SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Doug Mashek - University of Minnesota; Susan Welsh - NIFA; Marry Harris - Colorado State University; Deepika Bangia - Rutgers University; Debra Palmer - Rutgers University; Shane Broughton - University of Wyoming; Jerome Donohoe - Wisconsin; Kate Claycombe - Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center (via phone).


Objective 1: To determine the health promotion and disease prevention effects of both the forms and the amounts of n-3 fatty acids by correlation with tissue functions, and with alterations in biomarkers, relevant to optimal health and disease prevention. " Determination of the effect of n-3 PUFA on rat ovulation examining both form and dose affect. " Identified an adipokine that regulates whole-body fatty acid composition and targets brown. adipose tissue function. Also identified the amount of several omega-3 fatty acids in TAG in various tissues is altered by this adipokine and may be responsible for mediating signaling effects such as gene expression. " Identification of lipid droplet proteins that modulate selective hydrolysis of fatty acids and the bioactive properties of omega-3 fatty acids. " Development of an optimal DHA dose using maternal supplementation with of omega-3 for human infant growth and neurocognitive development. " Development of body composition measurements for examining the effect of DHA dose and impact of three SNPs in FADS1 and FADS2 genes. " Development and validation of method such as frequency questionnaire to estimate dietary DHA intake(including new DHA fortified foods) with erythrocyte fatty acid profiles. " Establishment of a mathematical model for the allometric scaling of dietary lipids between human and rodent diets for cancer risk. " Determination of SDA and EPA effects on inflammation that are induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in primary mouse adipose tissue stem cells. " Development of immunohistochemical method to toll-like receptor-2 (TLR-2) and transcription factor nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB) mediated inhibitory effects of SDA and EPA. " Development of survey methods assessing health risk for secondary health conditions and disease states associated with low omega-3 fatty acid intake for children between the ages of 811. Objective 2: To examine dietary levels of both form and amount of n-3 PUFA that promote health and reduce disease that are relevant and achievable in human diets using the human equivalent dose method (allometric scaling) in rodent models. " Determination of n-3 PUFA effects on a human particular polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and the relative effect on hormone levels and regulation. " Development of the mathematical model that can be used to determine the dietary levels of n-3 and n-6 PUFAs for use in rodent diets that are achievable in the human diet based on allometric scaling. " Determination of effects of dietary EPA on adipose tissue inflammation-induced insulin resistance, lipogenesis, and fatty acid oxidation in high-fat diet(HF)-induced obese mice model. " Validation of n-3 food frequency questionnaire containing ALA, EPA, DHA and combined EPA/DHA dietary levels in children between the ages of 811 for cardiovascular diseases risks. Objective 3: To develop, test and disseminate effective means for translating research on the health promoting and disease preventing effects of n-3 PUFA into consumer food choices. " Development of testing method and dissemination of effective means for translating research on the health promoting and disease preventing effects of n-3 PUFA into consumer food choices. " Development of questions and content pages for e-extension Omega-3 website on DHA and depression, DHA content of foods, alpha-linolenic content of nuts and seeds, DHA and cardiovascular health.


  1. By representing the National Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies coalition, educated the House Representatives and Senators on the issue of fish intake and omega-3 benefits to pregnant and breastfeeding women and their infants. This effort further contributed in educating the public of the benefits of seafood consumption and to provide appropriate advice with which to make informed decisions about seafood consumption and minimize risks.
  2. Provided further evidence for increased need for DHA by pregnant women and lactating mothers to promote optimal cognitive development, particularly women who are unable to synthesize adequate amounts of DHA from vegetable sources of omega-3.
  3. Study provided evidence that pregnant women receiving WIC support in Larimer County, CO do not consume enough DHA from food sources to meet a 200  300 mg/day recommendation, nor do they consume the recommended 2 servings of fatty fish/week. Results suggested an economic disparity which may exist and can easily be corrected by the addition of fish to the WIC package for pregnancy.
  4. Developed mathematical model using a surrogate of metabolic activity instead of differences in body weight for allometric scaling to better equate interspecies translation and accommodate the differences in metabolic disparity between rodents and humans improving pre-clinical screening value for experimental animal models to predict equivalent human biological responses.
  5. Validation that dietary EPA reduces risks for chronic diseases such diseases by lowering insulin resistance using animal feeding study.
  6. Provided an overview of childrens dietary patterns and the possible need for nutrition education on the health benefits and good dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids.


" Broughton KS, Bayes J, Culver B. High alpha-linolenic acid and fish oil ingestion promotes ovulation to the same extent in rats. Nutr Res. 2010 Oct;30:731-8. " Coleman RA, Mashek DG. Mammalian triacylglycerol metabolism: synthesis, lipolysis, and signaling. Chem Rev. 2011 Oct 12;111:6359-86. " Communicating the Health Benefits of Eating Fish: Framing the Message About Seafood, Newark, Delaware, September 20, 2011. " Communicating the Health Benefits of Eating Fish. Fish for Health Conference, University of Florida, Tallahassee, July 27, 2011. " Greenberg AS, Coleman RA, Kraemer FB, McManaman JL, Obin MS, Puri V, Yan QW, Miyoshi H, Mashek DG. The role of lipid droplets in metabolic disease in rodents and humans. J Clin Invest. 2011 Jun 1;121:2102-10. " Harris, M. Seafood should be next up on FDA plate. The Hill, February 1, 2011. " Harris, M., Omega-3 Deficiency (O3D) in Pregnancy. Ten Years of Science from the 2001 FDA Advisory to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines. Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, San Francisco, CA, February 11, 2011. " Harris, M., Omega-3 Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA): A Powerhouse Nutrient for Pregnancy, University of Colorado Denver, Department of Pediatrics, Denver, CO, January 25, 2011 " Hess T, Rexford J, Schauermann N, Harris M, Trinette R, Engle T and Mulligan C. Effects of two different dietary sources of long chain omega-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids on incorporation into the plasma, red blood cell, and muscle cell in horses (E-2011-4384) in revision Journal of Animal Science, September 2011. " Hsueh, H.W., Zhou, Z., Whelan, J., Allen, K.G.D., Moustaid-Moussa, N., Kim, H. and Claycombe, K.J. 2011. Stearidonic and Eicosapentaenoic Acids Inhibit Interleukin-6 (IL-6) Expression in 1 Mouse Adipose Stem Cells via Toll-like Receptor-2 (TLR2) Mediated Pathway. J Nutr 141:1260-1266. " Jin D, Guo H, Bu SY, Zhang Y, Hannaford J, Mashek DG, Chen X. Lipocalin 2 is a selective modulator of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma activation and function in lipid homeostasis and energy expenditure. Faseb J. 2011 Feb;25:754-64. " Kalupahana NS, Claycombe K, Newman SJ, Stewart T, Siriwardhana N, Matthan N, Lichtenstein AH, Moustaid-Moussa N. Eicosapentaenoic Acid Prevents and Reverses Insulin Resistance in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obese Mice via Modulation of Adipose Tissue Inflammation. J Nutr. 2010;140(11):1915-1922. " Nalin Siriwardhana, Nishan S Kalupahana, Sarah Fletcher, Wenting Xin, Kate J Claycombe, Ling Zhao, Arnold M Saxton, Annie Quignard-Boulange, and Naima Moustaid-Moussa, N-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids differentially regulate adipose angiotensinogen and other inflammatory adipokines, in part via NF-kB dependent mechanisms, Accepted, J Nutritional Biochem, August 2011. " Rett, B.S. and Whelan, J. 2011. Increasing Dietary Linoleic Acid Does Not Increase Tissue Arachidonic Acid Content in Adults Consuming Western-Type Diets: a Systematic Review. Nutr Metabol 8:36 (in press). " Ong KT, Mashek MT, Bu SY, Greenberg AS, Mashek DG. Adipose triglyceride lipase is a major hepatic lipase that regulates triacylglycerol turnover and fatty acid signaling and partitioning. Hepatology. 2011 Jan;53:116-26. " Witkin SS, Skupski D, Herway C, Rudge MV, Saito F, Harris M. Fatty acid composition of mid-trimester amniotic fluid in women of different ethnicities. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2011 Aug 1. " Weldon, K.A. and Whelan, J. 2011. Allometric Scaling of Dietary Linoleic Acid on Changes in Tissue Arachidonic Acid using Human Equivalent Diets in Mice. Nutr Metabol 8:43 (in press). " Whelan, J., Gouffon, J. and Zhao, Y. 2011. Effects of dietary stearidonic acid on biomarkers of lipid metabolism. J Nutr (in press, 2011).
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