Rheta Pryor rpryor@uark.edu;
Joshua Still jas20@uark.edu;
Richard Bond rbond@uark.edu;
Darin Joos joos@illinois.edu;
Clarence Watson cwatson1@uark.edu;
Steve Sick steve.sick@nutechseed.com;
Rick Mascagni hmascagni@agcenter.lsu.edu;
Kathy Glass glasskm@auburn.edu;
Anton Coy coy@uga.edu;
Ronnie Schnell Ronnie.schnell@ag.tamu.edu;
Fred Allen allenf@utk.edu;
Monty Malone monty.malone@bayer.com;
Stephen Guy sguy@wsu.edu;
Jeff Edwards jeff.edwards@okstate.edu;
Brad Stancil bstanci@clemson.edu;
Carrie Brinton carrie_brinton@ncsu.edu;
Robert Calhoun robert.calhoun@okstate.edu;
Grover Shannon ShannonG@missouri.edu;
Debra Ahrent dahrent@uark.edu;
John D. Gassett gassett@uga.edu;
Richard Roeder rroeder@uark.edu;
Chris McKone mckonec@almaco.com;
Lingxiao Zhang lzhang@chromatininc.com;
Monday, Feb. 10, 2014
Meet and Greet/Registration in Hotel Lobby 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2014 Holiday Inn Riverwalk
8:00 am Welcome and Introductions - Steve Sick and Ronnie Schnell (2014 Co-Chairs)
8:30 am Oklahoma Wheat Variety Testing: It's two crops in one! - Dr. Jeff Edwards, Oklahoma state Uiversity
9:00 am Sorghum Ratoon Cropping - Dr. Rick Mascagni, Louisiana State University
9:30 am - Grain Legume Variety Evaluation on the Palouse: 20 years of Pulse Crop Extension - Stephen Guy, Washington State University
10:00-10:30 am- Break
10:30 am -Overview of the Georgia Statewide Variety Testing Program John D. Gassett
11:00 am - Can Publicly Developed Soybean Varieties Compete Dr. Grover Shannon
11:30 am - Survey of Variety Testing Procedures in the Southern Region Joshua Still
12:00 – 1:00 pm - Lunch Provided- Sky Line Atrium
1:00 pm - Update: Texas Corn Producers - David Gibson
1:30 pm - ALMACO - New Research Equipment Technologies- Chris McKone
2:30 pm - Data Management for Variety Testing Programs -Dr. Ronnie Schnell
3:00 – 3:30 pm -Break
3:30 pm - Choosing Testing Locations Based on Genetic Variance Expression - Dr. Fred Allen
4:00 pm - Variety Testing Using Spatial Analysis
4:30 pm - Business Meeting
Presiding: 2014 Industry and University chairs (respectively):
Steve Sick, NuTech Seed
Ronnie Schnell, Texas A+M University
Glass (Auburn University) received the 2014 variety testing service award.
All presenters agreed to allow their presentations to be put on the SCC-33 website (http://www.uky.edu/Ag/wheatvarietytest/SCC-33.htm ) .
Darin Joos with the University of Illinois is hosting UCTA meeting this summer. The location is yet TBD.
• Comment was made to get more northern interaction in the SCC-33 meeting.
o Email invitation was sent to all universities in the directory
Nominations were made for the 2015 chairs: Monty Malone with Bayer Crop Science and Dr. Fred Allen with the University of Tennessee were nominated. Both accepted the nomination and will chair the 2015 meeting.
Monte and Fred will work together to identify the 2015 meeting location as soon as possible.
5:00 pm Adjourn
Further information available on the SCC-33 website (http://www.uky.edu/Ag/wheatvarietytest/SCC-33.htm)
Further information available on the SCC-33 website (http://www.uky.edu/Ag/wheatvarietytest/SCC-33.htm)