SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


The meeting was held in conjunction with the 2012 Nebraska Grazing Conference. Several members of the NC1181 committee were on the planning committee for this conference. Members of the NC1181 committee that made presentations at the NGC included: Sandy Smart, Terry Klopfenstein, Walter Schacht, and Rick Rasby. Aaron Stalker, Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm in the Executive Room of the Holiday Inn. Participants in attendance were: Tara Felix, University of Illinois; Walt Fick, Lyle Lomas, and Joe Moyer, Kansas State University; Jason Rowntree, Michigan State Unviersity, John Guretzky, Karla Jenkins, Terry Klopfenstein, Jim MacDonald, Martin Massengale, Rick Rasby, Aaron Stalker, and Jerry Volesky, University of Nebraska; Sandy Smart, South Dakota State University; and John Baker, Administrative Advisor, Michigan State University. (Note: Walt Schacht, Bruce Anderson, and Keith Harmoney were in attendance at the NGC and were able to confer with NC1181 members at that time, but had to leave due to conflicts). Following introductions by participants, state reports were presented. South Dakota. Sandy Smart  legume establishment. Nebraska. Rick Rasby  applying corn condensed distiller solubles to hay windrows prior to baling and feeding to growing steers (see report). Terry Klopfenstein - several distillers grains studies (see report). Aaron Stalker  replacement of grazed forage and animal performance when distillers grains are fed in a bunk or on the ground (see report). Karla Jenkins  reported on several meetings and webinars that were held during the past year. Kansas. Lyle Lomas - Distillers grains supplementation of grazing steers (see report). Joe Moyer - interseeding study (see report). Keith Harmoneys report was presented by Sandy Smart - legume interseeding study and supplementing yearling steers with WDG late in the grazing season (see report). Michigan. Jason Rowntree  irrigation trial and grass finishing. Illinois. Tara Felix  utilization of crop residues and by-products to decrease use of corn in finishing cattle diets. A handout on USDAs extramural funding for pasture, forage, and grazing land research, education and outreach was circulated. John Baker advised that the minutes and report of this meeting needs to be filed within 60 days. He indicated that the project is completing its third year and that plans for a rewrite should be initiated as the rewrite should be submitted by December 1, 2013. There was discussion concerning current and future participants in the project. A committee to develop objectives for the new project was appointed and was composed of Aaron Stalker, Lyle Lomas, Tara Felix, Jason Rowntree, John Guretzky, Sandy Smart, Keith Harmoney, and Jerry Volesky. This group is to develop objectives prior to the 2013 annual meeting. John Baker suggested that the 2013 meeting have a duration of at least 1 ½ days in order to allow time to work of writing the new project. After some discussion, the decision was made to hold the 2013 annual meeting in Lincoln, NE on August 15 and 16 with the meeting beginning at 8:00 am on August 15 and adjourning at noon on August 16. Sandy Smart nominated Jason Rowntree to serve as secretary. Joe Moyer moved that nominations cease and that a unanimous ballot be cast for Jason. Motion was seconded by Walt Fick. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 noon. Further information can be found in the attached file.


A joint publication between NE and KS on feeding DDGS on grass was published in Professional Animal Scientist. A joint publication between NE and KS on weighing procedures is being developed. Members of the NC1181 committee helped to plan the Nebraska Grazing Conference, and four members from two states (Sandy Smart, SDSU; Terry Klopfenstein, UNL; Walt Schacht, UNL; and Rick Rasby, UNL) reported on research at the grazing conference. The grazing conference was attended by approximately 200 people. The committee met to discuss their activities during fiscal year 2012 and to plan for 2013. The following activities, outputs, milestones, and short-term outcomes were achieved: Activities: Research projects by scientists in Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota relating to objectives 1-6 were newly initiated or continued in 2011/2012. Objective 1: It was concluded that establishment of common legumes (alfalfa, birdsfoot trefoil, and red clover) were more affected by grass competition than the addition of fungicides and insecticides. A newly initiated study investigated normal and severe grazing compared to chemical treatment of the existing grass sod to suppress the grass and allow legumes to establish. Spring chemical suppression resulted in greater initial legume establishment than grazing suppression at both locations in Kansas. Objective 2: Steers grazing unfertilized smooth brome or tall fescue in Nebraska and Kansas were supplemented with distillers grains, and each had greater average daily gains compared to animals grazing fertilized brome or fescue without being supplemented. These grazing trials were conducted to compare the effect of stocker cattle supplemented with dried distillers grains and the excretion of urine and feces as a fertilizer substitute. Also, strategic supplementation every other day or during the last portion of the grazing season resulted in animal gains that were similar to animals supplemented every day during the grazing season in Kansas. Cattle production in brome pasture interseeded with legumes was compared to cattle production in brome pasture when supplemented with distillers grains in Nebraska in 2012. Objective 3: Steers were fed with low quality hay treated with different levels of corn condensed distillers soluble in Nebraska. Supplementing with CCDS increased animal gain efficiency linearly, but peaked at 15% CCDS when bypass protein was also supplemented. On cornstalks, steers on a high winter distillers supplement also had greater overall harvest weight than steers fed a low winter distillers supplement. Objective 4: Heifers bunk fed and ground fed distillers grains supplement had greater gains than unsupplemented heifers in Nebraska, while steers in Kansas had the same result. The Nebraska study found that 1 lb of distillers grains replaced approximately 0.68 lb of pasture forage. Gains by animals fed distillers in the bunk or on the ground were statistically similar in both studies. Objective 5: Grazing studies were conducted in eastern Nebraska and in Kansas to determine the substitution of N from fertilizer with N from feeding distillers grains. Objective 7: Extension publications, You-tube videos, webinars, and producer meetings were held on utilizing crop residues with distillers grains supplements, and producer meetings were held and research summaries for producers were published regarding the use of distillers supplements for steers grazing rangeland and fescue pasture. Milestones: (2011): Established new studies on legume interseeding with grass suppression in Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota, and continued to monitor 2009 and 2010 legume study stands. (2011): Grazing projects evaluating the use of biofuel co-products, nitrogen levels, and legumes on animal production and economics are ongoing in Kansas, and Nebraska. (2011): Grazing projects evaluating the use of different mixtures of biofuel co-products and low quality forages on nutrient availability, palatability, utilization by beef cattle, and forage replacement by beef cattle are ongoing. Outputs: Data collection, webinars, You-tube videos, producer report summaries, producer meetings, and publications pertaining to objectives 1-6 were achieved. Short-term outcomes: Short-term outcomes include lower breakeven and greater profit of grazing cattle fed distillers grains.


  1. Forage legumes can be introduced into pasture with grass suppression. Interseeded legumes reduce nitrogen inputs in pasture, maintain or increase pasture productivity, and increase nutritive value of cool-season pastures, all of which contribute to lower long-term input costs or increased pasture and animal production.
  2. Grazing animal harvest weights are greater when supplemented with distillers grains, net returns from supplementing with distillers grains are greater than or equal to returns when grazing fertilized pasture, and profits on grazed corn residue are greater when supplementing steers with distillers at higher levels.
  3. Corn and soybean yields are stable or can slightly increase when cows graze crop residue during winter or early spring prior to planting.


Schacht, W.H., J. Volesky, D.E. Bauer, M.B. Stephenson. 2011. Grazing systems for Nebraska Sandhills rangelands. Extension circular EC-127, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE. Griffin, W. A., T. J. Klopfenstein, L. A. Stalker, G. E. Erickson, J. A. Musgrave and R. N. Funston. 2012. The effects of supplementing dried distillers grains to steers grazing cool-season meadow. Prof. Anim. Sci. 28:56-63. Griffin, W. A., V. R. Bremer, T. J. Klopfenstein, L. A. Stalker, L. W. Lomas, J. L. Meyer and G. E. Erickson. 2012. A meta-analysis evaluation of supplementing dried distillers grains plus solubles to cattle consuming forage-based diets. Prof. Anim. Sci. 28:306-312. Watson, A. K., T. J. Klopfenstein, W. A. Schacht, G. E. Erickson, D. R. Mark, M. K. Luebbe, K. R. Brink, and M. A. Greenquist. 2012. Smooth bromegrass pasture beef growing systems; Fertilization strategies and economic analysis. Prof. Anim. Sci. 28:443-451. Warner, J. M., L. M. Kovarick, M. K. Luebbe, G. E. Erickson, and R. J. Rasby. 2011. Limit feeding nonlactating, nonpregnant beef cows with bunkered wet distillers grains plus solubles or distillers solubles. Prof. Anim. Sci. 27:456-460. Kirck, B. H., L. E. Moser, S. S. Waller, T. J. Klopfenstein, and J. Klotz. 2011. Protein degradation of smooth bromegrass, switchgrass, and big bluestem in grazing cattle. Prof. Anim. Sci. 27:422-427. McGee, A. L., J. L. Harding, T. J. Klopfenstein, S. D. van Donk, and L. A. Stalker. 2012. Effect of corn residue removal on cattle performance and subsequent crop yield. Prof. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl 3) 201. Gillespie, K. L., J. A. Musgrave, L. A. Stalker, T. J. Klopfenstein, and S. K. Pruitt. 2012. Influence of sample preparation technique on masticate fiber content from esophageally fistulated cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl 3) 463. Musgrave, J. A., K. L. Gillespie, S. K. Pruitt, L. A. Stalker, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2012. Influence of precollection diet and squeezing on crude protein content of masticate collected from fistulated cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl 3) 463. Pruitt, S. K., B. L. Nuttelman, C.J. Schneider, J. A. Musgrave, L. A. Stalker, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2012. Handling techniques of forage diet samples collected using fistulated cattle. Midwest ASAS abstract:99. Weber, B. M., B. L. Nuttelman, K. R. Rolfe, C. J. Schneider, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and W. A. Griffin. 2012. Effects of forage type, storage method, and moisture level in creep residues mixed with modified distillers grains. Midwest ASAS abstract:100. Rolfe, K. M., W. A. Griffin, T. J. Klopfenstein, D. R. Mark, B. L. Nuttelman, and G. E. Erickson. 2012. Summer supplementation and subsequent feedlot sorting of yearling steers. Midwest ASAS abstract:101. Gillespie, K. L., T. J. Klopfenstein, J. A. Musgrave, B. L. Nuttelman, C. J. Schneider, L. A. Stalker, and J. D. Volesky. 2012. Replacement of grazed forage and animal performance when distillers grains are fed in a bunk or on the ground. Midwest ASAS abstract:104. Pruitt, S. K., C. J. Schneider, B. L. Nuttelman, W. A. Griffin, D. R. Burken, T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson and W. H. Schacht. 2012. Strategic supplementation of dried distillers grains to yearling steers grazing smooth bromegrass pastures. Midwest ASAS abstract:105. Harding, J. L., C. J. Schneider, B. L. Nuttelman, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2012. Effects of spoilage of wet distillers grains plus solubles on performance of growing ste Van Donk, Simon, Adam L. McGee, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and L. Aaron Stalker. 2012. Effect of corn stalk grazing and baling on cattle performance and irrigation needs. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP95: 8-10. McGee, Adam L., Mackenzie Johnson, Kelsey M. Rolfe, Jana L. Harding and Terry J. Klopfenstein. 2012. Nutritive value and amount of corn plant parts. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP95:11-12. Jenkins, Karla H., Matt K. Luebbe, and Terry J. Klopfenstein. 2012. Wheat straw, distillers grains, and beet pulp for late gestation beef cows. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP95:13-14. Watson, Andrea K., Brandon L. Nuttelman, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Cody J. Schneider. 2012. Research results are dependent on accurate cattle weights. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP95: 45-46. Pruitt, Stephanie K., Kelsey M. Rolfe, Brandon Nuttelman, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, William A. Griffin, and Walter H. Schacht. 2012. Strategies of supplementing dried distillers grains to yearling steers on smooth bromegrass pastures. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP95: 49-50. Musgrave, Jacki A., L. Aaron Stalker, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Jerry Volesky. 2012. Comparison of feeding dry distillers grains in a bunk or on the ground to cattle grazing subirrigated meadow. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP95: 51-52. Doerr, Annie J., Sandra Villasanti, Kelsey M. Rolfe, Brandon L. Nuttelman, William A. Griffin, Terry j. Klopfenstein, and Walter H. Schacht. 2012. Byproducts with low quality forage to grazing cattle. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP95: 53-54. Weber, Barry M., Brandon L. Nuttelman, Kelsey R. Rolfe, Cody J. Schneider, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and William A. Griffin. 2012. Effects of forage type, storage method, and moisture level in crop residues mixed with modified distillers grains. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP95: 55-57. Harding, Jana L., Jessica E. Cornelius, Kelsey M. Rolfe, Adam L. Shreck, Galen E. Ericson, and Terry J. Klopfenstein. 2012. Effect of storage method on nutrient composition and dry matter loss of wet distillers grains. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP95: 58-60. Harding, Jana L., Kelsey M. Rolfe, Cody J. Schneider, Brandon L. Nuttelman, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein. 2012. Spoilage of wet distillers grains plus solubles and feed value. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP95: 61-63. Jaeger, J.R., J. W. Waggoner, K. C. Olson, K. R. Harmoney, and J. W. Bolte. 2012. Growth and reproductive performance of beef replacement heifers fed development diets containing soybean meal or wet distillers grains. Professional Animal Scientist 28:300-305. Moyer, J. L., K. C. Dhuyvetter, and D. W. Sweeney. 2012. Nitrogen fertilization affects economic return from crabgrass hay. Online. Forage and Grazinglands. doi: 10.1094/FG-2012-0320-01-RS. Lomas, L. W. and J. L. Moyer. 2012. Distillers grains supplementation strategy for grazing stocker cattle, pp. 5-11. In: 2012 Agricultural Research, Southeast Agricultural Research Center Report of Progress 1069. Kansas State Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn. and Coop. Extn. Serv., Manhattan, KS. 46p. Lomas, L. W. and J. L. Moyer. 2012. Effect of cultivar and distillers grains supplementation on grazing and subsequent finishing performance of stocker steers grazing tall fescue pasture, pp. 16-27. In: 2012 Agricultural Research, Southeast Agricultural Research Center Report of Progress 1069. Kansas State Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn. and Coop. Extn. Serv., Manhattan, KS. 46p. Lomas, L. W. and J. L. Moyer. 2012. Effect of frequency of dried distillers grains supplementation on gains of heifers grazing smooth bromegrass pastures, pp. 1-4. In: 2012 Agricultural Research, Southeast Agricultural Research Center Report of Progress 1069. Kansas State Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn. and Coop. Extn. Serv., Manhattan, KS. 42p. Lomas, L. W. and J. L. Moyer. 2012. Effects of various forage systems on grazing and subsequent finishing performance, pp. 12-15. In: 2012 Agricultural Research, Southeast Agricultural Research Center Report of Progress 1069. Kansas State Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn. and Coop. Extn. Serv., Manhattan, KS. 46p. Moyer, J. L. and L. W. Lomas. 2012. Using legumes in wheat-bermudagrass pastures. pp. 28-30. In: 2012 Agricultural Research, Southeast Agricultural Research Center Report of Progress 1069. Kansas State Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn. and Coop. Extn. Serv., Manhattan, KS. 46p. Moyer, J. L. 2012. Establishing legumes in tall fescue. 2012. pp. 35-37. In: 2012 Agricultural Research, Southeast Agricultural Research Center Report of Progress 1069. Kansas State Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn. and Coop. Extn. Serv., Manhattan, KS. 46p.
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