SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: NE1042 : Optimization of Poultry Welfare and Production Systems for the 21st Century
- Period Covered: 10/01/2010 to 09/01/2011
- Date of Report: 12/21/2011
- Annual Meeting Dates: 10/21/2011 to 10/22/2011
1. Investigation and development of poultry production systems to improve energy and resource use efficiency. This will include collaborative efforts on feed energy sources for poultry by geographical region, ventilation systems, lighting systems, animal welfare and modeling energy use in poultry systems.
2. Alternative systems and profitability. This collaborative research will encompass characterization and mitigation of air emissions, manure nutrient management, animal welfare (including health), and economic evaluation of alternative poultry production systems.
Objective 1. Investigation and development of poultry production systems to improve energy and resource use efficiency. This will include collaborative efforts on feed energy sources for poultry by geographical region, ventilation systems, lighting systems, animal welfare and modeling energy use in poultry systems.
Ventilation Manipulations. GA conducted work on ventilation of broiler houses. Though broiler houses may be designed for an average air speed of 500 or 600 ft/min, actual air speed tends to be lower. The results of this project provides producers information that can be used when building new houses or renovating older houses for increased air speed. Approximately 80% of the cooling produced in a modern tunnel-ventilated poultry house is a result of the high wind speed of 500 ft/min or more moving over birds. Significant differences in bird performance have been document by increasing air speeds as little as 20% in tunnel ventilated houses, especially when larger birds are involved. Though houses may be designed for an average air speed of 500 or 600 ft/min, actual air speed tends to be lower. This results in revenue losses for both the grower and the integrator. In making improvements to increase airspeeds, growers can spend as much as $10,000 to $15,000 per house and at the end not see much increase in airspeed or broiler performance.
A study of more than a dozen houses with different broiler companies has been conducted over the last two years, utilizing an array of anemometers across the width of the house. In addition, sensors were positioned along the length of the house to monitor the rise in static pressure. The anemometer array allowed the total amount of air being moved by the fans, as well as, the air speed to be recorded. These data were used to construct air speed and static pressure profiles of each house. The results demonstrated that higher air speeds of 600, 700 or 800 ft/min will be associated with greater static pressure (0.12 to 0.17 inches of water column) than growers have been used to in the past. The reason many houses have less actual air speed than that calculated is due to the increased static pressure observed. As static pressure increases, the fans move less air. These results show that integrators and growers need to use higher static pressures of at least a 0.15 when designing new houses or renovating houses in the future. These higher air speeds will require the selection of fans that are able to move sufficient air at higher static pressures.
The expense of renovating a house to increase air speed can be anywhere between $10,000 to $15,000 or more. The data from this study indicates that simply adding fans to house will not provide sufficient increases in air speed because the increase in static pressure created by the new additional fan will result in the older fans moving less air. The current study also suggests that the tunnel inlet opening can be reduced which would provide better air movement in the front of the house but would not affect static pressure or air speed significantly. Utilizing this information growers can better estimate how to spend money most economically in building or renovating broiler houses so that their actual airspeed can match the calculated air speed and observe a return on their investment through better broiler performance in hot weather.
Lighting Manipulations. GA conducted studies with CFL lights in broiler houses. Incandescent bulbs are being phased out due to their inefficiency. Broiler producers need information on the bulbs that will be available. One light source that has been utilized in broiler housing for approximately 20 years but has not been widely adopted is compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. These bulbs are approximately 65 percent more efficient than INC bulbs. Earlier versions of the CFL bulb were not dimmable. Newer versions that are dimmable have experienced high bulb failure rates. If CFL bulbs can be utilized, broiler producers will save money on both replacements and reduced energy usage.
Incandescent (INC) light bulbs have been the first choice for light sources in broiler houses for the spectrum and intensity provided as well as the ability to dim. Incandescent bulbs are being phased out due to their inefficiency in power usage. Broiler producers need information on the bulbs that will be available. One light source that has been utilized in broiler housing for approximately 20 years, but has not been widely adopted is compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. These bulbs are approximately 65 percent more efficient than INC bulbs. Earlier versions of the CFL bulb were not dimmable and the newer versions that are were experiencing failure rates as high as 50%. In a typical broiler house this could mean that a producer might potentially spend as much as $600 per house annually just to replace blown CFL light bulbs. As a result, producers have generally avoided using CFL bulbs in broiler operations that reduce light intensity as the flock gets older. Another issue with changing light sources is that not all light bulbs provide the same number of lumens which means that the light intensity at bird level could be much lower than desired. Broiler producers need information on bulb life, lumen output and efficiency to make sure that the make the best decision economically and that will not reduce broiler performance.
An ongoing evaluation of three brands of compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs on a commercial broiler farm has been in effect for over a year. The bulb failure rate on one type of CFL bulb has been reduced from over 50% in 3-6 months to less than 4% for the year. The main way this was accomplished was by making sure the bulbs were not dimmed more than 80%. When CFL bulbs are dimmed too much, the failure rate increases, possibly due to break downs in the electronic components in the ballast. Another solution that is being evaluated is the use of a T-adaptor that allows two bulbs to be utilized in one light fixture. This allows the use of both a dimmable and non-dimmable bulb. The producer can use both light bulbs during the brooding phase and then turn off the non-dimmable CFL bulb and utilize a lower intensity dimmable CFL. This setup provides optimum light intensity at bird level, utilizes more energy efficient bulbs, and has had less than a 1% failure rate.
Extension specialists, county agents and broiler companies are extending this information to growers so they can make decisions on which energy efficient bulbs to purchase and how to management them. Producers that are monitoring how much they dim the the CFL bulbs and that are choosing light bulbs not on price, but on features such as lumen output and bulb efficiency are spending less money on replacing bulbs and have lower energy usage by their lighting system. With this information, not only has bulb failures been reduced, but more efficient bulbs are being utilized that will reduce the producers energy usage. Utilizing this information broiler producers can choose a light source that will save them money by reducing energy usage but also not lose money due to reductions in broiler performance as a result of improper light intensity in the broiler house. With these bulbs costing approximately $7 per bulb, this could be a potential savings of $600 per house. On the farm where this evaluation was conducted it could mean as much as $3,600 in one year just on the bulb savings. This does not include the 40-45% in power savings from using the more efficient CFL bulb over the less efficient incandescent bulb.
CT conducted a pilot study to determine the effect of providing illumination within each cage of caged laying hens vs. the traditional lighting method of a ceiling lamp in the aisle between cage rows. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of the LED vs CFL lamps on egg production and feed consumption. There were no significant differences between initial and final body weights within or between groups. The light intensity values measured in foot candles outside the cage at the feeder and 3 inches inside the cage indicated that the LED lamps produced significantly higher illumination levels inside the cages than the CFL lamps at an average of 19x brighter. Both lamp types lost illumination value over the 20 week period, but still maintained a level of illumination sufficient to support egg production.
There were no statistical differences in feed consumption on an hen/day basis between the light treatments overall, however when the CFL lamps were dimmed the birds ate an average of 5 grams per bird per day more feed than the LED lit birds.
There were no significant differences between light treatments on egg production on a hen/day basis. The average egg was 58.47 g for the LED birds and 58.95 g for the CFL birds. Dimming the CFL lamps did not affect the outcome.
The results indicate that LED lamps set for individual cages did not adversely affect egg production, however there were slight numerical differences in feed consumption data indicating that the LED lit birds were very slightly more efficient with feed conversion at 3.97 lbs/doz vs 4.04 lbs/doz for CFL birds. This amounts to a 2.1 lbs per 30 dozen case difference. Although due to the variance in the data this may not be statistically significant, if the trend is accurate, then on a larger scale this would be significant.
Dietary Manipulations. IL conducted a study to determine the effect of feeding different nutrient dense diets to Hy-Line W-36 laying hens on long-term production performance. Outside the Midwest United States, high-energy feed ingredients such as corn grain and vegetable oil are relatively expensive, meaning that low-energy diets are often fed. While low-energy diets may not appear to supply sufficient energy to laying hens, hens can regulate their feed intake rate to maintain energy intake. In this way, hens will consume more of a low-energy diet than of a high-energy diet, thus ensuring that the calories consumed are similar with either diet. Low-density diets are attractive to producers outside the Midwest due to their lower purchase price and, often, mainly low-density commercial laying-hen diets are available from independent feed mills.
Modern strains of laying hens, such as the Hy-Line W-36, only have a limited capability to increase their feed intake to ensure adequate energy and nutrient intake. While low density diets are less expensive to purchase, they will not ensure optimal egg production if hens do not adjust their feed intake.
Given this background, the hypothesis of this study is that laying hens can respond to less expensive, low-density diets, by increasing feed intake and thereby maintaining energy and nutrient consumption to meet the needs for maximal egg production such that overall returns are improved. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to measure egg production and economic effects of feeding diets of five different nutrient densities, formulated to 85, 90, 95, 100, and 105% of the energy and nutrient recommendations in the 2009-2011 Hy-Line W-36 management guide.
All animal care procedures were approved by the university Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. An experiment was conducted using 480 Hy-Line W-36 Single Comb White Leghorn hens from 18 to 70 wk of age. The chicks were transported to the poultry research farm at 1 d of age and were brooded and reared on the floor in a grow-out building until 17 wk of age, upon which they were moved to a fan-ventilated cage laying-hen facility of commercial design. At this time, they were fed a pre-lay diet ad libitum and allowed to acclimate for a 1-wk period. This diet contained 17.0% CP, 2,951 kcal/kg of MEn, 2.5% Ca, and 0.48% available P. At 18 wk of age all hens were weighed and assigned to treatments in a randomized complete block design with location within house and initial body weight as blocking criteria. Hens were housed 8 per cage (60.9 x 58.4 cm; 69 in2/hen) to simulate industry practices and 2 adjacent cages of 16 hens served as the experimental unit. Six replicate groups of 16 hens were each randomly assigned to each of the five treatment diets. All hens were fed the experimental diets from 18 to 70 wk of age. At 31 wk of age, hens fed the 85% Treatment experienced a post-peak decrease in egg production, with an average hen-day egg production of 65%. At 32 wk of age hen-day egg production for hens on the 85% Treatment was below 50%, with an average of 36%. At this time, hens fed the 85% Treatment were switched to the 100% Treatment (control) due to low egg production.
Hens were managed according to the guidelines in the 2009 Hy-Line W-36 management guide and had free access to feed and water at all times. The control diet was formulated to meet or exceed recommended energy and nutrient levels in the 2009 Hy-Line W-36 management guide, and the other dietary treatments were created by changing the energy and nutrient densities of the control diet (100%) to 85, 90, 95, and 105%, respectively. All diets were formulated on a least-cost basis using corn grain, soybean meal, wheat middlings, corn distillers dried grains with solubles, and/or soybean hulls, to mimic industry practices, using feed-ingredient prices from a local commercial feed mill. The experimental diets were fed in phases. Phase 1 diets were fed from 18 to 25 wk of age, phase 2 diets were fed from 26 to 31 wk of age, and phase 3 diets were fed from 32 to 70 wk of age. All hens were weighed at the beginning of the trial at 18 wk of age, when switched from Phase 1 to Phase 2 and Phase 2 to Phase 3 diets, and at the conclusion of the trial at 70 wk of age.
At 31 wk of age, hens fed the 85% Treatment experienced a post-peak decrease in egg production, with an average hen-day egg production of 65%. At 32 wk of age hen-day egg production for hens on the 85% Treatment was below 50%, with an average of 36%. At this time, hens fed the 85% Treatment were switched to the 100% Treatment (control) due to low egg production. After being switched to the control treatment, hens previously fed the 85% Treatment had an average hen-day egg production of 68% at 33 wk of age. After two weeks, at 34 wk of age, the hens had recovered and caught up with hens fed the other experimental treatments, having an average hen-day egg production of 92%. Production data for the 85% Treatment was not statistically analyzed for data from 32 to 70 and 18 to 70 wk of age. A significant linear response to increasing nutrient density was seen in hen-day egg production from 26 to 31, 32 to 70, and 18 to 70 wk of age. The 100 and 105% Treatments showed higher egg production than the 85, 90, and 95% Treatments from 32 to 70 and 18 to 70 wk of age. In addition, egg production of the hens fed the control diet (100%) was the highest for all phases and over the entire experiment. There was a significant linear increase in egg weight by 1 to 2 g from 18 to 25, 26 to 31, 32 to 70, and 18 to 70 wk of age. From 18 to 25 and 26 to 31 wk of age, the 85% Treatment produced the lightest eggs, while the 90 and 95% Treatments produced eggs of similar weight, and the 100 and 105% Treatments produced the heaviest eggs. Overall (18 to 70 wk of age), the 90% Treatment produced the lightest eggs, the 95 and 100% Treatments produced similarly, and the 105% Treatment produced the heaviest eggs. There was a significant linear increase in egg mass (g egg/hen per day) in response to increasing nutrient density from 18 to 25, 26 to 31, 32 to 70 and 18 to 70 wk of age. In general, egg mass was highest for hens fed the 105% Treatment and decreased linearly with the 85 and 90% Treatments having the least. An increase in dietary nutrient density showed a significant linear response in increased feed intake when hens were switched to the control. Hens fed the 85% Treatment consumed the most feed from 18 to 25 wk of age and the 90% Treatment consumed the most feed from 26 to 31 wk of age. Birds adjusted feed intake to nutrient density early in the lay cycle, from 18 to 25 and 26 to 31 wk of age, while failing to do so throughout the majority of the trial and lay cycle (32 to 70 wk of age). An increase in nutrient density showed a significant linear response in improved feed efficiency (g egg/g feed) for 18 to 25, 26 to 31, 32 to 70 and 18 to 70 wk of age. As expected, the 105% Treatment had the best feed efficiency across 18 to 25, 26 to 31, 32 to 70 and 18 to 70 wk of age, with a peak from 26 to 31 wk of age of 0.56 g egg/g feed.
In summary, these results indicate that increasing nutrient density in the diet of a laying hen will increase egg production, egg weight, egg mass, feed efficiency, body weight, income, and feed cost, as well as decrease return over feed cost. Furthermore, many of these benefits did not take effect in early production and seem to be most effective in later stages of the lay cycle; perhaps priming the birds for better future production.
IA conducted field studies to assess the effects of feeding diets containing EcoCalTM and corn dried distillers grain with solubles (DDGS) on ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, and N2O) emissions. Three high-rise layer houses (256,600 W-36 hens per house) received standard industry diet (Control), a diet containing 7% EcoCal" (EcoCal) or a diet containing 10% DDGS (DDGS). Gaseous emissions were continuously monitored during the period of December 2007 to December 2009, covering the full production cycle. The 24-month test results revealed that mean NH3 emission rates were 0.58 ± 0.05, 0.82 ± 0.04, and 0.96 ± 0.05 g/hen/d for the EcoCal, DDGS, and Control diet, respectively. Namely, compared to the Control diet, the EcoCal and DDGS diets reduced NH3 emission by an average of 39.2% and 14.3%, respectively. The concurrent H2S emission rates were 5.39 ± 0.46, 1.91 ± 0.13, and 1.79 ± 0.16 mg/hen/d for the EcoCal, DDGS and Control diet, respectively. CO2 emission rates were similar for the three diets, 87.3 ± 1.37, 87.4 ± 1.26, and 89.6 ± 1.6g/hen/d for EcoCal, DDGS, and Control, respectively (P=0.45). The DDGS and EcoCal houses tended to emit less CH4 than the Control house (0.16 and 0.12 vs. 0.20 g/hen/d) during the monitored summer season. The efficacy of NH3 emission reduction by the EcoCal diet decreased with increasing outside temperature, varying from 72.2% in February 2009 to -7.10% in September 2008. Manure of the EcoCal diet contained 68% higher ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and 4.7 times higher sulfur content than that of the Control diet. Manure pH values were 8.0, 8.9 and 9.3 for EcoCal, DDGS and Control diets, respectively. This extensive field study verifies that dietary manipulation provides a viable means to reduce NH3 emissions from modern laying-hen houses. The results of this study also contribute to the baseline data for improving the national air emissions inventory for livestock and poultry production facilities.
MN studied the performance and well-being of turkeys as affected by diet including indirect effects on the gut. Turkey producers have noticed unevenness in their flocks at market and a study was initiated to determine if differences exist between light and heavy weight poults within the same flock that could explain the variability. Eight flocks (six commercial flocks and two research flocks) were sampled at 1-wk intervals to 3 wks of age. Poults were weighed and gut and tissue samples were taken for histopathology scores. Gut contents were taken for virus and bacteria tests. Body weight of the research flocks exceeded those of the commercial flocks at 3 wks of age. Key findings suggest that light weight poults mature more slowly in terms of gut immune system development than heavy weight poults and/or are challenged early on with pathogens causing enteritis. Diets containing distillers grains with solubles and/or canola meal were fed to market turkeys with varying levels of chloride. Preliminary results suggest that excess chloride is detrimental to feed efficiency when both distillers grains and canola meal are fed to grow/finish turkeys.
Objective 2. Alternative systems. This collaborative research will encompass characterization and mitigation of air emissions, manure nutrient management, animal welfare, and economic evaluation of alternative poultry production systems.
IA evaluated the use of alternative, cage-free egg production systems, especially under the U.S. production conditions. As indicated in the 2010 report, a study was initiated in June 2010 that aims to comprehensively assess an aviary production system (two houses each holding 50,000 Hy-Line brown laying hens) for egg production under Midwest conditions over two production cycles. Data collected include a) continuous monitoring of concentrations and emission rates of ammonia (NH3), particulate matters (PM10, PM2.5), and greenhouse gases (CO2, N2O, CH4), metabolic rate and its partitioning into sensible and latent heat, electricity and fuel use, air temperature and humidity; b) periodic monitoring of animal behaviors (aggression, cannibalism) and welfare (bone strength, feather condition, feet injuries); c) periodic monitoring of microbiological quality (incidence of environmental Salmonella), and d) weekly data of hen performance (feed use, egg production, feed conversion, mortality). Economic analyses of the operation will be performed using the collected data, considering the capital cost of the infrastructure and different egg-marketing prices. We are in the latter portion of the second flock production (as of November 2011) and a complete analysis of the collected data will be performed and manuscripts prepared within the next six months. Some intermediate results have been shared at professional conferences (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 2011 Annual International Meeting, Louisville, KY, Aug 8-10, 2011; International Symposium on Health Environment and Animal Welfare, Rongchang, Sichuan, China, Oct 19-21, 2011). A new USDA-NIFA project was awarded (Oct 2010) to expand the study to include more houses of same type in Iowa and similar type of hen houses in California.
IA conducted multi-disciplinary field research that systematically compares three types of hen housing systems under commercial production settings for sustainability of egg production: a) conventional cage (200,000 hens/house), b) enriched colony (50,000 hens/house), and c) aviary (50,000 hens/house). The sustainability will be assessed with regards to a) animal welfare/health, b) environmental impact, c) food affordability, d) food safety/quality, and e) worker safety. The study will cover two full production flocks, each to about 80 weeks (no molting). ISU, in collaboration with UC-Davis, is responsible for the environmental impact component. In doing so, we continually collect the following data for each of the three houses: concentrations and emission rates of ammonia (NH3), particulate matters (PM10, PM2.5), and greenhouse gases (CO2, N2O, CH4), metabolic rate and its partitioning into sensible and latent heat, electricity and fuel use, air temperature, and relative humidity. In addition, gaseous emissions from manure storage are also monitored during different seasons. A state-of-the-art mobile air emissions monitoring unit equipped with precision gaseous and PM monitors is used for the intensive monitoring and data collection. Weekly hen performance data (feed use, egg production, feed conversion, mortality) are obtained from the cooperative producer and used in the calculation and expression of environmental impact variables. Nutrient mass balance will be performed by UC-Davis colleagues.
The overall project involves collaboration among Michigan State University, University of California-Davis, Iowa State University, USDA-ARS, Cargill Kitchen Solution, McDonalds U.S.A, and the cooperative egg producer.
NC conducted the 38th North Carolina Layer Performance and Management Test. To date 4 reports have been published, Hatch, Grow, 1st Cycle and Single Cycle reports. The reports examined 3 production environments Range, Cage-Free, and Commercial Cage. The information on comparing the range, cage free, and cage production has been well received resulting in numerous presentations. Concurrent studies are examinign the impact of a feed additive on the egg production and quality. The project we received funding through the NCI/NIH to conduct a trial on the effect of CP-31398 on cancer development in laying hens has been completed and data is being tabulated. Molting:- The current industry practice is to molt over 80% of the caged egg-type hens in the U.S.A. Molting is a management tool used to extend the productive life of the hen and meet the production needs of the producers.
In the cage production setting a non-feed-withdrawal program was used to induce the molt in this test. This program was developed at the Piedmont Station, and it ensures that a cessation of egg production occurs in the flock, and that the birds experience a respite from egg production. It must be remembered that molting is a stressful period regardless of the method used to induce it, and that physiological stress is the method which triggers an animals adaptation to new situations. This study will examine the impact of differing weight loss methods and developing a weight loss prediction equation based upon the percentages of either 20 to 25 % body weight loss using the Non-Anorexic and Fasting (Small number of replicates as negative control) method. The objective is to determine the nutritional support required to enhance the welfare status (by providing a low level of nutrition throughout the molting period), survivability and subsequent productivity of hens undergoing the non-anorexic molt in comparison with what would be expected to achieve by the fasting molt. The cost of administering the molting ration would be small because almost every laying house is already equipped with an automatic feeding system. The cost of the feed and management may be more than compensated for by the expected reduction in mortality and last of the salable eggs produced would provide additional monetary returns. There was a non-molted component maintained within the cage production setting.
The cage free and range production hens were terminated at the end of a single production cycle (80 to 84 weeks of age). In this study the performanc eof a Heritage strain was measure concurrently with the commercail strains.
The NCLP&MT is the only test of its kind remaining in the world that is disseminated internationally. There is a small test being conducted in the Czech Republic. The results of the NCLP&MT are disseminated internationally and are now available via the internet. The Ovarian Adenocarcinoma Chemoprevention Study is being accepted as a viable animal model for cancer prevention research with numerous publications and for developing it as a tool for identifying markers for potential early detection for developing ovarian cancer later in life.
IL, CA, NC, and MN collaborated on the FASS Poultry Training Video which was completed this year.
- Studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of air velocity in tunnel-ventilated broiler houses on broiler performance and the effects of compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL) on broiler performance (GA).
- Dietary manipulations and bird performance was examined by IL, IA, and MN.
- Alternative production systems were evaluated by NC, IA, CA, and MI.
- The FASS Poultry Training Video was completed with collaboration from IL, MN, NC, and CA.
- The above studies will help to increase the knowledge of ventilation systems, lighting systems, nutritional modifications and alternative housing that affect poultry production and welfare.
Kollanoor-Johny, A., M. J. Darre, D. J. Donoghue, A. M. Donoghue, and K. Venkitanarayanan. 2011. Caprylic acid reduces Salmonella Enteritidis invasion of avian abdominal epithelial cells in vitro and down-regulates virulence gene expression. Poult. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 1) 23 # 71
Kollanoor-Johny, A., T. E. Mattson, S. A. Baskaran, M. A. R. Amalaradjou, M. J. Darre, M. I. Khan, D. J. Donoghue, A.M. Donoghue, and K. Venkitanarayanan. 2011. Effect of food-grade carvacrol on cecal Salmonella Enteritidis colonization and cloacal shedding in 19-day-old commercial broiler chicks. Poult. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 1) 23 #72
S.A. dePersio, K.W. Koelkebeck, C.M. Parsons, P.L. Utterback, C.W. Utterback, N.O. Sullivan, K. Bregendahl, and J. Arango. 2011. Effect of feeding low-density diets to Hy-Line W-36 laying hens on long-term production performance. Poult. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 1):103.
Chepete, J.H., H. Xin, and H. Li. 2011. Technical Note: Heat and moisture production of W-36 laying hens at 24 to 27 °C temperature conditions. Transactions of the ASABE 54(4): 1491-1493.
Chepete, J.H., H. Xin, and H. Li. 2011. Effect of partially covering turkey litter surface on ammonia emission. 2011. J. App. Poult. Res. (accepted)
Chepete, J.H., H. Xin, H. Li. L. Mendes, and T. Bailey. 2011. Ammonia emission and performance of laying hens as affected by different dosages of yucca schidigera. J. App. Poult. Res. (accepted)
Chepete, J.H., H. Xin, and H. Li. 2011. Ammonia emissions of laying hen manure as affected by accumulation time. J. Poult. Sci., 48:138-143, 2011.
Jacobson, L.D., B.W. Auvermann, R. Massey, F.M. Mitloehner, A.L. Sutton, and H. Xin (co-authors in alphabetical order) 2011. Air Issues Associated with Animal Agriculture: A North American Perspective. IP47, The Council for Agricultural Science and Technology Issue paper. IP47, May 2011, 24 pp.,
Li, H., H. Xin, R. T. Burns, S.A. Roberts, S. Li, J. Kliebenstein, and K. Bregendahl. 2011. Reducing ammonia emissions from high-rise laying-hen houses through dietary manipulation. J. Air and Waste Management Association (accepted)
Li, S., H. Li, H. Xin, and R.T. Burns. 2011. Particulate matter concentration and emissions of a high-rise layer house in Iowa. Transactions of the ASABE 54(3):1093-1101.
Li, H., H. Xin, R. T. Burns, L. D. Jacobson, S. Noll, S. J. Hoff, J. D. Harmon, J. A. Koziel, I. Celen, B. Hetchler. 2011. Air emissions from tom and hen turkey houses in the U.S. Midwest. Transactions of the ASABE 54(1): 305-314.
Muhlbauer R.V., T.A. Shepherd, H. Li, R.T. Burns, H. Xin. 2011. Technical Note: Development and application of an induction-operated current switch for monitoring fan operation. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 27(2): 287-292.
Tao, X., H. Dong, H. Zhang, and H. Xin. 2011. Sex-based responses of plasma creatine kinase in broilers to thermoneutral constant and cyclic high temperatures. British Poul. Sci. (in press)
Tu, X. S. Du, L. Tang, H. Xin, and B. Wood. 2011. A real-time automated system for monitoring individual feed intake and body weight of group housed turkeys. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture 75(2011): 313-320.
Xin, H., R.S. Gates, A.R. Green, F.M. Mitloehner, P.A. Moore, Jr. and C.M. Wathes. 2011. Environmental impacts and sustainability of egg production systems. Poultry Science 90(1):263-277. doi:10.3382/ps.2010-00877
Zhu, Z., H. Dong, Z. Zhou, H. Xin, and Y. Chen. 2011. Ammonia and greenhouse gases concentrations and emissions of a naturally-ventilated laying hen house in Northeast China. Transactions of the ASABE 54(3):1085-1091.
Anderson, K.E. 2011. Comparison of fatty acid, cholesterol, and vitamin A and E composition in eggs from hens housed in conventional cage and range production facilities. Poultry Sci. 90: 1600-1609
Arbona, D.V., K.E. Anderson and J.B. Hoffman, 2011. A Comparison of Humoral Immune Function in Response to a Killed Newcastle's Vaccine Challenge in Caged Vs. Free-range Hy-line Brown Layers. International Journal of Poultry Science 10 (4): 315-319
Carver, D.K.,J. Barnes, K.E. Anderson, J. Petitte, R. S. Whitaker, A. Berchuck, and G. Rodriguez, 2011. Reduction of Ovarian and Oviductal Cancers in Calorie-Restricted Laying Chickens. Cancer Prevention Research 4 (4): 1-6.
Anderson, K. E. and P.K. Jenkins. 2011. Effect of rearing dietary regimen, feeder space and density on egg production, quality and size distribution in two strains of brown egg layers. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 10(3):169-175.
Anderson, K.E., Z. Lowman, Anne-Marie Stomp and Jay Chang. 2011. Duckweed as a Feed Ingredient in Laying Hen Diets and its Effect on Egg Production and Composition. Int. J of Poultry Sci. 10 (1): 4-7, 2011
Jones, D. R., K. E. Anderson, and M. T. Musgrove, 2011. Comparison of environmental and egg microbiology associated with conventional and free range laying hen management. Poultry Science 90: (In Press)
Bosquet, J.G., A. Peedicayil, J. Maguire, J. Chien, G.C. Rodriguez, R. Whitaker, J.N. Petitte, K.E. Anderson, H.J. Barnes, V. Shridhar, and W.A. Cliby. 2011. Comparison of gene expression patterns between avian and human ovarian cancers. Gynecologic Oncology 120: 256-264.
Anderson, K. E., and J. N. Broomhead, 2011. Performance of layers fed orriginal XPC® for 24 weeks. Poult.Sci. Suppl. 90: Abstract #
Anderson, K.E., 2011. Impact of beak trimming versus no beak trimming on range and cage free brown egg layers through 53 wks of age. Poult.Sci. Suppl. 90: Abstract #
Evans, M.M. and K.E. Anderson, 2011. Effect of Range, Cage free and cage environments on egg production and quality in two brown egg layer strains. Poult.Sci. Suppl. 90: Abstract #
Hawkridge, A, E. Karoly, R. Mohney, R. Wysocky, J. Petitte, P. Mozdziak, K. Anderson, and D. Muddiman, 2011. Comparative Metabolomic Profiling of the Onset and Progression of Spontaneous Ovarian Cancer in the Chicken. ASMS Meeting 2011: Abstract 2183.
Evans, M. M., K. E. Anderson, and C. R Stark, 2011. Effect of dietary crude protein levels on cage free brown egg layers in egg production and quality. SPS Meeting, Atlanta, GA. . Poultry Sci. Suppl. 90: Abstract #, pp.
Anderson, K. E. and J. Frank, 2011. Effects of Original XPC on Performance of Layers. SPS Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Poultry Sci. Suppl. 90: Abstract #, pp
Anderson, K.E., 2011. Single Production Cycle Report of the Thirty eighth North Carolina Layer Performance and Management Test. Vol. 38, No.4. November 2011.
Anderson, K.E. 2011. First Cycle Report of the Thirty Eighth North Carolina Layer Performance and Management Test. Vol. 38, No.3. July 2011.
Anderson, K.E. 2011. Genetic Stock Evaluation During Laying PeriodXXII Congreso Latinoameicano De Avicultura 2011, La Rural Predio Ferial De Buenos Aries, Argentina, September 6-9, 2011.
Anderson, K.E., 2011. 37 Flocks of the North Carolina Layer Performance and Management Test. 2011 59th Edition, National Breeders Roundtable, St. Louis Airport Marriott 10700 Pear Tree Lane, St. Louis, Missouri , May 5-6, 2011.
Anderson, K.E., 2011. Comparison of cage vs. non-cage egg production systems. Egg Industry Center, Forum, Renaissance Columbus Downtown Hotel, Columbus, OH. April 7, 2011.
Anderson, K.E., 2011. Brooding Basics and Housing. All Agent Training Resources for Working with Small and Niche Market Poultry Growers, NC State University, NC Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Poultry Science, NC State Poultry Science Teaching Unit, 3901 Inwood Rd, Raleigh, NC, May 12, 2011 and Mountain Horticultural Crops Research & Extension Center, 74 Research Drive Mills River, North Carolina June 7, 2011.
Anderson, K.E., 2011. Feeding and Nutrition for Broilers and Layers. All Agent Training Resources for Working with Small and Niche Market Poultry Growers, NC State University, NC Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Poultry Science, NC State Poultry Science Teaching Unit, 3901 Inwood Rd, Raleigh, NC, May 12, 2011 and Mountain Horticultural Crops Research & Extension Center, 74 Research Drive Mills River, North Carolina June 7, 2011.
Anderson, K.E., 2011. Layer Management and Egg Quality. All Agent Training Resources for Working with Small and Niche Market Poultry Growers, NC State University, NC Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Poultry Science, NC State Poultry Science Teaching Unit, 3901 Inwood Rd, Raleigh, NC, May 12, 2011 and Mountain Horticultural Crops Research & Extension Center, 74 Research Drive Mills River, North Carolina June 7, 2011.
Anderson, K.E., 2011. Layer Management. International Short Course on Poultry Production, North Carolina State University, Department of Poultry Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, NC Cooperative Extension, Raleigh, NC, USA, May 16-20, 2011
Anderson, K.E., 2011. Poultry Welfare. International Short Course on Poultry Production, North Carolina State University, Department of Poultry Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, NC Cooperative Extension, Raleigh, NC, USA, May 16-20, 2011
Anderson, K.E., 2011. Feeding Layers. International Short Course on Poultry Production, North Carolina State University, Department of Poultry Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, NC Cooperative Extension, Raleigh, NC, USA, May 16-20, 2011