Arizona CALS Cooperative Extension. Wall, G., McLain, J., Kimball, B., White, J., Ottman, M., and Garcia, R. 2013. Infrared warming affects intrarow soil CO2 efflux during vegetative growth of spring wheat. Agronomy Journal, 105: 607-618 Walworth, J. 2013. Manure in the Home Garden. AZ1590. Cooperative Extension Service, University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Walworth, J. 2013. AZ1591. Nitrogen in Soil and the Environment. Cooperative Extension Service, University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Walworth, J. 2013. AZ1415. Recognizing and Treating Iron Deficiency in the Home Yard. Cooperative Extension Service, University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Wang, G., Bronson, K., Thorp, K., & Ottman, M. 2013. Cultivar and nitrogen effects on yield and grain protein in irrgated durum wheat, 2012. Forage and Grain Report, 2013: 1-9. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson. Wright, G.C. 2013. Evaluation of Nitrogen Fertilization Practices for Surface-Irrigated Lemon Trees – 2012. Commodity Research Report. Zerihun, D., Sanchez, C., and Nolte, K. 2014. "Field-Scale Sprinkler Irrigation System Hydraulic Model. I: Hydraulic Characterization." J. Irrig. Drain Eng. , 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000727 , 04014019. Zerihun, D. and Sanchez, C. 2014. "Field-Scale Sprinkler Irrigation System Hydraulic Model. II: Hydraulic Simulation." J. Irrig. Drain Eng. , 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000723 , 04014020.


Saa S., S. Muhammad, P. H. Brown. 2013. Development of leaf sampling and interpretation methods and nutrient budget approach to nutrient management in almond; Acta Hort. 984:291-296. Saa S., S. Muhammad, S. J. Castro, P. H. Brown. 2013. Effect of spur type, foliar sprays, and differential nitrogen rates on leaf nutrient content and spur leaf area of almond trees; Acta Hort. 984:139-142. Bottoms, T.G., M.P. Bolda, M.L. Gaskell and T.K. Hartz. 2013. Determination of strawberry nutrient optimum ranges through DRIS analysis. HortTechnology 23:312-318. Bottoms, T.G., T.K. Hartz, M.D. Cahn and B.F. Farrara. 2013. Crop and soil nitrogen dynamics in annual strawberry production in California. HortScience 48:1034-1039. Heinrich, A., R.F. Smith, and M.D. Cahn. 2013. Nutrient and water use of fresh market spinach. HortTechnology 23(3):325-333. Mukome, F. N. D. Doane, T. A.; Silva, L. C. R. and Horwath W.R. 2013. Testing protocol ensures the authenticity of organic fertilizers. California Agriculture. 6: 210-216. Zhu, X., L.C.R. Silva, T.A. Doane, H. Wu and W.R. Horwath. 2013. Quantifying the effects of compost application, water content and nitrogen fertilization on N2O emissions in ten agricultural soils. Journal of Environmental Quality. 42:912-918. Mailapalli, D.R., M. Burger, W. R. Horwath, W. W. Wallender. Crop Residue Biomass Effects on Agricultural Runoff. Applied and Environmental Soil Science Volume 2013, Article ID 805206.


Bauder, T.A., C.M.H. Keske, and E.M. Wardle. 2013. Colorado Nutrient Management Practices: A Summary of Adoption Rates and Costs. Colo. Ag. Expt. Tech. Report. TR13-10. Gleason D, Chavez J, Bauder T, Andales A. Performance of atmometers in estimating reference evapotranspiration in a semi-arid environment [electronic resource]. Agricultural Water Management [serial online]. December 2013;130:27-35. Available from: Agricola, Ipswich, MA. Accessed March 11, 2014. McDaniel, J. P., Cranshaw, W., Barbarick, K. A., & Stromberger, M. E. (2013). Survival of Aporrectodea caliginosa and its effects on nutrient availability in biosolids amended soil [electronic resource]. Applied Soil Ecology, 711-6. Waskom, R.M., T. Bauder, J.G. Davis and J.R. Self. 2013 revision. Selecting an Analytical Laboratory. CSU Extension Fact Sheet No. 0.520.


Blecker, S.W., L.L. Stillings, M.C. Amacher, J.A. Ippolito, and N.M. DeCrappeo. 2013. Development and application of a soil organic matter based soil quality index in mineralized terrane of the Western US. Environ. Earth Sci. 68:1887-1901. Ducey, T.F., J.A. Ippolito, K.B. Cantrell, J.M. Novak, and R.D. Lentz. 2013. Addition of Activated Switchgrass Biochar to an Aridic Subsoil Increases Microbial Nitrogen Cycling Gene Abundances. Applied Soil Ecol. 65:65-72. Ippolito, J.A., and N.O. Nelson. 2013. Assessment of phosphorus retention in irrigation canals. J. Soil Water Conserv. 68:450-459. Ippolito, J.A., D.G. Strawn, and K.G. Scheckel. 2013. Investigation of copper sorption by sugar beet processing lime waste. J. Environ. Qual. 42:919-924. Lentz, R.D. 2013. Delayed sample filtration and storage effects on dissolved nutrients measured in agricultural runoff. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 44:2952-2960. Moore, A., S. Hines, B. Brown, C. Falen, M. de Haro Marti, M. Chahine, R. Norell, J. Ippolito, S. Parkinson, and M. Satterwhite. 2014. Soil-plant interactions on manure enriched calcareous soils. Agronomy Journal. 106:73-80. Barbarick, K.A., J.A. Ippolito, J. McDaniel, N.C. Hansen, and G.A. Peterson. 2013. Regression modeling weather and biosolids effects on dryland agroecosystems. Colorado Ag. Exp. Sta. TB13-03. Ellis, L., S. Love, A. Moore, and M. de Haro Marti. 2013. Composting and using backyard poultry waste in the home garden. CIS 1194. Moore, A., N. Olsen, M. Satterwhite, and M.J. Frazier. 2013. Organic potato production in Idaho: Nutrient Management and variety selection. BUL 885.


O’Dea, J., P. Miller and C. Jones. 2013. Greening summerfallow with no-till legume green manures in dryland wheat agroecosystems: An on-farm assessment in north-central Montana. J Soil Water Conserv. 68:270-282. Engel, R., C. Jones and R. Wallendar. 2013. Ammonia volatilization losses were small after mowing field peas in dry conditions. Can J Soil Sci 93:239-242. Engel, R.E., E. Williams, R. Wallander, and J. Hilmer. 2013. NBPT degradation occurs more slowly in alkaline soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 77:1424–1429. Eckhoff, J.L.A. 2013. Using zinc to reduce cadmium in durum grain. Western Nutrient Digest 5(3):1-2. Jones, C., B. Brown, R. Engel, D. Horneck and K. Olson-Rutz. Management to Minimize Nitrogen Fertilizer Volatilization. MSU Extension. EB0209. 5 p. Jones, C., B. Brown, R. Engel, D. Horneck and K. Olson-Rutz. Factors Affecting Nitrogen Fertilizer Volatilization. MSU Extension. EB0208. 6 p. Jones, C. and K. Olson-Rutz. Management Practices to Increase Grain Protein. 2013. Nutrient Digest Vol. 5, Issue 1. Lee, D.K., E. Aberle, C. Chen, J. Egenolf, K. Harmoney, G. Kakani, R. Kallenbach, J.C. Castro. 2013. Nitrogen and harvest management of conservation reserve program (CRP) grassland for sustainable biomass feedstock production. Global Challenge Bioenergy 5:6-15. O. S. Walsh, J.B. Solie, and W.R. Raun. 2013. Can Oklahoma Mesonet Cumulative Evapotranspiration Data Be Accurately Predicted Using Three Interpolation Methods? Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 44(5): 892-899. Olga S. Walsh, Robin J. Christiaens, and Arjun Pandey. 2013. Local Data is Required for Improved Sensor-Based Nitrogen Recommendations. Better Crops. 97(4):26-28. Olga S. Walsh, Robin J. Christiaens, Arjun Pandey, and Debra A. Miller. 2013. Local Data Improves Sensor-Based Nitrogen Recommendations. Crops and Soils. 46(6):20-23. Olga S. Walsh and Robin Christiaens. 2013. Reference Strips for Efficient Nutrient Management. Extension brochure. Olga S. Walsh, Robin J. Christiaens, and Arjun Pandey. 2013. Foliar-Applied Nitrogen Fertilizers in Spring Wheat Production. Crops and Soils. 46(4):26-32. Olga S. Walsh, Robin J. Christiaens, and Arjun Pandey. 2013. Foliar-Applied Nitrogen Fertilizers in Spring Wheat Production. Western Nutrient Digest. 5(3):1-5.


Moberg, D.P., R. L. Johnson, and D.M. Sullivan. 2013. Comparison of disturbed and undisturbed soil core methods to estimate nitrogen mineralization rates in manured agricultural soils. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal.44:1722-1732. Costello, R.C. and D.M. Sullivan. 2013. Determining the pH buffering capacity of compost via titration with dilute sulfuric acid. Waste and Biomass Valorization DOI: 10.1007/s12649-013-9279-y Larco,H.O., B.C. Strik, D.R.Bryla, and D.M. Sullivan. 2013. Mulch and fertilizer management practices for organic production of highbush blueberry. I. Plant growth and allocation of biomass during establishment. HortScience 48:1250-1261 Larco,H.O., B.C. Strik, D.R.Bryla, and D.M. Sullivan. 2013. Mulch and fertilizer management practices for organic production of highbush blueberry. II. Impact on plant and soil nutrients during establishment. HortScience 48:1484-1495. Larco, H., D.M. Sullivan, B. Strik, and D. Bryla. 2014. Mulch effects on highbush blueberry under organic management. Acta Hort. 1018: 375-382. In: J. Biala et al. (ed) Proc. 1st Intl Symposium on Organic Matter Management and Compost in Horticulture. Adelaide, AU. Apr. 2011. Owen Jr., J.S., H.M.Stoven, D.M Sullivan and R.C. Costello. 2014. Effect of compost amendment feedstock and source on containerized azalea production in bark-based substrate. Acta Hort 1018:533-540. In: J. Biala et al. (ed) Proc. 1st Intl Symposium on Organic Matter Management and Compost in Horticulture. Adelaide, AU. Apr. 2011. Kusonwiriyawong, C., D.M. Sullivan, D.D. Hemphill, C.G. Cogger, A.I. Bary and L. Myhre. 2014. Predicting plant-available nitrogen from organic amendment in the second year after application. Acta Hort. 1018: 325-333. In: J. Biala et al. (ed) Proc. 1st Intl Symposium on Organic Matter Management and Compost in Horticulture. Adelaide, AU. Apr. 2011. Downing, T . 2013. Calibrating manure application equipment. EM 8768. OSU Extension. Corvallis, OR. Hart, J.M., N.P. Anderson, T.G. Chastain, M.D. Flowers, C.M. Ocamb, M.E. Mellbye, and W.C. Young III. 2013. Perennial Ryegrass Grown for Seed (Western Oregon). EM 9086. Jones, C., B.D. Brown, R. Engle, D. Horneck, K. Olsen-Rutz. 2013. Factors affecting nitrogen fertilizer volatilization. EB0208. Bozeman. MT. Jones, C., B.D. Brown, R. Engle, D. Horneck, K. Olsen-Rutz. 2013. Management to minimize nitrogen fertilizer volatilization. EB0209. Bozeman. MT. Sullivan, D.M., D.A. Horneck, and D.J. Wysocki. 2013. Eastern Oregon Liming Guide. EM 9060. OSU Extension. 12 p. Brewer, L., N. Andrews, D. Sullivan, and W. Gehr. Agricultural Composting and Water Quality. 2013. OSU Extension. EM 9053. 29 p. Anderson, N.P., J.M. Hart, D.M. Sullivan, N.W. Christensen, D.A. Horneck, and G.J. Pirelli. 2013. Applying Lime to Raise Soil pH for Crop Production (Western Oregon). OSU Extension. EM 9057 OSU Extension. Corvallis, OR. 21 p. Hart, J.M., D.M. Sullivan, N.P. Anderson, A.G. Hulting, D.A. Horneck, and N.W. Christensen. 2013. Soil Acidity in Oregon: Understanding and Using Concepts for Crop ProductionEM 9061. OSU Extension. Corvallis, OR. 22 p. Sullivan, D.M. 2013. Fertilizing grass with municipal biosolids. Chap. 36. p.152-157. In: S. Bittman and D. Hunt (eds.) Cool Forages - Advanced management of temperate forages. Pacific Field Corn Association. Agassiz, B.C. Canada.


Rowley, Sean D. Phosphorus and Potassium Fertility Management for Maximizing Tart Cherry Fruit Quality and Productivity on Alkaline Soils. Utah State University MS Thesis. Available at USU Digital Commons: Rowley, Sean D., Grant E. Cardon and Brent L. Black. Macronutrient Management for Utah Orchards. 2013. Utah State University Extension Fact Sheet. Horticulture/Fruit/2013-02pr. Cardon, Grant E and Brent Black. 2013. Year-To-Year Integration of Yield Response to Fertilizer Application in Tree Fruits. Nutrient Digest: Nutrient Management Newsletter for the Western US. Vol 4, Issue 5, Fall 2013. Nelson, R. Mark and Grant E. Cardon. 2013. Assessing the Effectiveness of Water Quality Education Programs in Controlling Soil Phosphorus Levels in the Beaver River Watershed, Utah. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development (accepted).


Bair, K. E., and J. R. Davenport. 2013. Plant available phosphorus analysis for recently acidifed soils of the Columbia Basin Washington State. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 77: 1103-1106 Cogger, C. G., A. I . Bary, E. A. Myhre, and A. Fortuna. 2013. L0ng-term crop and soil response to biosolids applications in dryland wheat. J. Environ. Qual. 42: 1872-1880. doi:10.2134/jeq2013.05.0109 Cogger, C. G., A. I Bary, A. C. Kennedy, and A. Fortuna. 2013. Biosolids applications to tall fescue have long-term influence on soil nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorus. J. Environ. Qual. 42: 516-522. doi:10.2134/jeq2012.0269 Granatstein, D.M., E. M. Kirby, and J. R. Davenport. 2013. Direct-seeding legumes into orchard alleys for nitrogen production. Acta Horticulturae. 1001: 329-334. Yau, I-H., J. R. Davenport, and R. A. Rupp. 2013. Characterizing inland Pacific Northwest AVAs with geospatial data. PLoSOne 8: 1 - 11 e61994. Collins, D., C. Miles, C. Cogger, and R. Koenig. 2013. Soil fertility in organic systems - A guide for gardeners and small acrage farmers. Pacific Northwest Extension Publication PNW646.


Hurisso, T.T., J.B. Norton, and U. Norton. 2014 (in press). Labile soil organic carbon within a gradient of dryland agricultural land-use intensity in the central High Plains, USA. Geoderma (in press). Omondi, E.C., J.B. Norton, and D.S. Ashilenje. 2014 (in press). Performance of a local open pollinated maize variety and a common hybrid variety under intensive small-scale farming practices. African Journal of Agricultural Research 8:DOI: 10.5897/ Ghimire, R., J.B. Norton, and E. Pendall. 2013. Alfalfa-grass biomass, soil organic carbon, and total nitrogen under different management approaches in an irrigated agroecosystem. Plant and Soil DOI 10.1007/s11104-013-1854-2. Published online: 18 August 2013. Norton, J.B., H.R. Olsen, L.J. Jungst, D.E. Legg, and W.R. Horwath. 2013. Soil carbon and nitrogen storage in alluvial wet meadows of the Southern Sierra Nevada Mountains, USA. Journal of Soils and Sediments DOI 10.1007/s11368-013-0797-9. Published online: 31 October 2013. Hurisso, T.T., J.B. Norton, and U. Norton. 2013. Soil profile carbon and nitrogen in prairie, perennial grass–legume mixture and wheat-fallow production in the central High Plains, USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 181:179-187. Norton, J.B., and R. Ghimire. 2014. Soil Microbiology, Organic Matter, and Economics Four Years after Conversion from Continuous Irrigated Corn to Crop and Forage Rotations under Conventional, Reduced Tillage, and Organic Management. Proceedings Vol. 15: Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference. Denver, CO, March 4-5, 2014. King, R.G., and J.B. Norton. 2014 Amendment Application Rates for Enhanced Phosphorus Availability in Organic Production on Calcareous Soils. Proceedings Vol. 15: Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference. Denver, CO, March 4-5, 2014. Norton, J.B. and C. Strom. 2013. Reclamation considerations for oil and gas leases on private lands. University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Bulletin B1242. Ghimire, R., and J.B. Norton. 2013. Nitrogen dynamics in conventional, reduced tillage, and organic irrigated systems: Results of a four-year experiment in Wyoming. Western Nutrient Management Conference. Reno, NV, March 6-8, 2013.

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