SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Avila, Crebio ( - EMBRAPA, Brasil; Bledsoe, Larry ( - Purdue University; Boetel, Mark ( - North Dakota State University; Coates, Brad ( - USDA-ARS, Ames; DiFonzo, Chris ( - Michigan State University; Estes, Ron ( - University of Illinois; Fuller, Billy ( - South Dakota State University; Gassmann, Aaron ( - Iowa State University; Gray, Michael ( - University of Illinois; Hammond, Ron ( - Ohio State University; Hellmich, Richard ( - USDA-ARS, Ames; Hibbard, Bruce ( - USDA-ARS, Columbia; Hughson, Sarah ( - University of Illinois; Kang, Jung-Koo ( - University of Illinois; Krupke, Christian ( - Purdue University; McManus, Bradley ( - South Dakota State University; Meinke, Lance ( - University of Nebraska; Ostlie, Ken ( - University of Minnesota; Porter, Patrick ( - Texas A&M University; Pueppke, Steve ( - Michigan State University; Sappington, Tom ( - USDA-ARS, Ames; Schaafsma, Art ( - University of Guelph; Shields, Elson ( - Cornell University; Siegfried, Blair ( - University of Nebraska; Smith, Jocelyn ( - University of Guelph; Spencer, Joe ( - University of Illinois; Tinsley, Nick ( - University of Illinois; Tooker, John ( - Pennsylvania State University; White, Jennifer ( - University of Kentucky; Wright, Robert ( -University of Nebraska; Zhou, Xuguo (Joe) ( - University of Kentucky; EPA Guests (morning of Jan. 25): Jeannette Martinez, EPA and Alan Reynolds, EPA.


First report of field-evolved resistance to a Bt toxin by the western corn rootworm and by any species of Coleoptera was reported from Iowa (Gassmann et al. 2011). Insufficient planting of refuges and non-recessive inheritance of resistance may have contributed to resistance. These results suggest that improvements in resistance management and a more integrated approach to the use of Bt crops may be necessary. Next-generation genomic sequencing was used to test 1,710 molecular genetic markers called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from western corn rootworm, and of these, 661 were verified, and 353 were used to create a genetic linkage map (USDA -ARS Corn Insect Research Unit, Ames, IA). The size of the western corn rootworm genome was confirmed to be extremely large, at 2.58 billion base pairs, and representative regions of this insects genome were sequenced. Results indicate that genes occupy only about 9% of the genome, whereas other regions are composed of repetitive and mobile DNA sequences, which are responsible for the large genome size. (USDA -ARS Corn Insect Research Unit, Ames, IA). University of Illinois data (Joe Spencer) suggest that a seed blend is superior to block refuges for moving and mixing mate-seeking WCR. Analyses of the individual WCR collected in 2011 continue. It is important to pay attention to what insects are actually doing because their behavior, not assumptions about their behavior, determine how well refuge designs function.


  1. During Summer 2011, University of Illinois Extension Entomologist Dr. Mike Gray investigated multiple reports of greater than expected injury to rootworm-protected Bt corn. In a series of articles published in the online extension publication,The Bulletin, Dr. Gray alerted Illinois corn producers to the circumstances associated with putative-resistance to Bt corn and provided IPM-based options to mitigate risk of resistance while managing corn rootworm injury.
  2. To assist corn growers and agricultural professionals in choosing among, and properly implementing resistance management for, transgenic Bt corn traits, an extension publication was developed by Michigan State University (Chris DiFonzo) and University of Wisconsin-Madison (Eileen Cullen). The Handy Bt Trait Table is the only one of its kind that provides an up-to-date comparison of traits from all seed companies; this is increasingly important because of the adoption of reduced refuges and seed mixtures, which created a confusing mix of trait families and companies. This resource is an acknowledged source of trait information for extension educators, agribusinesses, seed dealers, and producers in the Midwest. It is available on web sites free of charge and has been reprinted (with attribution) in agricultural media publications and referenced by US EPA. The base document was modified by Texas A&M for use in the south.
  3. Next-generation genomic sequencing markers and linkage map of western corn rootworm developed by USDA-ARS Corn Insect Research Unit in Ames, IA (Brad Coates, Tom Sappington, Rick Hellmich) are being used by scientists in genome scan and other genetic experiments to identify genes involved in Bt, rotation, and conventional insecticide resistance. The map is being used by an international team of scientists to help reconstruct the correct ordering of DNA sequences emerging from the ongoing whole-genome sequencing project. A subset of the SNP markers have been developed for use in population genetics studies, and have been shown to be sensitive enough to estimate long-range dispersal for the first time.
  4. The size of the western corn rootworm genome was confirmed at 2.58 billion base pairs, and representative regions of this genome were sequenced by the USDA-ARS Corn Insect Research Unit in Ames, IA (Brad Coates, Tom Sappington, Rick Hellmich). This information will be used by an international team of scientists to help reconstruct the correct ordering of DNA sequences emerging from the ongoing whole-genome sequencing project.


Gassmann, A. J., Petzold-Maxwell, J. L., Keweshan, R. S., and Dunbar, M. W. (2011). Field-evolved resistance to Bt maize by western corn rootworm. PLoS ONE 6(7): e22629. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022629 Murphy, A. F., Seiter, N. J., & Krupke, C. H. (2011). The impact of Bt maize as a natal host on adult head capsule width in field populations of western corn rootworm.. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 139. Onstad, D.W., P.D. Mitchell, T.M. Hurley, J.G. Lundgren, R. P. Porter, C.H. Krupke, J.L. Spencer, C.D. DiFonzo, T.S. Baute, R.L. Hellmich, L. Buschman, W.D. Hutchison, J.F. Tooker. (2011). Seeds of Change: Corn Seed Mixtures for Resistance Management and IPM. Journal of Economic Entomology, 104(2):343-352. Raghu, S., J.L. Spencer, A.S. Davis, and R.N. Wiedenmann. (2011). Ecological considerations for the sustainable development of terrestrial biofuel crops. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 3:15-23. Hibbard, B.E., D.L. Frank, R. Kurtz, E. Boudreau, M.R. Ellersieck, and J.F. Odhiambo. (2011). Mortality impact of Bt transgenic maize roots expressing eCry3.1Ab, mCry3A, and eCry3.1Ab+mCry3A on western corn rootworm in the field. J. Econ. Entomol. 104: 1584-1591. Meihls, L.N., M.L. Higdon, M. Ellersieck, and B.E. Hibbard. (2011). Selection for resistance to mCry3A-expressing transgenic corn in western corn rootworm. J. Econ. Entomol. 104:1045-1054. Bernklau, E.J., L.B. Bjostad, and B.E. Hibbard. (2011). Synthetic feeding stimulants enhance insecticide activity against western corn rootworm larvae, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). J. Appl. Entomol. 135: 47-54.
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