SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Shonkwiler, Scott, U. of Nevada-Reno; McLeod, Don, U. of Wyoming; Shultz, Steve, North Dakota State U.; Loomis, John, Colorado State U.; Herriges, Joe, Iowa State U.; Kerkvliet, Joe, Oregon State U.; Sohngen, Brent, Ohio State U.; Ready, Richard, Penn State U.; Wandschneider, Phil, Washington State U.; Poe, Greg, Cornell U.; Lindsay, Bruce, U. of New Hampshire; Fletcher, Jerry, West Virginia U.; Rosenberger, Randy, West Virginia U.; Bell, Enoch, U.S. Forest Service (Adminsitrative Advisor); Moeltner, Klaus, U. of Nevada; Lupi, Frank, Michigan State U.; Hearne, Robert, North Dakota State U.; Phaneuf, Dan, North Carolina State; Wheeler, William, EPA; Ekstrand, Earl, Bureau of Reclamation; Hansen, LeRoy, ERS; Riddel, Mary, UNLV; Hellerstein, Daniel, ERS; Farmer, Michael, Georgia Tech; Egan, Kevin, Iowa State U.; Kritzberg, David, U. of Colorado; von Haefen, Roger, U. of Arizona; Layton, David, U. of Washington; Boxall, Peter, U. of Alberta; Nalle, Darek, U. of Nevada; Rollins, Kim, U. of Nevada; Ker, Alan, U. of Arizona; Englin, Jeff, U. of Nevada; Burkey, Jake, U. of Nevada; Hunt, Fen, CSREES; Dennis, Don, Forest Service; Hoehn, John, Michigan State U.; Fleming, Ron,U. of Kentucky; Langner, Linda, Forest Service; Barry, Kim, NOAH; Poor, Joan; Lazo, Jeff, Stratus; Kaplowitz, Michael, Michigan State U.; Taylor, Michael, Ohio State U.

Presentations during the general meeting included reports on
Valuation in Theory and Practice. Dan Phaneuf, moderator
"Nonlinearity in Valuation" Donald Dennis, Forest Service(30); "EPA‘s Grants Program for Valuation Research" William Wheeler, EPA(30)
Different Approaches to Valuation. John Hoehn, moderator
"Valuing Water Quality in Midwestern Lake Ecosystems: Temporal Stability and the Role of Information in Value Formation" Joseph Herriges, Iowa State University (15); "Valuing Endangered Species: What‘s in a Name?" Earl Ekstrand, Bureau of Reclamation(15); Reducing Uncertainty for Resource Attributes that Vary over Time and Space: The Marginal Value of Weather Forecast Information" Klaus Moeltner, University of Nevada(15); "Modeling Environmental Benefits as a Function of Capital Investments" LeRoy Hansen, ERS(30);
Health, Wealth and Policy Mechanisms. Paul Jakus, moderator
"Performance Based Agricultural Pollution Abatement: Contracts and Evidence from Focus Groups" Brent Sohngen and Mike Taylor, Ohio State University(30); "Altruism and Willingness to Pay for a Public Good in a Coercive Tax (Referendum) Setting" Gregory L. Poe, Cornell University(15); "Option Wealth and Bequest Values: The Value of Protecting Future Generations from the Health Risks of Nuclear Waste Storage" Mary Riddel, UNLV(30); "Economic Valuation of Mortality Risk Reduction: A Stated Preference Approach" Jeffrey Lazo, Stratus Consulting(15);
Agricultural Lands and Spatial Models. Don McLeod, moderator
"The Amenity (and Disamenity) Value of Open Space" Richard Ready, Penn State University(30); "Visiting Farms for Fun: Using NSRE Data to Measure Participation Rates and Reasons for Taking a Trip" Daniel Hellerstein, ERS(15); "Growth Equilibrium Modeling of Urban Sprawl on Agricultural Land in West Virginia" Randall Rosenberger, West Virginia University(15); "Endogenous Neighborhood Sorting for Hedonic Estimation: Beyond School District and Census Tract Defaults" Michael Farmer, Georgia Tech(15);
Recreation Demand. Klaus Moeltner, moderator
"A Mixed Poisson Regression Model Using Individual Panel Data from an Onsite Sample" Kevin Egan, Iowa State University(15); "Modeling Intertemporal Elasticity in Recreation Demand" David Kritzberg, University of Colorado(15); "A Conceptual Exploration of Modeling the Demand For Location Recreation" Daniel Phaneuf, North Carolina State University(15); "Incomplete Demand Systems, Corner Solutions, and Welfare Measurement" Roger von Haefen, University of Arizona(25). David Layton, University of Washington, discussant(5);
Aspects of Forest Management. John Loomis, moderator
"Fly-In Anglers‘ Valuation of Forest Management: An Analysis of Ontario Remote Tourism" Peter Boxall, University of Alberta(25). Paul Jakus, Utah State University, discussant(5); Fixed-Site and Non-Fixed-Site Approaches for Species Protection: A Case Study for Comparison and Dialogue" Darek Nalle, University of Nevada(15); "Measuring Costs of Sequestering Carbon in Forest Stands with Different Management Regimes in Western Oregon" Joe Kerkvliet, Oregon State University(30);
The Analysis of Conservation Programs. Joe Herriges, moderator
"The Implicit Price of Wetland Easements in North Dakota" Steve Shultz, North Dakota State University(15); "Experimental Designs for Stated Choice Models: Wetland Mitigation Projects" Frank Lupi, Michigan State University(30); "Voluntary Conservation Programs: Comparing Multivariate Tobit and Beta-Binomial Models for Landowners‘ Willingness-to-Participate" David Layton, University of Washington(15);
Validation and Measurement Issues. Kim Rollins, moderator
"External Validation of Contingent Visitation Behavior: Results from a Comparison of Time Series Data and Surveys for Rocky Mountain National Park" John Loomis, Colorado State University(15); "An Analysis of Response Strategies in Double Referendum Mechanisms" Kate Carson, Air Force Academy(15); "Nonparametric Estimation of Willingness to Pay" Alan Ker, University of Arizona(15)

During the business meeting the new officers were approved Chair-Don McLeod, Vice-chair-Steve Schultz, Sec.- Randy Rosenberger), new members welcomed (N.Dakota, Wash.SU, Ohio SU, Mich.SU, U.NH,), candidates for the new administrative advisor discussed (Jacobs, Johnson, Quigley), and next meeting in Hawaii approved.


Members of W1133 publish in high quality, widely read outlets, are involved in extension programs, and interact with policy makers at the local, state, national and international levels. Many of the published studies produced by W-133 participants have become the core literature in areas such as non-market valuation, benefits transfer, and ecosystem management. This year‘s accomplishments reflect the timeliness and importance of the project‘s activities in terms of dealing with issues such as recreational access, water quality, forest management, biodiversity and climate change. See publications for detailed accomplishments.


  1. Estimate the economic benefits of ecosystem management of forests.
  2. Estimate the economic value of changing recreational access.
  3. Calculate the benefits and costs of agro-environmental policies.
  4. Estimate the economic values of agricultural land preservation.


Schlosser,W. E., J.H. Bassman, P.R. Wandschneider, and R.L. Everett. A Carbon
Balance Assessment for Containerized Larix gmelinii Seedlings in the Russian Far East. J. of Forest Ecology and Management. 173 (Feb 2003): 335-351.

Schlosser,* W. E., J.H. Bassman,* F.G. Wagner, and P.R. Wandschneider. Increasing Long Term Storage of Carbon Sequestered in Russian Softwood Logs through Enhanced Lumber Recovery. Forest Products Journal 52:9(September 2002): 51-59.

Painter,* K., R. D. Scott,* P.R. Wandschneider,* and K. L. Casavant. Using
Contingent Valuation to Measure User and Non-User Benefits, An Application to Public Transit. Review of Agricultural Economics 24(2002): 394-409.

Upadhayay,* B.M., D.L. Young,* H.H. Wang, and P.R. Wandschneider. "How Do Farmers Who Adopt Multiple Conservation Practices Differ from Their Neighbors?" American Journal of Alternative Agriculture (Vol. 18, Issue 1) (2003), in press.

Coupal, R. H., C. T. Bastian and D. T. Taylor. "Economic Benefits of Sport Fishing and Angler Wildlife Watching in Pennsylvania: A Comment," Journal of Travel Research. 41(2002): 210-11.

Bastian, C. T., D. M. McLeod*, M. J. Germino, W. A. Reiners and B. J. Blasko. "Using GIS to Measure Environmental and Visual Amenities When Valuing Agricultural Lands." Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. 2002: 43-52.

Parkhurst, G. M., J. F. Shogren, C. Bastian, P. Kivi, J. Donner and R. B. Smith. "Agglomeration Bonus an Incentive Mechanism to Reunite Fragmented Habitat for Biodiversity Conservation," Ecological Economics. 41(2002): 305-328.

Jensen, Kimberly L., Paul M. Jakus, Burton C. English, and Jamey Menard.
Forthcoming. "Market Participation and Willingness to Pay for Environmentally Certified Hardwood Products." Forest Science. Accepted, October 2002.

Jakus, Paul M., Kimberly L. Jensen, and George C. Davis.. "Revenue Impacts of MPP Branded Funds: A Firm Level Analysis." Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. October 2003.

Stevens, T.H., White, S., Kittredge,D., Dennis,D. 2002. "Factors affecting NIPF landowner participation in management programs: a Massachusetts case study." Journal of Forest Economics. 8: 160-184.

Lindner, M., B. Sohngen, L.A. Joyce, D.T. Price, P.Y. Bernier, and T. Karjalainen. 2002. "Integrated Forestry Assessments for Climate Change Impacts." Forest Ecology and Management.162(1): 117-13

Rosenberger, Randall S., George L. Peterson, and John B. Loomis. 2002. Applying a method of paired comparisons to measure economic values for multiple goods sets. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 34(1):215-229.

Rosenberger, Randall S., George L. Peterson, Andrea Clarke, and Thomas C. Brown. 2003. Measuring dispositions for lexicographic preferences of environmental goods: Integrating economics, psychology and ethics. Ecological Economics 44(1):63-76.

Moeltner, K. (2003) Addressing Aggregation Bias in Zonal Recreation Models. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 45(1), p.128-144.

Kirkvliet, J., O. Gainutdinova, S. Polasky and C. Vossler,. 2002. "Externally Validating Contingent Valuation: An Open-Space Survey and Referendum in Corvallis, Oregon, J. of Economic Behavior and Organization," Vol 1485 (2002) pp 1-17.

Kirkvliet, J., C. Nowell and S. Lowe. 2002. "The Economic Value of the Greater Yellowstone‘s Blue Ribbon Fishery, North American Journal of Fisheries Management,", with, Vol. 22 (2002) 418-424

Amigues, J-P., C Boulatoff (Broadhead), B. Desaigues, C. Gauthier, and J.E. Keith. 2002. The benefits and costs of riparian habitat preservation: A willingness to accept/willingness to pay contingent valuation approach. Ecological Economics 43(1):17-31.

Shultz, S. and J. Leitch. 2003. The feasibility of restoring previously drained wetlands to reduce flood damage. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, January-February, 2003.

F. Lupi, M.D. Kaplowitz, and J.P. Hoehn. 2002. "The Economic Equivalency of Drained and Restored Wetlands in Michigan," American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 84(5):1355-1361.

P.J. Machemer and M.D. Kaplowitz. 2002. "Using Transferable Development
Rights to Address Urban Growth and Agricultural Land Preservation."
Journal of Environmental Planning & Management. 45(6):773-795.

M.D. Kaplowitz and S.G. Witter. 2002. "Identifying Water Security Issues
at the Local Level." Water International. 27(3):387-394.

D. Dempsey and M.D. Kaplowitz. 2002. "The Persistence of Local Wetland
Ordinances in Michigan." Michigan Environmental Law Review. 19:18-23

Lupi, Frank, and Douglas B. Jester, "Uses of Resource Economics in Managing
Great Lakes Fisheries," in Sustaining North American Salmon: Perspectives
Across Regions and Disciplines, (W. Taylor, M. Jones, and K. Lynch,
editors). American Fisheries Society: Bethesda, MD, pages 195-220, 2002.

Hoag, D., J. Ascough, and A. Engler. 2002. Impact matrix and decision rules to enhance index dimensionality, flexibility and representation. Ecological Indicators, Vol. 33: 1-8.

Hsu, S. and J. Loomis. 2002. A Defense of Cost-Benefit Analysis for Natural Resource Policy. Environmental Law Reporter 32:10239-10244.

Loomis, J., L. Bair and A. Gonzalez-Caban. 2002. Language Related Differences in Contingent Valuation. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 84(4): 1091-1102.

Loomis, J., D. Griffin, E. Wu, A. Gonzalez-Caban. 2002. Estimating the Economic Value of Big Game Habitat Production from Prescribed Fire Using a Time Series Approach. Journal of Forest Economics 8:119-129.

Popp, J. D. Hoag, and J.Ascough. 2002 Targeting Soil Conservation Policies for Sustainability: New Empirical Evidence. J. of Soil and Water Conservation, Vol. 57:66-74

Poe, G. L., and C. A. Vossler. "Monte Carlo Benchmarks for Discrete Response Valuation Methods: Comment", Land Economics, 78(4):605-616. Nov. 2002. Cameron, T. A., G. L. Poe, R. Ethier, and W. D. Schulze, "Alternative Nonmarket Value-Elicitation Methods: Are the Underlying Preferences the Same?", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 44(3):391-425,
Oct. 2002.

Poe, G. L., J. R. Clark, D. Rondeau, and W.D. Schulze, "Provision Point Mechanisms and Field Validity Tests of Contingent Valuation", Environmental and Resource Economics, 23(1):105-131, Sept. 2002.

Schulze, W., G. Poe, I. Bateman and D. Rondeau. " Is the Scope Test Meaningful In the Presence of Other Regarding Behavior?" in J.A. List and A. de Zeeuw, eds., 2002, Recent Advances in Environmental Economics., Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham UK.

Herriges, J. and D. Phaneuf. 2002. "Inducing Patterns Correlation and Substitution in Repeated Logit Model of Recreation Demand," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 84, No. 4, 2002 pp. 1076-1090.

Smith, V.K. G. Van Houtven and S.K. Pattan. 2003. Benefit Transfer Via Preference Calibration: Prudential Algebra for Policy, Land Economics, February 2002.

Smith, V.K. and S. Pattanayak. 2002. Is Meta Analysis the Noahs Ark for Non-Market Valuation? Environmental and Resource Economics, June 200.

Smith, V.K, H. Sieg, H.S. Banzhaf, and R. Walsh. 2002. "Inter-jurisdictional Housing Prices in Locational Equilibrium," Journal of Urban Economics, July 2002

Smith, V.K and C. Mansfield. 2002. "Tradeoff at the Trough: TMDLs and the Evolving Status of Water Quality Policy in John List and Aart de Zeeuw, editors, Recent Advances in Environmental Economics (Cheltenhen, U.K.: Elgar, 2002

Smith, V.K et al., 2002. The Impact of No Opinion Response Options on Data Quality: Non Attitude Reduction of an Invitation to Satisfice? Public Opinion Quarterly, Fall 2002 .

Smith, V.K and Ju-Chin Huang Monte Carlo Benchmarks for Discrete Response Valuation Models: Reply, Land Economics, November 2002.

Kim, Chongwon, Tim Phipps, and Luc Anselin. "Measuring the Benefits of Air Quality Improvement: A Spatial Hedonic Approach," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 45 (2003): 24-39.
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