SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

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Margaret Allen ( - USDA ARS; Mark Bailey ( - University of Georgia; James Barbour ( - University of Idaho; David Bellamy ( - USDA ARS, Hannah Burrack ( - North Carolina State; Daniel Dalton ( - Oregon State University; Amy Dreves ( - Oregon State University; Johanna Elsensohn ( Cornell University; Christelle Guédot ( - University of Wisconsin; Larry Gut ( - Michigan State University; Kelly Hamby ( - University of California, Davis; Jesse Hardin ( - North Carolina State University; Stephen Hesler ( - Cornell University; Kim Holmer ( - USDA ARS; Dan Horton ( - University of Georgia; Lindsy Iglesias ( - University of Florida; Rufus Isaacs ( - Michigan State University; Sandra Jaramillo ( - University of Georgia; Jim Jasinski ( - Ohio State University; Donn Johnson ( - University of Arkansas; Tim Johnson - Marrone Bio Innovations; Anna Kirk ( - University of Minnesota; Jimmy Klick ( - Oregon State University; Dylan Kraus ( - North Carolina State University; Oscar Liburd ( - University of Florida; Greg Loeb ( - Cornell University; Agenor Mafra Neto ( - ISCA Technologies; Anne Nielsen ( - Rutgers University; Teresia Nyoike ( - University of Florida; Emma Pelton ( - University of Wisconsin; Doug Pfeiffer ( - Virginia Tech; Dean Polk ( - Rutgers University; Justin Renkema ( - University of Guelph; Cesar Rodriguez-Saona ( - Rutgers University; Max Scott ( - North Carolina State University; Michael Seagraves ( - Driscolls; Peter Shearer ( - Oregon State University; Ashfaq Sial ( - University of Georgia; Lori Spears ( - Utah State University; Katherine Swoboda ( - North Carolina State University; Steven Van Timmeren ( - Michigan State University;, Anna Wallingford ( - Cornell University; Vaughn Walton ( - Oregon State University; Ron Whitehurst ( - Rincon-Vitova; Megan Woltz (Oregon State University)

WERA 1021: Spotted Wing Drosophila Biology, Ecology, and Management Meeting Minutes Date: November 5, 2013 Location: Austin, TX Time: 8:00am to 3:30pm Presentations: State reports (10 minutes each) Georgia  Ash Sial Georgia blueberries experienced an estimated 15-20% crop loss due to SWD in 2013. Objective 4. Compared 3 rotational programs at 2 blueberry sites. Collected data on fly trap captures, fruit infestation, and pesticide residue. Fly captures and infestation were lower in treated plots than untreated controls, and residue levels for all materials used were well below allowable limits. Idaho  Jim Barbour Objective 1. Monitoring flies in 2 counties, and captured most flies in fall at both locations. North Carolina  Hannah Burrack Objective 1. Recent work has focused on understanding the mechanism of host preference and offspring performance in SWD, and during 2013, we explored the effects of larval diet on competition among immature SWD. Objective 2. Our laboratory coordinated a multi state bait/lure comparison experiment conducted in summer 2013. Sites were established with cooperators in AR, ME, MN, MI, NC, NY, NJ, OR, WA, and WI. Comparisons were conducted for eight weeks during harvest in blueberries, caneberries, grapes, and strawberries. Of the baits/lures compared, a mixture of wheat flour, yeast, water, and apple cider vinegar contained in a cup floating in apple cider vinegar (fermenting bait cup) and a synthetic lure under development by Trece, Inc (Adair, OK) suspended over apple cider vinegar were the most attractive treatments. However, no bait or lure was highly selective for SWD, with SWD representing fewer than 50% of total Drosophila spp. captured. All alternative treatments captured flies 1 to 2 weeks earlier than apple cider vinegar. Objective 3. Trapping data from 2010 through 2013 were shared with Oregon State University researchers for use in validating SWD population models developed in the western US in the southeast. Objective 4. Collaborative work was conducted with colleagues at the University of Georgia to compare insecticide rotational programs for efficacy against SWD in blueberries. The same 3 treatments were repeated in replicated experiments at two sites in NC during 2013. Our results were similar to those described in the GA report. We also compared the effects of potential post harvest fruit storage temperatures and durations on immature SWD in both artificial media and fruit. Oregon  Peter Shearer SWD continues to be a key pest in Oregon small and stone fruit production. Oregons total small fruit farmgate value is $170 million dollars. The total management costs for these crops were estimated at $12 million dollars (7% of farmgate crop value) during 2012. During 2013 this estimate is $16.7 million dollars (9.8% of farmgate crop value). These increased management costs were largely due to prolonged high SWD pressure levels. These trends are supported by Industry Stakeholders during 2013. Currently, SWD management mainly focuses on conventional pesticides. Some research is focused on optimized chemical usage including improved application equipment, timing and targeted area sprays. All strategies focus on reduction and rotation of chemical compounds in order to minimize resistance development. Research on indigenous biological control agents has demonstrated their ineffectiveness. Foreign exploration in South Korea has resulted in 4 parasitoid species being evaluated in quarantine at UC Berkley. Additional research includes more detailed description and investigation of SWD fruit susceptibility, movement, temperature tolerance, population modeling, sanitation and cultural methods. Industry surveys documented increased knowledge regarding effective management strategies against SWD. Outreach includes online mass media, radio talks, newsletters, industry meetings, farm days and demonstration trials. Online-available and in-print extension documents are updated on an annual basis Objective 1. The SWD genome data is available online ( This data can be applied to cover the aspects described in the objective. Spatial movement and distribution studies illustrate the importance of non-crop host plants in commercial small fruit production units. Objective 2. New bait formulations and traps have been trialed during 2013 and shows promise for monitoring of SWD pest populations. Objective 3. Temperature-related developmental data were used to develop a temperature-dependent matrix model, which explains SWD risk levels during key harvest periods. Dissection of mature female ovaries during the late dormant period showed an increase in viable eggs with 50% of females containing viable eggs by late May. Laboratory studies have demonstrated that a larger, darker winter phenotype could survive at 1 oC considerably longer than the phenotype associated with summer temperature. Objective 4. Baseline studies to determine resistance traits of SWD are being conducted. SWD biocontrol with indigenous predators and parasites is negligible. Foreign exploration has resulted in four parasitoids being deposited in quarantine and these are undergoing testing for suitability for release against SWD. Objective 5. Industry surveys documented increased knowledge regarding effective management strategies against SWD. Outreach includes online mass media, radio talks, newsletters, industry meetings, farm days and demonstration trials. Extension documents are available in print and online (, Sensitive data is screened by stakeholders before publication. New York  Greg Loeb Objective 1. Efforts during 2013 focused on monitoring throughout NY and on determining sources of populations in crops. Infestations were observed in fruits from Viburnum, pokewood, honeysuckle, grey dogwood, choke cherry, buckthorn, and wild blackberry, with the highest density of larvae observed in pokeweed, honeysuckle, and blackberry. Wisconsin  Christelle Guédot Objective 1. SWD was first reported in South East WI in 2010. In 2011, 2 counties reported SWD (Dane and Crawford) and in 2012, 13 counties reported SWD throughout the state with raspberry growers being the only identified affected growers. In 2013, we monitored SWD from April through the end of September using apple cider vinegar baited traps at 20 farms in 17 counties scattered throughout the state. This project involved growers and county extension agents and was somewhat successful in that only 9 growers/agents trapped until the end of the season. First trapping in 2013 was June 24th in yeast/sugar traps placed in Crawford county (West central WI). In 2013, 25 counties reported SWD with another 4 suspected counties. Again, only raspberry growers reported damage. Populations were very variable with some reporting no fly throughout the season while others reported 300 females and 150 males in mid-September. Some locations reported twice as many females than males and others reported more males than females. The data is still being processed. We obtained a North Central  Regional Integrated Pest Management research and extension grant with MI and MN on "Developing and delivering sustainable SWD management solutions for North Central region berry growers". As part of this grant, MS student Emma Pelton at UW-Madison conducted a study on landscape effects on SWD infestation in raspberry. Emma monitored SWD levels in Southern Wisconsin at 20 raspberry farms which span a gradient of high-to-low woodland landscapes. She hypothesized first infestation and severity of infestation were dependent on farms surrounding landscape, with the earliest and most severe infestations found in farms situated within a high woodland landscape. She monitored farms weekly for 5 months with yeast-sugar baited traps, with 9 traps per farm across a raspberry-to-woodland gradient. She also conducted salt-tests and rearing experiments to correlate trap catches with fruit infestation and found >97% SWD in reared drosophila larvae. Emma is currently processing samples. Objective 2. We participated in the multi-state multi bait comparison led by Hannah Burrack from NC-State. In WI, we conducted 4 replicates over 8 weeks in a raspberry farm with high pressure and low management of insect pest populations. Objective 5. We developed a SWD website to inform growers and the general public about SWD biology, impact, management, updates, and data on occurrence from our monitoring project. In addition, multiple presentations on how to identify and best manage SWD were presented at grower field days and conferences in WI. Newsletters and recommendations for raspberry, cherry, blueberry, strawberry, and grape were sent out to respective WI grower associations, master gardeners, and county agents. Florida  Lindsy Iglesias Objective 1. Monitoring conducted in 9 counties; Drosophila suzukii detected in 28 counties. Trap captures were higher in field margins than within monitored blueberry fields. Objective 2. Conducted two experiments comparing a total of 5 different baits. Yeast and yeast mixtures containing wheat flour captured the most flies. Objective 4. Trap captures were higher in fields with pine bark mulch than in fields where weed barrier was used as mulch. Compared 7 different spray programs in blueberries, and trap captures were lower than untreated controls in all treated plots. Objective 5. Produced extension publication, Spotted Wing Drosophila: Pest Management Recommendations for Florida Blueberries ( Michigan  Rufus Isaacs Objective 1. 445 crop sites were monitored during 2013 with yeast and sugar baited traps. Objective 4. Efficacy of registered and promising new insecticides compared, with Exirel, Apta, and Dimilin providing promising results. Sites where post harvest sprays were made were compared to sites without post harvest treatments, and no benefit of post harvest treatments was observed. Application methods (helicopter, air cannon, and tower sprayers) were compared. Objective 5. Data from monitoring sites shared online ( Arkansas  Donn Johnson Objective 1. Flies were detected in 13 counties during 2013. Larvae were reared from blackberry, raspberry, blueberry, peach, and strawberry but were not reared from bunch or muscadine grapes. Objective 2. During fruiting, a bait comprised of Concord grape juice, apple cider vinegar, ethanol, and soap was more attractive than a yeast and sugar solution. After fruiting the yeast and sugar solution was more attractive. Objective 5. Three workshops were held which trained 35 county agents and 92 fruit growers or master gardeners. Posted information at Fruit and Nut Pest Management website ( Began a grower survey in October 2013 to assess fly presence, impacts, management practices, and research/extension priorities. Minnesota  Annie Kirk Objective 1. Spotted wing drosophila first confirmed in MN in 2012. Sampling activities began in May 2013, and 31 counties had positive collections. Both apple cider vinegar and yeast baits were employed. Larvae were reared from grapes, raspberries, strawberries, and a cherry tomato variety (Lemon Drop). Objective 3. Work has begun on assessing overwintering potential under MN conditions, with a focus on super cooling point assessment and reproductive diapause. Objective 5. A survey was conducted to assess SWD impacts in MN. The survey received a total of 46 respondents, representing 37% commercial growers and 63% hobby growers. Infestation was reported in raspberries, grapes, and strawberries, and 80% of respondents indicated that they were very likely to monitor for SWD during 2014. The top priorities for respondents were: 1. Non chemical control, 2. Chemical control, 3. SWD identification, and 4. Trap recommendations. An outreach website ( was developed to deliver extension information to stakeholders. New Jersey  Dean Polk Objective 2. Conducted a similar comparison of baits as organized through North Carolina, but did not include synthetic lures due to limited availability. Placed 4 homemade bait treatments at 21 locations in 2 NJ counties. The fermenting bait cup and the Droskidrink baited traps captured the most flies of the treatments compared. Objective 5. Growers were trained in larval sampling via salt water extraction, and the statewide IPM program sampled field collected fruit weekly. Growers sampled fruit at each picking prepack, and some sampled post packing. Also compared grower practices at 6 sites in 2010 (before SWD), 2012 (first established year with SWD), and 2013. Pesticide applications from bloom through harvest increased from 5 (2010) to 8 (2013), neonicotinoid applications decreased from 2.5 (2010) to 1 (2013), and organophosphate, carbamate, pyrethroid, and spinsosyn applications all increased. This represented an increase in applications of 62% and a 2.5 to 3-fold increase in active ingredient used. Virginia  Doug Pfeiffer Objective 1. SWD is confirmed from 25 VA counties. SWD larvae were found in a range of grape varieties, including Pinot Noir, Petit Verdot, Merlot, Chardonnay, and Cabernet Franc. In laboratory no choice and choice experiments, SWD also infested Petit Verdot, Vidal, Viognier, Petit Maseng, Cabernet Franc, and Pinotage. SWD have been reared from non crop hosts including wild blackberries, pokeweed, dogwood, persimmon, rose hips, Tartarian honeysuckle, mock strawberry, and porcelain berry. Objective 2. Conducted comparisons of fruit extracts as baits in traps to apple cider vinegar, wine, and yeast and sugar. Vinegar was the least attractive bait. Objective 4. Have reared wasps from collected larve, one figitid and one Asobara spp. In addition to SWD, work has also focused on Zaprionus indianus, the African fig fly. African fig fly has been confirmed from 12 counties in VA. In some grape clusters, African fig fly infestation was observed to be high. Utah  Lori Spears Spotted wing drosophila (SWD; Drosophila suzukii) was first detected in Davis county, Utah in 2010 and has been found every year since. Their numbers have been relatively low so far, with 73 flies found in 2010, 61 flies in 2011, and 16 flies in 2012. In 2013, 24 flies were found at 5 different sites in Davis county using the sugar / yeast bait. Host plants have included peaches, tart cherries, raspberries, plums, apples, and grapes. However, to date, infested fruit have not been reported in Utah. Objective 5. Utah State University (USU) has created fact sheets and identification cards (which are accessible online at USUs Plant Pest and Diagnostic Lab website), and has written newsletter and media articles to help increase awareness of SWD. In 2014, USU is planning to continue their surveying efforts and will focus on commercial orchards and backyard tree and berry fruit. These surveys may expand to include additional counties and additional hosts (ornamental and wild hosts). They are also planning on providing training to producers and homeowners by developing workshops, which will be presented in high risk areas and will focus on SWD biology, monitoring, identification, and control. New outreach materials may also be produced and distributed to the public. Ontario  Justin Renkema Objective 1. Monitoring conducted at more than 60 locations during 2013 using apple cider vinegar baited traps. The number of SWD per trap has increased yearly from 2011 through 2013, and the largest number of flies were captured in southwestern Ontarion in 2013. Objective 2. Trap design comparisons were conducted at three locations, and traps with the largest entry area captured the most flies. Efforts to relate fly traps captures to infestation as determined by salt test or rearing of flies are underway. Objective 3. A degree day model has been posted online in collaboration with cooperators in the western US ( Update on transgenic Drosophila suzukii  Max Scott Presentations on WERA 1021 Objectives: Each presentation summarized current published and ongoing work related to the WERA 1021 Objectives. Objective 1: Kelly Hamby. Objective 2: Cesar Rodriquez-Saona Objective 3: Vaughn Walton Objective 4: Rufus Isaacs Cesar Rodriquez-Saona assumed chair for 2014, and Christelle Guédot volunteered to serve as Chair-elect. Meeting time and location will be determined in early 2014.




Bellamy, D.E., M.S. Sisterson, S.S. Walse. 2013. Quantifying host potentials: Indexing post harvest fresh fruits for spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii. PLoS One. Published: April 12, 2013 Burrack, H.J., G.E. Fernandez, T. Spivey, D.A. Kraus. 2013. Variation in selection and utilization of host crops in the field and laboratory by Drosophila suzukii Matsumara (Diptera: Drosophilidae), an invasive frugivore. Pest Management Science. 69: 1173-1180. Lee, J. C., P. Shearer, L. D. Bahder, E. H.Beers, H.J. Burrack,D.T. Dalton, A. Dreves, L. Gut, K. Hamby, D. Haviland, R. Isaacs, A.L. Nielsen, T. Richardson, C. Rodriguez-Saona , C. Stanley, D. Walsh, V. Walton, W. Yee, F. Zalom, D. Bruck. 2013. Trap designs for monitoring Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Environmental Entomology. 42: 1123-1453. Hamby, K.A., R.S. Kwok, F.G. Zalom, J.C. Chiu. 2013. Integrating circadian activity and gene expression profiles to predict chronotoxicity of Drosophila suzukiii responses to insecticides. PLoS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0068472 Lee, Jana C., Hannah J. Burrack, Luz D. Barrantes, Elizabeth H. Beers, Amy J. Dreves, Kelly Hamby, David R. Haviland, Rufus Isaacs, Tamara Richardson, Peter W. Shearer, Cory A. Stanley, Doug B. Walsh, Vaughn M. Walton, Frank G. Zalom, and Denny J. Bruck. 2012. Evaluation of monitoring traps for Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in North America. Journal of Economic Entomology. 105: 1350-1357. Rossi Stacconi M.V., Grassi A., Dalton D., Miller B., Ouantar M., Ioriatti C., Walton V., Anfora G. 2013. First field records of Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae (Rondani) (Hymenoptera Pteromalidae) as a parasitoid of Drosophila suzukii in European and Oregon Small fruit production areas. Entomologia. 1: 11-16. Steffan, S. A., J. C. Lee, M.E. Singleton, A. Vilaire, D. B. Walsh, Laura S. Lavine, K. Patten. Accepted. Susceptibility of cranberries to Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae). J. Econ Entomol. Volume 106: 2267-2684 Tochen, S., Dalton D.T., Wiman, N., Hamm, C., Shearer, P. W. and Walton V.M., 2013 (Accepted). Temperature-related development and population parameters for Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) on cherry and blueberry. Environmental Entomology. EN-13-200 Van Timmeren, S. and R. Isaacs. 2013. Control of spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii, by specific insecticides and by organic crop protection programs. Crop Protection. 54: 126-133. Yu, D., F.G. Zalom, K.A. Hamby. 2013. Host status and fruit odor responses of Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) to figs and mulberries. Journal of Economic Entomology. 106: 1932-1937.
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