SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Neal Merchen (IL, Administrative Advisor), Mike Azain (GA), John Patience (IA), Brian Kerr (IA, USDA-ARS), Hans Stein (IL), Jim Pettigrew (IL), Layi Adeola (IN), Jim Nelssen (KS), Gretchen Hill (MI), Sam Baidoo (MN), Marcia Shannon (MO), Sung Woo Kim (NC), Phil Miller (NE), Don Mahan (OH), Tom Crenshaw (WI), Gary Cromwell (Kentucky), Scott Carter (Oklahoma). Guest: Dr. Craig Wyatt (AFIA), Dr. Ruurd Zijlstra (University of Alberta), Dr. Martin Nyachoti (University of Manitoba)

MINUTES NCCC-042 and S-1044 Annual Meeting Orlando, Florida January 4th and 5th, 2012 Wednesday, January 4th JOINT NCCC-042 AND S-1044 COMMITTEES MEETING The meeting was called to order at 8:05 am with Sam Baidoo serving as Chair. NCCC-042 Attendees: Dr. Sam Baidoo (Minnesota  Chair), Dr. John Patience (Iowa State  Vice Chair), Dr. Marcia Shannon (Missouri  Secretary), Dr. Layi Adeola (Purdue), Dr. Mike Azain (Georgia), Dr. Gary Cromwell (Kentucky), Gretchen Hill (Michigan State), Dr. Sung Woo Kim (North Carolina State), Dr. Don Mahan (Ohio State), Dr. Jim Nelssen (Kansas State), Dr. Jim Pettigrew (Illinois), Dr. Hans Stein (Illinois), Dr. Scott Carter (Oklahoma State), Dr. Brian Kerr (USDA - ARS-NLAE, Ames) NCCC-042 Attendees (absent): Dr. Tom Crenshaw (Wisconsin), Dr. Phil Miller (Nebraska) S-1044 Attendees: Dr. Mark Estienne (Virginia Tech  Chair), Dr. Chris Hostetler (National Pork Board -Vice Chair), Dr. Joel Brendemuhl (Florida  Secretary), Dr. Lee Chiba (Auburn), Dr. Merlin Lindemann (Kentucky), Dr. Charles Maxwell (Arkansas), Dr. Eric van Heutgen (North Carolina State). S-1044 Attendees (absent): Dr. Gustavo de Lima (Brazil), Dr. Robert Dove (Georgia), Dr. Scott Radcliffe (Purdue), Dr. Miguel Cervantes-Ramirez (Mexico), Dr. Jose Cuaron (Mexico) Administrative Advisor: Dr. Nancy Cox (Kentucky) Administrative Advisor (absent): Dr. Neal Merchen (Illinois) Guests: Dr. Craig Wyatt (AFIA), Dr. Ruurd Zijlstra (University of Alberta), Dr. Martin Nyachoti (University of Manitoba) The agenda was presented by Sam Baidoo (Attachment #1). All attendees introduced themselves. The joint meeting received comments from the Administrative Advisors: Dr. Nancy Cox, University of Kentucky and written comments from Dr. Neal Merchen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Cox commented on the success of both committees and challenged the committees to think creatively due to shrinking ranks. She noted that these two committees represent the majority of the academic brain trust for swine nutrition in the United States. She also commented on the success of funding received from the National Research Support Project (NSRP-9) for the National Animal Nutrition Program. Lastly, she reminded the S-1044 committee that development of a new project needs to begin. Due to Dr. Merchen being unable to attend the meeting he provided written comments which were distributed by Dr. Sam Baidoo. The written comments included his apologies for not being able to attend, a statement to the NCCC-042 committee that their project is undergoing mid-term review and the steps involved in that process and that he expects the review to result in a strong recommendation that the project continues due to the excellent work of the committee members, he also commented on the ESCOP Multi-State Research Award Nomination (see additional information below), and a reminder concerning completion of the SAES-422 report and posting of the minutes to NIMSS. The NCCC-042 nomination for the ESCOP Multi-State Research Award was disqualified due to page length. Everyone thanked Dr. Mahan for his efforts related to the nomination packet. A committee (Cromwell, Patience, and Adeola) have agreed to rework the nomination packet for next year. Dr. Craig Wyatt from the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) gave a presentation on swine nutrition research priorities as identified by the AFIA and also the large swine integrators. Some areas he noted as priorities were the IFeeder, sustainability (carbon foot print), and alternative ingredients to corn and soybean meal for all phases of swine feeding. The committee was joined by Dr. Charlotte Kirk Baer and Dr. Steve Smith from National Institute on Food and Agriculture (NIFA) via a conference phone. Dr. Baer provided a handout of her presentation titled Why Science Matters to Agriculture. She discussed new initiatives between NIFA and NSF and NIH and the need for fellowships to address the short-fall in new PhDs being educated. Both Drs. Kirk Baer and Smith commented on the need for further development of partnerships between industry groups and academia. Dr. Kirk Baer also provided an overview of the administration, organizational structure, and funding opportunities of NIFA/AFRI. Drs. Cromwell and Cox provided several handouts and an update on the National Animal Nutrition Program that was recently funded by the National Research Support Project-9. Dr. Cox provided background on the establishment of the funds and how they are to be used. Guidelines for expressing interest in membership were passed out. Committee members were strongly encouraged to apply (CV and letter of recommendation) for one of three committees (Coordinating Animal Nutrition, Feed Composition, and Modeling and Support Technologies). Station Reports Reports from the following universities were circulated prior to the meeting: Auburn, Arkansas, USDA-ARS-NLAE, Georgia, Illinois, Purdue, Kansas State, Kentucky, Nebraska, Minnesota, North Carolina State, Virginia Tech, Florida, and Wisconsin. A break was called until 10:10 am, after which the NCCC-042 and S-1044 committees met separately. NCCC-042 COMMITTEE MEETING Chair Sam Baidoo called the meeting to order. NCCC-042 sub-committee reports were given. Nutrient Metabolism Subcommittee (Chair, Tom Crenshaw) Members: Tom Crenshaw (WI), Mike Azain (GA), Hans Stein (IL) Layi Adeola (IN), Brian Kerr (IA, USDA-ARS). Stein passed on reprints of the manuscript Concentration of dietary calcium supplied by calcium carbonate does not affect the apparent total tract digestibility of calcium, but does decrease digestibility of phosphorus by growing pigs authored by Stein, Adeola, Cromwell, Kim, Mahan and Miller (J. Anim. Sci. 2011. 89:2139-2144.) Nursery  Growing-Finishing Subcommittee (Chair, Layi Adeola) Members: Don Mahan (OH), Gary Cromwell (KY), Layi Adeola (Purdue), Gretchen Hill (MI), Marcia Shannon (MO), Jim Pettigrew (IL), John Patience (IA). Adeola reported on the Dietary Fat Sources and Levels for Weanling Pigs project. Nine stations completed the project (AK, IL, IN, KY, MI, MN, MO, OH and GA). It appears fat level affected feed efficiency, but not growth performance. Fat source (tallow or soy oil) had no effect on performance. Adeola still needs the number of pigs per pen information. Purdue and Minnesota completed the digestibility study of Phase 2 and Phase 3 diets in the project. Purdue has 4 replications and Minnesota has 6 replications. Pettigrew reported that the acid manuscript is currently being reviewed by the authors and should be ready for submission for publication very soon. At time of submission, Pettigrew will circulate the manuscript to the 3 companies who supplied product as well as the entire NCCC-042 committee. A brief discussion about how statistical analysis should be completed relative to using station as a random effect or evaluate using station x treatment interactions. The discussion ended with each study to evaluate statistical analysis of station effect on a case by case basis. Cromwell passed out reprints of the manuscript Corn distillers dried grains with soluble in diets for growing-finishing pigs: A cooperative study authored by Cromwell, Azain, Adeola, Baidoo, Carter, Crenshaw, Kim, Mahan, Miller and Shannon (J. Anim. Sci. 2011. 89:2801-2811.) Cromwell also presented on the follow-up study looking at An attempt to improve belly firmness and iodine value of carcasses of growing-finishing pigs fed a high level of corn distillers dried grains with soluble. Preliminary data from 10 stations, 2 replications per station, 4 to 8 pigs per pen (580 total head) and 2 pigs killed per pen for carcass and tissue data was distributed. It appears that growth rate is slower with a constant level of DDGS as well as lower dressing percent and less back fat. Mike Azain is performing the fatty acid analysis of tissue and diets. Don Mahan requested that anyone who has not sent liver and loin samples for analysis need to send those to him as soon as possible. The following stations completed the experiment: MI, MO, MN, NE, KY, IL, Purdue, OK, WI and IA. Cromwell will prepared an abstract for 2012 National Animal Science meetings. Don Mahan reported that there has been no further progress on the selenium project. Sow Subcommittee (Chair: Sam Baidoo) Members: Jim Nelssen (KS), Sam Baidoo (MN) and Sung Woo Kim (NC). Kim gave an update on the progress of the Oxidative stress status of sows under various nutritional and management environments project. Six stations (VT, KY, MN, NC, IL, and OH) and 2 companies (Prestage Farm and Murphy Brown) have completed the project, analysis are complete, but still wanting more stations to participation. Sam Baidoo called for a recess of the NCCC-042 Committee meeting for lunch at 12:00. JOINT NCCC-042 AND S-1044 COMMITTEES MEETING The joint meeting of the NCCC-042 and S-1044 committees reconvened at 1:00 pm with Dr. Mark Estienne serving as Chair. Merlin Lindemann announced about the 2012 Digestive Physiology of Pigs Symposium in Keystone, CO. Update on the Swine NRC Dr. Brian Kerr presented an update of the new Nutrient Requirements of Swine document. The final document should be released sometime the second quarter of this year and before the National Animal Science meetings in July. Appreciation was extended to the committee for their dedication and hard work on this document since many of the committee members are also members of either NCCC-042 or S-1044. Dr. Chris Hostetler gave an update on National Pork Board, the history, structure, key operating areas and the 2012 budget. He emphasized that research priorities would be in sow longevity, gilt development and retention, improving piglet survivability, high feed cost mitigation, and pork quality. He also commented that he would be trying to foster collaborations with industry and academia. Dr. Estienne called for a recess and both committees will reconvene at 2:45 pm. The joint meeting of the NCCC-042 and S-1044 committees reconvened at 3:00 pm with Dr. Mark Estienne serving as Chair. Laboratory Analytical Updates A brief summary from each representative institution of their research facilities (animal and laboratories), user fees, and equipment was discussed. The meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm. Thursday, January 5th NCCC-042 COMMITTEE MEETING The NCCC-042 Committee Meeting was reconvened by Chair Sam Baidoo at 8:00 am. Jim Nelssen moved to approve the 2011 Minutes, Brian Kerr second the motion and the motion passed. Layi Adeola nominated Scott Carter for secretary. Jim Nelssen moved that nomination cease. Brian Kerr seconded the motion and the motion passed. 2012/2013 NCCC-042 officers will be: Chair: John Patience (IA) Vice Chair: Marcia Shannon (MO) Secretary: Scott Carter (OK) New Research Project Ideas Brian Kerr mentioned an idea to evaluate components (protein, fiber, energy, fat, moisture) of common feedstuffs similar to the protein and amino acid variability of corn and soybean meal work previously conducted by the committee. Then possibly establish prediction equations for energy concentrations of ingredients. John Patience suggested that the NCCC-042 committee needs to be updated on the technology used by NIR before we try to design a research project. The committee supported this idea for the 2013 agenda. John Patience will try to develop a program with 3 speakers (30 min each) from a NIR company, research using NIR, and someone doing application of NIR (feed mill). Other ideas mentioned were looking at high crystalline amino acids and lower CP diets in nursery diets, potential research project addressing the gaps in the new NRC, but cannot discuss yet, and interest in designing a research project around the question  how to feed a sick pig? Subcommittee Structure Sung Woo Kim moved for the NCCC-042 committee to go from 3 subcommittees (Nursery-Grow/Finish, Sow and Metabolism) to 2 subcommittees (Production and Metabolism), John Patience seconded the motion and the motion passed. Jim Pettigrew moved for Layi Adeola to be chair of the Production subcommittee and Tom Crenshaw to be chair of the Metabolism subcommittee, John patience seconded the motion and the motion passed. Metabolism Subcommittee: Sam Baidoo (MN), Sung Woo Kim (NC), John Patience (IA), Tom Crenshaw (WI), Hans Stein (IL), Brain Kerr (USDA-ARS), Phil Miller (NE), Layi Adeola (Purdue) Production Subcommittee: Marcia Shannon (MO), Layi Adeola (Purdue), Mike Azain (GA), Jim Pettigrew (IL), Scott Carter (OK), John Patience (IA), Gary Cromwell (KY), Don Mahan (OH), Gretchen Hill (MI), Sam Baidoo (MN) JOINT NCCC-042 AND S-1044 COMMITTEES MEETING The joint meeting of the NCCC-042 and S-1044 committees reconvened at 10:00 am with Dr. Sam Baidoo serving as Chair. Research Updates were given by our guests Dr. Ruurd Zijlstra (University of Alberta) and Dr. Martin Nyachoti (University of Manitoba). Date of 2013 Meeting It was agreed that the date of the 2013 meeting would be January 3rd and 4th, with travel on the 2nd at the meeting would be held in Orlando, FL at the Rosen Plaza Hotel. General Discussion NCCC-042 and S-1044 had no new research projects to initiate. Dr. Lindemann (S-1044) indicated that the S-1044 was developing new objectives for the project rewrite. It was reported that the NCCC-042 committee had reduced their sub-committees from three to two and the two remaining committees were Production chaired by Dr. Adeola and Metabolism chaired by Dr. Crenshaw. Sam Baidoo asked for a motion to invite the Canadian swine nutrition researchers (Zijlstra, Nyachoti and de Lange) to be members of the NCCC-042 committee, Marcia Shannon made the motion to accept and Brian Kerr seconded the motion. The motion passed. Dr. Patience discussed the possibility of having individuals address the use of NIR at next years meeting such as companies who make the equipment, companies using NIR and how the use of NIR may fit in academia. There was a brief discussion of the Station Reports and various administrative changes that are occurring or have occurred at several of the institutions. Dr. Sung Woo Kim asked for additional stations to contribute to the sow oxidative stress project. Currently 8 stations have contributed but he would prefer additional stations from the S-1044 committee members. Sam Baidoo will send thank you notes to our invited guests (Hostetler, Wyatt, Zijlstra, and Nyachoti). Joel Brendemuhl was thanked by both committees for making the hotel arrangements. Sam Baidoo asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting, Layi Adeola made the motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Brian Kerr. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 am.


Accomplishments since last approval: A. Completed and initiated the following studies: 1. Completed: Mycotoxin (Vomitoxin) problem with swine (Coordinated by Dr. Mahan) 2. Completed: Effect of dietary P concentration on Ca digestibility (Coordinated by Dr. Stein) 3. Completed: DDGS withdrawal and belly firmness and iodine value of carcasses of growing-finishing pigs (Coordinated by Dr. Cromwell) 4. Completed: Dietary fat sources and levels for weanling pigs (Coordinated by Dr. Mahan) 5. Completed: Effect of phasing of distillers dried grains with soluble on grow out performance and carcass quality (Coordinated by Dr. Cromwell) 6. Initiated: Evaluation of digestibility methods (Coordinated by Drs. Kerr and Crenshaw) 7. Initiated: Oxidative stress status of sows under various nutritional and management environments (Coordinated by Dr. Kim) B. Met jointly with the Southern Regional Sow Nutrition Committee (S-1044) starting in to discuss research topics of common interest. C. A representative from the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) has been invited every year since 2006 to propose and discuss research priorities in the feed industry. This led to exchange of ideas between the industry representative and the committee members. D. One manuscript on calcium digestibility based on research conducted at multiple research stations following a common protocol has been accepted for publication after minor revisions. Another manuscript on the use of corn distillers dried grains with solubles based on research conducted at multiple research stations following a common protocol has been accepted for publication after minor revisions. Manuscript on the effects of acids in nursery pig diets is being prepared for publication by Dr. Pettigrew as well as a manuscript on the selenium is being prepared by Dr. Mahan. E. A committee has been established to revise the NRC-Swine Nutrient Requirement. Seven members of the 10-member committee are members of the NCCC-42 and S-1044 committees. Various organizations (USDA-NRC, National Pork Board, American Feed Industry Association, Institute for Feed Education and Research, United Soybean Board, Canadian Feed Industry Association, Canadian Pork Council, IL Corn Board, MN Corn Board, NE Corn Board) have provided financial support for the revision. The committee is well advanced in their deliberations on the new requirements, and the final document is expected to be released in 2012.


  1. Coordinated research studies among participating stations using common protocols.
  2. Provided essential opportunity for communication and co-ordination among swine nutritionists at Land Grant Universities, leading not only to joint NCCC-042 projects, but other collaborations as well.
  3. Met annually since 2006 to exchange information and ideas. Met jointly with S-1044 committee during this same period.
  4. Published research articles based on joint research in the Journal of Animal Science and submitted information the key extension and industry publications such as the National Hog Farmer to ensure dissemination of research results to a broad audience.
  5. Invited the National Program Leader  Animal Production Systems  USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA) in 2010 to provide an update and discuss the current research, education and extension priorities.
  6. Invited swine nutrition researchers from Canada to the meeting to discuss research objectives, research facilities and possible collaborations.
  7. Majority of the 10-member NAS-NRC Swine Nutrient Committee are members of NCCC-042 committee.
  8. Members are active in American Society of Animal Science Editorial Board (Division, Section Editors and Board Members) and in regional and national meetings as speakers and coordinators.


Stein, H. H., O. Adeola, G. L. Cromwell, S. W. Kim, D. C. Mahan, and P. S. Miller. 2011. Concentration of dietary calcium supplied by calcium carbonate does not affect the apparent total tract digestibility of calcium, but reduces digestibility of phosphorus by growing pigs. J Anim Sci 89:2139-2144. Cromwell, G. L., M. J. Azain, S. K. Baidoo, S. D. Carter, T. D. Crenshaw, S.W. Kim. D. C. Mahan, P. S Miller, and M. C. Shannon. 2011. Corn distillers dried grains with solubles in diets for growing finishing pigs - A cooperative study. J. Anim. Sci. 89:2801-2811. Joint research projects developed with common research protocols and conducted at the multiple research stations has resulted in manuscripts being prepared for submission to the Journal of Animal Science: 1. Validation of the NCR-42 vitamin-trace mineral mix (Coordinated by Dr. Crenshaw) 2. Evaluation of selenium requirement in growing pigs (Coordinated by Dr. Mahan). 3. Effect of dietary acids on growth performance of weanling pigs. (Coordinated by Dr. Pettigrew)
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