SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Godfrey, Bob ( - University of the Virgin Islands; Hansen, Gary ( - North Carolina State University;Herring, Andy ( - Texas A&M University; Kutz, Bryan ( - University of Arkansas; Powell, Jeremy ( - University of Arkansas; Riley, David ( - Texas A&M University; Sanders, Jim ( - Texas A&M University; Smith, Trent ( - Mississippi State University; West, Joe ( - University of Georgia

The third meeting of the S-1045 regional project technical committee was held on May 30 - June 1, 2012 at the MAFES Conference Center in Starkville, Mississippi. The meeting was officially called to order at 8:00 am by Dr. Trent Smith, S1045 Project Chairman for 2012. He welcomed the group along with Drs. Greg Bohach, George Hopper, Rueben Moore and Mark Crenshaw. Information was presented to the group during the welcome on Mississippi State University, the Agriculture industry in Mississippi, and the history of the MAFES Conference Center where the meetings were being held. Following the welcome, Dr. Joe West at the University of Georgia, Tifton was introduced as the new S1045 Administrative Advisor to the group. Dr. West was welcomed by the group. After an introduction of the committee members attending the meeting, Dr. Trent Smith asked for volunteers to be members of the Resolutions Committee and the Nominating Committee. The following members volunteered to be on the various committees: Resolutions Committee: Drs. Andy Herring, Bob Godfrey and David Riley Nominating Committee: Drs. Jim Sanders, Jeremy Powell and Brian Kutz Motion was made to accept the committees as presented and approved unanimously. Dr. Smith asked that each objective be discussed in whole before moving into discussion on the next objective. Discussion was initiated on Objective 1. Objective 1 - Estimation of genetic variation associated with susceptibility/resistance to specific measures of disease stress in cattle managed on forage. Objective 1a. Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis, Coordinator Hayden Brown, UA Dr. Brown was unable to attend the meeting. Station reports were given by Drs. Smith (MSU), Kutz (UA), and Vann (MSU, Brown Loam). Objective 1b-Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex, Coordinator Andy Herring, TAMU Drs. Herring and Powell (UA) gave station reports. Objective 1c-Specific External Parasites, Coordinator Bob Godfrey, UVI A station report was presented by Dr. Bob Godfrey and Dr. Vann (MSU, Brown Loam) reported progress. Objective 2 - Characterize diverse, tropically adapted beef breeds in subtropical and temperate areas of the United States with emphasis on cow fertility and productivity in comparison to Bos indicus influenced breeds and types. Coordinator Gary Hansen, NCST. Dr. Hansen was asked to resend the spreadsheet for data arrangement. It was stated that Dr. Mauricio Elzo will conduct the analyses. Drs. Godfrey (UVI), Sanders (TAMU) gave station reports. Objective 3 - Establish a DNA bank for characterization of molecular markers, genetic parameter estimation and future discovery of genes that influence economically important traits in pedigreed beef cattle populations. Coordinators: Drs. Andy Herring, TAMU, Gary Hansen, NCST, and Trent Smith, MSU General methodology was reviewed for objective 3. It was decided that DNA samples will be collected and stored on site at each research station or arrangements need to be made for storage. If whole blood, collect in purple-top tubes (EDTA) and transfer to cryovial tubes for freezing. Buffy coat, hairs, tissue samples, cards (GeneSeek, FTA, Whatman) all are acceptable storage methods. Dr. Matt Garcia (LSU) will be contacted about storage and/or participation in this objective. Dr. Herring will send out summary form of DNA stored in previous year to all members. Members are to complete and submit for annual report to Dr. Smith in next 30 days. It was decided to coordinate this information with data accumulation in Objective 2. Objective 4 - Evaluation of relationships between hair coat and production traits in beef cattle breed types. Coordinators Bob Godfrey, UVI and Trent Smith, MSU. Drs. Smith and Sanders (TAMU) gave station reports. Dr. Godfrey reported results on this objective in conjunction with results for Objective 1c because of pooled data as part of another project. Dr. Powell began scoring cattle at UA this spring. Dr. Smith will mail out pictures of shedding pattern scores and other relevant scores to committee members. Administrative Advisor Report Dr. Joe West gave his first report as the Administrative Advisor. He recommended that a copy of the resolutions be sent along with a letter to Dr. David Morrison in recognition of his long service to this technical committee. He verified names of current committee members and reminded the group that the annual report is due in 60 days as well as the minutes. Project termination is scheduled in 2014. If we request an extension, it must be done the year prior to termination, which is next year. It would be good to have scientists from multiple disciplines and extension as technical committee members. There is a new director at NIFA; changes in NIFA/AFRI funding opportunities are uncertain. The committee discussed expansion of membership to other scientists. Potential contacts were discussed at multiple locations. The chair will send this list to Technical Committee members. Business meeting was called by Dr. Trent Smith. Dr. Smith requested reports from the nominating and resolution committees. The nominating committee (Drs. Jim Sanders, Jeremy Powell, and Brian Kutz) made the following nominations: Dr. Gary Hansen (chair), Dr. David Riley (chair elect) and Dr. Rhonda Vann (secretary). The nominated individuals were elected by unanimous vote. The resolution committee (Drs. Andy Herring, Bob Godfrey, and David Riley) submitted their report as follows: Whereas the S-1045 Technical Committee is committed to improving beef cattle production systems in the southern region and other regions of the United States; And whereas the S-1045 Technical Committee is improved by exchange of research findings and approaches at different institutions and locations as well as observing different beef cattle production systems; Therefore, be it resolved that the S-1045 Technical Committee expresses its gratitude to Dr. Trent Smith and the staff of Mississippi State University for hosting, planning, and coordinating its 2012 annual meeting in Starkville, MS. We would also like to thank these officials of Mississippi State University: Dr. Ruben Moore, Associate Director of Operations, Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station (MAFES), Dr. Mark Crenshaw, Interim Department Head, Animal and Dairy Sciences, Dr. Greg Bohach, Vice President of Division Agriculture, Forestry, Veterinary Medicine, Dr. George Hopper, Director of MAFES, Dean of College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; Be it also resolved that we would like to thank Mr. Milton Sundbeck, Town Creek Farms, for providing lunch and hosting us at his ranch, and Mr. Ron Flake for providing a tour of Town Creek Farms; Be it also resolved that we would like to thank Mr. Phil McClellan, Prairie Livestock, LLC, Mr. Gary Tanner, Tanner Farms, and Mr. Robert Field, Calyx Star Ranch for the educational tours and discussion of operations and facilities; Be it also resolved that we would like to thank Dr. Mikell Davis, Little Creek Farms, for hosting supper and tour of his operation; Be it also resolved that we would like to thank Mr. Cody Massey and Mr. William White of the MSU South Farm for the tour of facilities; Be it also resolved that the S-1045 Technical Committee extends its thanks to Dr. David Morrison, LSU AgCenter, for his many years of leadership and commitment to committee activities and his friendship with Technical Committee members; Be it also resolved that the S-1045 Technical Committee extends its thanks to Dr. Joe West, University of Georgia-Tifton, for his enthusiasm and willingness to serve as administrative advisor of this project, and we look forward to working with him. Passed unanimously. Dr. Trent Smith initiated discussion for the date and location of next years meeting. Drs. Hayden Brown, Jeremy Powell, and Brian Kutz invited the group to meet in Fayetteville, Arkansas in 2013 on May 29-31st with the 29th as a travel day. The group unanimously accepted the invitation. The meeting was adjourned by Dr. Trent Smith.


This section of the report is presented by objective, and highlights new data that have been collected to date. Objective 1: Estimation of genetic variation associated with susceptibility/resistance to specific measures of disease stress in cattle managed on forage. Objective 1a - Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis Arkansas Report: Procedures. Calves (n = 1300) were evaluated in 2009, 2010, and 2011 for Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) scars. At weaning, incidence of IBK was determined using a subjective scoring system where 0 = no evidence of IBK in either eye, and 1 = evidence of IBK in one or both eyes. Calves were all Angus sired. Results. These data show that 13.62% of all calves evaluated had IBK scarring. The incidence of IBK for spring born calves was 20.75%, and the incidence of IBK for fall born calves was 3.21%. Non-scarred calves had heavier mean unadjusted weaning weight than scarred calves 242.5 vs 233.5 Kg. Procedures. In a preliminary analysis of the first two years (2009 and 2010) of these data (n = 868) genetic parameter estimates were determined for resistance/susceptibility to Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis (IBK). Calves were born in the spring and fall at three Arkansas locations in 2009 and 2010. All calves were sired by purebred Angus bulls registered with the American Angus Association, one of which was Bon View New Design 878, the in common sire among locations. Results. Scarring occurred in 19.6% of calves. Heritability, genetic, environmental, and phenotypic correlations were determined using variance component obtained with a single and two-trait animal model and MTDFREML. Fixed effects of contemporary group generated by birth year, season of birth, location and sex were included in the mixed model procedures. Age of dam and age of calf at weaning were included as covariates. Standard errors for the phenotypic correlations were estimated using residuals from the mixed model analysis. The single trait analysis, genetic, environmental, and phenotypic variances for IBK were 0.0778, 0.09099, and 0.09877, respectively. Estimates of heritability and environmental variance were 0.08 ± 0.074 and 0.92 ± 0.074, respectively. From the two trait analysis, genetic, environmental and phenotypic variation of IBK with birth weight were 0.27 ± 0.39, -0.03 ± 0.10, and 0.02 ± 0.03, respectively. The environment and phenotypic correlations of IBK with weaning weight were -0.29 ± 0.10 and 0.05 ± 0.03, respectively. In these data, the heritability of IBK is low, however, because of the small sample size additional data may be required to further explain the inheritance of resistance/susceptibility in calves to IBK. Mississippi (Brown Loam) Report: Procedures. Calves were evaluated at weaning in the spring (n=220) and fall (n=80). Results. No incidence of Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis was apparent in these calves. Mississippi (Starkville) Report: Procedures. Angus (82), Hereford (10), and Charolais (37) calves were evaluated for evidence of Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis at weaning. Calves were born late August through mid November and were weaned the first week of May at about 205 days of age. A subjective scoring system was used where 0 = no evidence of IBK in either eye and 1 = evidence of IBK in one or both eyes. Results. All calves were given a score of zero which indicates no incidence of pink eye. Data are being stored in electronic files for later analysis for pooling with other stations for an overall analysis. Objective 1b: Bovine Respiratory Disease Vaccination Response Arkansas Report: Procedures. Our interest in objective 1b involves response to early vaccination of calves. Cattle at the Arkansas station were vaccinated for BVDV (Pyramid 5) to determine Type 1 immunoglobulin response to vaccination. All calves had known sires. Weight and age were recorded for each calf. Serum was sent to Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory for determination of lg response using viral neutralization. Results. At no time during the experiment did body weight (Table 1) differ (P e 0.51) between vaccination timing treatments. Similarly, neither pre-weaning nor post-weaning average daily gain, nor the combined average daily gain for the entire 231 days of the study were impacted (P e 0.84) by the timing of vaccination. Therefore, growth performance of calves was not negatively or positively impacted by MLV vaccination at 62 days of age. No calves were treated for BRD at either location pre- or post-weaning. Both treatments have equivalent titers at the start of the study which can be attributed to maternal transfer. Then by study day 21, the EV calves already exhibit greater BVDV titers at 3 weeks post initial vaccination (calves are approx. 81days of age at this point). Furthermore, EV calves continued to show increased titers while maternal antibodies declined in TV group at study day 126 (3 weeks prior to weaning). At weaning (study day 147), EV calves had greater titers even though both groups have been vaccinated once. EV calves maintain high serum antibody titers (BVDV) throughout 84-day post-weaning period and were statistically equivalent to TV calves. Mississippi (Brown Loam) Report: Procedures and Results. Calves in 2011, Spring (n=204) and Fall (n=80) and calves in 2010, Spring (n=202) and Fall (n=97) were all tested to be free of BVD persistent infection. Texas Report: Procedures. In 2010 (n = 78), 2011 (n = 104), and 2012 (n = 106) yearling, half-blood Angus-Nellore (F2 and F3) steers have been evaluated for immune response to bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). In all years, steers were tested to be free of BVD persistent infection and stratified by sire and composition type (F2 and F3) across three vaccine treatments of killed vaccine (KV), modified live vaccine (MLV), and non-vaccinated (NON). At d 0, all steers were challenged intranasally with BVDV Type 1b strain CA0401186a. Animals were monitored daily for clinical symptoms of BRD/BVD; weights and rectal temperatures were collected at d 0, 3, 7, 10, 14, 28, and 42. A threshold rectal temperature over 40o C has been used to classify animals for temperature status during 14 d post-challenge and administering antibiotic treatment. Serum samples have been evaluated each year for antibody titer for IBR, BVD 1a, BVD 1b and BVD 2. Daily feed intake (DFI) and feeding behaviors such as total bunk visits and total bunk time were collected daily via a 4-pen Growsafe® system. Some specific analyses are discussed below. Steers (n = 104) born in the spring of 2010 were evaluated for rectal temperature, feed intake and weight gain in 2011. Mixed model, repeated measures procedures to analyze DFI included models with fixed effects of vaccine treatment (VAC), pen, day, sire, rectal temperature status (RTEMP), and two-factor interactions. ADG was calculated for the three-14 d periods following challenge with similar fixed effects plus d-0 weight as a covariate. Steers evaluated in 2010 and 2011 were investigated for relationships involving animal temperament (disposition) and immune response. Temperament scores of steers were evaluated shortly after weaning (8 mo age) on a 1-9 scale by four evaluators. Serum samples for antibody titer of BVDV (Types 1a, 1b and 2) were collected on vaccination days, BVDV challenge day (d 0), and 14, 28, and 42 d after challenge. Whole-blood samples for hematological counts were collected on d 0, 14, 28, and 42 post challenge. Pearson correlations of temperament score and titer and hematological measures were evaluated. A pooled analysis across both years was also conducted to evaluate effects of sire and composition (F2 and F3). Titers (reciprocal base two log of the highest neutralized dilution) were analyzed as repeated measures through mixed models utilizing an autoregressive covariance structure; fixed effects were vaccine treatment, day, vaccine treatment by day interaction, year, and sire nested within composition. Results. In regard to the 2011 challenge, no steers exhibited visual symptoms that would have led to a morbid classification; however, many had rectal temperature (RTEMP) over 40o C on evaluation d, including d 0 before challenge and on d 28 and 42; as a result RTEMP alone is likely not an ideal indicator of health status in these data. Also pen and several two-factor interactions involving pen were important (P < 0.05) sources of variation. There was an interaction of RTEMP status and d (P < 0.01) where in general, steers exhibiting over 40o C during d 3 to 14 had DFI depressed 0.2 to 0.6 kg/d from d 3 to 10 but appeared to compensate after d 14. A pattern existed in DFI where NON steers consistently ranked lower than KV and MLV steers for d 6-11. No differences in ADG were attributed to VAC or RTEMP status. Mean temperament scores were 4.2 in 2009-born steers and 5.9 in 2010-born steers. Several correlations (P < 0.05) between temperament score and the titer of BVDV (type 1a, b and 2), lymphocyte, neutrophil and platelet counts were found. On d 0 temperament had correlation from -0.20 to -0.24 with BVDV titers. On d 14, these values were reduced (r of -0.15 to -0.20), and became non-significant at d 28 and 42. Lymphocyte, neutrophil and platelet counts at d 0 were not correlated to temperament. Correlation of temperament and lymphocyte count at d 14 (r = -0.21) appeared similar to correlation of temperament and BVDV titers). Neutrophil counts were not related to temperament except at d 28 and 42 (r of -0.19 and -0.20, respectively); platelet counts had similar magnitude of relationship with temperament (P < 0.05) for d 14, 28 and 42, but were positive (r of 0.17 to 0.20). When mixed model analyses of titer and hematological measures incorporated the regression on weaning temperament score, it became non-significant as the large individual variability in titers seemed to overshadow the temperament influence. No differences existed between F2 and F3 steers. Large ranges in titer values among individual steers were observed, particularly for BVDV1b on d 14 among killed (0 to 12) and MLV (0 to 10) and day 28 for NON steers (3 to 9). Sire nested within composition affected (P = 0.003) IBR and approached significance (P = 0.09) for BVDV1b. LS means for IBR titers ranged from -1.04 to 2.19 for F2 sires and 0.12 to 2.20 for F3 calf sires. There was a large (P < 0.001) vaccine treatment by day interaction for IBR, and BVDV types 1a, 1b, and 2. Calves vaccinated with killed vaccine had higher (P < 0.05) titers at all post-challenge times compared to MLV or NON calves. NON calves had the lowest antibody titers from d 14 to 42 and appeared to reach peak titer at day 42 for all BVDV types (3.9, 7.5, and 2.9 for 1a, 1b and 2, respectively). MLV steers also had peak BVDV titers at d 42 (4.9, 7.4, and 3.0 for types 1a, 1b and 2, respectively). The killed treatment appeared to have peak BVDV titers on d 14 (9.2, 11.2, and 9.2 for types 1a, 1b and 2, respectively). These data indicate that variation among families in antibody response to vaccination and viral challenge can exist and that response across pathogens may not be uniform across families. Objective 1c: Specific External Parasites Mississippi (Brown Loam) Report: Procedures and Results. Calves in 2011, Spring (n=204) and Fall (n=80) and calves in 2010, Spring (n=202) and Fall (n=97) were evaluated for specific external parasites and approximately 5 animals each year (spring calves) were found to have a slight tick burden. Virgin Islands Report: Procedures. The tick burdens and hair coat of Senepol cows and calves were evaluated during the annual production cycle. Calves born in the Fall 2010 or Spring 2011 were evaluated at weaning (n = 45) and as yearlings (n = 37). Cows (n = 88) that calved in the Fall 2010 or Spring 2011 were evaluated at weaning. Weights were collected at each time for cows and calves. Tick burden was evaluated using a scale of 1= clean, 2 = slight, 3 = medium and 4 = heavy. Hair coat was evaluated as either 1 = slick or or 2 = rough. Results. The majority of calves (75-80%) had rough hair coats at weaning and as yearlings. Less than 30% of the calves were clean of ticks at weaning and as yearlings. Almost half of the calves had a light tick burden at weaning and as yearlings. There was no effect of hair coat or gender on tick burden. Calves with a heavy tick burden at weaning had lower weaning weight than calves classified as either light or clean. ADG from birth to weaning was lowest in calves with a heavy tick burden at weaning. There was no clear effect of tick burden on yearling weight or ADG from weaning to yearling. At weaning calves with a slick hair coat were heavier than those with a rough coat (262 ± 13 vs 222 ± 6 kg, respectively) but there was no difference at weaning. ADG was not different between slick and rough calves at weaning (0.93± 0.06 vs 0.87 ± 0.03 kg/d, respectively) or yearling (0.36± 0.04 vs 0.36 ± 0.04 kg/d, respectively). The majority of cows (80%) had a slick hair coat at weaning. Forty five percent of cows had a light tick burden and less than 20% were clean at weaning. There was no difference in BW, condition score or hip height between coat types or tick burdens. Objective 2: Characterize diverse, tropically adapted beef breeds in subtropical and temperate areas of the United States with emphasis on cow fertility and productivity in comparison to Bos indicus influenced breeds and types. Mississippi (Brown Loam) Report: Procedures. Data were collected on a total of 325 cows each year in 2010 and 2011 for cow fertility and productivity. The 14 breeding groups include one F1 group, with the other groups varying in percentage Brahman influence. Results. None to report. Mississippi (Starkville) Report: Procedures: Data were collected on 148 fall calving Angus, Hereford, and Charolais cows. Cows were managed for two A.I. breedings and placed with clean-up bulls for approximately 30 days. Cows calved from September to December (Fall 2011). The following data were collected on the cows: breed, sire/sire breed and dam/ dam breed of cow, birth date, mating information, predominant forage in pastures and if females were culled or died during production, reasons were documented. The following information was taken during calving season on all cows: calving date, calving difficulty (1 = normal; 2 = easy pull; 3 = hard pull; 4 = caesarian section; note the abnormal presentation of calf), and calf vigor issues (1 = normal; 2 = weak but nursed without assistance; 3 = weak and assisted to nurse; add any notes). Calf records included sire/sire breed of calf, birth weight within 24 hrs, weaning date, weaning weight, and documentation if calf died during the preweaning period or had health issues. Results. None to report. Texas Report: Procedures. For the F1 cows born in 1992 and 1993, and sired by Boran, Brahman and Tuli bulls, calves have been produced from 1994 to 2011. Different sire breeds have been used in different years, and breed of sire of calf is almost completely confounded with year. Within a given year, all cows were bred to the same bulls. The results have been analyzed through the 2010 calf crop. Results. There were no significant differences in birth weight due to sire breed of the dam, with least squares means ranging from 34.0 to 34.1 kg. Calves out of Brahman sired cows were heaviest (P < 0.05) at weaning (236.7 kg), and those out of Tuli sired cows were lightest (P < 0.05; 197.2 kg); those out of Boran-sired cows averaged 217.5 kg. There was an interaction (P < 0.05) between sire breed of cow and sex of calf with the steer calves out of Brahman sired cows being about 15 kg heavier than the heifers , whereas steers were only about 7 kg heavier than the heifers out of both Boran and Tuli sired cows. Boran sired cows had a higher (P < 0.05) calf crop born percentage (94.4) than the Tuli-sired (89.2) and Brahman-sired (87.2) cows, which were not significantly different from each other. For calf crop weaned, the Boran-sired cows (89.4%) were higher (P < 0.05) than the Brahman-sired cows (81.0%); the Tuli crosses (84.3%) did not differ significantly from the other two types. The Brahman sired cows were significantly heavier than both the Boran- and Tuli sired cows. Least squares means for the year 2000, when the cows were 7 to 8 years of age were 515.4, 518.7, and 601.9 kg for the Tuli-, Boran-, and Brahman-sired cows, respectively. Sire of cow breed differed for condition score (P < 0.001), with Boran-sired females having higher adjusted means than both Brahman- and Tuli-sired females, which were not significantly different from one another (5.43, 5.19, and 5.15, respectively). Mouths were scored starting in 2004, when the youngest cows were 11 years of age. Across the years that were evaluated, the Brahman- sired cows had a significantly higher percentage with solid mouths (40.3) than the Boran- and Tuli-sired cows (29.5 and 7.0%, respectively). Both the Brahman- and Boran-sired cows had significantly lower percentages with smooth mouths (12.6 and 16.7%, respectively) than the Tuli-sired cows (34.1%). Of the initial 52 Tuli-, 36 Boran- and 55 Brahman-sired cows, 14, 20 and 18, respectively, remained in the herd prior to culling in 2007, when the remaining cows were 14 and 15 years of age. After culling, 8, 17, and 10 remained, respectively. Of the original cows, 15, 47 and 18% of the Tuli, Boran-and Brahman crosses remained in the herd after culling in 2007. In 2008, 8, 17, and 9, respectively, were still in the herd prior to culling, and 5, 12, and 7 (10, 33, and 13%, respectively) remained after culling, when they were 15 and 16 years of age. Before culling in 2009, 4, 12, and 6 of the Tuli-. Boran-, and Brahman-sired cows remained in the herd, and 1, 8, and 4 (2, 22, and 7%, respectively of the original cows) remained after culling, when they were 16 and 17 years of age. Before culling in 2010, 1, 7, and 4 of the Tuli-. Boran-, and Brahman-sired cows remained in the herd, and 1, 3, and 2 (2, 8, and 4%, respectively of the original cows) remained after culling, when they were 17 and 18 years of age. All nine calf crops of Cycle 1 of the Genomics project (spring and fall of 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 and spring of 2007 for embryo transfer calves and spring of 2003 to 2007 for natural service calves) calves have been produced, and the steers from all nine calf crops have been fed individually and slaughtered. The heifers produced in the project were exposed to Angus bulls (at about 14 months of age) to calve at two years of age; fall-born heifers were exposed again at about 20 months of age. The two year-old fall-born females that calved in the fall at two years of age were held over to have their second calf in the spring when they were 3 ½ years of age. Thereafter, all cows are bred for spring calves. All of these calves were sired by Angus bulls, until the 2009 calf crop. Starting with that calf crop, all cows that are three years old and older have produced F3 calves sired by F2 bulls produced in the 2006 spring and fall calf crops of the Cycle 1. The cattle from these matings (the F3s) are the cattle of Cycle 3 of the project. Cows in the oldest group of Cycle 1 (i.e., the cows born in the spring 2003) currently are raising their seventh calves. Starting in 2006, reciprocal F1 NA bulls and heifers have been retained and combined with the Nellore-sired F1 NA cows and bulls from earlier studies to produce all four types of Nellore - Angus reciprocal F2 crosses in cycle 2 of the Genomics project. Only matings of Nellore-sired bulls to Nellore-sired cows were used to produce the NS F2 calves that were born in 2008. Both Nellore-sired and Angus-sired F1 bulls were mated to Nellore-sired F1 cows in 2008 to produce the calves that born in 2009. Both Nellore-sired and Angus-sired F1 bulls were mated to both Nellore-sired and Angus-sired F1 cows in 2009 and 2010. These matings will be continued until fifty females of each of the four reciprocal types of F2s are available for the evaluation of cow productivity. To the extent possible, animals of the four reciprocal types will be produced and evaluated as contemporaries. Virgin Islands Report: Procedures. Cow fertility and productivity were evaluated over a 3-year period for cows bred in 2008, 2009, 2010 to calve in the spring (n = 202) or fall (n = 98). Data collected reflect traits at breeding, calving and weaning. Cow data collected included weight, hip height and condition score (1 - 9). Cow efficiency at weaning was calculated as (BW of calf/cow BW at weaning)*100. Factors included in the analysis included pregnancy and lactation status of cows. Results. At breeding cows calving in the fall were heavier and had higher condition scores than the spring calving cows (619 ± 8 vs 564 ± 6 kg, respectively; 7.4 ± 0.1 vs 6.9 ± 0.1, respectively). At calving the fall calving cows were heavier than spring calving cows (628 ± 8 vs 585 ± 6 kg, respectively). There was no difference (P > 0.10) in hip height, condition score or calf birth weight. At weaning the fall calving cows were heavier, had greater hip height, higher condition score and lower calf weaning weight and cow efficiency compared to spring calving cows. Objective 3: Establish a DNA bank for characterization of molecular markers, genetic parameter estimation and future discovery of genes that influence economically important traits in pedigreed beef cattle populations. Mississippi (Brown Loam) Report: Progress. Each year all calves will have DNA collected and stored for characterization of molecular markers. Ear notches were collected on calves in 2011, spring (n=204) and fall (n=80) and calves in 2010, spring (n=202) and fall (n=97) and stored in -80°C freezer. Mississippi (Starkville) Report: Progress. DNA samples have been collected via whole blood and hair cards on fall 2010 weaned calves (n=122). Whole blood was collected and placed in 2 ml cryotubes and stored in a -80°C freezer. Both blood samples and hair cards were cataloged for future reference. Information on each animal includes animal, sire and dam identification, breed, and location. DNA will be extracted in the future to find genetic markers associated with cow reproductive and maternal traits and calf traits. Texas Report: Progress. For the cattle in Cycle 1 of the genomics project, DNA was extracted from either blood or semen for all of the grandparents and parents of the embryo transfer calves. For the embryo transfer calves, a small blood sample (about 5 cc) was collected shortly after birth; in addition, for male calves, the bottom of the scrotum and the testicles were saved for DNA extraction. Shortly before weaning, a larger (200 cc) blood sample was collected for each calf in the project. In the fall 2001, all cattle at the McGregor station, including the cattle in Objectives 1, 2, and 4 of this project, were bled for DNA extraction. In each successive year, calves are bled shortly before weaning. Objective 4: Evaluation of relationships between hair coat and production traits in beef cattle breed types Mississippi (Brown Loam) Report: Procedures. Calves were evaluated for hair coat scores including hair length, hair luster, and shedding. Hair samples were collected on calves in 2011, spring (n=204) and fall (n=80) and calves in 2010, spring (n=202) and fall (n=97) and samples weighed. Results. In 2011, calves (n=195) were evaluated for effect of sire and sire breed as well as calf sex on hair coat shedding, temperament and body weights. Sire breed, individual sire and calf sex all had significant (P < 0.002) effects on calf birth weight, pre-weaning and weaning weight as well as hair shedding and hair length. Sire breed and individual sire had significant (P < 0.05) effects on calf exit velocity at pre-weaning and weaning; as well as had significant (P < 0.0001) effects on pen score and temperament score at pre-weaning and weaning. Mississippi (Starkville) Report: Procedures. The objective of this trial was to determine the relationship between hair shedding and tympanic temperatures in Angus cows. A scoring system was developed to evaluate hair shedding in cattle based on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 = winter coat completely shed and a 5 = no shedding of the winter coat. Shedding scores were taken every 28 d from March to July. Cows were selected based on hair shedding score data collected in 2008 and 2009 and placed in groups based on ability or inability to shed during the spring of each year. Cattle with hair shedding scores of > 4 in June of each year were placed in the high (H) shedding group (n = 10), while cows with a score of < 3 by March were placed in the low (L) shedding group (n = 10). Tympanic temperature sensors were placed in the right ear of each cow in March, May, and July and temperature data were recorded by a data logger every 5 min for a period of 7 d. Due to loss of sensors during the trial period, only cattle with complete data were used in the data analysis (n = 5 for H and n = 7 for L). Total observations for the trial were 5,184 temperature points. Data were analyzed using the mixed procedure in SAS with hourly average tympanic temperature (ATT) as the response variable with fixed effects of trial time period, hair shedding group and interactions. Ambient temperature was included as a covariate. Results. Overall, cattle from the H group had a greater ATT at 38.89±0.10 °C than the L group with an ATT of 38.36±0.08 °C (P < 0.01). When comparing across time periods, ATT from March and July were similar (P > 0.05) for both groups but, were greater than those recorded in May (P < 0.01). Average tympanic temperatures for cows in the H group were 38.84 ± 0.10 °C in March, 38.85 ± 0.10°C in May and 38.98 ± 0.10°C in July and were greater than (P < 0.01) those from the L group (38.45 ± 0.09, 38.27 ± 0.09, 38.37 ± 0.09°C for March, May, and July, respectively). Results suggest that hair shedding scores could be related to tympanic temperatures in Angus cattle. Procedures. The objective of the study was to assess variation in hair coat shedding of Angus cows, and its effect on adjusted weaning weight (d205wt) and BCS. Data were available from a combined set of 532 Angus cows from North Carolina and Mississippi over 3 years (2007, 2008 and 2009), beginning in March and for 5 months at 30 day intervals, trained technicians scored cows on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 representing slick coats and 5 winter coats. All cows were between 3 and 13 years of age and were only used in the analysis if they has weaned a calf. Cows calved in late autumn at the location in North Carolina and early autumn or late winter/early spring at the various Mississippi locations. For each cow the first month with a score of 3 or less (MFS, 5 levels) was considered the beginning of winter coat shedding and used in the analyses. Association between MFS and d205WT or BCS, was investigated using the mixed procedure of SAS. Data were further analyzed by dividing cows into two groups, group one (Group 1) were cows with a shedding score of 3 or less by June 1st and group two (Group 2) consisted of cows with a shedding score of 4 or 5 on June 1st (AS, 2 levels). Results. Calves from Group 1 dams were 11.1 ± 2.8 kg heavier at weaning (P < 0.01) than calves from Group 2 dams. No significant differences were found between shedding score and BCS. Variance components were estimated using THRGIBBS1F90 and heritability of AS was calculated (h2 = 0.35) with a moderate genetic correlation with D205WT (rg = -0.58). Hair coat shedding is a heritable trait and could be altered by selection. Producers within the Southeastern or Southern United States who are concerned about heat stress may want to select for individuals who shed their winter hair coat earlier in the season. In conclusion, cows who shed their winter coat by June 1st will wean heavier calves on average. Texas Report: Procedures. Starting in March 2011, Angus heifers and cows (58 head, including 13 three year olds, 30 from 4 to 9 years of age, and 15 that were 10 years or older) at the McGregor station were scored in March, April and May by two separate evaluators. Numerical hair shedding scores were assigned using the following scale: 1) Slick, summer hair coat, shedding complete 2) Hair coat not completely slick but more than halfway shed from the initial winter coat 3) Hair coat halfway shed from the initial winter coat 4) Hair coat shedding initiated but not halfway complete to a final slick coat 5) Winter hair coat with no evidence of shedding Least squares means have been calculated for age and month of scoring combinations. Starting in August 2011 cattle were scored for both the amount of old hair (that present from the previous winter) and the amount of new hair that they had grown. For both scores, the intention was to represent amounts of the full winter coat that remained (for old hair) and that had grown in since the middle of the summer. Starting in February 2012, shedding pattern has been scored using the following scale: 1) Slick, summer hair coat, shedding complete 2) The animal has shed off to below the middle of the rib cage 3) The slick strip covers the full topline and the back of the hindquarters 4) Shedding has started and there is a completely slick strip down the topline of the animal 5) Winter hair coat with no evidence of shedding, even down the topline Results. The average coat score in all groups except the two-year-olds decreased significantly from March to April; the decrease was significant in all age groups from April to May. Virgin Islands Report: Procedures and results are presented with Objective 1c. Plans for upcoming year There are no significant deviations to plans and methodology as laid out in the project proposal. Data collection will continue and analyses of results will be presented next year.


  1. a. Genetic resistance to Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) could eliminate price penalty ($30.00/hd) due to IBK in Arkansas, worth $7.8 M independent of treatment cost. Calf BVDV vaccination could reduce the loss of $15.33 to $20.18/cow, 10% reduction is worth $1.5 M. b. Hematology shows large genetic variation in response to BVDV challenge. c. Selecting for low tick loads may improve growth rate up to weaning. Selecting for slick instead rough hair coat may increase growth rate.
  2. Identification of loci with major effects on productivity could lead to tests to genotype for use in marker assisted selection and/or genomic prediction. Identification of mechanisms to explain reciprocal differences in Bos indicusBos taurus crosses may develop more efficient crossbreeding programs. Calving in the spring may be advantageous due to heavier calves at weaning, though lighter than fall calving cows, which may be related to the seasonal rainfall and forage quantity and quality.
  3. DNA will be available from many different populations to utilize molecular markers to validate traits of economic importance in the future.
  4. Hair shedding scores, although subjective, are well within the reach of both commercial and seedstock breeders. By using these scores and understanding their implications in cattle production, will aid them in the match of genetic resource to production resources. This could easily increase reproductive rate by 10%.


Boenig, L., D.G. Riley, J.O. Sanders, and J. E. Sawyer. 2011. Heterosis for calving and weaning rates in Brahman-Hereford cows. American Society of Anim. Sci., Southern Section Abstracts. Brown, Jr., A. H., Z. B. Johnson, S. W. Coleman, M. A. Elzo, F. A. Thrift, S. M. DeRouen, D. E. Franke, W. E. Wyatt, R. C. Vann, G. R. Hansen, and D. G. Riley. 2011. Genetic parameter estimates for weaning chute behavior score as an indicator trait for temperament in purebred Angus calves. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E Suppl. 2):18. Downum, W. J., A. H. Brown, Jr., J. G. Powell, E. B. Kegley, Z. B. Johnson, D. B. Galloway, J. A. Hornsby, B. R. Lindsey. 2011. Calf pre-weaning traits and immunoglobulin response to bovine viral diarrhea virus vaccination. Discovery. 12:14-18. Downum, W. J. A. H. Brown, Jr., J. G. Powell, E. B. Kegley, Z. B. Johnson, D. B. Galloway, J. A. Hornsby, B. R. Lindsey. 2011. Effects of pre-weaning traits on BVDV type I immunoglobulin response to vaccination in beef calves. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 89(E-Suppl. 2):5. Gray, K. A., T. Smith, C. Maltecca, P. Overton, J. A. Parish, and J. P. Cassady. 2011. Differences in hair coat shedding, and effects on calf weaning weight and BCS among Angus dams. Livestock Science. 140 (1), pp. 68-71. Hulsman, L.L., S.O. Peters, J.O. Sanders, A.D. Herring, C.A. Gill, and D.G. Riley. 2011. QTL mapping for overall temperament at weaning in Nellore-Angus cattle using Bayesian inference. American Society of Anim. Sci., Southern Section Abstracts. Muntean, C.T. 2011. Evaluation of F1 cows sired by Brahman, Boran, and Tuli bulls for reproductive and maternal performance traits and cow longevity. M.S. Thesis, Texas A&M Univ., College Station. Muntean, C.T., J.O. Sanders, A.D. Herring, and D.G. Riley. 2011. Evaluation of F1 cows by Brahman, Boran, and Tuli bulls for reproductive, maternal and longevity traits. American Society of Anim. Sci., Southern Section Abstracts. Oxford, E. L., A. H. Brown, J. G. Powell, K. S. Anschutz, B. R. Kutz, M. L. Thomas, and C. M. Turner. 2012. Genetic parameter estimates for susceptibility/resistance to infectious bovine Keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) in Angus calves. J. Anim. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 2):8. Runyan, C.A. 2010. Evaluation of immune response and performance in steers of known genetic background vaccinated and challenged with Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus. M.S. Thesis, Texas A&M University. Powell, J. G., J. T. Richeson, E. B. Kegley, K. P. Coffey, G. F. Erf, A. H. Brown, Jr., W. Downum, D. T. Ensley. 2012. Immune, Health, and Growth Responses of Beef Calves Administered Modified-Live Virus Respiratory Vaccine during the Presence of Maternal Antibody vs. a Traditional Vaccination Regimen. Proceedings of ASAS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. (Accepted) Powell, J. G., J. T. Richeson, E. B. Kegley, K. P. Coffey, G. F. Erf, D. T. Ensley. 2012. Immune, health, and growth responses of beef calves administered modified-live virus respiratory vaccine in the presence of maternal antibody versus a traditional vaccination regimen. Proceedings of AABP Annual Conference, Montreal, QB. (Submitted) Powell, J. G., J. T. Richeson, E. B. Kegley, K. P. Coffey, G. F. Erf, A. H. Brown, Jr., W. Downum, D. T. Ensley. 2011. Immunologic, Health, and Growth Responses of Beef Calves Administered Pentavalent Modified-Live Virus Respiratory Vaccine during the Presence of Maternal Antibody versus a Traditional Vaccination Regimen. Bov. Practi. (In review) Runyan, C.A, A.D. Herring, J.F. Ridpath, and J.E. Sawyer 2010. Evaluation of immune response and performance of steers challenged with BVD virus. Proc. 56th Annual TAMU Beef Cattle Short Course. Starnes, A. R., A. H. Brown, Jr., Z. B. Johnson, and C. F. Rosenkrans, Jr., 2011. Relationship of temperament scores and prolactin promoter polymorphisms in purebred Angus calves. J. Anim. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 2):10. Starnes, A. R., A. H. Brown, Jr., Z. B. Johnson, C. F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2011. Relationship of temperament scores and prolactin promoter polymorphisms in Angus calves. Arkansas Animal Science Department Report. Arkansas Agri. Exper. Sta. Research Series 597:55-56. Thomas, M. L., A. H. Brown, Z. B. Johnson, S. W. Coleman, M. A. Elzo, S. M. DeRouen, D. E. Franke, W. E. Wyatt, R. C. Vann, G. R. Hansen, and D. G. Riley. 2012. Breed group effects for chute exit velocity as an indicator trait for temperament in weaner cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 2):10.
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