SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Anagnostakis, Sandra - Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station; Baines, Anita - University of Wisconsin  La Crosse; Brosi, Sunshine - Frostburg State University; Burhans, Brian - The American Chestnut Foundation; Clark, Stacy - USDA Forest Service; Craddock, Hill - University of Tennessee  Chattanooga; Dawe, Angus - New Mexico State University; Double, Mark - West Virginia University; Fulbright, Dennis - Michigan State University; Graziosi, Ignazio - University of Kentucky; Hebard, Fred - The American Chestnut Foundation; Jarosz, Andy - Michigan State University; Kazmierczak, Pam - University of California  Davis; Kolp, Matt - Michigan State University; MacDonald, William - West Virginia University; McCampbell, Michael - Frostburg State University; McGuigan, Linda Polin - State University of New York; Micsky, Gary - Penn State Extension; Moore, Claire - Michigan State University; Nuss, Don - Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research, Univ of Maryland, Shady Grove Campus; Regnery, Russell; Rieske-Kinney, Lynne - University of Kentucky; Romero-Severson, Jeanne  University of Notre Dame; Sisco, Paul - The American Chestnut Foundation (ret); Springer, Josh - Michigan State University; Stewart, Kristen - State University of New York; Van Alfen, Neal - University of California  Davis;


Accomplishments 2009 Milestones Accomplished: " Genetic map of Chinese and American chestnut " Genetic analysis of regions near chromosome-specific markers " Refined genetic linkage and genome sequence maps for map-based cloning of fungal vic and pathogenicity genes. " Assembly and community manual annotation of the C. parasitica genome sequence " C. parasitica genome sequence used to develop new microarray chip and proteomics platforms for analysis of global gene expression in the blight fungus when challenged by viral pathogens " Secondary structural motifs within the hypovirus genome identified " Anatomical studies of Chinese chestnut stems to determine relationship between protophloem fibers and grafting failure " Genetic fingerprints of tested cultivars through the use of microsatellite markers " Cultures of new embryogenic clones of known parentage established " Multiple transclones with 3 to 6 first-generation anti-fungal gene constructs regenerated " Tissue from chestnut families segregating for resistance to the blight collected " Differential responses of American and Chinese chestnut to foliar application of jasmonic acid characterized 2010 Milestones Accomplished: " Region of Chinese chestnut genome responsible for resistance to the blight pathogen delineated " Common secondary structural motifs shared with other hypoviruses identified " Fungal proteins altered in response to infection with hypovirus identified " Robust genetic linkage map for C. parasitica based on genomic sequence generated " C. parasitica antiviral RNA silencing pathways characterized " Genetic and physical causes of graft union failure in newly budded trees elucidated " Nitrogen recommendations for chestnut orchards finalized " Interaction between Asian chestnut gall wasp stem galls and chestnut foliage characterized " Influence of gall structure on ecological associations of the Asian chestnut gall wasp characterized " Chestnut volatiles as potential attractants for adult chestnut weevils characterized " DNA marker technology further developed " Engineer altered secondary structures and assess impact on hypovirus viability and transmission " Resistance of embryogenic clones in greenhouse tested " Field tests using embryogenic clones established " Contribution of saprophytic growth of C. parasitica to hypovirulent inoculum production assessed 2011 Milestones Accomplished: " Gains provided by release of transgenic strains of C. parasitica in the field assessed " Summary of early performance of 'Eaton' and 'Auburn Super' scions grafted onto 'Little Giant' interstem and 'Cropper' seedling rootstock completed (5 yr summary) " Genetic and physical causes of delayed incompatibility on bearing trees determined " Determine the effects of different pruning methods on nut yield and quality " Determine the attractiveness of chestnut volatiles to adult chestnut weevil " Make F2 crosses with Canadian chestnut and collect and store fruit " Sequence regions of the Chinese chestnut genome responsible for resistance to the blight pathogen and identify candidate resistance genes " C. parasitica vic genes identified, cloned and disrupted " C. parasitica secreted proteins and plant cell degrading enzymes and hypovirus-mediated modulations identified 2012 Milestones Accomplished: " F2 Canadian chestnut seedlings planted in field " Initiated functional tests by genetic transformation of candidate genes for resistance to the blight pathogen identified in the Chinese chestnut genome " Evaluated preliminary results from field tests using embryogenic clones " Identified fungal genes responsible for differences in C. parasitica virulence levels through genetic and genomic analyses " C. parasitica genes required for hypovirus replication and symptom expression through genetic and genomic analyses identified " Role of jasmonic acid in development of galls produced by Asian chestnut gall wasp elucidated " Molecular characterization of the Asian chestnut gall wasps introduced parasitoid, Torymus sinensis, and a native parasitoid, Ormyrus labotus, and their interactions characterized 2013 Milestones Accomplished: " Genes associated with vegetative incompatibility identified and characterized (vic1 and vic3) " Generation of a complete set of allele-specific PCR primers for all vic loci generated, available to interested researchers. " Survey of vic-genotypes for C. parasitica field isolate populations completed " Identified and sequence analysis of vic gene homologs in other Cryphonectria species. " F2 Canadian chestnut seedlings for screened for blight resistance " First test plants of chestnut trees with improved blight resistance deployed " Initiated development of dwarf chestnut trees of potential value to growers with limited space " Guidelines for P. cinnamomi control in southern forest nurseries established " Historical data to determine most suitable sites for chestnut reestablishment synthesized " Elucidated role of abiotic forces and landscape factors in localized spread of the Asian chestnut gall wasp " Role of olfactory and visual cues in host location by Torymus sinensis, the introduced parasitoid of the Asian chestnut gall wasp elucidated " Determined the role of a Colletotrichum/ Glomerella sp. fungus colonizing Asian chestnut gall wasp galls; the fungus causes high gall wasp mortality and no parasitoid mortality.


  1. "Establishment of breeding orchards to generate large numbers of backcross generations for forest and orchard testing for pest resistance and regional adaptability;
  2. "Evaluation of Castanea genomic data to identify genes that confer desirable traits and enable rapid screening for those traits;
  3. "Development of in vitro mass propagation systems for Castanea spp. so that elite genotypes can be clonally propagated for reforestation;
  4. "Evaluation of the blight fungus genome to further our understanding of the genetic basis for pathogenesis and hypovirus regulation;
  5. "Development and deployment of genetically engineered virus for enhanced biocontrol;
  6. "Utilization of biological control agents to reduce the impacts of blight and other pests and pathogens; and,
  7. "In the longer-term, the project will lead to the return of an important timber species, mast species for wildlife, and commercial nut crop.


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