SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: NE1020 : Multi-state Evaluation of Winegrape Cultivars and Clones
- Period Covered: 10/01/2010 to 09/01/2011
- Date of Report: 01/02/2012
- Annual Meeting Dates: 11/02/2011 to 11/03/2011
Bradshaw, Terry Burr, Thomas Caspari, Horst Cook, Katie Cragln, Jake Dami, Imed Hatterman-Valenti, Harlene Jenkins, Keith Keller, Markus Kingsley-Richards, Sarah Martinson, Tim Nail, Bill Read, Paul Reisch, Bruce Sabbatini, Paolo Shellie, Krista Spayd, Sara Ward, Dan Wheeler, Jeff
A major project goal is to provide evaluation data for grapevine cultivars that will be useful to grape growers nationwide. Short term outcomes are summarized in annual reports presented at this meeting which demonstrate very good progress is being made on cultivar evaluations. There are obvious differences between climatic regions that will become more apparent as the reports come together.
Activities included in depth discussions of processes for evaluations that will result in optimum information continue to be discussed. This is truly a national project that requires a long term to completion and the members are working well together to reach these goals. The next phase in this project will include wine evaluations. Discussions currently involve the most efficient procedure for making the wines that can be compared across regions.
Significant discussion included funding for the research that is being done. With the loss of the Viticultural Consortium special grant other sources of funding will be considered including other federal, state and private sources.
- The impacts from this project will not be realized for a few more years. Cultivar evaluations are on schedule and the impacts to the national grape industry should be significant.
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