SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: S1046 : Improved management of plant-parasitic nematodes through modern diagnostic tools and increased use of host resistance
- Period Covered: 10/01/2010 to 10/01/2011
- Date of Report: 02/23/2012
- Annual Meeting Dates: 01/07/2012 to 01/07/2012
P. Agudelo (SC) S. Chen (MN) R. Davis (GA) D. Dickson (FL) K. Lawrence (AL) G. Lawrence (MS) E. McGawley (LA) C. Overstreet (LA) R. Robbins (AR) J. Starr (TX) R. Lacewell (Administrative Advisor, TX). Visiting Students: Claudia Holguin (SC), Addison Plaisance (LA), Deborah Xavier (LA)
The S-1046 meeting was convened at 9:00 AM in the Orlando World Center Marriott in Orlando, FL on January 7, 2011. Scientists in attendance (and their state designation) were: P. Agudelo (SC), S. Chen (MN) R. Davis (GA), D. Dickson (FL), K. Lawrence (AL), G. Lawrence (MS), E. McGawley (LA), C. Overstreet (LA), R. Robbins (AR) and J. Starr (TX). R. Lacewell (Administrative Advisor, TX).
S. Stetina (MS) absent but report provided.
Students present and their study directors:
Claudia Holguin (SC P. Agudelo)
Addison Plaisance (LA E. McGawley)
Deborah Xavier (_LA C. Overstreet)
Each member was asked to introduce themselves for all members and tell their affiliations with their respective universities or USDA-ARS employment. Afterward budget and departmental updates were discussed amongst the members present.
The minutes from the 2010 meeting were accepted and approved. Starr (TX) provided the motion to accept the minutes and received a second by K. Lawrence (AL). Ron Lacewell (Administrative Advisor, TX) provided the committee information on our project status and made comments from his standpoint as the administrative advisor to the group. Dr. Lacewell congratulated the members related to getting enthusiasm back into the team. The research members are actively working together to solve issues for agriculture including the horticulture industry.
It was emphasized to include new members and check with previous members that have not attended to determine if they were going to continue with the project. Several scientists were mentioned to contact for future attendance. Funding and budget concerns were discussed.
Members present then provided oral state reports.
At the business meeting it was stressed to provide bullet points and accomplishments to the secretary (G. Lawrence, MS) as soon as possible in order to get the final report complete and approved. It was proposed by K. Lawrence (AL) that we meet with members of the W-2186 Multi-State group in 2011. After a brief discussion, Starr (TX) provide the motion to accept this meeting and was seconded by McGawley (LA). The motion passed and K. Lawrence (AL) chair of W-2186 and G. Lawrence (MS) chair of S-1046 will work out the details to have a combined meeting in 2012. Meeting locations were discussed and possible meeting dates. It was proposed to meet in November similar to meeting dates that were held previously. Dickson (FL) will check for the meeting date of the Methyl Bromide conference so there would be no conflicts.
In other discussions G. Lawrence (MS) will serve as chair the 2012 annual meeting and P. Agudelo (SC) will serve as secretary.
The group then planned to meet at 6:00 for a group dinner
The 2011 annual meeting of the S-1046 Multistate Research Project was adjourned at 4:05 pm.
Objective 1: Integrate resistant cultivars with other nematode management tactics to reduce selection pressure on nematode populations and communities.
Soybean: (AR) One hundred forty seven soybean varieties new to the Arkansas Soybean Variety Testing program and 134 breeding lines and varieties from Southern Public Soybean Breeders for examined for resistance to the reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) in soybean (68 from Arkansas; 21 from Clemson; 16 from Missouri; 4 from USDA, Jackson, TN; 1 from Virginia Tech and 24 from Southern Illinois - Carbondale). Progeny 5191, Delta Grow DG5252R3Y, JTN-5203 were similar to the resistant checks Forrest, Anand and Hartwig. These may be useful in a cotton-soybean rotation to reduce numbers of reniform nematode and allow cotton to be grown economically.
In 2003 on the effects of rotation of soybeans with 3 different soybean resistance sources (mode of resistance) to the soybean cyst nematode at the Pine Tree Experiment Station, St. Francis county. The ninth year of the rotation is completed. When rotations are compared the nematode numbers are least when Anand is the variety planted. A study rotating 3 Roundup Ready varieties with different resistance reactions has completed its sixth year at Pine Tree. A bio-control agent has become prevalent in this test and has been converted to a biocontrol of soybean cyst nematode study.
(LA) Comparative reproduction and pathogenicity of isolates of Rotylenchulus reniformis from Alabama, Arkansas, Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas on soybean was evaluated in microplot trials. Prior to initiation of microplot trials, ten populations of each geographic isolate were derived. Reproduction of the single egg-mass (SEM) populations of each geographic isolate were evaluated in greenhouse studies with Deltapine 4331 soybean by assessing the numbers of vermiform stages in soil and eggs per gram of root tissue 60 days after inoculation. On the basis of these trials, each repeated once, one SEM population of each of the six isolates was selected for use in microplot trials. Averaged over the two trials, SEM populations selected for use in microplot trials and their respective reproduction values (R, where R = Pf/Pi) and numbers of eggs per gram of root were: AL-7 (R = 3.5, eggs = 1,082); AR-4 (R = 26.7, eggs = 2,186); HI-1 (R = 30.2, eggs = 1,624); LA-3 (R = 30.2, eggs = 1,656); MS-2 (R = 43.9, eggs = 5,215) and TX-5 (R = 55.4, eggs = 4,329). Data from full-season (126 day) microplot trials, averaged over 2 years, showed significant differences (Tukeys HSD test (P d 0.05%)) among isolates of reniform nematode in both reproduction and pathogenicity.
(MN) A long-term field plot studies in Minnesota demonstrated that that SCN populations selected by cultivar with PI 88788 source of resistance can only overcome the resistance of PI 88788 not the Peking and PI 437654; Peking-selected SCN populations can overcome the resistance in Peking, not PI 88788 and PI 437654; and PI 437654 can select SCN populations to overcome both sources of resistance PI 88788 and Peking.
(MS) Statina Identification of reniform nematode resistance in advanced breeding lines and accessions from the soybean (Glycine max) germplasm collection continued. Lines not previously reported as being resistant that were identified as moderately resistant or resistant in our initial screenings were advanced to longer trials in which reniform nematode reproduction is measured. The final run of this experiment to confirm the phenotype and provide additional insight into the level of resistance in each line is in progress. A full report on this work is tentatively scheduled for presentation at the Southern Soybean Disease Workers annual meeting in March 2012. One parent of an existing population of 273 recombinant inbred lines was demonstrated to have a moderate level of resistance to reniform nematode in initial screenings, so an extensive phenotypic evaluation of the population is underway to identify markers associated with resistance.
Cotton: (AL) A trial to reduce the risk of damage to cotton by Rotylenchulus reniformis was conducted in a 26 ha field in south Alabama in 2009 - 2011. The field was delineated into three management zones using soil electrical conductivity (EC) and elevation, the nematicides 1, 3-dichloropropene, aldicarb, oxamyl and abamectin were applied alone and in various combinations within each zone with an untreated control. Population densities of R. reniformis prior to nematicide treatment were 535, 1096 and 71 vermiform life stages/150cm3 of soil for zones 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Zones 1, 2 and 3 averaged increasing volumetric water content (P < 0.1) of 0.138, 0.150 and 0.184/cm3, throughout the season. Evaluation of the interaction of R. reniformis population and soil moisture on cotton yields indicate that the driest zone, Zone 1, was at the highest risk of yield loss and benefitted with yield gains (P< 0.1) from higher rates of nematicides. Although Zone 1 supported only half the initial R. reniformis population compared with Zone 2, the combination of soil moisture and nematode stress in Zone 1 resulted in a larger yield increase over the untreated control. Zone 2 with the highest initial nematode populations and adequate soils moisture did not benefit from the nematicide with a yield increase as neither did Zone 3 with low nematode numbers and good soil moisture. The factor of water availability throughout the growing season should be considered in risk assessment when creating site-specific management zones for Rotylenchulus reniformis.
Cotton cultivars occupying the largest acreage of Alabama were examined for susceptibility to Fusarium wilt (FW); subsequently fungal isolates were collected to confirm Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum (FOV) presence. Symptoms of FW were initially observed in mid-June and increased in severity through July and August. FW incidence culminated with 16% of the Rowden and < 1% of the resistant control M-315 plants dying, respectively. FOV was isolated on APDA from hypocotyls regions of all cotton cultivars except PHY367WRF, ST5458B2RF, and M-315. The numbers of root-knot nematodes increase in all the cotton varieties. The standard susceptible cotton, Rowden, averaged 2149 root-knot eggs per gram of root while the M-315 resistant cotton supported only 88 eggs per gram of root. All cotton cultivars supported higher populations of root-knot (P > 0.001) as compared to M-315 except PHY 367 WRF. This PHY 367 WRF was also the only cultivar less susceptible to the nematode as compared to the Rowden susceptible control. Seed cotton yield varied from a low of 1151 lb/A in the susceptible Rowden to a high of 4467 lb/A in the PHY 367 WRF plots. The PHY 367 WRF, PHY 565 WRF, ST 4288 B2RF, and ST 5458 B2RF cultivars all produced more cotton (P > 0.05) as compared to Rowden. All of the cotton cultivars produced yields similar to the resistant cotton M-315 except Deltapine DP 0949 B2RF. Genetic analysis of each FOV isolate, by cotton variety, was characterized by partial sequences of the translational elongation factor (EF-1±) gene, indicating very diverse clades of genotypes within this Alabama field. Combined analysis conducted in AL and in CA (Rebecca Bennett) identified genotype races 1, 4, 8, and several undefined genotypes to be present. Results of this field test indicate resistance to FW does exist in our commercial cotton cultivars, and FOV in Alabama appears to be extremely diverse genetically. Further greenhouse tests to confirm isolate pathogenicity found none of the races produced root necrosis without the nematode present.
(GA) Timper Davis Nematodes are among the leading cause of yield loss in cotton in the US. In greenhouse studies in Georgia, infection of cotton by the cotton root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) or the reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) induced a plant defense response known as systemic acquired resistance (SAR). Increased levels of P-peroxidase, G-peroxidase, and catalase are associated with the induction of SAR, and the levels of these enzymes were significantly increased compared to untreated plants. Application of a chemical analog of salicylic acid known to induce SAR in some plants caused the greatest increases. SAR induced by R. reniformis reduced the root galling caused by subsequent infection with M. incognita by 33 to 36% and reproduction of M. incognita by 35 to 45%. SAR induced by M. incognita infection reduced reproduction of R. reniformis by 18 to 26%.
Winter cover crops increase organic matter in soil. Some fungal pathogens of nematodes may be able to utilize this organic matter as an alternative food source. We hypothesized that NemOut (Paecilomyces lilacinus) would provide greater control of Meloidogyne incognita in cotton when a winter cover crop has been grown compared to winter fallow. In a greenhouse experiment, we showed that growing a rye cover crop and leaving the residue on the soil surface resulted in greater percentage suppression of the nematode by P. lilacinus in the succeeding cotton crop than leaving the soil fallow (62% with rye vs 36% with fallow).
(MS) Stetina Efforts to incorporate useful levels of resistance to reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) into upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) continued. Moderate levels of resistance from less-adapted day-neutral Texas race stock lines were tested in replicated trials in 2011; three lines were selected for advanced testing in 2012. In this project, we also are working to transfer high levels of reniform nematode resistance from five unique relatives of upland cotton (G. aridum, G. arboreum, G. longicalyx, G. barbadense, and G. herbaceum), and marker assisted selection is being used as appropriate to facilitate this effort. Molecular marker analysis indicated that we have BC4F3 plants with resistance from G. aridum, G. arboreum, or both sources combined. Continued testing and selection for desirable agronomic traits is anticipated for 2012, with possible germplasm release(s) from this population in 2013. Collaborative work with cotton breeders at Mississippi State University resulted in F4 and F5 progeny with confirmed resistance from G. longicalyx (Lonren 1 and Lonren 2 sources of resistance) that show acceptable to excellent yield potential and fiber quality, including some that combine reniform nematode resistance with the nectariless trait. The Lonren 1 and Lonren 2 sources used as the resistance donors were found to be no more sensitive to the herbicide fluometuron than commercial G. hirsutum cultivars. Seed increases of advanced generation materials with moderate resistance from G. hirsutum or resistance from G. barbadense were completed in 2011 in anticipation of replicated plot tests in 2012. Resistance from G. barbadense accession GB 713 transferred to a G. hirsutum background by Dr. Forest Robinson (retired USDA, ARS, College Station, TX) has been crossed to materials adapted for Mississippi and the midsouthern U.S., including several nectariless lines, with several populations currently at the F4 and F5 generations. Approximately 1,500 accessions of G. arboreum and 90 accessions of G. herbaceum were planted in the field in 2011, and single plants were agronomically characterized and self pollinated to represent each accession in subsequent resistance screening and associated germplasm development research. We considered this a necessary first step in identifying novel sources of resistance for future germplasm development, as many of the accessions showed considerable segregation for agronomic traits such as leaf shape, plant height, and flowering.
(MS) Lawrence A four year rotation system was developed and planted in 2009 using corn, cotton, soybean and peanut as alternate and non-hosts. All crops were grown to maturity and yields collected. Yields for some of the rotation crops were low in 2009 due to delays in harvest from inclement weather. In 2010 crops yields were good. In the plots that were planted with the same crop in consecutive years, yields were lower. The data analysis of harvest for year four 2011produced similar results.
(MS) Lawrence Nematode Detection Service - A web service is currently being developed in which the end user can upload ground or sub-orbital hyperspectral reflectances of their fields and see the results of the prediction models in an easy to use interface which is graphically appealing. The inclusion of a web service to this project increases the commerciality of this project
Vegetables: (FL) Tomato cultivars with the Mi-1 gene are under investigation as an alternative to using fumigant nematicides. Evaluations of Amelia, Crista, and Red Bounty included fumigated and nonfumigated treatments and in both spring and autumn trials compared with a root-knot nematode susceptible tomato cultivar.
Objective 2: Identify and incorporate new sources of resistance into elite germplams lines and cultivars.
Soybean: (AR) In collaborating with Drs. Grover Shannon (Soybean Breeder) and Tri D. Vuong (Soybean Biotechnologist) on developing reniform molecular markers for reniform nematode resistance in soybean, 190 lines in 2010 (5 reps each). Also proprietary contract studies with Phytogen Seed Company looking for reniform resistance in cotton are in progress.
(MN) Soybean germplasms with resistance different from the common sources of resistance PI 88788 and Peking were identified, and a few lines were used in breeding SCN-resistant cultivars. Four SCN-resistance QTLs in the soybean line PI 567516C were determined, including two significant QTLs and two suggestive QTLs in PI 567516C. The two significant QTLs were detected on chromosome 10 and chromosome 19, and the SNP markers associated with the two QTLs may be useful in marker-assisted selection.
(MS) Lawrence Soybean Cyst Nematode Race 15 or now 2? Soybean varieties submitted for inclusion in the Mississippi variety evaluation trials are examined in the greenhouse for possible resistance to the root-knot, reniform and soybean cyst nematodes. Testing for 2011 has started with the soybean cyst nematode host race 15. One hundred soybean varieties have currently been examined and sixty additional varieties have been inoculated are in progress in the greenhouse. All varieties have been susceptible to this Mississippi SCN population.
Corn: (MS) Lawrence Eighty-two corn hybrids were examined in the greenhouse for root-knot nematode resistance. All hybrids were susceptible with a reproductive factor ranging from Rf 10.4 149.9.
Cotton: (AL) In 2011, we tested F2:4 lines from the cross LONREN-1 × Fibermax 966 in two adjacent cotton fields of the same soil type, one was infested with reniform nematode and one was not infested. Twenty resistant lines and 20 susceptible lines were tested, with the objective of determining the effect of the LONREN resistance gene on yield, agronomic traits, and fiber quality in a nematode-infested and nematode-free environment. Cotton lines with the LONREN resistance gene were severely stunted and yielded less than their susceptible counterparts in the nematode-infested field. Nematode populations were reduced in plots where lines carrying the LONREN resistance gene were planted. There were no yield differences in the nematode-free field. Fiber quality was largely unaffected by the LONREN resistance gene, except that lines carrying the gene tended to have greater fiber strength.
(MS) Stetina Members of this regional project agreed to initiate a coordinated testing effort to identify host plant resistance to reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) and soybean (Glycine max). The first step in this process is to select genetically unique populations of reniform nematode for coordinated testing. During 2011, members of this project team and cooperators in Hawaii sent 10 individual adult female reniform nematodes from their respective research collections to Dr. Stetinas lab in Stoneville, MS. Research collections from Mississippi (S. Stetina and G. Lawrence), Alabama (K. Lawrence), Georgia (R. Davis), South Carolina (P. Agudelo), and Hawaii (B. Sipes) are represented. DNA extraction and amplification from most of these samples is complete, with the last set of materials to be processed by the end of January 2012. During spring 2012, molecular markers developed in a previous study will be applied to the samples to assess the genetic diversity among these research collections. By summer of 2012, we should be able to select diverse populations for use in screening cotton and soybean germplasm for reaction to reniform nematode. Coordinated testing of advanced germplasm could begin as soon as fall 2012.
(TX) Have collaborated with USDA researchers in the development of BARBREN-713, an upland cotton genotype with resistance to root-knot and reniform nematodes. This material will be officially released in 2012.
Have advance three breeding lines with unique sources of reistance to root-knot nematodes to the BC2F2 generation
Objective 3: Facilitate and improve identification of nematode species and races.
(AR) With Marco Cordero, we are investigating the morphological and molecular taxonomy of the Criconemoidea, a widespread and often damaging nematode group of over a dozen genera. Included will be photographic records of all species studied and descriptions of several new species we have identified as there are several species we are in the process of describing that are new to science. The first of 5 chapters has been submitted for publication and 2 more chapters are almost ready for submission. During 2011 a species of Cyst nematode, Heterodera urticae previously found only in Europe was found and reported.
(MS) G. Lawrence/ Klink/K. Lawrence Molecular diagnostic tests have been developed and utilized to diagnose and to confirm Rotylenchulus sp. in Mississippi soils. DNA primers and probes were developed for a TaqMan probe quantitative PCR (qPCR)-based assay. The qPCR procedure could accurately detect the presence of Rotylenchulus sp. with a strong correlation (R² = 0.9924) between the morphologically (visually) observed number of number of soil extracted R. reniformis and the qPCR estimated number of nematodes from metagenomic DNA isolated from the same soil sample.
(SC) Research includes studying the distribution and population density of Hoplolaimus species in soybean and cotton fields in South Carolina. Our objective is also to identify ecological and management factors potentially correlated to the presence of specific species of lance nematodes, and to develop molecular diagnostic methods to identify the main species of lance
(TX) Have adopted the PCR-based protocol of Adam et al. (2006) for the identification of M. marylandi.
- Soybean-cotton rotations will continue to be the most economical means of nematode control until resistance is found in cotton.
- Rotations have an environmental advantage over chemical nematicides by having no long lasting effect on the field or crop and is environmentally safe to use.
- We identified cotton varieties resistance to Meloidogyne incognita are available to our growers. Resistant varieties also a less susceptible to Fusarium wilt.
- Precision nematicide application can enhance cotton yield when the field is infested with Rotylenchulus reniformis.
- Moisture stress potential is as important as initial nematode populations when selecting and applying nematicides.
- There is a lack of consistence in fruit yield of the resistant cultivars when grown in nonfumigated soil even though galling indicies were consistent very low.
- The low percentage galling of resistant tomato cultivars vs. susceptible cultivars indicates that the root-knot nematode resistant Mi-1 gene in tomato was not broken by soil temperature under polyethylene films.
- Root- systemic acquired resistance (SAR) against nematodes in cotton could be induced by applying a chemical analog of salicylic acid. SAR may contribute significantly to reducing the damage in cotton caused by nematodes.
- Research at LSU during this period was the first in the U.S. to document variation in reproduction and pathogenicity among geographic isolates of the reniform nematode, Rotylenchulus reniformis on soybean.
- In 2010, research from the LSU AgCenter was also the first to document similar reproductive and pathogenic variation in reniform populations on cotton.
- The host response of the crops used in our studies for resistance or susceptibility to plant-parasitic nematodes demonstrates the importance of continual variety examinations. There is a lack of resistance to the root-knot nematodes in corn hybrids currently available. With soybean there are indications that the introduction or shift of a SCN race will upset the resistance available to this specific race. We recovered a population of SCN identified as SCN race 15. In earlier studies after screening over 300 varieties found none to be resistant to this population. In examining recently developed varieties, resistance appears to be lacking.
- Rotations with non-host crops will continue to be a major role in nematode management even with resistant varieties.
- Nematode Detection Service - a web based service for nematode detection will allow the end-user to upload from ground data and see their results graphically.
- A molecular diagnostic technique for the reniform nematode will increase the accuracy of detecting the presence and quantification of this pest in the soil.
- Soil samples are processed from South Carolina planted with soybean, cotton, and turf. We have identified Hoplolaimus galeatus and H. stephanus associated with turf and H. columbus associated with soybean and cotton. We have validated molecular methods for their identification.
- In South Carolina, the Columbia Lance Nematode is found in 21% of soybean samples (124/600) and 59% of cotton samples (237/400), with densities ranging from 10 to 330 nematodes per 100 cc of soil.
- In North Carolina, lance nematodes are found in only 10% of soybean fields, specifically in samples from Robeson, Scotland, Bertie, Camden, Pasquotank, Tyrell, Washington and Beaufort counties. The densities ranged from 10 to 70 nematodes per 100 cc of soil. Interestingly, none of these were identified as Columbia Lance Nematode. All of the species found were H.galeatus-like.
- Additional samples from other southeastern states are included and have found Hoplolaimus magnistylus in Arkansas and Tennessee.
- Collaborated with USDA researchers in the development of BARBREN-713, an upland cotton genotype with resistance to root-knot and reniform nematodes will be officially released in 2012.
- dvance three breeding lines with unique sources of resistance to root-knot nematodes to the BC2F2 generation
Book Chapters:
Lawrence, K. S. and G. W. Lawrence. 2011. Chapter 14: Pest Management: Nematodes.In Conservation Tillage Systems: Production, Profitability and Stewardship. eds Bergtold, J. , Raper, R. , Hawkins, G., and Iversen, K. CRC Press LLC. (in review).
Journal Articles:
Moore, S. R., K. S. Lawrence, F. J. Arriaga, E. van Santen, C. H. Burmester. 2011. Influence of water infiltration and root growth on the downward dispersion of Rotylenchulus reniformis. Nematropica 42:1 73-79.
Sikkens, R. B., D. B. Weaver, K. S. Lawrence, S. R. Moore, and E. van Santen. 2011. LONREN upland cotton germplasm response to Rotylenchulus reniformis inoculation level. Nematropica 41:66-72.
Castillo, J. D., and Lawrence, K. S. 2011. First report of Catenaria auxiliaris parasitizing the reniform nematode Rotylenchulus reniformis on cotton in Alabama. Plant Disease 95(4):490 (
Moore, S. R., K. S. Lawrence, F. J. Arriaga, C. H. Burmester, E. van Santen. 2010. Natural movement of Rotylenchulus reniformis upon introduction into a no-till cotton system. Journal of Nematology 42:4 307-312.
Castillo, J. D., K. S. Lawrence, J. W. Kloepper, and E. V. Santen. 2010. Evaluation of Drechslerella dactyloides, Drechslerella brochopaga, and Paecilomyces lilacinus for biocontrol of Rotylenchulus reniformis. Nematripica 40:71-85.
Castillo, J. D., K. S. Lawrence, G. Morgan-Jones, C. A. Ramirez. 2010. Identification of fungi associated with Rotylenchulus reniformis. Journal of Nematology 42:313-318.
Peer reviewed:
Moore, S. R., K. S. Lawrence, S. Nightengale. 2011. Evaluation of cotton seed treatments for the control of root-knot nematode and Fusarium wilt on cotton, 2010.Report No. 5:N011 DOI: 10.1094/PDMR05. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Moore, S. R., K. S. Lawrence, B. E. Norris. 2011. Evaluation of experimental nematicides for the control of reniform nematodes on cotton in north Alabama, 2010. Report No. 5:N010 DOI: 10.1094/PDMR05. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Moore, S. R., K. S. Lawrence, J. R. Akridge. 2011. Evaluation of experimental nematicides for the control of reniform nematodes on cotton in south Alabama, 2010. Report No. 5:N009 DOI: 10.1094/PDMR05. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Moore, S. R., K. S. Lawrence, B. E. Norris. 2011. Evaluation of experimental nematicides for the control of reniform nematode on soybean in north Alabama, 2010.Report No. 5:N008 DOI: 10.1094/PDMR05. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Moore, S. R., K. S. Lawrence, B. E. Norris. 2011. Evaluation of seed treatment fungicides for the control of seedling disease on cotton in north Alabama, 2010. Report No. 5:ST020 DOI: 10.1094/PDMR05. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Lawrence, K. S., S. R. Moore, W. S. Gazaway, G. W. Lawrence, J. R. Akridge. 2011. Evaluation of cotton varieties with TeloneII for reniform management in cotton in south Alabama, 2010.Report No. 5:N006 DOI: 10.1094/PDMR05. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Lawrence, K. S., S. R. Moore, G. W. Lawrence, C. H. Burmester, C. Norris. 2011. Evaluation of seed treatments and seed quality in cotton seedling disease management in Alabama, 2010. Report No. 5:ST022 DOI: 10.1094/PDMR05. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Lawrence, K. S., S. R. Moore, G. W. Lawrence, C. H. Burmester, C. Norris. 2011. Evaluation of experimental seed treatments in cotton seedling disease management in Alabama, 2010.Report No. 5:ST021 DOI: 10.1094/PDMR05. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Scott,Tamara Z., K. S. Lawrence, K. Glass. 2010. Cotton resistance to Root-knot and Fusarium wilt in Alabama, 2010. Report No. 4:ST014 DOI: 10.1094/PDMR04. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN
Lawrence, K. S., G. W. Lawrence, V. Klink, and S. Moore. 2011. Host status of soybean differential genotypes to Rotylenchulus reniformis and Meloidogyne incognita race 3. Phytopathology 101:S99.
Moore, S. R., K. S. Lawrence, B. Ortiz, J. Shaw, J. Fulton. 2011. Evaluation of the effects of soil moisture on the damage potential of Rotylenchulus reniformis on cotton. Phytopathology 101:S123
Schrimsher, D. W., K. S. Lawrence, J. Castillo, S. R. Moore, J. W. Kloepper. 2011. Effects of Bacillus firmus GB-126 on the soybean cyst nematode mobility in vitro. Phytopathology 101:S161.
Castillo, J. D., Lawrence, K. S.,and J. W. Kloepper. 2011. Evaluation of Bacillus firmus seed treatment for the biocontrol of reniform nematode Rotylenchulus reniformis on cotton plants. Phytopathology 101:S29.
Moore, S. R., K. S. Lawrence. 2011. Effects of soil type on the reproductive potential of Rotylenchulus reniformis on cotton. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conference, Vol. 1, 235 - 240.National Cotton Council of America, Memphis,
Sikkens, R. B., S. R. Moore, K. S. Lawrence, T. Wu, D. B. Weaver. 2011. LONREN germplasm response to nematode inoculation level. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conference, Vol. 1, 728 - 736.National Cotton Council of America, Memphis,
Weaver, D. B., R. B. Sikkens, S. R. Moore, K. S. Lawrence, R. Sharpe. 2011. LONREN x FM966 progeny evaluation in a field infested with reniform nematode. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conference, Vol. 1, 737 - 741.National Cotton Council of America, Memphis,
Scott, Tamara Z., K.S. Lawrence, K. Glass, J.D. Castillo. 2011. Fusarium wilt Identification and Root-Knot Nematode Effects on Commercial Cotton Cultivars in 2010. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conference, Vol. 1, 224 229. National Cotton Council of America, Atlanta, GA.
Castillo, J.D., Lawrence, K.S.,and J.W. Kloepper. 2011. Evaluation of Bacillus firmus (Votivo®) Paecilomyces lilacinus strain 251 for the biocontrol of reniform nematode Rotylenchulus reniformis. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conference, Vol. 1, 242 - 246.National Cotton Council of America, Memphis,
Ballard, B. B. K. S. Lawrence, E. J. Sikora, and J. F. Murphy. Initial response of soybean mosaic virus, bean pod mottle virus and Rotylenchulus reniformis on soybean.Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conference, Vol. 1, 219 - 223. National Cotton Council of America, Memphis,
Lawrence, G.W. K.S. Lawrence and B. Haygood. 2011. Efficacy of Dow AgroSciences seed treatment fungicide STP 20143 for the management of the seedling disease complex of cotton. Proceedings of the National Beltwide Cotton Conference, Vol. 1, National cotton Council, Memphis TN. Online:
Bennett, R.S., A.L. Bell, J.E. Woodward, K.S. Lawrence, C.S. Rothrock, T.L. Kirkpatrick, G.W. Lawrence, P.D. Colyer, and R.M. Davis. 2011. Report progress on a contemporary survey of the Fusarium wilt fungus in the United States. Proceedings of the National Beltwide Cotton Conference, Vol. 1, National cotton Council, Memphis TN. Online:
Journal Articles:
Chen, P., T. Ishibashi, C. H. Sneller, J. C. Rupe, D. G. Dombek, R. T. Robbins, and R. D. Riggs. 2011. Registration of UA 4910 Soybean. Journal of Plant Registrations, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 2011.
Chen, P., T. Ishibashi, C. H. Sneller, J. C. Rupe, D. G. Dombek, and R. T. Robbins. 2011. Registration of R991613F, R012731F, and R013474F Soybean Germplasm Lines with Diverse Pedigrees. Journal of Plant Registrations, Vol. 5, No. 2, May 2011.
Robbins, R. T., E. Shipe, P. Arelli, P. Chen, G. Shannon, K. M. Rainey, L. E. Jackson, E. E. Gbur, D. G. Dombek, & J. T. Velie. 2011. Reniform nematode reproduction on soybean cultivars and breeding lines in 2010. Proceeding of the 2011 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, Atlanta, Georgia, January 4-7, 2011, Pgs. 167-174.
J.G. Shannon, J. A. Wrather, M.A. Woolard, S.L. Smothers, S.M. Pathan, H.T. Nguyen, and R.T. Robbins. 2011. 805-11482- a high yielding soybean with resistance to multiple diseases and nematode species. Proceeding of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Fort Walton Beach FL.
Robbins, R. T., and L. E. Jackson. 2011. Soybean Varieties and Breeding Lines Shown With Resistance to Reniform Nematode in Greenhouse Tests, 1998-2010. Proceeding of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Fort Walton Beach FL.
Robbins, R. T., E. Shipe, P. Arelli, P. Chen, G. Shannon, K. M. Rainey, L. E. Jackson, E. E. Gbur, D. G. Dombek, and J. T. Velie. 2011. Reniform Nematode Reproduction on Soybean Cultivars and Breeding Lines in 2010. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conferences, Atlanta.
Robbins, Robert T., and W. Ye. 2011. Heterodera urticae, Cooper 1955, a Heterodera goettingiana-group cyst nematode found in Arkansas.
Cordero, M., R. T. Robbins, and A. L. Szalanski. 2011. Phylogenetic relathionships among nematodes of the suborder criconematina using ITS-1 rdna region.
Aryal, S. K., R. F. Davis, K. L. Stevenson, P. Timper, and P. Ji. 2011. Induction of systemic acquired resistance by Rotylenchulus reniformis and Meloidogyne incognita in cotton following separate and concomitant inoculations. Journal of Nematology: 43: (in press)
Aryal, S. K., R. F. Davis, K. L. Stevenson, P. Timper, and P. Ji. 2011. Influence of infection of cotton by Rotylenchulus reniformis and Meloidogyne incognita on the production of enzymes involved in systemic acquired resistance. Journal of Nematology: 43: (in press)
McGawley, E.C.; C. Overstreet, and M.J. Pontif. 2011. Variation in reproduction and pathogenicity of geographic isolates of Rotylenchulus reniformis on soybean. Nematropica: 41: 12-22.
Zheng, J. W., and S. Y. Chen. 2011. Estimation of virulence type and level of soybean cyst nematode field populations in response to resistant cultivars. Journal of Entomology and Nematology 3:37-43.
Lian, L., F. Wang, R. Denny, P. Schaus, N. Young, J. Orf, and S. Chen. 2011. Identifying novel sources of resistance to the soybean cyst nematod. Abstracts of 1st Annual National Association of Plant Breeders Meeting. Http:// 28.
(Mississippi) Statina
Schmidt, L. M., Hewlett, T. E., Green, A., Simmons, L. J., Kelley, K., Doroh, M., and Stetina, S. R. 2010. Molecular and morphological characterization and biological control capabilities of a Pasteuria ssp. parasitizing Rotylenchulus reniformis, the reniform nematode. Journal of Nematology 42:207-217.
Fang, D. D. and Stetina, S. R. 2011. Improving cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plant resistance to reniform nematodes by pyramiding Ren1 and Ren2. Plant Breeding 130:673-678.
Arias, R. S., Stetina, S. R., and Scheffler, B. E. 2011. Comparison of whole-genome amplications for microsatellite genotyping of Rotylenchulus reniformis. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology. DOI: 10.2225/vol14-issue3-fulltext-13.
(Mississippi) Lawrence
Book Chapters:
Lawrence, K. S. and G. W. Lawrence. 2009. Chapter 14: Pest Management: Nematodes.In Conservation Tillage Systems: Production, Profitability and Stewardship. eds Bergtold, J. , Raper, R. , Hawkins, G., and Iversen, K. CRC Press LLC. (in review).
Klink V.P., P.D. Matsye, and G.W. Lawrence. 2010. Cell-specific studies of soybean resistance to its major pathogen, the soybean cyst nematode as revealed by laser capture micro-dissection, gene pathway analyses and functional studies. Soybean. Intech Publishers. Pp 1-32.
Journal Articles:
Doshi, R. A., King, R. L., and Lawrence, G. W. 2011. Classification of Rotylenchulus reniformis numbers in cotton using remotely sensed hyperspectral data on self-organized maps. Journal of Nematology 42 179-193.
Kurt Showmaker, Gary W. Lawrence, Shien Lu, Clarissa Balbaian and Vincent P. Klink. 2011. Quantitative field testing Rotylenchulus reniformis DNA from metagenomic samples isolated directly from soil. PLoS ONE 6(12) e28954. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028954.
Lawrence, G.W. K.S. Lawrence and B Haygood. 2011. Efficacy of Dow AgroSciences seed treatment fungicide STP 20143 for the management of the seedling disease complex of cotton. Proceedings of the National Beltwide Cotton Conference, Vol. 1, National cotton Council, Memphis TN. Online:
Lawrence, K.S., G.W. Lawrence and S.R. Moore. 2011. New nematicide potentials in cotton in the southeast and mid south. Proceedings of the National Beltwide Cotton Conference, Vol. 1, National cotton Council, Memphis TN. Online:
Bennett, R.S., A.L. Bell, J.E. Woodward, K.S. Lawrence, C.S. Rothrock, T.L. Kirkpatrick, G.W. Lawrence, P.D. Colyer, and R.M. Davis. 2011. Report progress on a contemporary survey of the Fusarium wilt fungus in the United States. Proceedings of the National Beltwide Cotton Conference, Vol. 1, National cotton Council, Memphis TN. Online:
Abstracts & Others:
Lawrence, K. S., G. W. Lawrence, V. Klink, and S. Moore. 2011. Host
status of soybean differential genotypes to Rotylenchulus reniformis and
Meloidogyne incognita race 3. Phytopathology 101:S99.
Lawrence, K. S., S. R. Moore, W. S. Gazaway, G. W. Lawrence, J. R.
Akridge. 2011. Evaluation of cotton varieties with TeloneII for reniform
management in cotton in south Alabama, 2010.Report No. 5:N006 DOI:
10.1094/PDMR05. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Lawrence, K. S., S. R. Moore, G. W. Lawrence, C. H. Burmester, C.
Norris. 2011. Evaluation of seed treatments and seed quality in cotton
seedling disease management in Alabama, 2010. Report No. 5:ST022 DOI:
10.1094/PDMR05. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Lawrence, K. S., S. R. Moore, G. W. Lawrence, C. H. Burmester, C.
Norris. 2011. Evaluation of experimental seed treatments in cotton
seedling disease management in Alabama, 2010.Report No. 5:ST021 DOI:
10.1094/PDMR05. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN
(South Carolina)
Leach, M.M., P. Agudelo, A.L. Lawton-Rauh. 2011. Genetic Variability of Rotylenchulus reniformis. Plant Disease 96:24-29.
Ma, X., P. Agudelo, J.D. Mueller, and H.T. Knap. 2011. Molecular Characterization and Phylogenetic Analysis of Hoplolaimus stephanus. Journal of Nematology 43:25-34.
Leach, M.M., P. Agudelo, A.L. Lawton-Rauh. 2011. Effect of Crop Rotations on Population Structure of Reniform Nematode, Rotylenchulus reniformis. Plant Disease 96:30-36.
Agudelo, P., S.A. Lewis, B.A. Fortnum. 2011. Validation of a Real-time PCR Assay for the Identification of Meloidogyne arenaria. Plant Disease 95: 835-838.