SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Participants: Last Name First Name University Adamson Bill South Dakota State University Alexander Corrine Purdue University Baker Greg Santa Clara Univeristy Busdieker Nichole University of Illinois Diebel Penny Oregon State University Downey Scott Purdue University Gunderson Michael University of Florida Higgins Lindsey Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Johnson Aaron University of Idaho Lyford Conrad Texas Tech University Miljkovic Dragan North Dakota State University Nogueira Lia University of Illinois Perry Greg Colorado State University Ratterman Drew Dow AgroSciences Ross Brent Michigan State University Signorini Guilherme Michigan State University Stegelin Forrest University of Georgia Watson Jonathan Adam University of Florida Whipple Glen D. University of Wyoming Extension Williamson Sara University of Kentucky Wilson Norbert Auburn University Wolf Marianne McGarry California Polytechnic State University Wolf Mitch California Polytechnic State University Wysocki Al University of Florida Yeboah Anthony North Carolina A&T State University

Summary of Annual Meeting Faculty and graduate students from twenty universities, a USDA representative, and an industry executive participated in the 2012 WERA-72 annual meeting, held at Purdue University, June 24th-26th, 2012. The program agenda, business meeting agenda and treasurers report are attached in appendices A, B and C respectively. Prior to the start of the annual meeting, a pre-conference tour of Fair Oaks Farms ( was arranged. Fair Oaks is owned and operated by a group of dairy farming families and is one of the largest dairy operations in the U.S. In addition to the large dairy operation, Fair Oaks also gave the membership an opportunity to explore an alternative agricultural business model that has integrates agricultural production, food processing, education, tourism, and retail in its operations. This tour was attended by 10 WERA-72 members. Following the Fair Oaks Farms Tour, the WERA-72 was invited for an opening reception hosted by the Dean of the College of Agriculture at Purdue University, Jay Akridge. The annual meeting featured an industry speaker, 5 paper sessions and 2 panel discussions. Drew Ratterman, Market Sell Workforce Leader at Dow AgroSciences was this years invited industry speaker. His presentation examined the current and future deficit of human capital in the agribusiness sector and the implications for agribusiness firms and the economy. His presentation specifically highlighted the challenges that input sector companies have in recruiting new talent, the current and future needs for human capital development, and firm strategies that are being implemented to address these challenges and needs. This was a particularly fitting presentation for the WERA-72 group since the annual meeting was scheduled to precede the Agribusiness Learning Outcomes Meeting. Following Mr. Rattermans presentation, meeting participants broke out into small groups to discuss that state of agribusiness education and human capital development. The purpose of the discussion groups was also to generate ideas on how agribusiness education could respond to meet the needs of industry. Each group then reported back to the entire group and Mr. Ratterman provided his reaction to the human capital development ideas that were presented. In general, this new format for the meeting was well received and participation was vigorous as many of the membership have teaching appointments at their respective home institutions. The first paper session was scheduled next. This session included 2 papers related to Produce and Local Food Markets. The papers addressed issues of technology adoption in apple production and the market dynamics of fresh produce in local markets. Both topics areas continue to be of significant interest to the membership. The second paper session of the meeting focused on marketing and consumer behavior. Three papers were presented during this session, two of which presented applied research on consumer perceptions and behavior towards local foods and packaged produce. The third paper presented a new methodology approach for examining consumer behavior. Marketing and Consumer is another theme that the WERA-72 membership continues to have interest. International Trade and Markets was the theme of the third paper session. This session included three papers. The first two papers presented applied research studies that examined bioenergy markets in Brazil and evaluated the market opportunity for U.S. exports of sorghum. The third paper introduced an analytical model for trade dispute resolution. The final session of day 1 of the annual meeting included one presentation on another central topic area for the WEAR-72 membership, agribusiness teaching. In this presentation, the scholars presented their findings of a study of the impact of instruction on students attitudes towards professional sales careers. Given the industry presentation that opened the day, this presentation reinforced the significant employment opportunities for agribusiness graduate (particularly in sales) and was a good way to bring the meeting around full circle for the day. Day 1 of the WERA-72 annual meeting concluded with the groups business meeting. The business meeting was conducted along with a meeting of the executive officers. Details of the business meeting are presented in the attached appendix. The second day included a full slate of research paper presentations. The first session focused on themes of Agribusiness Strategy, including two papers market orientation. There has been a long tradition in WERA-72 of linking the agribusiness research with the business strategy research that has emerged primarily in the business school. The second paper session looked at two papers related to Global Agri-Food Industry Competitiveness. Many WERA-72 members have close links to the International Agribusiness Management Association and international research issues. These papers specifically included topics related to price transmission within the Ugandan coffee sector and market segmentation strategies within the Malaysian Halal broiler market. The third paper session examined Alternative Agri-Food Production Models. Agribusiness and short supply chains continuously evolve and increase the need for economists to evaluate structure and competitiveness of smaller-scale enterprises and strategies for differentiation. These papers looked at small-scale produce and pork operations both in terms of scale economies and in terms of seeking strategic position. The fourth paper session involved papers targeted to the food and beverage markets. Both papers examined price behavior models one on cool climate wines (from the S-1050 group) and one involving energy drinks. The energy drinks paper had a particularly interesting twist involving strategies for involving students in upper-level marketing studies and doing field research. The fifth research paper session involved two papers related to Agri-Food Policy and Market Analysis. The papers explored policy and market development issues within the Mexican avocado sub-sector and the U.S. apple industry. Two paper presentations were provided by graduate students. WERA-72 continues to encourage graduate students interested in academic or research careers in agribusiness to not only attend, but participate in the annual meetings. For a full listing of paper sessions, please see Appendix A. WERA-72 Annual Meeting Program June 24-26, 2012 Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 2012 1:00 to 6:00pm Industry visit to Fair Oaks Dairy Bus will depart from the Union Club Hotel at 1:00pm 7:00 to 9:00pm Opening Reception at the Home of Dean Jay Akridge Bus will depart from the Union Club Hotel at 6:45pm. Heavy hors doeuvres will be served MONDAY, JUNE 25, 2012  Dauch Alumni Center  (Prusiecki Meeting Room) 7:30 to 8:30am Registration and Breakfast Buffet in the Atrium with Seating in the Rudolph Living Room or Patio 8:30 to 8:45 Welcome and Introductions  Prusiecki Room 9:00 to 9:30 Industry Speaker  Drew Ratterman, Market Sell Workforce Leader, Dow AgroSciences Moderator: Scott Downey 9:30 to 10:00 Small Group Discussion 10:00 to 10:15 BREAK 10:15 to 10:45 Debrief and Reaction 10:45 to 11:00 BREAK 11:00 to 12:00 Paper Session #1: Produce and Local Food Markets (3 papers) Demand Elasticities and Supply Flexibilities of Fresh Produce and Environmental Horticulture, and How They Affect Buy-Local Forrest Stegelin (University of Georgia) The Economic Impact of New Apple Production Technologies Nichole Busdieker, Lia Nogueira, Hayri Onal, David Bullock (University of Illinois) Moderator: Brent Ross 12:00 to 1:00pm LUNCH  Atrium and Rudolph Living Room 1:00 to 2:30 Paper Session #2: Marketing and Consumer Behavior (3 papers) The Local Food Consumer: A Look Under the Hood Sara Williamson and Tim Woods (University of Kentucky) Fresh Hammock-Packed Bartlett Pears: Implications for Consumers' Willingness to Pay Based on Sensory Analysis Jonathan Watson, Allen Wysocki, Michael Gunderson, Jeffery Brecht (University of Florida) Discovered knowledge: A framework for understanding customers and influencers W. Scott Downey (Purdue University) and Aaron Johnson (University of Idaho) Moderator: Lindsey Higgins 2:30 to 2:45 BREAK 2:45 to 3:45 Paper Session #3: International Trade and Markets (3 papers) Economic Institutions of Electricity: An Application to the Brazilian Case Guilherme Signorini, Christopher Peterson, Brent Ross, (Michigan State University) Evaluating the Sub-Saharan Sorghum Market for US Exports Conrad Lyford, Jaime Malaga, Benaissa Chidmi (Texas Tech University) Resolving Commercial Disputes among Regional Trading Partners: The Economic Inefficiencies within the Dispute Resolution Corporation (DRC) Dragan Miljkovic (North Dakota State University), Miguel Gomez (Cornell University) Moderator: Eric Micheels 3:45 to 4:45 Paper Session 4: Applying Management Theories to the Examination of Faculty Perceptions and Future Directions of Agribusiness Programs Eric Micheels (University of Saskatchewan) and R. Brent Ross (Michigan State University) The Impact of Instruction on Change in Attitude towards Professional Sales Allen Wysocki (University of Florida), Scott Downey (Purdue University), Aaron Johnson (University of Idaho), Kerry Litzenberg (Texas A&M University) Moderator: Lindsey Higgins 4:45 to 5:00 BREAK 5:00 to 5:30 Business Meeting  Prusiecki Meeting Room 5:30 to 6:00 Executive Officer Meeting  Prusiecki Meeting Room 6:30 to 8:30 WELCOME DINNER  La Scala Bus will depart from the Purdue Memorial Union Hotel at 6:30 and Return at about 8:30pm TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2012  Dauch Alumni Center  (Prusiecki Meeting Room) 8:00 to 8:30am Continental Breakfast in the Atrium with Seating in the Rudolph Living Room or Patio 8:30 to 10:00 Panel Session 1: Using Social Media to Provide More Efficient Collaboration Between Professors, Students, and Industry About Relevant Information (3 papers) " Paper 1: Students Want a More Efficient Way to Communicate about Relevant Information Concerning Their Course Materials, Lindsey Higgins (California Polytechnic State University) " Paper 2: Improved Critical Thinking and Written Communication Skills Among Students Using Social Media in Higher Education, Marianne McGarry Wolf (California Polytechnic State University) " Paper 3: Social Media Use in Agribusiness and Wine Business for Industry Information, Mitch Wolf (California Polytechnic State University) Moderator: Brent Ross 10:00 to 10:15 BREAK 10:15 to 11:45 Paper session #4: Teaching and Learning (3 papers) How Learning Works: A Review and Consideration for Agribusiness Faculty Aaron Johnson, John Foltz, Joseph Guenthner, Jeremy Falk (University of Idaho) Using a Living Marketing Problem to Teach Marketing Research Methods Conrad Lyford (Texas Tech University) Case Studies and the Ah?Ha! Teachable Moment Pedagogy in Extension and the Classroom Forrest Stegelin (University of Georgia) Moderator: Al Wysocki 11:45 to 1:00pm Lunch Buffet in the Atrium with Seating in the Rudolph Living Room or Patio 1:00 to 2:00 Panel Session 2: Agribusiness Management Curriculum Review Aaron Johnson, Larry Makus, Joseph Guenthner, and Cathy Roheim Moderator: Eric Micheels 2:00 Closing Comments 2:30pm BREAK 2012 WESTERN EDUCATION AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES GROUP EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chair: Brent Ross, Michigan State University Vice Chair: Lindsey Higgins, Texas A&M University Secretary: Eric Micheels, University of Saskatchewon Communications Officer: Al Wysocki, University of Florida,; Conrad Lyford, Texas Tech Treasurer: Scott Downey, Purdue University The Agribusiness Learning Outcomes Group Meeting Begins at 3:00pm with registration in the lobby of the Dauch Alumni Center. About the Agribusiness Learning Outcomes Working Group The learning outcomes for agribusiness programs have often been the subject of academic research. Boland and Akridge (2004) have described the importance of universities in preparing agribusiness professionals for careers. Lintzenberg and Schneider have assessed the skills required by agribusinesses. Boland, Lehman, and Stroade (2001) went as far as reviewing many agribusiness education programs. A few years ago, faculty at Oregon State, Purdue, Florida, and other institutions recognized the need for developing a common set of learning outcomes that could act as recommendations and comparatives for agribusiness management program leaders and faculty. Such recommendations could combine academic and business perspectives to advise curricular decisions and outcomes of individual programs around the country. The effort involves faculty from several universities, agribusiness management alumni, and participants from industry. The approach was piloted at Colorado State in December of 2011 with faculty from four universities and several representatives of industry involved. The dialogue will continue with a wider, national set of participants at Purdue in conjunction with and immediately following the WERA meetings, with final recommendations to be presented at AAEA in August. The AAEA foundation and industry grants are partially funding this effort. WERA members are welcome to join the Learning Outcomes program, which will immediately follow the WERA meetings. The meeting will begin with presentations from participating faculty on specific assigned subject areas across three curriculum components of Economics and Policy, Business, and Skills. The report will summarize (a) the number of classroom hours devoted to this subject for various agribusiness programs, (b) the common themes or specific subject matter covered during this classroom time and (c) some proposed learning outcomes that reflect common course content in these classes. A paper prepared by Norbert Wilson will summarize overall program design to identify total number of hours in the major field, prevalence of options, internships and minors. Agribusiness Learning Outcomes Working Group Program June 26-27, 2012 Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2012 Dauch Alumni Center  (Prusiecki Meeting Room) 3:00 to 3:15pm Registration and Reception Break in the Atrium and Prusiecki Meeting Room 3:15 to 3:45 Welcome, Introductions, and Charge to Participants  Prusiecki Room 3:45-5:45 Group Meetings with Faculty, Industry, and Alumni Group 1  Economics and Policy Group  Grimmer Room 3:45-4:15 Michael Wetzstein  Microeconomics 4:15-4:45 Bill Adamson  Macroeconomics 4:45-5:15 Penny Diebel  Policy 5:15-5:45  Law Group 2  Business Group  Morse Library 3:45-4:15 Mike Gunderson  Finance 4:15-4:45 Patrick ORourke  Management 4:45-5:15 Scott Downey  Marketing 5:15-5:45 Greg Perry  Human Resources Group 3  Skills Group  Salske Conference Room 3:45-4:15 Norbert Wilson  Computer 4:15-4:45 Dayton Maxwell  Math and Quantitative Methods 4:45-5:15  Writing 5:15-5:45 Hikaru Peterson  Internships & International Experiences 5:45-6:00 BREAK 6:00-8:00 Dinner and group discussion WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 2012  Dauch Alumni Center  (Prusiecki Meeting Room) 7:00 to 8:00AM Continental Breakfast in the Atrium with Seating in the Rudolph Living Room or Patio 8:00-9:00 Overview of Agribusiness Management Programs  Marshall Frasier 9:00-10:15 Group 1  Theory and Policy Group Report and Discussion 10:15-10:30 BREAK 10:30-11:45 Group 2  Business Group Report and Discussion 11:45-12:45 LUNCH 12:45-2:00pm Group 3  Skills Group Report and Discussion 2:00-3:00 Weighting of Knowledge and Skill areas 3:00-3:30 Discussion on Experiential Learning 3:30-4:00 Closing Discussion and Meeting Adjourned AGRIBUSINESS LEARNING OUTCOMES GROUP EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Penny Diebel, Oregon State Greg Perry, Colorado State Mike Gunderson, Purdue University Scott Downey, Purdue University INDUSTRY PANELISTS Joe MacDonald, Director, Global Recruiting, Elanco, Greenfield, IN Drew Ratterman, Market Sell Work Force Leader, Dow AgroSciences, Indianapolis, IN Mike Tetreault, Senior Vice President, Poulin Grain Co., Newport, VT Bonnie Norris, Human Resource Manager, Harvest Land Co-Op, Richmond, IN Brian Field, President, Harvest Capital Co., Canby, OR Mitch Anderson, President/CEO, Agland, Inc., Eaton, CO Jamie Butts, Communications Manager, Northeast Business Unit, Pioneer Hi-Bred, Deleware, OH John Deere, Phil Coon, Division Manager, Raleigh-Durham, NC Florida Citrus Commission? Prudential Insurance? Producer?  APPENDIX B WERA-72 Annual Meeting West Lafayette, IN June 24-26, 2012 Business Meeting Minutes Chair Brent Ross called the meeting to order at 5:25 pm with the Executive Board and nine members in attendance. Lindsey Higgins, filling in as secretary, is taking the minutes. A. Scott Downey provided a summary of the treasurers report, including: " $3800 in conference revenue and $3900 in conference expenses o 25 meeting registrants, 17 of those were paid registrants o 2011 we had 30 attendees § Paid registrations over the last few years: 2009 had 32,2010 had 21, 2011 had 25, 2012 had 17( o Concern raised over the lower participation number, some attributed the lower attendance due to other conflicting conferences " $8600 in the account " Aaron Johnson moves to approve the treasurers report( o Lia Nogueira seconds the motion( o Motion passes and the treasurers report is accepted as submitted B. Lindsey Higgins nominates Lia Nogueira to fill the position of secretary on the Executive Board " Scott Downey seconds that nomination( " A request is made for further nominations( " No further nominations are made( " A verbal vote was taken on making Lia Nogueira as secretary. The vote passes with no audible dissention. C. Chair, Brent Ross, calls for a discussion on future meeting locations and dates " Las Vegas is the location for the 2013 meeting, dates were discussed ( o Membership agreed that June 9-11 was the preferred date( § Chair will check on conflicts with other meetings (update: June (9-11 was confirmed)( o Themes for the 2013 meeting were discussed ( § Perhaps could combine with a pre-conference workshop § Health issues, obesity/food, or health outcomes in (agribusiness, and food security were all suggested as possible (themes. § Risk management (given the destination of the meeting) was (suggested as a theme.(o Decided to do an informal get together on the first day of the meeting " 2014 meeting o Location options for 2014 were discussed and Santa Clara was indicated as being a desirable location to return to


Accomplishments (Organized by School): Arizona State University Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications: Timothy Richards and William Nganje. Welfare Effects of Food Recall. Paper Accepted for Publication, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. October, 2012. William Nganje, Renée Shaw Hughner, and Paul M. Patterson. Perception of Risks and Preferences for Locally Grown Produce: A Marketing System Approach Paper Accepted for Publication, Journal of Food Product Marketing, August 2012. Timothy Richards, Lisa Mancino and William Nganje. Nutrient Demand in Food Away from Home: the Role of Physical Activity, Obesity and Health. Paper Accepted for Publication, Forum for Health Economics and Policy, February, 2012. Claudia Dumitrescu, William Nganje, and Clifford Schultz II. Market Opportunities and Challenges for U.S. Wheat Exports in the Balkans and Black Sea Region. Accepted for Publication, British Food Journal, March 2012. William Nganje, and Paul Skilton. Food Risks and Type I & II Errors, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Volume 14, (Issue 5):109-124, 2011. Winifred Scott and William Nganje. An Ex-Post Evaluation of Sarbanes-Oxley Act on Firms Intrinsic Value: A Principal- Agent Framework, Paper Accepted for Publication, Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, Vol 15(3), 2011. William Nganje, Renee Hughner, Nicholas Lee. State Branded Programs and Consumer Preference for Locally Grown Produce, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 40/1 (April):110, 2011. Other Refereed Publications: Nganje, William. Food Import Safety and Quality: Food Safety and Food Defense Risks. Book Chapter, Forthcoming, Chapter 11, Improving Food Import Safety and Trade, USDA-Markets and Trade. Nganje, William, Na Hu, and Timothy Richards. Improving the Safety of Imported Foods with Intelligent Systems: The Case of U.S.-Mexico Fresh Produce Supply Chain, Book Chapter, Forthcoming 2012 Wiley & Blackwell. Selected Presentations and Posters: Firm Response to Food Recalls Information: Implication for Welfare Effects, Paper Presented at the AAEA Annual Meeting, August 2, 2012, Seattle Washington. Methods to Translate Impact Evaluation into Policies: The Case of Electronic Traceability and the 2010 Food Safety Modernization Act. Invited Paper, 3ie, Amman Jordan, April, 2011. California Polytechnic State University Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications: Higgins, L.M., W.D. Shaw, and A. Egbendewe. (2011). Attributes Affecting Preferences for (Traffic Safety Camera Programs. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 43 (3): 1042-1048. Selected Presentations and Posters: Williams, E., L.M. Higgins, et al. Extension Producer Marketing Programs: The Factors that Lead to Producer Success. Poster selected for presentation at the Food Distribution Research Society annual conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. October 2012. Higgins, L.M. and A. Maddox. Comparing Wine Labels: Can Consumers Correctly Identify Redesigned Labels? Paper presented at the American Association of Wine Economists annual meeting. Princeton, NJ. June 2012. Higgins, L.M. and M. Witherwax. Brand Personality and Social Media Involvement by Wineries. Paper presented at the American Association of Wine Economists annual meeting. Princeton, NJ. June 2012. Wolf, M.M., L.M. Higgins, and M. Rice. Does Family on a Label Increase Purchase Interest for a Wine, or Just a Halo Effect? Paper presented at the American Association of Wine Economists annual meeting. Princeton, NJ. June 2012. Wolf, M.M, M. Wolf, L. Brady, H. Peszynski, and L.M. Higgins. Using Social Media for Collaboration About Industry News in Higher Education. Paper presented at the American Association of Wine Economists annual meeting. Princeton, NJ. June 2012. Wolf, M.M, M. Wolf, and L.M. Higgins. Using Social Media to Provide More Efficient Collaboration Between Professors, Students, and Industry About Relevant Information. Panel discussion presented at the 2012 WERA-72 meetings. West Lafayette, IN. June 2012. Wolf, M.M, L.M. Higgins, and B. Greenwood. Social Media in Higher Education: Interaction and Learning Enhancement. Invited panel presentation, Center for Teaching and Learning, California Polytechnic State University. San Luis Obispo, CA. April 2012. Gao, X, A. Ishdorj, L.M. Higgins. Impact of the National School Lunch Program on Childrens Food Security. Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting. Birmingham, AL. February 4-7, 2012. Grants and Awards: Lau, M.H., L. Ribera, M. Santiago, and L.M. Higgins. Increasing Direct Marketing Potential for Socially Disadvantaged Producers Through Business Planning. USDA Federal State Marketing Improvement Program Program. Requested $36,000, $35,000 funded for the 2012-2013 award period, combined funding with matched funds: $75,000. Colorado State University Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Nurse, G., Y. Onozaka and D. Thilmany McFadden.2012. Consumer Motivations and Buying Behavior: The Case of the Local Food System Movement. Journal of Food Products Marketing. Forthcoming. Fall 2012. Thilmany McFadden, D. and S. Low. 2012. Will Local Foods Influence American Diets? CHOICES, 2nd Quarter 2012. Other Refereed Publications: Gunter, A. and D. Thilmany. 2012. Economic Implications of Farm to School for a Rural Colorado Community. WRDC Rural Connections. Issue 21. May 2012. Online at: Thilmany, D. 2012. Local Food, Organics and Sustainability. Invited chapter to The Federal Policy Role In Today's Food and Agricultural Markets. Forthcoming. Selected Presentations and Posters: Ahearn, M., P. Davis, J. Ifft, S. Low and D. Thilmany. Issues and Opportunities Surrounding Small Farm Transition and Succession. Organized panel for the 6th National Small Farms Conference. Memphis, TN. Sept. 2012. Thilmany, D. Panelist in Session, To Nest in the Wind - Implementation and Impacts of Career Development for Women in Personal Growth and Balancing Life. 2012 AAEA Annual Meetings. Seattle, WA. Thilmany, D. Moderator and Discussant for Session, Understanding the Multiple Impacts from Marketing Locally Grown Food, Food Products, and Agri-Recreational Services. 2012 AAEA Annual Meetings. Seattle, WA. Thilmany, D and M. Costanigro. Ethical Considerations in Food Labeling. For Organized Session, Ten Thousand Labels: Credence Attributes, Product Differentiation, and Information Flows in the Food System. 2012 AAEA Annual Meetings. Seattle, WA. Invited Papers and Presentations: Thilmany, D. Understanding Alternative Livestock Marketing Dynamics: The Case of Colorado Homestead Ranches. Invited talk at Strengthening Agricultures Infrastructure: Adding Value, Breaking Down Barriers, Increasing Profits. December 2012. Portland, OR. Deselnicu, O., M. Costanigro, D.M. Souza-Monteiro and D. Thilmany McFadden. What Drives the Premium for Origin in Food? A Meta-Analysis of Geographical Indication Studies. Invited presentation to the Grenoble Applied Economic Laboratory. May 2012. Thilmany, D. Local Food Market Dynamics: An Analysis of Consumer Motivations, Marketing Choices and Welfare Implications. The Ohio State University Van Buren lecture. April 2012. Thilmany McFadden, D. What Is Driving Consumer Demand for Local Foods? Presentation at the USDA Ag Outlook Forum. February 2012. Washington, DC. Grants and Awards: Building Economically Sustainable Food Systems to Improve Food Security. Proposal to the USDA NIFA Food Security CAP grant program. Subcontract Co- principal investigator with Texas A & M. Pending. Fall 2012-15. $473,000. Food Product Liability Insurance: Implications for Profitability and Growth of the Specialty Crops Market. Subcontract with Clemson University to the USDA Specialty Crop Research Initiative. $109,000. 2012-17. (with Frank Stonaker). Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Beef Production: Finishing Cattle on Perennial Legume Pastures as a Sustainable Alternative to Grain-Based Feedlot. Subcontract to Utah State University for the USDA Climate Change Initiative. $750,000. 2012-17. (with Keith Paustian and Josh Goldstein). Building Farmers In The West: Strengthening Foundations and Fortifying the Community Supporting Specialty Producers. Proposal to the USDA Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program. $750,000. 2012-15. (with Martha Sullins, James Pritchett, Kellie Enns and Adrian Illinois State University Louisana State University Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Mishra, Ashok K., Michael J. Harris, Kenneth W. Erickson Charles B. Hallahan, and Joshua D. Detre, Drivers of Agricultural Profitability in the US: An Application of the DuPont Expansion Method, Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 72, No. 3, 2012. Clark, Benjamin M., Joshua D. Detre, Jeremy DAntoni, and Hector O. Zapata, The Role of an AG Index in a Modern Portfolio, Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 72, No. 3, 2012. Mark, Tyler B., Joshua D. Detre, Jeremy DAntoni, and Ashok K. Mishra, " Factors Influencing Farm Operator Expectations on Future Levels of Government Support," Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, Vol. 75, No. 1, 2012 (148-164). Briggeman, Brian C., Joshua D. Detre, Notie Lansford, and Damona Doye, Experiential Learning on the Internet: The Case of the Internet Agricultural Bank Simulation Game," North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal. Vol. 46, No. 2, 2102 (63-67). Zapata, Hector O., Joshua D. Detre, and Tatsuya Hanabuchi, Historical Performance of Commodity and Stock Markets, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 44, No. 3, 2012 (339-357). Detre, Joshua D., and Michael A. Gunderson, Doing More with Less in a Rapidly Changing Discipline  Smaller Agribusiness Faculties Teaching More Students," International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Vol. 15, No. Special Issue A Global Networks, Global Perspectives and Global Talent, 2012 (31-36). Fannin, James M. and Joshua D. Detre, Red Light Ahead! Preparing Local Governments Financially for the Next Disaster," Choices, Vol. 27, No. 1 (2012), Available at Fannin, James M., John D. Barreca, and Joshua D. Detre, Estimating GDP at the Parish (County) Level: An Evaluation of Alternative Approaches," Louisiana State University Agricultural Center Experiment Station Bulletin, No. 890, 2012. Fannin, J. Matthew, John D. Barreca, and Joshua D. Detre, The Role of Public Wealth on Recovery and Resiliency to Natural Disasters in Rural Communities, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 94, No. 2, 2012 (549-555). Michigan State University Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Dentoni, D., O. Hospes, & R.B. Ross. (Eds.) 2013. Managing Wicked Problems in Agribusiness: The Role of Multi-stakeholder Engagement in Value Creation. International Food and Agribusiness Review (Special Issue). Selected Presentations and Posters: Ross, R. B., K. Sprouse, F. R. Chaddad, M. I. Gomez. Forthcoming. The Market Legitimacy of Cool Climate Wineries: Distribution Challenges and Strategies for a Nascent Food Industry. Journal of Food Distribution Research (Proceedings Issue). Ross, R. B., N. Victor. Forthcoming. The Role of Social Capital in Nascent Agri-Food Industries: A Case Study of Michigan Chestnut Growers. Journal of Food Distribution Research (Proceedings Issue). Ross, R. B., N. Paulson, & E.T. Micheels. Entrepreneurial Orientation and the Farm Performance of Illinois Grain Producers. Paper presented at the 2012 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Symposium, Shanghai, China, June 2012. Lovgren, A., R. B. Ross, F. R. Chaddad, & M. I. Gomez. Too Legit to Fail? Identifying the Influence of Legitimacy on the Success and Survival of Cool Climate Wine Producers. Paper presented at the 2012 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Symposium, Shanghai, China, June 2012. Miguel Vieira-Lopes, & R. B. Ross. The Future of Michigan Agribusiness: A Survey of Challenges and Expectations. Presentation at the 2012 Michigan Agribusiness Association Outlook Conference, Mackinac Island, MI, September 2012. Ross, R. B. What is Agribusiness Saying? Survey Results. Presentation at the 2013 Michigan Agribusiness Association Winter Conference, Lansing, MI, January 2013. Purdue University Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Downey, W. S. & Schetszle, S. L.(2012) Asynchronous assessment in a large lecture marketing course. Marketing Education Review, 22(2), 97-108. Downey, W. S. (2012). Experiential Learning through Industry Interaction in a Large Lecture Agribusiness Course. NACTA Journal, (In Press). Selected Presentations and Posters: Johnson, A., Perry, G., & Downey, W. S. Agribusiness Management Curriculum Review. Presentation at WERA, Purdue University, June, 2012. Johnson, A. J. & Downey, W. S. Discovered Knowledge: A Framework For Understanding Customers And Influencers. Presentation at WERA, Purdue University, June, 2012. Wysocki, A., Litzenberg, K., Johnson, A. J. & Downey, W. S. Changing Undergraduate Student Attitudes for Sales Careers. Presentation at WERA, Purdue University, June, 2012. Diebel, P., Perry, G., Gunderson, M. & Downey, W. S. Teaching Outcomes for Agribusiness Management Programs. Presentation at AAEA in Seattle, WA, August, 2012. Downey, W. S. Teaching Tips. Presentation at AAEA, Seattle, WA, August, 2012. Saint Josephs University Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2012. Consumers Shrimp Purchasing Preferences: An Application of Conjoint Analysis Journal of Food Products Marketing, 20(5). (Accepted) Stanton, John L., James B. Wiley and Ferdinand F. Wirth. 2012. Who are the Locavores? Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(4): 248  261. Other Refereed Publications: Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2012. Consumers Shrimp Purchasing Preferences: An Application of Conjoint Analysis. Proceedings of the International Food Marketing Research Symposium, June 21-22, 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Grants and Awards: $128,054. Transforming food marketing education: development of modules to integrate social justice education and research training across undergraduate curricula. USDA/NIFA Higher Education Challenge Grant. August 2011  February 2014. Invited Papers and Presentations: Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2012. Understanding Marketing Functions for Direct Marketers. Invited Presentation, Aquaculture America 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 1, 2012. Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2012. Cashing in on Current Trends in Food Marketing. Invited Presentation, Aquaculture America 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 1, 2012. Selected Presentations and Posters Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2012. The Aquaculture Regulatory Climate Scale Re-visited: Has There Been Progress in Reducing Regulatory Stringency? Selected paper presented at AQUA2012, combined meeting of the World Aquaculture Society and the European Aquaculture Society, Prague, Czech Republic, September 1  5, 2012. Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2012. Consumers Shrimp Purchasing Preferences: An Application of Conjoint Analysis. Selected paper presented at the International Food Marketing Research Symposium, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 21-22, 2012. Santa Clara University Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Rodrigues, Jon and Gregory A. Baker. 2012. "Grameen Danone Foods (GDF)." International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Volume 15, No. 1. Presentations at Professional Meetings Harwood, Michael J. and Gregory A. Baker. 2012. Healthy Food Costs for Low-Income Families: Santa Clara County, California. International Food and Agribusiness Management Association Annual Meeting. Southern Illinois University Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Altman, Ira and Dwight Sanders. Producer Willingness and Ability to Supply Biomass: Evidence From The U.S. Midwest. Biomass and Bioenergy. 36(1):176-181. 2012. Texas Tech University Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Belasco, Eric, Benaissa Chidmi, Conrad Lyford and Margil Funtanilla. Using Quantile Regression to Measure the Differential Impact of Economic and Demographic Variables on Obesity, Health Behaviour and Pubic Health (2012 2(2): 35-45. Gong, Gordon, Eric Belasco, Kristopher A Hargrave, Conrad Lyford and Billy U Philips. Determinants of Delayed Detection of Cancers in the Texas Counties in the United States of America. International Journal of Equity in Health (2012 May 29, 11 (1): 29). Pence, Barbara, Eric Belasco and Conrad Lyford. Prevention of Colorectal Cancer by Aspirin and/or Calcium: Efficacy, Mechanisms, and Cost Effectiveness, Current Colorectal Cancer Reports (5; January 2012): 1-6. Philips, Billy, Gordon Gong, Kristopher Hargrave, Eric Belasco and Conrad Lyford. Correlation of the ratio of metastatic to nonmetastatic cancer cases with the degree of socioeconomic deprivation among Texas counties. International Journal of Health Geographics, 2011, 10:12. Selected Presentations and Posters: Lyford, Conrad. Using a Living Marketing Problem to Teach Marketing Research Methods, 2012 WERA-72 Western Education\Extension and Research Activities Committee on Agribusiness Annual Meeting, June 24-26, 2012, Lafayette, Indiana. Lyford, Conrad, Jaime Malaga and Benaissa Chidmi. Evaluating the Sub-Saharan Sorghum Market for US Exports, 2012 WERA-72 Western Education\Extension and Research Activities Committee on Agribusiness Annual Meeting, June 24-26, 2012, Lafayette, Indiana. Lyford, Conrad, Janani Thapa, Eric Hequet and Jeff Johnson.Comparing the Economics of Stripper and Picker Harvesting in West Texas, 2012 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, January 3-6, 2012, Orlando, Florida. Lyford, Conrad P, Eric Belasco, Barent McCool, Audrey McCool, Tyra Carter and Barbara Pence. Health Attitudes, Knowledge and Behavior in Rural Communities, Track paper, 2012 American Agricultural Economics Association meeting, August 12-14, 2012, Seattle, Washington. McCool, B, McCool, A, Hensarling, N, Lyford, C, Pence, B, Belasco E, & Carter, T. Interventions to Reduce Cancer Risk in Rural West Texas Communities. Texas Dietetic Association Food & Nutrition Conference & Exhibition, San Antonio, TX April 12 - 14, 2012. McCool B, Pence B, Lyford C, Hensarling N, McCool A, Carter T. Working with the local supermarket to bring cancer prevention information and encouragement to rural communities. Texas Public Health Association annual conference, Arlington TX, March 21-23, 2012. Gordon Gong, Kristopher Hargrave, Eric Belasco and Conrad Lyford, Billy Philips. Identification of Hot Spots of Delayed Cancer Diagnosis by Wellbeing Index in Texas. Poster presented at the 2011 Innovations in Cancer Prevention and Research Conference, Austin, TX, November 14-18, 2011. Conrad Lyford, Barent McCool, Audrey McCool, Eric Belasco, Barbara Pence and Tyra Carter. Working with the Local Supermarket to Bring Cancer Prevention Information and Encouragement to Local Communities. Poster presented at the 2011 Innovations in Cancer Prevention and Research Conference, Austin, TX, November 14-18, 2011. Non-refereed Publications: Lyford, Conrad, Jaime Malaga, Benaissa Chidmi, Pablo Mejia-Martinez and Tim Snyder. Expanding US Sorghum Exports to Sub-Saharan Africa: A Key Fast Growing Market, United States Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, June 2012. Murova, Olga and Conrad Lyford. Program Assessment for Hometown Stars and Bootstrap Bucks, 2010-2011. Texas Department of Agriculture, November 2011. Grants and Awards: Texas Tech Transdisciplinary Research Academy, Texas Tech University. June 2012 to August 2012. ($5,400, my share $5,400) University of Kentucky Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Ward, Ruby, Allen Wysocki, and Timothy Woods, Agribusiness Extension: The Past, Present, and Future?, International Food and Agribusiness Review; 14(5):125-140, 2011, also available on-line Woods, Timothy, Jack Schieffer, and Sayed Saghaian, Winery Integration Strategies in the Mid-South and Mid-Atlantic States, forthcoming in Journal of Agribusiness Marvin T. Batte, Wuyang Hu, Tim Woods, and Stan Ernst, Assessing the Contribution of Local Production, Organic Certification, Nutritional Claims, and Product Branding on Consumer Food Choices: A Conjoint Experiment European Review of Agricultural Economics, doi: 10.1093/erae/jbr039, 2011. Hu, W., T. A. Woods, S. Bastin and L. J. Cox, Analyzing the Demand for New Value-Added Product: Case of Pure Blueberry Sweetener Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing. 23(1): 56-72, 2011. Hu, Wuyang, Timothy Woods, Sandra Bastin, Linda Cox, and Wen You, Assessing Consumer Willingness to Pay for Value-Added Blueberry Products Using a Payment Card Survey, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 43(2):243-258, 2011. Other Refereed and Numbered Publications Woods, Timothy, Matt Ernst, and Kevin Heidemann, 2012 Kentucky Produce Planting and Marketing Intentions Grower Survey and Outlook, AEC Extension Publication 2012-15,, University of Kentucky, July 2012. Woods, Timothy and Matt Ernst, 2011 Regional Winegrape Marketing and Price Outlook, Crop Diversification & Biofuels Research & Education Center Report, University of Kentucky,, May 2012. Woods, Timothy, Ani Katchova, and Matt Ernst, 2011 Retail Food Cooperative Member Survey: Focus on Local Foods, AEC Extension Publication 2012-05, April 2012. Holland, Rob, Matt Ernst and Tim Woods, Consideration for the Tennessee Produce Industry, Center for Profitable Ag publication, University of Tennessee, p.36., March, 2012. Coolong, Timothy, Kenneth Seebold, Ric Bessin, Timothy Woods, and Sarah Fannin, Sweetpotato Production for Kentucky, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture ID-195, February, 2012. Woods, Timothy, 2011 Nursery Products Buyer Survey, AEC Extension Publication 2012-01, December 2011. Selected Presentations and Posters: Woods, Timothy and Shang-Ho Yang, Assessing Consumer Willingness to Pay for Ground Bison Given Nutrition Information, Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 4-7, 2012. Woods, Timothy and Shang-Ho Yang, Farm Market Patron Behavioral Response to Sampling, Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 4-7, 2012. Vassalos, Michael, Carl Dillon, Jack Schieffier, Wuyang Hu and Timothy Woods, Fresh Vegetable Growers Risk Perception, Risk Preference and Choice of Marketing Contracts: A Choice Experiment, Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 4-7, 2012. Woods, Timothy and Bruce Yang, Picking up Pawpaws  An Evaluation of Consumer Willingness to Sample Unusual Regional Products, presented paper also contributed to meeting proceedings, Food Distribution Research Society, San Juan , Puerto Rico, October, 2012. Woods, Timothy and Miranda Hileman, Farms to Food Banks: 2012 Impact on Consumers, poster presentation at Food Banks Fighting Hunger Conference, Frankfort, KY, September 2012. Katchova, Ani, and Timothy Woods, Marketing Local Foods by Food Cooperatives, poster presentation, International Association of Agricultural Economics, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, August 2012. Vassalos, Michael, Wuyang Hu, Timothy Woods, Jack Schieffer, and Carl Dillon, Marketing Contracts for Fresh Tomato Production: A Choice Based Experiment, Poster at the American Applied Economics Association annual meetings, Seattle, WA, August, 2012. Williamson, Sara and Timothy Woods, Local Foods Consumers: A Look Under the Hood, paper presented at the WERA-72 Regional Research in Agribusiness meetings, West Lafayette, IN , June, 2012. Williamson, Sara, Stan Ernst, Timothy Woods, and Wuyang Hu, Characteristics of Local Foods Consumers: a Fresh Look, Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 4-7, 2012. Woods, Timothy, Marketing Specialty Crops, Third International Pawpaw Conference, Frankfort, KY, September, 2011. Woods, Timothy A., Food Safety  Curriculum and Outreach, Contribution to the symposium - The Role of Agricultural Economics in Food Safety Standard Development, Education, and Evaluation, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Pittsburgh, PA, July, 2011. Williamson, Sara, Tim Woods, and Ani Katchova, Perspectives on Local Foods: A Survey of General Managers and the Patrons They Serve, Presented at the annual meeting of the Consumer Cooperative Marketing Association Conference, San Diego, CA, June 2011. Lindsey Mayes, Tammy Stephenson, Laura Stephenson, Tim Woods, Sara Williamson, Nutrition knowledge and dietary habits of Farmers Market patrons: implications for promoting consumption of locally grown fruits and vegetables, Poster at the 2011 American Dietetic Association Annual Meeting (FNCE) in San Diego September 2011 Guzhen Zhou, Wuyang Hu, Marvin Batte, Timothy Woods and Stanley Ernst, Household Grocery Shopping Destination Allocations: Have Local Stores Caught on with the Rise of Local Foods? Poster at the 2011 AAEA Meetings in Pittsburgh, PA, July 2011 Katchova, A.L. and T.A. Woods. The Effectiveness of Local Food Marketing Strategies of Food Cooperatives Selected paper, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA 24-26 July 2011. Woods, Timothy and Ani Katchova, Local Sourcing Strategies for Food Consumer Cooperatives, USDA Rural Development Cooperatives Webinar Series, July, 2011. Jordan Shockley, Carl Dillon, and Tim Woods, Estimating the Economic Viability of a New Crop Alternative for the U.S. Organic Market: Edamame  A Vegetable Soybean, Poster at the 2011 AAEA Meetings in Pittsburgh, PA, July 2011 Katchova, A.L., and T.A. Woods. The Role of Food Cooperatives in Local Food Networks Selected symposium paper, International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Forum and Symposium, Frankfurt, Germany, 20-21 June, 2011. Woods, T.A. and A.L. Katchova. Local Food Procurement and Promotion Strategies of Food Cooperatives Selected paper, Southern Agricultural Economics Association Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX, 5-8 February, 2011. University of Missouri Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Chaddad, F.R. and Mondelli, M.P. Sources of Firm Performance Differences in the U.S. Food Economy, Journal of Agricultural Economics 64(2), forthcoming June 2013. Chaddad, F.R. (2012). Advancing the Theory of the Cooperative Organization: The Cooperative as a True Hybrid, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 83(4): 445-461. Chaddad, F.R. and Chaddad, Fernando (2012). Coming Full Circle: Prudential Insurance Company, in A Co-operative Dilemma: Converting Organizational Form, Jorge Sousa and Roger Herman (eds.), University of Saskatchewan Press, pp. 73-93. Chaddad, F.R. and Cook, M.L. (2012). Legal Frameworks and Property Rights in U.S. Agricultural Cooperatives: The Hybridization of Cooperative Structures, The Cooperative Business Movement: 1950 to Present, Patrizia Battilani and Harm Schroeter (eds.), Cambridge University Press, chapter 7, pp. 175-194, 2012. Costa, D.M., Chaddad, F.R. and Azevedo, P.F. (2012). Separação entre Propriedade e Decisão de Gestão nas Cooperativas Agropecuárias Brasileiras [Separation of Ownership and Decision Management in Brazilian Farmer-Owned Cooperatives], Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural 50(2): 285-300. Costa, D.M., Azevedo, P.F. and Chaddad, F.R. (2012). Determinantes da Separação entre Propriedade e Gestão nas Cooperativas Agropecuárias Brasileiras [Determinants of the Separation of Ownership and Decision Management in Brazilian Farmer-Owned Cooperatives], Revista de Administração da Universidade de São Paulo (RAUSP), 47(4), forthcoming 2012. Lazzarini, S.L., Brito, L. and Chaddad, F.R. (2012). Conduits of Innovation or Imitation? Assessing the Effect of Alliances on the Persistence of Profits in U.S. Firms, Brazilian Administration Review 9, forthcoming 2012. Moura, P.T. and Chaddad, F.R. (2012). Collective Action and the Governance of Multistakeholder Initiatives: A Case Study of Bonsucro, Journal on Chain and Network Science 12(1): 13-24. University of Saskatchewan Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Micheels, E.T. and H.R. Gow, 2012. The Effect of Alternative Market Orientation Strategies on Firm Performance: Customer versus Competitor Orientation. International Journal of Marketing Studies 4 (3): 2-15. Selected Presentations and Posters: Micheels, E.T. and M. Blumthal, 2012. Using Industry Interactions to Enhance Experiential Learning in Undergraduate Agribusiness Curricula. Selected Paper presented at the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Forum and Symposium, Shanghai, China. Ross, R.B., N.D. Paulson, and E.T. Micheels, 2012. The Performance Implications of an Entrepreneurial Orientation within Commercial Grain Operations in Illinois. Selected Paper presented at the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Forum and Symposium, Shanghai, China. Grants and Awards: E.T. Micheels and J.E. Hobbs, An Assessment of Consumers Willingness-to-Pay for Milk and Milk Products Containing Credence Attributes, AFBI Scholars Program, November 1, 2011  December 31, 2012, $27,000. E.T. Micheels, An Assessment of the Market Orientation and Entrepreneurial Orientation of Saskatchewan and Northern U.S. Grain and Livestock Farms, AFBI Scholars Program, September 1, 2012  August 31, 2014, year 1 of 2, $54,000 E.T. Micheels, Performance of Small/Medium-Sized Farms, Research Network on the Structure and Performance of Agriculture and Agri-products Industry, April 1, 2012  March 31, 2013, $11,500 E.T. Micheels, Improving Farmers Capacity to Innovate, Research Network on the Structure and Performance of Agriculture and Agri-products Industry, April 1, 2012  March 31, 2013, $18,400


  1. WERA72 continues to facilitate the coordination and development of timely research, extension, and teaching projects among participating faculty, graduate students, government, and industry leaders, creating a pool of shared expertise in general area of agribusiness scholarship. WERA continues to be a critical focal point for creating academic relationships to agribusiness. Linkages with other research projects (such as S1050 and Agribusiness Learning Outcomes ), academic associations (AAEA, IAMA, Food Distribution Research Society,), and industry have led to very fruitful collaborations. In addition to help developing a critical mass of agribusiness dialogue and research expertise, WERA72 has been supportive of graduate student engagement in this field.
  2. As there are few departments that hold a significant concentration of agribusiness faculty, the coordination and communication of agribusiness faculty interests is thereby of importance. WERA72 continues maintain and further develop its electronic communication methods, regularly using the organizations listserv to communicate timely announcements, including job postings, research grant opportunities, and calls for paper proposals with an agribusiness focus. Past presentations, abstracts and manuscripts have also been posted on the organizations webpage, providing an institutional depository of past agribusiness scholarship. It is anticipated that through such communications, it improve the quality and quantity of agribusiness research, teaching and extension that is produced by participating members, as well as fostering integrated and multi-state projects among WERA72 participants.
  3. WERA72 continues to link university research, teaching and extension faculty with government agency personnel and industry leaders. The program at the annual meeting once again included an invited speaker from industry. The WERA72 leadership has maintained this practice for many years now, and is committed to continuing to use the annual meeting to facilitate these linkages. For a second year, the WERA72 leadership has arranged an industry tour for the membership to jointly explore significant agribusiness issues in the field.


Accomplishments (Organized by School): Arizona State University Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications: Timothy Richards and William Nganje. Welfare Effects of Food Recall. Paper Accepted for Publication, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. October, 2012. William Nganje, Renée Shaw Hughner, and Paul M. Patterson. Perception of Risks and Preferences for Locally Grown Produce: A Marketing System Approach Paper Accepted for Publication, Journal of Food Product Marketing, August 2012. Timothy Richards, Lisa Mancino and William Nganje. Nutrient Demand in Food Away from Home: the Role of Physical Activity, Obesity and Health. Paper Accepted for Publication, Forum for Health Economics and Policy, February, 2012. Claudia Dumitrescu, William Nganje, and Clifford Schultz II. Market Opportunities and Challenges for U.S. Wheat Exports in the Balkans and Black Sea Region. Accepted for Publication, British Food Journal, March 2012. William Nganje, and Paul Skilton. Food Risks and Type I & II Errors, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Volume 14, (Issue 5):109-124, 2011. Winifred Scott and William Nganje. An Ex-Post Evaluation of Sarbanes-Oxley Act on Firms Intrinsic Value: A Principal- Agent Framework, Paper Accepted for Publication, Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, Vol 15(3), 2011. William Nganje, Renee Hughner, Nicholas Lee. State Branded Programs and Consumer Preference for Locally Grown Produce, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 40/1 (April):110, 2011. Other Refereed Publications: Nganje, William. Food Import Safety and Quality: Food Safety and Food Defense Risks. Book Chapter, Forthcoming, Chapter 11, Improving Food Import Safety and Trade, USDA-Markets and Trade. Nganje, William, Na Hu, and Timothy Richards. Improving the Safety of Imported Foods with Intelligent Systems: The Case of U.S.-Mexico Fresh Produce Supply Chain, Book Chapter, Forthcoming 2012 Wiley & Blackwell. Selected Presentations and Posters: Firm Response to Food Recalls Information: Implication for Welfare Effects, Paper Presented at the AAEA Annual Meeting, August 2, 2012, Seattle Washington. Methods to Translate Impact Evaluation into Policies: The Case of Electronic Traceability and the 2010 Food Safety Modernization Act. Invited Paper, 3ie, Amman Jordan, April, 2011. California Polytechnic State University Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications: Higgins, L.M., W.D. Shaw, and A. Egbendewe. (2011). Attributes Affecting Preferences for (Traffic Safety Camera Programs. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 43 (3): 1042-1048. Selected Presentations and Posters: Williams, E., L.M. Higgins, et al. Extension Producer Marketing Programs: The Factors that Lead to Producer Success. Poster selected for presentation at the Food Distribution Research Society annual conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. October 2012. Higgins, L.M. and A. Maddox. Comparing Wine Labels: Can Consumers Correctly Identify Redesigned Labels? Paper presented at the American Association of Wine Economists annual meeting. Princeton, NJ. June 2012. Higgins, L.M. and M. Witherwax. Brand Personality and Social Media Involvement by Wineries. Paper presented at the American Association of Wine Economists annual meeting. Princeton, NJ. June 2012. Wolf, M.M., L.M. Higgins, and M. Rice. Does Family on a Label Increase Purchase Interest for a Wine, or Just a Halo Effect? Paper presented at the American Association of Wine Economists annual meeting. Princeton, NJ. June 2012. Wolf, M.M, M. Wolf, L. Brady, H. Peszynski, and L.M. Higgins. Using Social Media for Collaboration About Industry News in Higher Education. Paper presented at the American Association of Wine Economists annual meeting. Princeton, NJ. June 2012. Wolf, M.M, M. Wolf, and L.M. Higgins. Using Social Media to Provide More Efficient Collaboration Between Professors, Students, and Industry About Relevant Information. Panel discussion presented at the 2012 WERA-72 meetings. West Lafayette, IN. June 2012. Wolf, M.M, L.M. Higgins, and B. Greenwood. Social Media in Higher Education: Interaction and Learning Enhancement. Invited panel presentation, Center for Teaching and Learning, California Polytechnic State University. San Luis Obispo, CA. April 2012. Gao, X, A. Ishdorj, L.M. Higgins. Impact of the National School Lunch Program on Childrens Food Security. Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting. Birmingham, AL. February 4-7, 2012. Colorado State University Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Nurse, G., Y. Onozaka and D. Thilmany McFadden.2012. Consumer Motivations and Buying Behavior: The Case of the Local Food System Movement. Journal of Food Products Marketing. Forthcoming. Fall 2012. Thilmany McFadden, D. and S. Low. 2012. Will Local Foods Influence American Diets? CHOICES, 2nd Quarter 2012. Other Refereed Publications: Gunter, A. and D. Thilmany. 2012. Economic Implications of Farm to School for a Rural Colorado Community. WRDC Rural Connections. Issue 21. May 2012. Online at: Thilmany, D. 2012. Local Food, Organics and Sustainability. Invited chapter to The Federal Policy Role In Today's Food and Agricultural Markets. Forthcoming. Selected Presentations and Posters: Ahearn, M., P. Davis, J. Ifft, S. Low and D. Thilmany. Issues and Opportunities Surrounding Small Farm Transition and Succession. Organized panel for the 6th National Small Farms Conference. Memphis, TN. Sept. 2012. Thilmany, D. Panelist in Session, To Nest in the Wind - Implementation and Impacts of Career Development for Women in Personal Growth and Balancing Life. 2012 AAEA Annual Meetings. Seattle, WA. Thilmany, D. Moderator and Discussant for Session, Understanding the Multiple Impacts from Marketing Locally Grown Food, Food Products, and Agri-Recreational Services. 2012 AAEA Annual Meetings. Seattle, WA. Thilmany, D and M. Costanigro. Ethical Considerations in Food Labeling. For Organized Session, Ten Thousand Labels: Credence Attributes, Product Differentiation, and Information Flows in the Food System. 2012 AAEA Annual Meetings. Seattle, WA. Invited Papers and Presentations: Thilmany, D. Understanding Alternative Livestock Marketing Dynamics: The Case of Colorado Homestead Ranches. Invited talk at Strengthening Agricultures Infrastructure: Adding Value, Breaking Down Barriers, Increasing Profits. December 2012. Portland, OR. Deselnicu, O., M. Costanigro, D.M. Souza-Monteiro and D. Thilmany McFadden. What Drives the Premium for Origin in Food? A Meta-Analysis of Geographical Indication Studies. Invited presentation to the Grenoble Applied Economic Laboratory. May 2012. Thilmany, D. Local Food Market Dynamics: An Analysis of Consumer Motivations, Marketing Choices and Welfare Implications. The Ohio State University Van Buren lecture. April 2012. Thilmany McFadden, D. What Is Driving Consumer Demand for Local Foods? Presentation at the USDA Ag Outlook Forum. February 2012. Washington, DC. Louisana State University Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Mishra, Ashok K., Michael J. Harris, Kenneth W. Erickson Charles B. Hallahan, and Joshua D. Detre, Drivers of Agricultural Profitability in the US: An Application of the DuPont Expansion Method, Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 72, No. 3, 2012. Clark, Benjamin M., Joshua D. Detre, Jeremy DAntoni, and Hector O. Zapata, The Role of an AG Index in a Modern Portfolio, Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 72, No. 3, 2012. Mark, Tyler B., Joshua D. Detre, Jeremy DAntoni, and Ashok K. Mishra, " Factors Influencing Farm Operator Expectations on Future Levels of Government Support," Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, Vol. 75, No. 1, 2012 (148-164). Briggeman, Brian C., Joshua D. Detre, Notie Lansford, and Damona Doye, Experiential Learning on the Internet: The Case of the Internet Agricultural Bank Simulation Game," North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal. Vol. 46, No. 2, 2102 (63-67). Zapata, Hector O., Joshua D. Detre, and Tatsuya Hanabuchi, Historical Performance of Commodity and Stock Markets, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 44, No. 3, 2012 (339-357). Detre, Joshua D., and Michael A. Gunderson, Doing More with Less in a Rapidly Changing Discipline  Smaller Agribusiness Faculties Teaching More Students," International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Vol. 15, No. Special Issue A Global Networks, Global Perspectives and Global Talent, 2012 (31-36). Fannin, James M. and Joshua D. Detre, Red Light Ahead! Preparing Local Governments Financially for the Next Disaster," Choices, Vol. 27, No. 1 (2012), Available at Fannin, James M., John D. Barreca, and Joshua D. Detre, Estimating GDP at the Parish (County) Level: An Evaluation of Alternative Approaches," Louisiana State University Agricultural Center Experiment Station Bulletin, No. 890, 2012. Fannin, J. Matthew, John D. Barreca, and Joshua D. Detre, The Role of Public Wealth on Recovery and Resiliency to Natural Disasters in Rural Communities, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 94, No. 2, 2012 (549-555). Michigan State University Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Dentoni, D., O. Hospes, & R.B. Ross. (Eds.) 2013. Managing Wicked Problems in Agribusiness: The Role of Multi-stakeholder Engagement in Value Creation. International Food and Agribusiness Review (Special Issue). Selected Presentations and Posters: Ross, R. B., K. Sprouse, F. R. Chaddad, M. I. Gomez. Forthcoming. The Market Legitimacy of Cool Climate Wineries: Distribution Challenges and Strategies for a Nascent Food Industry. Journal of Food Distribution Research (Proceedings Issue). Ross, R. B., N. Victor. Forthcoming. The Role of Social Capital in Nascent Agri-Food Industries: A Case Study of Michigan Chestnut Growers. Journal of Food Distribution Research (Proceedings Issue). Ross, R. B., N. Paulson, & E.T. Micheels. Entrepreneurial Orientation and the Farm Performance of Illinois Grain Producers. Paper presented at the 2012 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Symposium, Shanghai, China, June 2012. Lovgren, A., R. B. Ross, F. R. Chaddad, & M. I. Gomez. Too Legit to Fail? Identifying the Influence of Legitimacy on the Success and Survival of Cool Climate Wine Producers. Paper presented at the 2012 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Symposium, Shanghai, China, June 2012. Miguel Vieira-Lopes, & R. B. Ross. The Future of Michigan Agribusiness: A Survey of Challenges and Expectations. Presentation at the 2012 Michigan Agribusiness Association Outlook Conference, Mackinac Island, MI, September 2012. Ross, R. B. What is Agribusiness Saying? Survey Results. Presentation at the 2013 Michigan Agribusiness Association Winter Conference, Lansing, MI, January 2013. Purdue University Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Downey, W. S. & Schetszle, S. L.(2012) Asynchronous assessment in a large lecture marketing course. Marketing Education Review, 22(2), 97-108. Downey, W. S. (2012). Experiential Learning through Industry Interaction in a Large Lecture Agribusiness Course. NACTA Journal, (In Press). Selected Presentations and Posters: Johnson, A., Perry, G., & Downey, W. S. Agribusiness Management Curriculum Review. Presentation at WERA, Purdue University, June, 2012. Johnson, A. J. & Downey, W. S. Discovered Knowledge: A Framework For Understanding Customers And Influencers. Presentation at WERA, Purdue University, June, 2012. Wysocki, A., Litzenberg, K., Johnson, A. J. & Downey, W. S. Changing Undergraduate Student Attitudes for Sales Careers. Presentation at WERA, Purdue University, June, 2012. Diebel, P., Perry, G., Gunderson, M. & Downey, W. S. Teaching Outcomes for Agribusiness Management Programs. Presentation at AAEA in Seattle, WA, August, 2012. Downey, W. S. Teaching Tips. Presentation at AAEA, Seattle, WA, August, 2012. Saint Josephs University Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2012. Consumers Shrimp Purchasing Preferences: An Application of Conjoint Analysis Journal of Food Products Marketing, 20(5). (Accepted) Stanton, John L., James B. Wiley and Ferdinand F. Wirth. 2012. Who are the Locavores? Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(4): 248  261. Other Refereed Publications: Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2012. Consumers Shrimp Purchasing Preferences: An Application of Conjoint Analysis. Proceedings of the International Food Marketing Research Symposium, June 21-22, 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Invited Papers and Presentations: Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2012. Understanding Marketing Functions for Direct Marketers. Invited Presentation, Aquaculture America 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 1, 2012. Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2012. Cashing in on Current Trends in Food Marketing. Invited Presentation, Aquaculture America 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 1, 2012. Selected Presentations and Posters Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2012. The Aquaculture Regulatory Climate Scale Re-visited: Has There Been Progress in Reducing Regulatory Stringency? Selected paper presented at AQUA2012, combined meeting of the World Aquaculture Society and the European Aquaculture Society, Prague, Czech Republic, September 1  5, 2012. Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2012. Consumers Shrimp Purchasing Preferences: An Application of Conjoint Analysis. Selected paper presented at the International Food Marketing Research Symposium, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 21-22, 2012. Santa Clara University Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Rodrigues, Jon and Gregory A. Baker. 2012. "Grameen Danone Foods (GDF)." International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Volume 15, No. 1. Presentations at Professional Meetings Harwood, Michael J. and Gregory A. Baker. 2012. Healthy Food Costs for Low-Income Families: Santa Clara County, California. International Food and Agribusiness Management Association Annual Meeting. Southern Illinois University Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Altman, Ira and Dwight Sanders. Producer Willingness and Ability to Supply Biomass: Evidence From The U.S. Midwest. Biomass and Bioenergy. 36(1):176-181. 2012. Texas Tech University Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Belasco, Eric, Benaissa Chidmi, Conrad Lyford and Margil Funtanilla. Using Quantile Regression to Measure the Differential Impact of Economic and Demographic Variables on Obesity, Health Behaviour and Pubic Health (2012 2(2): 35-45. Gong, Gordon, Eric Belasco, Kristopher A Hargrave, Conrad Lyford and Billy U Philips. Determinants of Delayed Detection of Cancers in the Texas Counties in the United States of America. International Journal of Equity in Health (2012 May 29, 11 (1): 29). Pence, Barbara, Eric Belasco and Conrad Lyford. Prevention of Colorectal Cancer by Aspirin and/or Calcium: Efficacy, Mechanisms, and Cost Effectiveness, Current Colorectal Cancer Reports (5; January 2012): 1-6. Philips, Billy, Gordon Gong, Kristopher Hargrave, Eric Belasco and Conrad Lyford. Correlation of the ratio of metastatic to nonmetastatic cancer cases with the degree of socioeconomic deprivation among Texas counties. International Journal of Health Geographics, 2011, 10:12. Selected Presentations and Posters: Lyford, Conrad. Using a Living Marketing Problem to Teach Marketing Research Methods, 2012 WERA-72 Western Education\Extension and Research Activities Committee on Agribusiness Annual Meeting, June 24-26, 2012, Lafayette, Indiana. Lyford, Conrad, Jaime Malaga and Benaissa Chidmi. Evaluating the Sub-Saharan Sorghum Market for US Exports, 2012 WERA-72 Western Education\Extension and Research Activities Committee on Agribusiness Annual Meeting, June 24-26, 2012, Lafayette, Indiana. Lyford, Conrad, Janani Thapa, Eric Hequet and Jeff Johnson.Comparing the Economics of Stripper and Picker Harvesting in West Texas, 2012 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, January 3-6, 2012, Orlando, Florida. Lyford, Conrad P, Eric Belasco, Barent McCool, Audrey McCool, Tyra Carter and Barbara Pence. Health Attitudes, Knowledge and Behavior in Rural Communities, Track paper, 2012 American Agricultural Economics Association meeting, August 12-14, 2012, Seattle, Washington. McCool, B, McCool, A, Hensarling, N, Lyford, C, Pence, B, Belasco E, & Carter, T. Interventions to Reduce Cancer Risk in Rural West Texas Communities. Texas Dietetic Association Food & Nutrition Conference & Exhibition, San Antonio, TX April 12 - 14, 2012. McCool B, Pence B, Lyford C, Hensarling N, McCool A, Carter T. Working with the local supermarket to bring cancer prevention information and encouragement to rural communities. Texas Public Health Association annual conference, Arlington TX, March 21-23, 2012. Gordon Gong, Kristopher Hargrave, Eric Belasco and Conrad Lyford, Billy Philips. Identification of Hot Spots of Delayed Cancer Diagnosis by Wellbeing Index in Texas. Poster presented at the 2011 Innovations in Cancer Prevention and Research Conference, Austin, TX, November 14-18, 2011. Conrad Lyford, Barent McCool, Audrey McCool, Eric Belasco, Barbara Pence and Tyra Carter. Working with the Local Supermarket to Bring Cancer Prevention Information and Encouragement to Local Communities. Poster presented at the 2011 Innovations in Cancer Prevention and Research Conference, Austin, TX, November 14-18, 2011. Non-refereed Publications: Lyford, Conrad, Jaime Malaga, Benaissa Chidmi, Pablo Mejia-Martinez and Tim Snyder. Expanding US Sorghum Exports to Sub-Saharan Africa: A Key Fast Growing Market, United States Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, June 2012. Murova, Olga and Conrad Lyford. Program Assessment for Hometown Stars and Bootstrap Bucks, 2010-2011. Texas Department of Agriculture, November 2011. Grants and Awards: Texas Tech Transdisciplinary Research Academy, Texas Tech University. June 2012 to August 2012. ($5,400, my share $5,400) University of Kentucky Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Ward, Ruby, Allen Wysocki, and Timothy Woods, Agribusiness Extension: The Past, Present, and Future?, International Food and Agribusiness Review; 14(5):125-140, 2011, also available on-line Woods, Timothy, Jack Schieffer, and Sayed Saghaian, Winery Integration Strategies in the Mid-South and Mid-Atlantic States, forthcoming in Journal of Agribusiness Marvin T. Batte, Wuyang Hu, Tim Woods, and Stan Ernst, Assessing the Contribution of Local Production, Organic Certification, Nutritional Claims, and Product Branding on Consumer Food Choices: A Conjoint Experiment European Review of Agricultural Economics, doi: 10.1093/erae/jbr039, 2011. Hu, W., T. A. Woods, S. Bastin and L. J. Cox, Analyzing the Demand for New Value-Added Product: Case of Pure Blueberry Sweetener Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing. 23(1): 56-72, 2011. Hu, Wuyang, Timothy Woods, Sandra Bastin, Linda Cox, and Wen You, Assessing Consumer Willingness to Pay for Value-Added Blueberry Products Using a Payment Card Survey, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 43(2):243-258, 2011. Other Refereed and Numbered Publications Woods, Timothy, Matt Ernst, and Kevin Heidemann, 2012 Kentucky Produce Planting and Marketing Intentions Grower Survey and Outlook, AEC Extension Publication 2012-15,, University of Kentucky, July 2012. Woods, Timothy and Matt Ernst, 2011 Regional Winegrape Marketing and Price Outlook, Crop Diversification & Biofuels Research & Education Center Report, University of Kentucky,, May 2012. Woods, Timothy, Ani Katchova, and Matt Ernst, 2011 Retail Food Cooperative Member Survey: Focus on Local Foods, AEC Extension Publication 2012-05, April 2012. Holland, Rob, Matt Ernst and Tim Woods, Consideration for the Tennessee Produce Industry, Center for Profitable Ag publication, University of Tennessee, p.36., March, 2012. Coolong, Timothy, Kenneth Seebold, Ric Bessin, Timothy Woods, and Sarah Fannin, Sweetpotato Production for Kentucky, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture ID-195, February, 2012. Woods, Timothy, 2011 Nursery Products Buyer Survey, AEC Extension Publication 2012-01, December 2011. Selected Presentations and Posters: Woods, Timothy and Shang-Ho Yang, Assessing Consumer Willingness to Pay for Ground Bison Given Nutrition Information, Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 4-7, 2012. Woods, Timothy and Shang-Ho Yang, Farm Market Patron Behavioral Response to Sampling, Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 4-7, 2012. Vassalos, Michael, Carl Dillon, Jack Schieffier, Wuyang Hu and Timothy Woods, Fresh Vegetable Growers Risk Perception, Risk Preference and Choice of Marketing Contracts: A Choice Experiment, Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 4-7, 2012. Woods, Timothy and Bruce Yang, Picking up Pawpaws  An Evaluation of Consumer Willingness to Sample Unusual Regional Products, presented paper also contributed to meeting proceedings, Food Distribution Research Society, San Juan , Puerto Rico, October, 2012. Woods, Timothy and Miranda Hileman, Farms to Food Banks: 2012 Impact on Consumers, poster presentation at Food Banks Fighting Hunger Conference, Frankfort, KY, September 2012. Katchova, Ani, and Timothy Woods, Marketing Local Foods by Food Cooperatives, poster presentation, International Association of Agricultural Economics, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, August 2012. Vassalos, Michael, Wuyang Hu, Timothy Woods, Jack Schieffer, and Carl Dillon, Marketing Contracts for Fresh Tomato Production: A Choice Based Experiment, Poster at the American Applied Economics Association annual meetings, Seattle, WA, August, 2012. Williamson, Sara and Timothy Woods, Local Foods Consumers: A Look Under the Hood, paper presented at the WERA-72 Regional Research in Agribusiness meetings, West Lafayette, IN , June, 2012. Williamson, Sara, Stan Ernst, Timothy Woods, and Wuyang Hu, Characteristics of Local Foods Consumers: a Fresh Look, Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 4-7, 2012. Woods, Timothy, Marketing Specialty Crops, Third International Pawpaw Conference, Frankfort, KY, September, 2011. Woods, Timothy A., Food Safety  Curriculum and Outreach, Contribution to the symposium - The Role of Agricultural Economics in Food Safety Standard Development, Education, and Evaluation, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Pittsburgh, PA, July, 2011. Williamson, Sara, Tim Woods, and Ani Katchova, Perspectives on Local Foods: A Survey of General Managers and the Patrons They Serve, Presented at the annual meeting of the Consumer Cooperative Marketing Association Conference, San Diego, CA, June 2011. Lindsey Mayes, Tammy Stephenson, Laura Stephenson, Tim Woods, Sara Williamson, Nutrition knowledge and dietary habits of Farmers Market patrons: implications for promoting consumption of locally grown fruits and vegetables, Poster at the 2011 American Dietetic Association Annual Meeting (FNCE) in San Diego September 2011 Guzhen Zhou, Wuyang Hu, Marvin Batte, Timothy Woods and Stanley Ernst, Household Grocery Shopping Destination Allocations: Have Local Stores Caught on with the Rise of Local Foods? Poster at the 2011 AAEA Meetings in Pittsburgh, PA, July 2011 Katchova, A.L. and T.A. Woods. The Effectiveness of Local Food Marketing Strategies of Food Cooperatives Selected paper, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA 24-26 July 2011. Woods, Timothy and Ani Katchova, Local Sourcing Strategies for Food Consumer Cooperatives, USDA Rural Development Cooperatives Webinar Series, July, 2011. Jordan Shockley, Carl Dillon, and Tim Woods, Estimating the Economic Viability of a New Crop Alternative for the U.S. Organic Market: Edamame  A Vegetable Soybean, Poster at the 2011 AAEA Meetings in Pittsburgh, PA, July 2011 Katchova, A.L., and T.A. Woods. The Role of Food Cooperatives in Local Food Networks Selected symposium paper, International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Forum and Symposium, Frankfurt, Germany, 20-21 June, 2011. Woods, T.A. and A.L. Katchova. Local Food Procurement and Promotion Strategies of Food Cooperatives Selected paper, Southern Agricultural Economics Association Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX, 5-8 February, 2011. University of Missouri Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Chaddad, F.R. and Mondelli, M.P. Sources of Firm Performance Differences in the U.S. Food Economy, Journal of Agricultural Economics 64(2), forthcoming June 2013. Chaddad, F.R. (2012). Advancing the Theory of the Cooperative Organization: The Cooperative as a True Hybrid, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 83(4): 445-461. Chaddad, F.R. and Chaddad, Fernando (2012). Coming Full Circle: Prudential Insurance Company, in A Co-operative Dilemma: Converting Organizational Form, Jorge Sousa and Roger Herman (eds.), University of Saskatchewan Press, pp. 73-93. Chaddad, F.R. and Cook, M.L. (2012). Legal Frameworks and Property Rights in U.S. Agricultural Cooperatives: The Hybridization of Cooperative Structures, The Cooperative Business Movement: 1950 to Present, Patrizia Battilani and Harm Schroeter (eds.), Cambridge University Press, chapter 7, pp. 175-194, 2012. Costa, D.M., Chaddad, F.R. and Azevedo, P.F. (2012). Separação entre Propriedade e Decisão de Gestão nas Cooperativas Agropecuárias Brasileiras [Separation of Ownership and Decision Management in Brazilian Farmer-Owned Cooperatives], Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural 50(2): 285-300. Costa, D.M., Azevedo, P.F. and Chaddad, F.R. (2012). Determinantes da Separação entre Propriedade e Gestão nas Cooperativas Agropecuárias Brasileiras [Determinants of the Separation of Ownership and Decision Management in Brazilian Farmer-Owned Cooperatives], Revista de Administração da Universidade de São Paulo (RAUSP), 47(4), forthcoming 2012. Lazzarini, S.L., Brito, L. and Chaddad, F.R. (2012). Conduits of Innovation or Imitation? Assessing the Effect of Alliances on the Persistence of Profits in U.S. Firms, Brazilian Administration Review 9, forthcoming 2012. Moura, P.T. and Chaddad, F.R. (2012). Collective Action and the Governance of Multistakeholder Initiatives: A Case Study of Bonsucro, Journal on Chain and Network Science 12(1): 13-24. University of Saskatchewan Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Micheels, E.T. and H.R. Gow, 2012. The Effect of Alternative Market Orientation Strategies on Firm Performance: Customer versus Competitor Orientation. International Journal of Marketing Studies 4 (3): 2-15. Selected Presentations and Posters: Micheels, E.T. and M. Blumthal, 2012. Using Industry Interactions to Enhance Experiential Learning in Undergraduate Agribusiness Curricula. Selected Paper presented at the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Forum and Symposium, Shanghai, China. Ross, R.B., N.D. Paulson, and E.T. Micheels, 2012. The Performance Implications of an Entrepreneurial Orientation within Commercial Grain Operations in Illinois. Selected Paper presented at the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Forum and Symposium, Shanghai, China.
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