SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


<b>Technical Committee Members present:</b>; Dalloul* (VA); Erf* (AR, Secretary); Rodriguez-LeCompte(MB); Heidari* (USDA); Juul-Madsen*(DK); Klasing*(CA); Koci*(NC); Lamont* (IA); Parcells*(DE); Qureshi (NIFA Representative); Schat* (NY); Taylor* (NH); van Ginkel*(AL); Wakenell*(IN); Zhou*(TX, Chair) <p><b>Technical Committee Members absent: </b> <br>;Ashwell*(NC); Delany (CA); Dreshsler (WC); Keeler (DE); Scott (SC); Sharif*(ON); Miller* (CH) <p><b>Collaborators/Guests present: </b> <br>;Collisson*(WU); Cotter, Fulton, Sun*(NL); Vries (NL); Parmentier*(NL); Pevzner, Ansah, Berres (UW) <p>* = written annual station report submitted

October 30, 2011

NE-1034 Business meeting  8:30 am

1. Report from NIFA  Dr. Muquarrab Qureshi Dr. Qureshi reminded the technical committee members that the current NE-1034 Project expires in 2013 and that formation of a writing team for renewal should be considered at this meeting. The project will need to be submitted in 2012.

Regarding NIFA:
- NIFA is still in transition leadership; the first presidentially-appointed Director of NIFA, Dr. Roger Beachy, resigned May 2011. The current acting Director is Chavonda Jacobs-Young. The Director of NIFA needs to be appointed by the President; currently there are three candidates being interviewed.
- The Farm Bill is being drafted, there are challenges with reductions; $25 Billion are expected to be cut from the current Farm Bill as part of the deficit reductions over the next 10 years.
- Challenge grants are being written up for 2011 and 2012 together.
- Foundational RFAs will go out soon, in 2013 the program will likely be revisited.
- New collaboration between NIFA and other funding agencies: RFA for Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases releases with NIH and NSF; Genomics /bioinformatics program discussed with NSF;
- New working group on animal genetics/genomics, possibly with Europe and US collaboration
- Lakshmi Matukumalli hired as National Program Leader for Animal Breeding, Genetics and Genomics
- NIFA in turn-over, people ready to retire and will not be replaced

Dr. Qureshi is excited to continue the partnership with this technical committee.

2. Nomination for secretary for the 2012 NE-1034 meeting:
Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Lecompte was nominated and approved as the secretary for the 2012 NE-1034 meeting;
Gisela Erf, current secretary, will be Chair of the 2012 meeting.

3. Next years meeting will be at ADOL, East Lansing, Michigan; Mohammad Heidari will be host.

4. Discussion regarding 2013 meeting venue:
Mary Delany and Kirk Klasing offered to host the 2013 meeting at UC-Davis, Davis, California; it was noted that the Avian Immunology Research Group (AIRG) meeting may be held at UC-Davis in 2014; hence, it was decided to coordinate the 2014 NE-1034 meeting with the AIRG meeting at UC-Davis.

Matt Koci offered to host the 2013 NE-1034 meeting at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC; Nomination to host the 2013 meeting at NC-Sate was approved.

5. Huaijun Zhou, Chair of the 2011 NE-1034 meeting, reminded everyone to send their NE-1034 report as a Microsoft Word file to him so that he can prepare the annual report. A short paragraph summarizing this years report would be helpful as well.

6. The group acknowledged and thanked Ton Schat and Laura Stenzler for their outstanding hospitality and efforts in hosting the 2011 NE-1034 meeting. The group also thanked the sponsors of the meeting Cobb Vantress, represented by Dr. Igal Pevzner, and Hendrix Genetics, represented by Dr. George Ansah, for their generous contributions in support of the meeting.

7. Discussion regarding the project renewal
The new proposal, as well as, a termination report, will need to be submitted in late 2012.

Gisela Erf will be coordinator of these efforts and will be contacting Dr. Bradley Hillman for specifics. Gisela will send the current Objectives to technical committee members for review and possible revision.

For the project renewal, she will coordinate efforts with Rami Dalloul, Kirk Klasing and Huaijun Zhou who will be writing Objective 1, 2 and 3, respectively.
The cooperation of individual members to summarize their contributions towards each objective for the coordinators in a timely fashion will be essential for this effort to go smoothly.

Bob Taylor reminded the group that for the project renewal and termination reports there are specific sections that are limited in length based on number of characters. To be sure to be within limits, he advised the coordinators to look at each section and divide the number of allowed characters by the number of people that are contributing; he also advised that members should provide short, simple statements about outputs and outcomes of their research. There will need to be a firm deadline for all to get their information together in a timely manner.

Mark Parcells suggested formation of a Google.doc set-up so everyone can have access to the developing document and upload their information. The coordinator agreed to try, but may drop this approach if contributors encounter problems.

8. New member nominations: Dr. Mark Berres, Assistant Professor of Avian Biology, Department of Animal Sciences, University of WisconsinMadison was nominated; nomination was accepted. Mark will need to follow up with the appropriate paper work through his experiment station.

9. Bob Taylor acknowledged Dr. Briles continued activity in research. Asked everyone to sign a birthday card for his 94th birthday.

10. A list was sent around to update email information of members. Bob Taylor will distribute an updated list to everyone.

Meeting adjourned at 9:25 am 10/30/2011


OBJECTIVE 1. Identify and characterize genes and their relationships to disease resistance in poultry with an emphasis on the major histocompatibility complex as well as other genes encoding alloantigens, communication molecules and their receptors and other candidate systems. CA demonstrated impact of MHC on IBV associated clinical illness. The resistance to IBV was greater for chicks with the B2/B2 and B5/B5 than the B12/B12 and B19/B19 MHC haplotype. Response of macrophages to IFN³, and Poly I:C differ with haplotype, correlating with viral resistance, and macrophages of B2 homozygous birds are consistently more responsive to both poly I:C and IFN³ than macrophages from the B19 homozygous birds (CA). To increase understanding of avian epithelial cell proteins involved in these processes, membrane proteins from the LMH hepatocellular carcinoma cell line were isolated. The study identified 318 unique integral membrane proteins (IMPs), 265 unique membrane-associated proteins (MAPs), and an additional group of 784 non-membrane proteins (NMPs) among the TX-114 enriched proteins. The data also experimentally confirmed 355 proteins presently annotated in IPI and the chicken genome database (build 2.1) as either hypothetical or putative uncharacterized proteins (CH). CH and DK also developed an assay for analyzing promoter/enhancer activity at the mannose binding lectin (MBL) locus. CH and TX demonstrated trisomy mapping and aCGH can be combined for assigning additional sequences to GGA 16. IA found NLRC5 knock-down negatively mediates expression of IFNA and IFNB in the chicken macrophage HD11 cell line. Transcriptional profiling in broiler liver with SE infection, and in broiler leukocytes with E. coli were analyzed (IA). NC Identified and characterized turkey iNOS, CD8alpha and its expression in the intestinal epithelium following infection with turkey astrovirus type-2 (TAstV-2). Gene expression in the embryonic immune tissue from high (HAS) and low (LAS) SRBC antibody selected lines exposed to testosterone propionate was examined (NH). USDA conducted comparative transcriptional profiling of gene expression in rMd5 and rMd5Dmeq-infected chickens, and identified and characterized of MDV gene(s) associated with bursal-thymic atrophy. VA evaluated genetic resistance to clostridial toxin in chicken selected for low (LA) or high (HA) antibody response to SRBC, and avian Nod1 and IL-22 were characterized. Serum protein profile of broilers as influenced by genetic background and Eimeria sp. was analyzed (VA). MHC haplotypes in the 29th generation of the Wageningen selection lines was examined (WU). OBJECTIVE 2. Identify and characterize environmental, dietary and physiological factors that modulate immune system development, optimal immune function and immune system related disease resistance and welfare in poultry genetic stocks. CA examined the mechanism by which the immunomodulatory nutrients lutein and n-3 PUFA affect inflammation. Both lutein and n-3 PUFA were found to blunt LPS-induced PPAR± and RXR± downregulation. The effects of lutein appear to have an epigenetic component that allows this immunomodulation and continue after withdrawal for at least one year. In order to better understand critical components leading to vitiligo development, Transcriptomic gene-expression analysis in growing feathers throughout the course of vitiligo development in SL chickens was analyzed (AR). The gene expression of proteins related to melanocyte activities prior to and at onset of SLV were examined, and the results suggest altered melanocyte activity and evidence of cellular stress at the transcriptome level in melanocytes from SL chickens that were going to develop vitiligo compared to those that were not (AR). DK also demonstrated MBL is involved in the regulation of the adaptive immune response, and may serve as an adjuvant for vaccine development. The effects of heat stress in ovo or on chicks including Fayoumi, broiler and AIL of the broiler-Fayoumi cross were tested, and data were collected on growth, body temperature, natural antibodies (with P. Cotter), blood gas parameters (IA). The ability of TLR ligands to stimulate immune responses in chickens and efficacy to protect chickens against avian influenza virus, and MD vaccination were examined (UG). The IFN-gamma can positively influence immunity conferred by HVT vaccination against challenge with a very virulent Mareks disease virus (vvMDV) in chickens (UG). Gene expression of Toll-like receptors 2 and 4, MyD88, TRIF, and IL-4 in chicken B lymphoma cell line DT40 exposed to LBP and LPS was examined, and intestinal immune responses and gene expression of broilers chickens fed with yeast derivate carbohydrate were investigated (MB). High-throughput proteomic analysis in chicken lung with avian influenza virus infection by MASS spectrometry was studied and host innate response to Campylobacter jejuni infection in the broiler bursa using systems biology approach was analyzed (TX). The effect on performance and innate immunity with in ovo probiotics treatment was evaluated (VA). Effects of husbandry on immune responsiveness of chickens from the Wageningen High and Low (and Control) selection lines were investigated, and immuno-modulation of the immune response, especially via the innate immune system, with special emphasis on Natural antibodies, probiotics and PAMPs., natural antibodies in chickens, divergent selection of layers to SRBC, and relationship between immunity and behavior were studied (WU). OBJECTIVE 3. Develop, evaluate and characterize methodologies, reagents and genotypes to assess immune function and disease resistance to enhance production efficiency through genetic selection in poultry. Specialized poultry genetic lines for research were maintained at several stations (AR, CA, DK, IA, NC, NL, USDA, VA). AR identified changes in serum peptides and proteins of chickens with tibial dyschondroplasia (TD) for use as possible biomarkers. DE characterized Meq effect on MDV replication, and tumor composition, and the role of spliced products of Meq in latency and transformation, and effect of mutation in glycoprotein on MDV virulence. Intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) combined with flow cytometry was proven useful method to assess antigenspecific T cell responses (DK). The recombinant chicken interferon-gamma for incorporation into vaccines was generated (UG). NC demonstrated recombinant cell line for the detection of avian CXCL8 (IL-8) bioactivity was developed. VA has recently completed sequencing of additional BAC clones to provide additional coverage of MG18 (MHC) and the Z chromosome. These sequences are currently being incorporated into the latest turkey assembly (UMD 4.0) that will cover over 95% of the genome.


  1. Several genes were cloned, sequenced and/or characterized for their function in immune response and resistance to disease in poultry. Additionally, SNPs, proteins and differentially expressed genes were identified for immune response and disease-resistance traits. These may be used as markers for genetic selection and/or for production of recombinant proteins to improve health.
  2. The non-required nutrients were found to modulate immune response and, therefore, may be fed to enhance immunity or reduce pathology in poultry.
  3. Essential reagents such as recombinant proteins, antibodies, and characterized pathogen strains, as well as unique, validated assays for use in poultry, will enhance scientific investigations into genetics of immunity and resistance to disease. Identification of specific immunogenic and protective epitopes may lead to new generation vaccines development.
  4. The turkey genome sequence provides resources to further understand the evolution of vertebrate genomes and genetic variation underlying economically important quantitative traits in poultry


PEER-REVIEWED PAPERS Addison, B., R.E. Ricklefs, and K.C. Klasing. 2010. Do maternally derived antibodies and early immune experience shape the adult immune response? Functional Ecology. 24:824-829.

Alizadeh, M., A. Rogiewicz , H. Echeverry, J.C. Rodriguez-Lecompte, and B.A. Slominski. 2011. The effects of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and yeast-derived products on growth performance and gut morphology of broilers. Poult. Sci. Vol. 90 E-Suppl 1:58 (Abstract 206)*.

Al-Rubaye, A. A. K., N. B. Anthony, G. F. Erf, R. F. Wideman, and D. D. Rhoads. 2011. Using quantitative PCR to investigate three candidate genes related to pulmonary hypertension in the chicken. Poult. Sci.

Anderson, J. L., S. C. Smith and R. L. Taylor, Jr. 2011. Spontaneous atherosclerosis in pigeons: A good model of human disease. Pages xx-yy In: Atherogenesis. A. Lazinica, (ed.) InTech, Inc., Rijeka, Croatia (Review) (in press). Ardia, D. R., H. K. Parmentier, and L. A. Vogel. 2011. The role of constraints and limitation in driving individualvariation in immune response. Functional Ecology. 25:61-73. Berghof, T.V. L., G. De Vries Reilingh, M. G. B. Nieuwland, and H.K. Parmentier. 2010. Effect of aging andrepeated intratracheal challenge on levels of cryptic and overt natural antibodies in poultry. PoultryScience. 89:227-235. Bergstra,T.J., K. Smeets, M.G.B. Nieuwland, and H. K. Parmentier. 2010. In vivo and in vitro post translationalpolymorphism of chicken natural auto-antibodies. Dev. Comp. Immunol. 34:821-827. Biscarini, F., H. Bovenhuis, J. A. M. Van Arendonk, H. K. Parmentier, A. P. Jungerius, and J. J. Van DerPoel Across-line SNP association study of innate and adaptive immune response in laying hens. 2010. Animal Genetics. 41(1):2638. Biscarini, F., H. Bovenhuis , J. van der Poel , T. B. Rodenburg ,A. P. Jungerius, and J. A. M. van Arendonk . 2010. Across-Line SNP Association Study for Direct and Associative Effects on Feather Damage inLaying Hens. Behav Genet. 40:715727. Brady, J., A. Yitbarek, H. Echeverry, J.D. Hernandez-Doria, S. Sharif, W. Guenter, J.D. House, and J.C. Rodriguez-Lecompte. 2011. Toll-like receptors and cytokines profile of necrotic enteritis-producing of Clostridium perfringens from chickens fed organic diets supplemented with MOS. Poult. Sci. Vol. 90 E-Suppl 1:107 (Abstract 392) AAAP Abstract * Breedlove, C., J.K. Minc, D.C. Tang, V.L. van Santen, F.W. van Ginkel, and H. Toro. 2011. Avian influenza adenovirus-vectored in ovo vaccination: Target embryo tissues and combination Mareks Disease Vaccine. Avian Dis. (in press). Brisbin J.T., J. Gong, S. Orouji, J. Esufali, A.I. Mallick, P. Parvizi, P.E. Shewen, and S. Sharif. 2011. Oral treatment of chickens with lactobacilli influences elicitation of immune responses. Clin Vaccine Immunol. Sep:18(9):1447-55. Epub 2011 Jul 6. Byrne, K. A., L. Dong, N. Stepicheva, F. Shi, and G. F. Erf. 2011. Innate immune function in autoimmune-vitiligo-prone Smyth line and control chickens. Poult. Sci. Casterlow, S., H. Li, E.R. Gilbert, R.A. Dalloul, A.P. McElroy, D.A. Emmerson, and E.A.Wong. 2011. An antimicrobial peptide is downregulated in the small intestine of Eimeria maxima infected chickens. Poultry Science. 90:1212-1219. Chang S., J.R. Dunn, M. Heidari, L.F, Lee, C.W. Ernst, J. Song, and H. Zhang. 2011. Vaccine by chicken line interaction alters the protective efficacy against challenge with a very virulent plus strain of Mareks disease virus in white leghorn chickens. World J. Vaccine (submitted 9/26/11). Chazara O, H.R. Juul-Madsen, C-S Chang, M. Tixier-Boichard, and B. Bedhom. 2011. Correlation in chicken between the marker LEI0258 alleles and Major Histocompatibility Complex sequences. BMC Proc. Jun 3,5 Suppl 4:S29. Chuammitri, P., S.B. Redmond, K. Kimura, C.B. Andreasen, S.J. Lamont, and D. Pali. 2011. Heterophil functional responses to dietary immunomodulators vary in genetically distinct chicken lines. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. doi:10.1016/j.vetimm.2011.05.019. Ciraci, C.,and S.J. Lamont. 2011. Avian-specific TLRs and downstream effector responses to CpG-induction in chicken macrophages. Dev. Comp. Immunol. 35:392398. Coble, D. J., S. B. Redmond, B. Hale,and S.J. Lamont. 2011. Distinct lines of chickens express different splenic cytokine profiles in response to Salmonella enteritidis challenge. Poultry Sci. 90:16591663. Dalgaard,T. S., L. R. Norup, E.H. Wattrang, and H.R. Juul-Madsen . 2011. I ntracellular cytokine staining of IFN-³ in peripheral T cells from chickens vaccinated against Newcastle disease virus. Vaccine (Submitted). de Greeff, A., M. Huber, L. van de Vijver, W. Swinkels, H. Parmentier, and J. Rebel. 2010. Effect of organically andconventionally produced diets on jejunum physiology in chickens. Brit. J. Nutrition. 103: 696-702. Echeverry, H., A. Yitbarek, P. Munyaka, M. Alizadeh, P. Wang P, O K, and J. C. Rodriguez-Lecompte J. C. 2011. Low inclusion of a blend of organic trace mineral (Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mn) to broiler chickens diet is able to regulate oxidative stress. Poult. Sci. Vol. 90 E-Suppl 1:39 (Abstract 136) AAAP Abstract Erf, G. F. 20 Chicken models for vitiligo and other spontaneous autoimmune/autoinflammatory disorders. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Res. 24: 772. Gadde, U., H. D. Chapman, T. R. Rathinam, and G. F. Erf. 2011. Cellular immune responses, chemokines and cytokine profiles in turkey poults following infection with the intestinal parasite Eimeria adenoeides. Poult Sci. 90:2243-50. Gilbert, E. R., C. M.Cox., P. A. Williams, A. P. McElroy, R. A. Dalloul, A. Barri, and K. A. Ray. 2011. Emmerson D.A., Wong E.A., Webb K.E., Jr. Eimeria species and genetic background influence the serum protein profile of broilers with coccidiosis. PLoS One. 6(1): e14636. Gadde, U, H. D. Chapman, T. Rathinam, and G. F. Erf. 2011. Cellular immune responses, chemokine,and cytokine profiles in turkey poults following infection with the intestinal parasite Eimeria adenoeides. Poult. Sci. Haq, K., I. Elawadli, P. Parvizi, A. I. Mallick, S. Behboudi, and S. Sharif. 2011. Interferon-³ influences immunity elicited by vaccines against very virulent Marek's disease virus. Antiviral Res. Jun;90(3):218-26. Haq, K., T. Fear, A. Ibraheem, M. F. Abdul-Careem, and S. Sharif. Influence of vaccination with CVI988/Rispens on load and replication of a very virulent Mareks disease virus strain in feathers of chickens. (in press) Hermes, R G., E. G. Manzanilla, S.M. Martin-Orue, J. F. Perez, and K. C. Klasing. 2011. Influence of dietary ingredients on in vitro inflammatory response of intestinal epithelial cells challenged by an enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (K88). Comparative immunology, microbiology and infectious diseases. 34:511-560. Huber, M., L. P. L. van de Vijver, H. Parmentier, H. Savelkoul, L. Coulier, S. Wopereis, E. Verheij, J. vander Greef, D. Nierop, and R. A. P. Hoogenboom. 2010. Effect of organically and conventionally produced feedon biomarkers of health in a chicken model. Brit. J. Nutrition. 103:663-676. Juul-Madsen, H. R., L. R. Norup, P. H. Jørgensen, K. J. Handberg, E. Wattrang, and T. S. Dalgaard. 2011. Crosstalk between innate and adaptive immune responses to Infectious bronchitis virus after vaccination and challenge in chickens varying in serum mannose-binding lectin concentration. Manuscript accepted for publication in Vaccine. DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.10.016. Kerje, S., W. Ek, A.-S. Asahlquist, O. Ekwall, G. Erf, Ö. Carlborg, L. Andersson, and O. Kämpe. 2011. Genetic mapping of loci underlying vitiligo in the Smyth line chicken model. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Res. 24: 831. Klasing, K.C. 2011. Environmentally induced stochasticity of adaptive immunity. Good, bad, or ugly? Integrative and Comparative Biology. 51:70-79. Krishnamoorthy, S. R., F. Wideman, D. D. Rhoads, G. F. Erf and N. B. Anthony. 2 011. Validation of microsatellites linked to a candidate gene as markers for ascites and economically important traits in broilers. Poult. Sci. Kumar, S., C. Ciraci, S. B. Redmond, P. Chuammitri, C. B. Andreasen, D. Pali, and S. J. Lamont. 2011. Immune response gene expression in spleens of diverse chicken lines fed dietary immunomodulators. Poultry Sci. 90:10091013. Kumar, P. M., V. Arumugaswami, H. Dong, Y. Farnell, R. L. Dienglewicz, P. Tavlarides-Hontz, and M. S. Parcells. 2011. Spliced gene products of the Meq oncoprotein of Mareks disease virus (MDV) are expressed during latency, bind to the MDV genome, are potent transcriptional repressors and inducecellular proliferation. JVI, (in revision). Kumar, P. M., H. Dong, D. Lenihan, S. Gaddamanugu, U. Katneni, S. Shaikh, P. Tavlarides-Hontz, S.M. Reddy, W. Peters, and M. S. Parcells. 2011. Selection of a recombinant Mareks disease virus (MDV) in vivo through expression of the Meq oncoprotein: characterization of an MD5-based mutant expressing the Meq protein of RB-1b. Avian Dis., (Submitted). Lai, H. T. L., M.G.B. Nieuwland, B. Kemp, A.J.A. Aarnink, and H.K. Parmentier. 2011. Effects of repeated intratracheally administered lipopolysaccharide on primary and secondary specific antibody responses, and body weight gain of broilers. Poultry Science. 90: 337-357. Lammers, A.,W. H. Wieland, L. Kruijt, A. Jansma, T. Straetemans, A. Schots, G. den Hartog, and H.K. Parmentier. 2010. Successive immunoglobulin and cytokine expression in the small intestine of juvenile chicken. Dev. Comp. Immunol. 34:1254-1262. Leandro,N. M. , R. Ali, M. Koci, V. Moraes, R. Malheiros, M. J. Wineland, and E. O. Oviedo-Rondón. 2011. Broiler Breeder Feeding Programs and Trace Minerals on Maternal Antibody Transfer and Broiler Humoral Immune Response. British Poultry Science Journal. (Submitted). Leandro, N.M., R. Ali, M. Koci, V. Moraes, R. Malheiros, M. J. Wineland, and E. O. Oviedo-Rondón. 2011. Effects of Broiler Breeder Genetics, Diet Type, and Feeding Program on Maternal Antibody Transfer and Development of Lymphoid Tissues. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. (in press). Leandro, N. M. , R. Ali, M. Koci, V. Moraes, P. E. Eusebio-Balcazar, J. Jornigan, R. D. Malheiros, M. J. Wineland, J. Brake, and E. O. Oviedo-Rondón. 2011. Maternal Antibody Transfer to Broiler Progeny Varies Among Strains and Is Affected by Grain Source and Cage-Density. Poultry Science. (in press). Lee, L.F., H. Zhang, M. Heidari, B. Lupiani , and S. Reddy. 2011. Evaluation of factors affecting vaccine efficacy of recombinant Mareks disease virus lacking the meq oncogene in chickens. Avian Dis. 55:172-179. Lee, S.H., H. S. Lillehoj, S. I. Jang, C. Baldwin, D. Tompkins, B. Wagner, M. Parcells, E. Del Cacho, Y. H. Hong, W. Min, and E. P. Lillehoj. 2011. Characterization of mouse monoclonal antibodies reactive with chicken interleukin-2 receptor alpha chain (CD25). Vet. Immunol. and Immunopathol. doi:10.1016/j.vetimm.2011.08.001 (in press). Li, S., E. Khafipour, D. Krause, J. C. Rodriguez-Lecompte, and J.C. Plaizier. 2010. Free endotoxins in the feces of lactating dairy cows. Canadian Journal of Animal Sciences. 90:591-594. Li, X., C. L. Swaggerty, M. H. Kogut, H. Chiang, Y. Wang, K. J. Genovese, H. He, and H. Zhou. 2010. Cecal transcriptome analysis of colonized and non-colonized chickens within two genetic lines that differ in cecal colonization by Campylobacter jejuni. Animal Genetics. 42:491-500. Li X., C. L. Swaggerty, M. H. Kogut, H. Chiang, Y. Wang, K. J. Genovese, H. He, F. McCarthy, S. Burgess, Y. Pevzner,and H. Zhou. 2011. Systemic Response to Campylobacter jejuni Infection by Profiling Gene Transcription in the Spleens of Two Genetic Lines of Chickens. Immunogenetics (in press). Livingston, K.A., and K.C. Klasing. 2011. Retinyl palmitate does not have an adjuvant effect on the antibody response of chicks to keyhole limpet hemocyanin regardless of vitamin A status. Poultry Science. 90: 965-970. Mallick, A.I., K. Haq, J. T. Brisbin, M. F. Mian, R. R. Kulkarni, and S. Sharif. 2011. Assessment of bioactivity of a recombinant chicken interferon-gamma expressed using a baculovirus expression system. J Interferon Cytokine Res. Jun;31(6):493-500. Mallick , A.I., P. Parvizi, L. R. Read, E. Nagy, S. Behboudi, and S. Sharif. 2011. Enhancement of immunogenicity of a virosome-based avian influenza vaccine in chickens by incorporating CpG-ODN. Vaccine. Feb 11;29(8):1657-65. Meriwether, L. S., B. D. Humphrey, D.G. Peterson, K. C. Klasing, and E.A. Koutsos. 2010. Lutein exposure, in ovo or in the diet, reduces parameters of inflammation in the liver and spleen of laying-type chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus). Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 94:e115-e122. Meyerhoff, R., R. A. Ali, K. Liu, G-Q. Huang, and M. D. Koci. 2011. Comprehensive Analysis of Commercially Available Mouse Anti-Chicken Monoclonal Antibodies for Cross-Reactivity with Peripheral Blood Leukocytes from Commercial Turkeys. Poultry Science. (Submitted). Meyerhoff, R.R., P. K. Nighot, R. A. Ali, A. T. Blikslager, and M. D. Koci. 2011. Characterization of Turkey Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase and Identification of its Expression in the Intestinal Epithelium Following Astrovirus Infection. Comparative Immunology, Microbiology, and Infectious Diseases. (Submitted). Munyaka, P., G. Tactaman, O. K., House JD., and Rodriguez Lecompte J.C. 2011. Effects of dietary folic acid supplementation and Lipopolysaccharide on systemic acute immune response of young laying hens. Poult. Sci. Vol. 90 E-Suppl 1:71 (Abstract 262)* Munyaka, P., H. M. Echeverry, A. Yitbarek, G. Carmelo-Jaimes, S. Sharif , W. Guenter , J. D. House, and J.C. Rodriguez-Lecompte. 2011. Performance and innate immune system responses of chickens fed with yeast-derivate carbohydrates. Poult. Sci. Vol. 90 E-Suppl 1:71 (Abstract 261)*. Norup, L.R., T. S.Dalgaard, R. Pedersen, R. Asger R., .K. J. Handberg, P. H. Jørgensen, and H. R. Juul-Madsen. 2011. Assessment of Newcastle Disease specific T cell proliferation in different inbred MHC chicken lines. Scand J Immunol 74: 23-30. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3083.2011.02534.x. Palacios,M. G., D.W. Winkler, K. C. Klasing, D. Hasselquist, and C. M. Vleck. 2011. Consequences of immune system aging in nature: a study of immunosenescence costs in free-living Tree Swallows. Ecology. 92: 952-966.5. Parcells, M. S., J. Burnside, and R. W. Morgan. 2012. Mareks Disease Virus-induced T-cell Lymphomas. Chapter 13 in Current Cancer Research: Cancer Associated Viruses, E. Robertson (ed.) Springer Science and Business Media, LLC, ISBN 978-1-4419-9999-3 Parmentier, H. K., G. de Vries Reilingh, P. Freke, R.E. Koopmanschap, and A. Lammers. 2010. Immunological and physiological differences between layer- and broiler chickkens after concurrent intratracheal administration of lipopolysaccharide and human serum albumin. Int. J. Poultry Sci. 9:574-583. Parvizi, P., A.I. Mallick, K. Haq, B. Schlegel, and S. Sharif. A Toll-like receptor 3 agonist (polyI:C) elicits innate host responses in the spleen and lungs of chickens. (in press). Ploegaert, T.C. W., E. Tijhaar, T. J. G. M. Lam, A. Taverne-Thiele, J. J. vander Poel, J.A.M. van Arendonk, H. F. J. Savelkoul, and H.K. Parmentier. Natural antibodies in bovine milk and blood plasma: variability among cows, repeatability within cows, and relation between milk and plasma titers. 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