SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


This was the organizational meeting of WCC1001. Eleven members and our administrative advisor were in attendance. Three additional members were not able to attend. Vicki McCracken ( advisor Washington State Univ.; Tommy Brown ( York; Don Dillman (; Fred Lorenz (; Bob Mason (; Rob Robertson ( Hampshire; Robie Sangster (; Steve Swinford (; Fern Willits (; Brian Meekins (; Shorna Broussard (; Glenn Israel ( State; The following were not in attendance, but either are members or have shown interest: Angela Mertig (; John Saltiel (; Frank Howell (; Virginia Lesser (

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Each member discussed in detail methodological issues they had been working on. Some shared papers they had written. Others outlined proposed studies and asked for advice. In addition subgroups worked on joint papers together, that stemmed from work they had done under Western Regional Project W-183 which was terminated in 2002.


  1. Because this was the first meeting, it is premature to discuss impacts. However, it was apparent in the meeting that some individuals who presented proposed research were being influenced to make changes in there research designs, based upon comments from committee members.


It is too early to have publications, but it is apparent that members are working on methodological papers that they expect to have published in the future.
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