SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Ernst Cebert, Secy/Treas 2002-03, Chairman select for 2003-04, Alabama A&M University,; Udai Bishnoi, Alabama A&M University,; Robert Bacon, University of Arkansas,; David Buntin, University of Georgia,; Paul Raymer, Chairman 2002-03, University of Georgia,; Timothy Grey, University of Georgia,; Dave Starner, Secretary / Treasurer select for 2003-04, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, ; Brian Wooden Jr., Virginia State University,; Harbans Bhardwaj, Virginia State University,; Ronald Bowen, Virginia State University,;

Paul Raymer, Chair, University of Georgia, called the 2003, SERA-IEG 11 meeting to order at 2:00 P.M. in the Ticonderoca room, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Washington, D.C. The meeting opened with the introduction by each participant. The meeting was held concurrent with two other US Canola Association meetings: (1) Board of Directors meeting and (2) 2003 Legislative Outlook with Congressional Staff Panel meeting.

Registration: Paul Raymer welcomed the group and provided the participants with the choice of paying a registration fee (normally $20.00). By unanimous consent, the group declined the need for the registration at this particular meeting. Registration fee will resume during the 2004 meeting. The money collected is used to cover meeting expenses associated with refreshments for breaks and the evening meal.

Business Meeting: The 2002 minutes were presented by Paul Raymer and approved by the participants.

Treasurer‘s Report: Paul Raymer presented a summary on the financial standing of SERA-IEG 11. A motion to accept the treasurer‘s report was given. The motion was accepted. Paul Raymer gave Ernst Cebert (Chair elect) a check for $208.20 representing the current balance. The check is from: First Union Bank, check # 214061950, dated 05/17/2002.

Election of Officers: Ernst Cebert, from Alabama A&M University was promoted as chairperson for 2003-2004. He served as secretary during the previous year. Harbans Bhardwaj, from Virginia State University nominated Dave Starner of Virginia Polytechnic for the position of Secretary / Treasurer. The motion for the nomination was accepted. Participants voted unanimously for Dave Starner to be the Secretary / Treasurer for the 2003-2004 business year.

Discussion of 2004 Meeting: Alabama A&M University was selected as the location for the 2004 SERA-IEG 11 meeting. Alabama A&M University is located in Huntsville, AL, approximately 90 miles north of Birmingham, AL and 90 miles south of Nashville, TN. The meeting date is tentatively set for April 6-7, 2004.

Paul Raymer made a motion for the discussion of new business. No new business was discussed. However, David Buntin briefed the participants about new funding opportunities. He stated that the US Canola Board will decide on specific topics for research. Once topics for research are selected, RFPs will be sent out by each respective Regional Director to participants in that region. He also stated that an extra $20,000 was made available by CSREES in addition to the standard $112,000 provided per region, resulting in a total of $132,000 to be distributed for projects funded during in 2003.


State Reports: Representative from different states of SERA-IEG 11 provided brief report on various research activities being carried out in each state. A summary of the overall SERA-IEG 11 was provided by David Buntin as part of the scheduled regional report at the 2003, US Canola Research Conference. In addition, members of the SERA-IEG 11 presented a total of 13 posters at the conference, summarizing their local research activities.

Summary of State Reports:

Alabama: Canola activity in Alabama is restricted to continued research at Alabama A&M University, to improve management and production practices for potential future growers. Udai Bishnoi and Ernst Cebert summarized several ongoing canola research projects addressing fertility, crop rotation, diseases, insects and development of new cultivars for the region.

Arkansas: Interest is growing among farmers to try canola in the area. Efforts to help interested growers are being implemented.

Florida: No Report

Georgia: David Buntin presented a complete report on the progress of canola for the region. The report emphasized the continued progress in the canola breeding program at the University of Georgia, and good result in weed control experiments. Attempt by a group of growers to establish a co-op for processing canola seed in the southeast is gaining greater exposure and momentum.

Kentucky: No Report

Louisiana: No Report

Mississippi: No Report

South Carolina: No Report

Virginia: Harbans Bhardwaj, (VSU) and David Starner, (VPI) summarized continuing research in the state of Virginia. They expressed concern for colder temperatures and increased winter precipitation being experienced this growing season.

The common concern expressed by participants was the lack of local market outlets for canola; growers were reluctant to engage in canola production.

Other activities:
Paul Raymer announced that a canola field day will be held at the Canola Production Center in Claxton, Georgia, on April 3, 2003. Further information would be provided via email. The group also discussed ideas for collaborative interdisciplinary regional research.



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