SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Chuck Adams, University of Florida <br> Sergio Alvarez, University of Florida <br> Jim Anderson, World Bank <br> Chris Anderson, University of Washington <br> Jingie Chu, World Bank <br> Kelly Davidson, University of Tennessee <br> Matt Freeman, Mississippi State University <br> Richard Kazmierczak, Louisiana State University <br> Gunnar Knapp, University of Alaska Anchorage <br> Sherry Larkin, University of Florida <br> Kwamena Quagrainie, Purdue University <br> Lew Queirolo, NOAA Fisheries, Alaska Region <br> Andrew Ropicki, University of Florida <br> Michelle Savolainen, Louisiana State University <br> Gil Sylvia, Oregon State University <br> Hiro Uchida, University of Rhode Island <br> Diego Valderrama, University of Florida <br> Quinn Weninger, Iowa State <br>


Short-term Outcomes: 1.Fisheries Performance Indicators developed by members of W2004 in cooperation with The World Bank are being tested by The World Bank as one mechanism to estimate the wealth generated by individual fisheries and to evaluate and prioritize projects as part of their Global Program on Fisheries (PROFISH) 2. An internet-based, distance education course developed as part of W2004 activities and entitled The Economics of Fish is currently being taught out of the University of Alaska as a way to address the problem of economic illiteracy in the fishing industry and in the fisheries policy and regulatory development process. Outputs: The participants produced the following in the second year of the project -- 15 refereed journal publications, 7 technical reports/theses, 5 conference proceedings papers and 2 working papers. Activities: Major activity items completed in the past year are listed below. Other activities, and more detail on those listed below, are included in the minutes of the annual meeting. 1. Experiments were conducted that focused on catch shares in simulated fisheries led to self-selected groups pursuing the same stock under different management regimes when the participants were allowed, over time, to choose the management regime they preferred. These results suggest that different kinds of management regimes may emerge over time and perhaps be dynamic in nature, and that there may be some form of an evolutionary selection process for regulatory institutions. 2. A collaborative research/industry project in underway to identify consensus indicators of fisheries sustainability in the Gulf of Mexico as an alternative to MSC-type certification processes. 3. A study of the recreational-for-hire industry in the Gulf of Mexico was completed in the past year, with the resulting data and results constituting the most comprehensive socioeconomic and policy data currently available on the Gulf RFH fishing industry. 4. Intercept and online surveys of seafood preferences were conducted in Hawaii and Kentucky, and in particular preferences were elicited for wild caught versus aquaculture products. Locally grown seafood was a consistently positive influence on willingness-to-pay for product, and wild-caught price premiums were acceptable to participants who grew up in coastal areas.


  1. Developed performance-based indicators for estimating long-term wealth generation and sustainability in specific fisheries, as well as for use in identifying ways to enhance and manage specific fisheries.
  2. Generated preference and willingness-to-pay data that can be used by the industry to brand and market both aquaculture and wild-caught seafood products to a variety of consumers.
  3. Increased awareness and literacy concerning economic issues facing fishing and aquaculture industries through the use of distance education courses with the goal of improving both firm-level and policy-related decision making.


Alvarez, S., S. Larkin, D. Chagaris, B. Mahmoudi, and M. Allen. 2011. Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management in the West Florida Shelf: An Optimal Portfolio Approach, p. 41 in NAAFE Forum 2011 Program, University of Hawaii at Manoa and NOAA Fisheries. Alvarez, Sergio, Sherry Larkin, John Whitehead, and Tim Haab (2012). Substitution, Damages, and Compensation for Anglers due to Oil Spills:The case of the Deepwater Horizon. AAEA Annual Meetings, Seattle, WA. Available at: Chidmi, B., T. Hanson and G. Nguyen. 2012. Substitutions Between US and Imported Fish and Seafood Products at the National Retail Level. Marine Resource Economics. In press. Chidmi, B., T. Hanson and G. Nguyen. 2012. Effect of Promotional Activities on Substitution Pattern and Market Share for Aquaculture Products. Journal of the Food Distribution Research Society. In press. Chu, J, J. Anderson and C. Anderson. 2012. Evaluation of New Fishery Performance Indicators (FPIs): A Case Study of the Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries in Indonesia and Philippines. The World Bank. Washington DC. 100p. Cinner, J and R S. Pomeroy. 2012. People and the Sea: A Festschrift Dedicated to the Career of Richard Pollnac. Coastal Management. 40:235238 Cusack, C., S. Larkin, and G. Sylvia. 2011. Can Simple Assessment Techniques Save Fish, Time and Money? p. 57 in NAAFE Forum 2011 Program, University of Hawaii at Manoa and NOAA Fisheries. Davidson, K., M. Pan, W. Hu, and D. Poerwanto. 2012. Consumers Willingness to Pay for Aquaculture Fish Products vs. Wild-Caught Seafood  A Case Study in Hawaii. Aquaculture Economics and Management, 16(2): 136-154. Daw, T., K. Brown, S. Rosendo and R. Pomeroy. 2011. Applying the ecosystem services concept to poverty alleviation: the need to disaggregate human well-being. Environmental Conservation 38 (4): 370379. Fox, Helen E., Michael B. Mascia, Xavier Basurto, Alice Costa, Louise Glew, Dennis Heinemann, Leah Bunce Karrer, Sarah E. Lester, Alfonso Lombana, Robert Pomeroy, Cheri A. Recchia, Callum Roberts, James N. Sanchirico, Lida Pet-Soede, Alan White. 2012. Reexamining the science of marine protected areas: linking knowledge to action. Conservation Letters 5:110 Gallardo, K., D. Hudson and T. Hanson. 2012. A Comparison of Choice Experiments and Actual Grocery Store Behavior: An Empirical application to Seafood Products. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 44,1(February 2012): 49-62. Hanson, T.R., G. Nguyen and C. Jolly. 2011. Comparative Advantage of the US Farm-Raised Catfish Industry: A Cross-Regional Domestic Resource Cost Analysis. Journal of Aquacultural Economics and Management. In press. Hanson, T.R. 2012. Pond-to-Plate analysis of the U.S. Farm-Raised Catfish Industry. Bulletin of Fisheries Research Agency No. 35, Japan Fisheries Research Agency, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan, January. Klinger, D., M. Turnipseed, J. L. Anderson, F. Asche, L. Crowder, A. Guttormsen, B. Halpern, M. OConnor, R. Sagarin, K Selkoe, G Shester, M. Smith, P. Tyedmers, Moving Beyond the Fished or Farmed Dichotomy, Marine Policy, (2012): In press. Larkin, S., M. Dey, C. Roheim, B. Chidmi, P. Surathkal*, and F. Asche. 2011. Hedonic Analysis of Seafood Scanner Data: An Application to Southern U.S. Markets. P. 63 in NAAFE Forum 2011 Program, University of Hawaii at Manoa and NOAA Fisheries. Muawanah, U, R. Pomeroy and C. Marlessy. 2012. Revisiting Fish Wars: Conflict and Collaboration over Fisheries in Indonesia. Coastal Management 40:279288 North Pacific Fishery Management Council. 2011. Regulatory Amendment for a Catch Sharing Plan For the Pacific Halibut Charter and Commercial Longline Sectors in International Pacific Halibut Commission Regulatory Areas 2C and 3A", Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review/Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis. Available from: North Pacific Fishery Management Council. 605 W. 4th Avenue, Suite 306, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 North Pacific Fishery Management Council. 2011. Regulatory Impact Review for Proposed Amendment 94 to the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska to Revising the vessel use caps applicable to quota share held by GOA Community Quota Entities. Available from: North Pacific Fishery Management Council. 605 W. 4th Avenue, Suite 306, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 North Pacific Fishery Management Council. 2011. Regulatory Impact Review/Environmental Assessment/Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Proposed Amendment 97 to the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area Amendment 80 Vessel Replacement. Available from: North Pacific Fishery Management Council. 605 W. 4th Avenue, Suite 306, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Pomeroy, R. S. 2012. Managing overcapacity in small-scale fisheries in Southeast Asia. Marine Policy 36: 520-527 Ratner, B., E. Oh and R. Pomeroy. 2012. Governance reform from the bottom up: Learning from practice in fisheries co-management. Journal of Environmental Management 107: 131-139 Roheim, C., F. Asche and J. Santos. 2011. The Elusive Price Premium for Ecolabeled Products: Evidence from Seafood in the U.K. Retail Sector, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 62:655-668. doi: 10.1111/j.1477-9552.2011.00299.x. Savolainen, M.A., R.H. Caffey and R.F. Kazmierczak, Jr. 2012. The Recreational For-Hire Sector in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico: Structural and Economic Observations from the Third Decadal Survey. Proceedings of the 65th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Meeting. In press. Savolainen, M.A. 2012. Economic and attitudinal perspectives of the recreational for-hire fishing industry in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. M.S. thesis, Louisiana State University. Available online at Savolainen, M.A., R.H. Caffey, and R.F. Kazmierczak. 2012. Economic and attitudinal perspectives of the recreational for-hire fishing industry in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. Center for Natural Resource Economics and Policy, Louisiana State University. Final report to National Marine Fisheries Service. 171 pp. Available online at Singh, Rajesh; Weninger, Quinn, Sea-turtle bycatch management in rights-based fisheries under stock uncertainty, Iowa State Economics Working Paper Series #12014, August 2012 Singh, Rajesh; Weninger, Quinn, Trading Frictions and Fishery Discards, Iowa State Economics Working Paper Series #12007, April 2012 Swett, R.A., C. Adams, S. Larkin, A.W. Hodges, and T.J. Stevens. 2011. A Socioeonomic Analysis of Artificial Reef Use for Six Southwest Florida Counties. Technical Paper TP-178, Florida Sea Grant, University of Florida, Gainesville, 144 p. Warner, T.E. and R.S. Pomeroy. 2012. Paths of influence: The direct and indirect determinants of Marine Managed Area success. Coastal Management 40:250267 Warner, T.E. and R.S. Pomeroy. 2012. Creating compliance: a cross-sectional study of the factors associated with Marine Protected Area outcomes. Marine Policy 36:922932
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